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McDonalds answers Wendy's - replacing cashiers with kiosks

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CHICAGO (Reuters) - McDonald's has eliminated the middle man standing between the fast food lover and his burger, with an advanced test of technology that promises to shorten lines and give consumers more control over ordering.

Outside Chicago in St. Charles, Illinois, longtime McDonald's Corp. (MCD: up $0.20 to $26.92, Research, Estimates) franchisee John Lardas has reconfigured his restaurant, replacing three ordering stations manned by employees at the front counter with one traditional station and four stand-alone computers, or kiosks.

"You see no lines because people are spreading themselves out," said Lardas, who estimates that 70 percent of customers now opt to use the technology.

McDonald's, which only recently admitted its service problems and vowed to fix them, is ironing the kinks out of technology some believe will transform fast food the way similar systems have revolutionized bank transactions and airport check-ins.

Each kiosk allows a customer to place an order directly with the kitchen, using a touch screen with pictures of food, English or Spanish text and verbal prompts.

Read the entire article @ CNN Money



Tech +1

This just in Burger King will have Minority Report style organic 3D interafacing while ordering...complete with the " ball " system to see if your order was a success, failure, or just plan stupid.



Junior Member
They still have no answer to God's gift.


Praise be to teh...let me take a closer walk teh.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
when mcdonalds was running that promotion where if they took more than 30 seconds to give you the meal, you'd get a free burger... i swear i never saw service so fast.

After ordering right when I paid I had my meal sitting in front of me, I was almost floored.


This isn't new though. The kiosk is on the counter with the registers. It's a touchscreen and takes credit cards, debit cards then giving you your receipt. It's only good though around tourist areas and colleges where lines get really long.
If they get rid of the retards working at the counter, then they should lower the prices as well. The middle man is out, right? Which means more profit for Mc D's.

That's what I hate about all this self service bullshit going on everywhere. They make your ass work but they don't give you a discount. What the balls is that about?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
muncheese said:
If they get rid of the retards working at the counter, then they should lower the prices as well. The middle man is out, right? Which means more profit for Mc D's.

That's what I hate about all this self service bullshit going on everywhere. They make your ass work but they don't give you a discount. What the balls is that about?

It's not like the machines were free :p


Man, I dunno. I realize a lot of fast food workers are... odd, to say the least. However, if all those jobs are lost what else are they gonna do?

way more

I always wanted to get a bunch of friends together so we could all work at McDonalds. We'd act like they do in the commercials. "Welcome to McDonalds!," while grinning like idoits, oblivious to our shitty jobs. I think it would be fucking unnerving.


a big blow to the job market...i would have credit cards be accepted and maybe have workers just bring the stuff to you,,,maybe if you sit down and eat have them bring it to you...but u need to keep some of these kids.



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I don't mind typing in my order if its gonna be right, haha


muncheese said:
True, but the retards make at least $15,000(each) a year, the system is probably no more than $7,000 per store. That's a whole lot of money bags they're saving.
What the fuck man? "The retards"!?!?


DCX said:
An affectionate way of saying fast food service professionals.

I know to whom he was referring, I was commenting about how incredibly offensive and moronic the remark was.


Matt said:
I know to whom he was referring, I was commenting about how incredibly offensive and moronic the remark was.
Yeah...well, i can hinestly say there had to be retards working on Seventh Cross and Soul Fighter for Dreamcast :p

I usually only spend like 3 minutes in line at McDonald's anyway so this seems kind of pointless.

I'm be much happier if Burger King could find a way to get your drive thru order to you in less than 5 minutes...


People are already too stupid to work those self checkouts at supermarkets, it is going to be unbearable waiting for morons to try to order food.


Setec Astronomer
Matlock said:
Hitokage: not everyone knew that. Including a large national corporation that's one of your favorites.
Am I the only one who reads Time, Newsweek, or US News with any semblence of regularity?


Hitokage said:
Am I the only one who reads Time, Newsweek, or US News with any semblence of regularity?

Apparently so. The only non-industry mag I read is Business Week and that's because its so useful for my MBA studies.


Do any of you guys have the Dollar Menu at your local McDonalds? They probably don't have them in big cities, because that would be silly, but they have them around here.

Boy, is it heaven.

$1.00 double cheese burgers, drinks, McChicken sandwiches, fries.... yummy.

They've even got a morning dollar menu, which is also quite nice.
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