It also means you are gainfully employed.
If you're a wrestler, you will likely have to come to terms that you are not Hulk Hogan or the Rock or Ric Flair. There is almost nothing you can do to become them except under very impossible circumstances -- and that's only if you have some kind of natural charisma/speaking ability that 99.9 percent of the world's population simply doesn't possess.
Even with the right promotion and storyline and backing, it's really hard to say, turn a Roman Reigns into a Stone Cold Steve Austin.
This doesn't mean you can't be a good wrestler with a lot of appeal and a lot to offer a crowd. And people here should stop talking as if being Cody Rhodes or Damian Miznow or Dolph Ziggler is a terrible thing.
It's not a
terrible thing, but considering that enjoying a wrestler is a long-term investment of time, energy, and emotion, it's disappointing to see uber-talented fellows stuck in creatively meaningless positions. Inevitable, certainly, but disappointing. I don't think people would complain if the modern Ricky Steamboats could
be Ricky Steamboats, could be made to feel like a big and important deal even if they're not at the top, but the reality is that even after how many years in the WWE, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, and Damien Sandow have
how many memorable moments versus how many utterly throwaway ones?