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May Wrasslin |OT| Vince McMahon doesn't give 5 million f**ks what you think.

The whole show should just revolve around Kane. Kane should just randomly come out, grab a mic, and tell the crowd how his weekend was. Then, all the wrestlers and commentators should discuss it, and no matter what happens, Cole should just say, "I wonder what Kane has to say about that?" The main event should just be Kane sitting in the ring, reading a newspaper. Going by ratings data, that would draw huge.

Kane should also have access to a time machine. And whenever Kane is offscreen, all the other wrestlers should say, "where's Kane?"

Obviously this would all lead up to the discovery that Kane has to go back to his home planet since they need him, and he dies on the way back.
The whole show should just revolve around Kane. Kane should just randomly come out, grab a mic, and tell the crowd how his weekend was. Then, all the wrestlers and commentators should discuss it, and no matter what happens, Cole should just say, "I wonder what Kane has to say about that?" The main event should just be Kane sitting in the ring, reading a newspaper. Going by ratings data, that would draw huge.

Can't be any worse than John Cena presents Cena is Cena Featuring John Cena Sponsored by John Cena introducing Monday Night Cena
Kane should also have access to a time machine. And whenever Kane is offscreen, all the other wrestlers should say, "where's Kane?"

Obviously this would all lead up to the discovery that Kane has to go back to his home planet since they need him, and he dies on the way back.

Well at least I liked it...didn't I?
Well this will piss off Vince though I guess. He will probably buy up every available TNA wrestler he can now just to fuck with them plus his legal team is unparalled. Some hicks from Nashville won't be able to do much to them.


more money than God
Kane should also have access to a time machine. And whenever Kane is offscreen, all the other wrestlers should say, "where's Kane?"

Obviously this would all lead up to the discovery that Kane has to go back to his home planet since they need him, and he dies on the way back.
I've already said there should be multiple Kanes from different time periods. Colonial Kane, Renaissance Kane, Caveman Kane, Futuristic Kane, etc.

Can't be any worse than John Cena presents Cena is Cena Featuring John Cena Sponsored by John Cena introducing Monday Night Cena
Replace all of that with Kane, and watch the audience grow!


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
TNA files a lawsuit against WWE:


Doesn't the entire suit basically revolve around the 3 week period being unreasonable?

It sounds like the information trading occurred roughly around the same time period that would have coincided with not only with wrestlemania, but the investor conference for WWE, as well as the major TV contract deals regarding the 3-hour RAWs, The Rock, and Brock Lesnar.

All of WWE HQ, especially the finance and legal teams, was probably swamped with work.

I mean, they'd need to provide themselves a week at least to figure out their legal oblications after the disclosure, especially if it involved people who they already had their eyes on or were approached by and in discussions with. Knowing how much other work was going on at the time, and how work tends to always get pushed back from when you originally planned for it to be completed, 3 weeks doesn't seem that unreasonable of a gap.

I think TNA is just sour over the Flair/HoF thing and doing this in response.
Well at least I liked it...didn't I?


"Oh you don't wanna know what I thought of it. Now look sad, and say d'oh."


So not worth it
Don't worry Dixie, you have like two Hogan's along with two Bischoff's now. You cannot fail when you have the only two people in the world that can draw?

Right? Dixie?
Cesaro vs Tyson Kidd was good. Tyson Kidd is so damn good in the ring. Too bad his mic skills are so damn bad. If they have a cruiserweight show they need to move him over.


Ehhhh, sounds like TNA is being very naive here. Three weeks to report an issue that arose from one employee from a company the size of WWE doesn't sound long to me.

I think TNA may regret kicking this hornets nest.

Agree. They've actually been on good terms recently. They haven't been bashing each other in public and they were able to resolve the Ric Flair Hall of Fame matter rather quietly when TNA easily could've made it an ugly situation. I don't know what the hell TNA's thinking here, other than hoping they can get some kind of financial settlement as a result of filing this. But really how much money can they get from something like this, when it only occurred over a 3 week period and no talent has actually left the company yet? $50,000-$100,000 maybe? Maybe a little more? Take out legal fees and you're not left with a whole lot and now you've just poked the bear. Really dumb move on their part IMO.


Article from a Nashville news website, which includes WWE's response:


Maybe they should just break out the steel cage.

