Heel I feel that posting a video of a black man begging for a curb stomp isn't going to help race relations in this community.

Heel I feel that posting a video of a black man begging for a curb stomp isn't going to help race relations in this community.
By not having the initials of their company be TNA for starters.
Heel I feel that posting a video of a black man begging for a curb stomp isn't going to help race relations in this community.
Did Meltzer drop any hints about roh /da? Seems pretty big to miss it
Oh damn. sucks for him. I guess Davey said some questionable things about wwe roh too? Wow he's fucked
Won't the same situation happen with ROH? TNA's stuff has been good lately but advertisers really don't like to put their stuff on TNA that much. How is ROH going to avoid that?
Won't the same situation happen with ROH? TNA's stuff has been good lately but advertisers really don't like to put their stuff on TNA that much. How is ROH going to avoid that?
pwinsider said:Several readers have sent word that TNA talents have started sending out Tweets mentioning Ring of Honor coming to Destination America plugging they are the lead-in for TNA Impact Wrestling. From what I have been told, this is something TNA is doing on their own and not something that Destination America has requested of the company. There is no working relationship between TNA and ROH and this is not something the two companies came up with together. My belief is that it was a request that TNA management made of the wrestlers during today's conference call. It looks to be TNA's way of babyfacing an obviously embarrassing situation.
Speaking of that call, I am still getting details but I was told it ran well over 90 minutes and as you could imagine, there were some less than happy TNA contracted talents on the line.
As far as how TNA could not have had an exclusivity clause for the network for pro wrestling programming, UTA negotiated the contract, not TNA, so any blame should fall upon them. I am very curious to see if Destination America is looking to add additional wrestling programming as obviously House of Hardcore, Global Force Wrestling, hell, even New Japan Pro Wrestling, etc. are out there.
Not really much of an update. I coulda wrote that. We probably won't hear anything substantial for a couple of daysTNA update:
The discussions between ROH and Destination America began months ago. ROH also talked with other networks and talked with Spike TV for potential special events.
- With Samoa Joe signed to WWE NXT, there's already speculation that WWE will nix his ROH TV appearances now that ROH is airing on cable. The same rule could apply for Rhyno and other talents. Joe is currently scheduled to work the June 20th ROH TV tapings, teaming with AJ Styles to face Kazarian and Daniels. ROH is likely also awaiting confirmation on whether or not they will be able to use Joe on TV, if they haven't found out already.
People should've learned after the Tiger Woods stuff. EA don't care.People thinking that the FIFA stuff will make EA change the branding.
All the Raven gifs in the world
I have never once watched a ROH show, so i will give it a try.
I've only seen YouTube stuff with CM punk.
House of Hardcore. Now that'll bring in the advertisers.
House of Hardcore. Now that'll bring in the advertisers.
Raw on Memorial Day did 3.59 million viewers, which was identical to the Memorial Day number of 2014.
It would be the second lowest number of the year, beating only the 5/4 show that did 3.57 million viewers.
All things considered, the number isn't that bad, given the Warriors-Rockets game head-to-head with the last two hours did 8.28 million viewers.
The three hours were:
8 p.m. 3.79 million viewers
9 p.m. 3.59 million viewers
10 p.m. 3.42 million viewers
You're not missing anything. Their motto is Shit Since Joe/Kobashi.I have never once watched a ROH show, so i will give it a try.
I've only seen YouTube stuff with CM punk.
Who the hell is Joe Doering? I'm going through this AJPW stuff and he turns up as a Triple Crown Champ. Did he work in WWE before? I never hear anyone in the gajin cotnigent of NJPW ever mention him, is AJPW that disconnected from NJPW? He looks pretty unassuming for a wrestler as well, pudgy with a bad mustache.
Meltzer doesn't ever have any actual scoops. It still amazes me that people pay for his stuff. His scoops are always twitter rumors and things you can figure out by watching tv.
People subscriber to the Observer to read his analysis and wrestling history stuff.
