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May Wrasslin |OT| Vince McMahon doesn't give 5 million f**ks what you think.



My Member!
Kane def. CM Punk for WWE Title. AJ interfered and Kane hit the tombstone on Punk to win the WWE title. After the match, Bryan walked on the stage to yell 'YES!' and a lightning bolt pyro hit the stage and Bryan laid unconscious.

LOL rite


more money than God
Kane def. CM Punk for WWE Title. AJ interfered and Kane hit the tombstone on Punk to win the WWE title. After the match, Bryan walked on the stage to yell 'YES!' and a lightning bolt pyro hit the stage and Bryan laid unconscious.

LOL rite
Wouldn't it be amazing if that did happen? Ratings would SKYROCKET!!!!


more money than God
Nothing happens on Smackdown lol.

Whens the last time something interesting happened on it?
That's the problem. They should do that just to show that people should be watching the show. SD! has become Sunday Night Heat. Yeah, a big star may show up, but nothing of consequence will occur.


more money than God
Before the spoilers come in, I predict that the WWE title match will end with AJ helping Punk win, Kane trying to attack her, and Bryan coming in for the save.
Will Sin Cara actually get a storyline this time that isn't the stupid Hunico shit?

He cannot speak good English yet, so cannot have a storyline (so says WWE). However...

Week 1: Sin Cara enters ring, speaks Spanish. No one understands. Leaves
Week 2: Sin Cara enters ring with translator, says stuff gets translated. Everyone happy.
Week 3: Sin Cara enters ring with translator says stuff. Gets mistranslated. A wrester gets angry, shouts at Sin Cara. Slaps him
Week 4: Sin Cara is now angry. Says stuff. Translator does not want to repeat as it is so bad. He does, and gets beaten up. Sin Cara runs away.
Week 5: Sin Cara has no translator. Points at opponent for upcoming PPV
PPV: Sin Cara match, with actual build up, happens

I have just written a basic storyline for Sin Cara even though his English is limited.

Give Me Money WWE!


Smackdown spoilers:

Booker T came out to a massive pop, while Michael Cole drew the usual massive heat. Lilian Garcia received nice applause.

There was a notable statement during the opening video. They said the WWE Championship will be defended for the first time on Smackdown in four years. They claimed it was eight years on Monday's Raw, so which is it?

Sheamus is out first to address World Hvt. Championship match with Alberto Del Rio at No Way Out. David Otunga came out to interrupt him. He set up a replay Sheamus bowling over John Laurinaitis when he ran out to help John Cena on Raw last week. He demanded an apology. Sheamus rebuffed him.

Alberto Del Rio came out to add his two cents. Otunga stated that Del Rio would be allowed to pick Sheamus's opponent for the night. Sheamus Brogue Kicked the hell out of Otunga. Del Rio bailed and Sheamus stood tall in the ring.

1. Sin Cara defeated Heath Slater. Sin Cara came out with new red and white ring attire and a new pyro set entrance but with the same strip club lighting. Sin Cara won with a tilt-a-whirl face buster on Slater. No botches except for a small awkward spot when his foot was caught under the rope.

There was hype for the WWE Championship match for later in the show.

2. Damien Sandow defeated Ezekiel Jackson. They traded offense and Sandow finished with his neckbreaker. He did a cartwheel in the ring.

There was a backstage segment between Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio. Ziggler wanted to be Sheamus's opponent and got his wish. Ryback is up next. Joy.

3. Ryback beat two jobbers. The jobbers were billed as being from Alabama, so they chanted Roll Tide Roll. Ryback got a good pop when he came out as a result. Ryback finished the kids with a double muscle buster. He got an LSU chant and jogged to the ring.

Vickie Guerrero came out with Dolph Ziggler and vowed to end Sheamus tonight. Sheamus came out to another massive pop. He's really over.