The natural business rivalry between Nashville-based Total Nonstop Action Entertainment Inc. and World Wrestling Entertainment Inc. has spilled over to the courtroom.

TNA filed an injunction request Wednesday in Davidson County Chancery Court, claiming that a former TNA employee provided WWE with confidential information and trade secrets.

Just days after TNA learned about the breach, well-known TNA wrestler Ric Flair attempted to back out of his contract, according to the suit.

The filing claims that Brian Wittenstein, who worked for TNA as a live events and talents relations coordinator from 2008 until August 2011, took confidential wrestler contract information when he went to work for WWE earlier this year.

According to the suit, WWE is now using that information to poach wrestlers from TNA.

“This wrongful disclosure and misappropriation allows WWE to effectively price TNA out of the market and cause irreparable harm to TNA’s business and profitability,” the lawsuit reads. “WWE now knows the confidential details of TNA’s business affairs including its marketing and business strategy and analysis, which leaves TNA vulnerable to WWE’s unfair position in the market.”

A WWE official notified TNA on May 7 about Wittenstein’s breach, but the lawsuit claims WWE waited three weeks before telling TNA. WWE fired Wittenstein after they learned what he did, according to the lawsuit.

Two days later, Flair attempted to terminate his TNA contract. He also failed to show up for TNA events from May 10-15, including a pay-per-view show. TNA now believes that Flair may be headed for WWE, the timing of which, it claims, is “suspect.”

“In order to injure TNA and gain a competitive advantage, WWE intentionally interfered with TNA’s contractual relationship with Ric Flair and maliciously used the trade secrets and confidential information provided by Wittenstein to approach Ric Flair,” the lawsuit reads.

Jerry McDevitt, who has represented the WWE in legal cases for 25 years, said the lawsuit took them by surprise.

“Our reaction is that no good deed ever goes unpunished,” he said. “What the WWE did here is what you would hope any company would do in these circumstances it found itself in.”

Chancellor Ellen Hobbs Lyle signed a temporary restraining order Thursday, requiring WWE and Wittenstein return, and not destroy, the confidential information. WWE and Wittenstein must abide by the order until an injunction hearing set for June 11.

Overall, TNA is suing for interference with existing contracts (against WWE), breach of duty of loyalty (against Wittenstein), conversion, breach of contract, civil conspiracy, unfair competition and violation of the Tennessee Uniform Trade Secrets Act.

TNA, whose headquarters are located in Cummins Station, has increased in global popularity over the past several years.

The much larger WWE, founded in 1952, is based in Stamford, Conn., and made $123 million in revenue during the first quarter of 2012.
Cesaro vs Tyson Kidd was good. Tyson Kidd is so damn good in the ring. Too bad his mic skills are so damn bad. If they have a cruiserweight show they need to move him over.

He's really impressed me. A cruiserweight show would be great and he'd thrive. He's just solid across the board and I haven't been disappointed with any of his matches. The crowd likes him too, especially once he fixed his goofy ass haircut.

Cesaro's European uppercut in this match was sick as hell


What secrets did WWE steal from TNA? How to make their product unwatchable?

They're alleging that the employee shared information about how much money each TNA worker makes and when their contracts are expiring. They're really jumping the gun here with the suit, especially if they just found out about it on May 7th. Nobody has officially jumped ship yet. Only two names have been rumored, Ric Flair and Alex Shelley. Shelley's only rumors at this point and I highly doubt TNA had any big plans for him anyways, considering what they've been doing with him the last year. And Flair, hell he's been looking to leave TNA since the day he signed his deal probably. Everyone knows he wants to be in WWE. Hell, he even said it at the Hall of Fame (one of the first things out of his mouth). The only reason he left WWE in 2008 is because he thought he could make more than $500,000/year doing his own bookings (something that initially was going great for him but dried up quickly).
The bad thing about this lawsuit is it's going to hold up Flair or Shelley from coming into the WWE, because they certainly won't hire them now while this lawsuit is going on.
Saying Daniel Bryan should celebrate every win like it's the greatest of his life? That's exactly how these "scripts" should be. Outlines on directions to take characters in, but the actual implementation of these ideas depends on the talent themselves.

That's how wrestling used to be. And that's how the matches usually are handled, as well. That type of "planned, but unscripted, and not fake" dynamic is what makes wrestling appealing, both to fans and to the wrestlers themselves.