He was in WWE's developmental about 5 years ago, when it was still run out of FCW - dude's a pretty bland wrestler, but he's solid enough and has shown a lot of loyalty to All Japan. In general, AJPW is entirely disconnected from NJPW - there's not a whole lot of crossover between their fanbases and, especially amongst western fans, All Japan hasn't been as popular as NJPW or NOAH over the past 15 years.
I remember reading they are even more sports orientated that NJPW?
You've been missing out on some wholesome, quality programming.Oh wow turns out I had destination America this whole time
Yeah, NJPW's quite flashy, high energy and fast-paced by comparison - that's not to say that they can't have more methodical technical bouts or strong style slugfests, but in general it's a very different promotion from AJPW. All Japan are trying to get back to their roots and the King's Road style, whereas the New Japan of today is quite different stylistically than it was in Japanese wrestling's heyday.
You've been missing out on some wholesome, quality programming.
TNA update:
According to several sources who took part in today's TNA conference call with President Dixie Carter discussing the company today with TNA staff and wrestlers, there were no real explanations given regarding the current situation with Destination America.
I was told that it was intimated that due to the nature of the contract between the two parties, neither TNA nor Destination America can publicly comment on their relationship.
Regarding Ring of Honor being added to the Network, the impression given was that TNA, due to their relationship with DA, could not speak on the show until it was announced. I've heard from a few people who didn't buy that explanation and the general belief among those I've spoken to who were on the call is that TNA didn't know about ROH until it was announced.
At times, once the call was opened up for wrestlers to voice their opinions, the call did get very heated. I was told that at one point, Carter told the wrestlers it was up to them to show the world why they were the best in the world and that they "controlled their own destiny." This led to some of the issues of the past year, including the move from Spike and the pay issues being brought up. I was told Carter responded as if the pay issues were in the past.
I heard differing opinions from talents. One said that he felt better now that had the situation had been addressed as talents were no longer "in the dark" and they hoped everyone would get back to performing and not worrying. The talent referred to the call as a big "family blowout" in that now that everyone said their piece, there was a feeling of communication and now everyone could get back to work.
Another called it a "circus call" in that once the floodgates opened for the talent, some of the talents began bringing up personal issues that would have been better dealt with in a one on one forum.
Still another told me it was over 90 minutes of nothing of substance truly being addressed while noting the company was adamant they wanted things kept private while asking talents not to speak out and leak things.
The Dixie Carter "email" story did not come up during the call, I am told.
Thanks for the info. Doering and Shiozaki had a hell of a match, Doering sold like a boss. I assume AJPW crashed because of the obsession with shoot stuff that took over Japan?
Thanks for the info. Doering and Shiozaki had a hell of a match, Doering sold like a boss. I assume AJPW crashed because of the obsession with shoot stuff that took over Japan?
My body is ready!Time to enter the underground!!
The biggest blow to All Japan was when the companies owner and booker Giant Baba died. His wife took over the company and didn't follow Baba's wishes for the booking. All of the big stars left to form NOAH except for Kawada so Mrs Baba brought in Muto to book and star. They were kinda popular for a while after that but could never make new stars. The MMA boom really hurt all of Japanese wrestling though.
Their troubles began when Giant Baba died in 1999, then Misawa left and formed NOAH, taking half the roster with him - Keiji Mutoh bought AJPW and had mixed fortunes running the promotion, but he didn't really go in for the shoot style stuff. Mutoh eventually sold up to a money mark named Shiraishi a couple of years ago and the guy almost tanked the promotion by being generally batshit insane, then Akiyama staged a coup with Giant Baba's widow and took over control. They seem to be doing better again, the fans are returning now they have some confidence in how AJPW's being run, but they're not in a position to compete with NJPW as they did in the past.
Comparatively, it was NJPW that struggled in the 2000's due to the shoot style obsession - pro-wrestling as a whole was suffering because of the rising popularity of MMA and Inoki was convinced that incorporating it more into New Japan would bring in the fans (as it had done in the 70's when he competed against top martial artists in 'exhibition' matches) but it was pretty disastrous for NJPW's business.