This fucking website.
This reads like the Crackberry of wrestling forums.
This fucking website.
Anyone want to start a GoFundMe for TNA?
Anyone want to start a GoFundMe for TNA?
This fucking website.
As somebody with little knowledge of TNA what was their downfall?
Jeff Jarrett thinking he is a star?
Vince Russo?
Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash?
Why they no ask Alexa?
As somebody with little knowledge of TNA what was their downfall?
Jeff Jarrett thinking he is a star?
Vince Russo?
Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash?
Now those Briscoe figures are going to sell like hot cakes.
As somebody with little knowledge of TNA what was their downfall?
Jeff Jarrett thinking he is a star?
Vince Russo?
Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash?
Ultimately, it was Dixie. She was the one making the big decisions, the one with her fingers on the purse strings and she's the one who put Russo in charge and bought into Hogan & Bischoff's BS hook, line & sinker. She's a fucking putz, basically.
It's almost like the idea of good women's wrestling in WWE has to go through developmental before debuting on the main roster.
That's the call up I can't wait to see.
I like that Paige had the wherewithal to fix her hair before being powerbombed.uh huh ok
This reads like the Crackberry of wrestling forums.
Serena was a better anti diva than Paige. Every day of the week, bros.I like that Paige had the wherewithal to fix her hair before being powerbombed.
So what does this entire thing mean for Joe? Dark matches only?
Oh man, that "ashamed of my brother" thread is going to end up being a good read
Just me but I don't really feel like smashing my brother's face against the wall because I had to waste some extra data on my cell phone plan.
So, will the entire TNA roster be the challenger in the John Cena US Open Challenge Monday night?
We'll finally get to see Cena go over an entire roster at one time, then HHH and HBK can dump them all in a box and slap an "unemployed" sticker on it.
Fire the Outlaws and then have them fight at the Alamo.So, will the entire TNA roster be the challenger in the John Cena US Open Challenge Monday night?
We'll finally get to see Cena go over an entire roster at one time, then HHH and HBK can dump them all in a box and slap an "unemployed" sticker on it.
how is this getting funnier
Rusev's probably out of the Chamber match, announcement won't be made till after SD airs, gives them time to find replacement.
I want Kurt Angle back please.
Rusev's probably out of the Chamber match, announcement won't be made till after SD airs, gives them time to find replacement.
ROH may be on before AND after TNA. Wowie.