Keep in mind I'm not comparing a show with 60 people in the audience to one with thousands but this is one of my favorite things since I've started to get involved in wrestling. At one of the shows I wanted to get my guy hated and get the other guy's manager kicked out. That was it. I got to take my tirade anywhere I wanted as long as I accomplished the one goal. It's liberating and awesome.

I was asking myself this morning can Abra Cadaver get any cooler, the answer was a resounding YES! after I saw this pic. He really is the CM Punk if the indies.

I appreciate that you start off the morning thinking about that. Your tireless support of Abra is awesome.

@ the "revolution" thing being for WWE 13. And new features: Attitude wrestlers, elbow drop and moonsault through the commentary t....oh wait you can already do that, and brand new barrier and ring breaking moves cutscenes.

No, THQ. No, Yukes. No.

@ the "revolution" thing being for WWE 13. And new features: Attitude wrestlers, elbow drop and moonsault through the commentary t....oh wait you can already do that, and brand new barrier and ring breaking moves cutscenes.

No, THQ. No, Yukes. No.

We wanted stuff from No Mercy. And now we've got stuff from No Mercy.

Except the game engine, of course.
This year I shall profit from WWE 13 - like I accidently did last year. I will buy it from Amazon on Black Friday 2012, get all the Achievements in 2 days (whilst staying somewhat sane), and sell it for more than I bought it for.

I lose nothing - except a piece of my sanity.


Former assistant for the WWE writing team talks about his experiences behind-the-scenes in the WWE from September - December 2011:


Here's some more stuff:

Stupid Ideas and Storylines that Were Shot Down:

"With the tag division in pathetic shape, Brian Gewirtz suggested to throw Tyson Kidd and Heath Slater together as a tag team and call them The Rock and Roll Kids. We all kind of laughed about it but he even pitched it to Vince. Vince didn't go for it.

There was brief discussion of some wilder ideas, like making Mason Ryan gay or giving Alex Riley a long-term storyline where he fakes having cancer to get sympathy from the crowd. Both of these never made it anywhere.

Kaitlyn was supposed to be the third heel diva to join Beth and Natalya in the divas of doom. They even went so far as to have her turn on AJ at Smackdown, but due to poor planning the segment was really poorly done. Kaitlyn, Beth and Natalya didn't really know what to do and it didn't look good so it was edited out of the show and planned to be re-done the following week. However some other Diva drama came up backstage or whatever, leading to the whole division being kind of in the doghouse in Vince's mind. Vince ultimately decided there didn't need to be a third heel diva at all, and broke up Divas of Doom soon after before deciding to push Tamina.

Ziggler and Swagger breaking up was teased at first, but Vince told us to drop it and keep them together.

There was talks for a long time of Layla returning with an eccentric fashion-centered gimmick in the style of Lady Gaga, but obviously that didn't happen.

When Punk was feuding with Del Rio we had an idea of having Del Rio cutting a promo, when someone dressed up as a WWE ice cream bar comes out from the back. Del Rio assumes its Punk and beats him up, but then tears off the costume to reveal that its Ricardo tied up with tape over his mouth, and it was just a scheme by Punk to mess with Del Rio. It didn't make much logical sense and never made it to air.

A few of us wanted Cody to go absolutely bats*** psychotic after his mask was destroyed and be more of a loose canon character I guess like how Dean Ambrose is. Instead he went back to being regular heel Cody. I'm not sure why.

There were some plans to have Drew McIntyre feud with Sheamus by having Drew bully sheamus with a picture of him as a little fat kid. There was also a lot of background with them because they wrestled together in the Indys but it never got off the ground.

Hunico introduced Primo and Epico and Camacho and the initial plan was to form a stable, but Vince was concerned that it was too gang-like and racist and split them up pretty quick.

At the time I left, the idea was for Zeke's losing streak to culminate in a heel turn, but that's yet to happen.

There was an idea to having something that makes the Usos stand apart -- one idea was that Jimmy could be really smart and Jey could be really stupid.

They were considering doing a relationship between a face Diva and a heel superstar. I believe the frontrunner was Kelly Kelly with Wade Barrett, but that never happened."