4. Sheamus defeated Dolph Ziggler (w/Vickie Guerrero). The action came at a decent pace with Ziggler hitting a top rope facebuster on Sheamus. Jack Swagger ran out to help Ziggler and messed him up. He ate a Brogue Kick to end the match. You'd think a cannon went off and shot Dolph with the way he sold it. Good match. The crowd was very into the match.

Darren Young and Titus O'Neil come out for a tag match. We get a backstage segment with Striker and Punk putting over the WWE Title match. Santino Marella and Zack Ryder came out. Hey, a Ryder sighting!!!

5. Santino Marella and Zack Ryder defeated Darren Young and Titus O'Neil. Santino got a roll up in less than two minutes. Big Show came out and tossed Marella into the WWE sign on the stage. Ryder got tossed around ringside as Titus and Darren exited the arena. Show took the bigger half of the ring steps up the ramp and slammed Ryder on them. Santino got the same treatment on the steps with a Camel Clutch. Show hit him with a WMD to massive heat. Show stared out at the crowd before leaving.

There was a backstage segment with Daniel Bryan telling AJ that CM Punk is only using her.

6. Cody Rhodes defeated Tyson Kidd. A nice fast paced match. Cody won in less than two minutes. Cody and Christian jawed for a minute after the match.

Kane was shown backstage and the WWE Championship match was up next.

7. C.M. Punk fought Kane to a DQ finish when Daniel Bryan interfered in a WWE Championship match. Slow and plodding at start. The crowd got into it toward the end. Daniel Bryan ran out. He's way over. Bryan attacked both men, and the red called the bell for a DQ finish. Kane ended up chokeslamming both men at the same time.

Big Johnny comes out and declared the WWE Championship match at No Way Out a Triple Threat match.

Bryan and Punk were left in the ring with AJ. Bryan tried to get her to leave with him, but she left without either one of them. Bryan slapped Punk twice. Punk gave Bryan a GTS. The fans loved it.

Dead Man

Ugh, I don't even kow what to say.
Kane def. CM Punk for WWE Title. AJ interfered and Kane hit the tombstone on Punk to win the WWE title. After the match, Bryan walked on the stage to yell 'YES!' and a lightning bolt pyro hit the stage and Bryan laid unconscious.

LOL rite

Why must you tease me so?


Can you blame her, though? She wants to get added to Big Red Sexy's Big Red List.

♫Kane Kane Kane
They think I'm a brute, but I know I'm sexy
I got the mask which drives the girls wild, I got the flames, that really move em
I send fire, up and down their spine, I'm just a sexy Kane

Sexy kaaaaaaaaaaaaaane
I'm not Insane
Not Insaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane
I'm just a sexy Kane


more money than God
♫Kane Kane Kane
They think I'm a brute, but I know I'm sexy
I got the mask which drives the girls wild, I got the flames, that really move em
I send fire, up and down their spine, I'm just a sexy Kane

Sexy kaaaaaaaaaaaaaane
I'm not Insane
Not Insaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane
I'm just a sexy Kane
LOL!!!!! I lost it at "Not Insaaaaaaaaaaaaane"!!
The only way this makes any sense is if they don't want Punk to lose so they insert Kane so he can be pinned by Bryan to become champion. If that's not the idea, the inserting of Kane in the one storyline he should have been kept out of is beyond stupid.


more money than God
The only way this makes any sense is if they don't want Punk to lose so they insert Kane so he can be pinned by Bryan to become champion. If that's not the idea, the inserting of Kane in the one storyline he should have been kept out of is beyond stupid.
Yeah, I think that's the only purpose Kane plays in this. Kane gets pinned by Bryan, Bryan becomes WWE champion, and then we have Bryan/Punk at SS to settle this. Kane will be out of the picture after NWO.


more money than God
Which is a shame because Kane deserves better than being a 3rd wheel
If it was up to me, all Kane would do is stand ringside, and after every segment, they would give him a microphone and he would just give his opinion on what just happened. Then, at the end of every night, he enters the ring and lights his pyro.
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