On Jack Swagger:

"Swagger is complicated. I got the impression that nobody had much faith in him on the mic, and though his character is obviously stale and has degenerated to jobber status, at the time that I was at WWE the roster was very thin. People kept getting injured and no new stars were coming in. So we kind of needed someone in Swagger's position -- a big guy who looks like a serious competitor but can be beaten to make someone else looks good. And like I said earlier, Vince had no intention of splitting up Ziggler and Swagger, so a face turn was not in the cards for the time being.

Quick story about Swagger. On the muppets episode of RAW after he lost to Santino, Swagger kicked the glass beaker out of frustration. It flew into the barricade and smashed on a little girl and her father. WWE took them backstage to check on them and apologize, they met a bunch of superstars and Swagger apologized personally. The father left extremely satisfied with the professionalism of the company and a potential lawsuit was avoided."


Randy Orton and the Time He Pissed In A Trash Can at Gorilla Position:

"Don't know much about Orton. I get the impression that he too is a joker that messes around with people, but pretty reserved like his on screen character. The only thing I saw him do backstage at Survivor Series was take pictures with a family that was brought backstage for some reason. Also I heard a story from some random RAW/SD where Orton was waiting in gorilla to go out for his match up next, right behind the curtain. In gorilla is usually Vince, Triple H, the agent of the match, sometimes Stephanie and a writer or two if they're not busy doing something else. Anyway Orton's getting ready to go out, and he turns his back to everyone and starts peeing in a trash can in gorilla. Triple H is like "Randy what the hell are you doing?" and he just shrugs and says "I always get the urge to pee before I go out."


On Jinder Mahal:

"Well I guess he was brought in for the Indian audiences, though his storyline with Khali and Ranjin Singh (played by Raw head writer Dave Kapoor) was kinda dropped. I guess Jinder is one of those guys that Vince saw something in. I remember we would get notes from meetings with him on the road that would say like

* From now on VKM wants Jinder to speak only in Punjabi

then a few weeks later he cuts a promo in english

then we'd get a note like

* VKM says Jinder should always speak in an indian accent

and then that wouldn't last very long either.

*Jinder Mahal will start wearing a turban to the ring

The last Jinder-related note I remember was

* VKM wants Jinder to put his turban in a glass case before his match.

So these ideas all coming from vince, I think it was safe to assume Vince saw a lot of potential in the Jinder character as an anti-american heel."


We wanted stuff from No Mercy. And now we've got stuff from No Mercy.

Except the game engine, of course.

I can see it now:

Preview interview:

"We know our fanbase loves the old N64 wrestling games like No Mercy, we tried to incorporate things from those games into WWE '13."

WWE '13 Review:

"This game plays more like No Mercy than any of it's predecessors in this generation."

IWC said:
WWE '13 is WWE '12 with updated roster and a new storyline mode.
This year I shall profit from WWE 13 - like I accidently did last year. I will buy it from Amazon on Black Friday 2012, get all the Achievements in 2 days (whilst staying somewhat sane), and sell it for more than I bought it for.

I lose nothing - except a piece of my sanity.

That was mere luck, the gambit will not pay off 2 years in a row and you will be left a broken poorer man (albeit with higher Gamer Score) having supported the never ending cycle of half assed WWE games, your sanity will be so far gone it'll be like eternal darkness in real life.
And don't give me any of that THQ being dead next year stuff, these games will find a way to continue in their current state, the sales sustain them and give it a life of its own!


Hunico introduced Primo and Epico and Camacho and the initial plan was to form a stable, but Vince was concerned that it was too gang-like and racist and split them up pretty quick.

Since when was Vince concerned about being racist?
When Punk was feuding with Del Rio we had an idea of having Del Rio cutting a promo, when someone dressed up as a WWE ice cream bar comes out from the back. Del Rio assumes its Punk and beats him up, but then tears off the costume to reveal that its Ricardo tied up with tape over his mouth, and it was just a scheme by Punk to mess with Del Rio. It didn't make much logical sense and never made it to air.
WWE never makes logical sense so they should have gone through with it anyway, sounds like it could've been fun even if is a bit CM Cena style fun.

Regarding another dropped story plan, it's a good thing Wade Barrett dodged the KK bullet, the only reason Barrett should get saddled with a diva is under a suave British secret agent gimmick.


Hunico introduced Primo and Epico and Camacho and the initial plan was to form a stable, but Vince was concerned that it was too gang-like and racist and split them up pretty quick.


Miguel Perez's hairy back still haunts me.
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