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McDonalds answers Wendy's - replacing cashiers with kiosks

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Phoenix said:
Apparently so. The only non-industry mag I read is Business Week and that's because its so useful for my MBA studies.

Businessweek>Time>Newsweek>>>USNews (except for rankings)

Economist is actually pretty good too.
Diablos said:
Man, I dunno. I realize a lot of fast food workers are... odd, to say the least. However, if all those jobs are lost what else are they gonna do?

I don't know... Oh, maybe get a real job? Further their education?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
McDonalds always gives me a stomach ache. Wendy's doesn't however, and their food tastes better (cept the nuggets, but they are way cheaper than McD's).

Oh and read the whole article, it says they haven't fired anyone or hired less people at the establishments they are running these tests at. They have been reassigned to do other jobs like give the food to people, help them with the kiosk if they are having trouble, etc.

I think it's good because if they're short on people they'll be able to focus more on the kitchen (happens here now and then, making for slow service), you may even be able to place your order and sit down to wait for it (ala Culvers & Fazolis) and they might be able to focus more on keeping the place clean.

Though I still don't eat at McD's too often unless I'm not eating much, but perhaps this will cause a trend among other fastfood places.


I'm quite fond of the Big and Tasty. I used to eat only nuggets but to much of a good thing becomes a bad thing :(



I can see some old lady who goes in for a coffee and a hamburger leaving with 45 burgers and like a 20 piece chicken nugget with a coke. Poor old Lady, all she wanted was a coffee and a $.99 hamburger.


aparisi2274 said:
I can see some old lady who goes in for a coffee and a hamburger leaving with 45 burgers and like a 20 piece chicken nugget with a coke. Poor old Lady, all she wanted was a coffee and a $.99 hamburger.

I'm sure they'll do the same thing they do at Home Depot - have one person who watches over the front and helps out people who can't place their orders or have difficulty with it.

Besides, now that Walmart and all are doing this RFID stuff - soon you'll be able to just pick up premade food and get a checkout receipt as you walk past some RFID register. I've seen the trials for this type of thing - quite impressive. until someone comes by with a signal jammer :)


Jesus Christ... now instead of having a fucktard who's worked the till for a year taking our order, now we go and wait behind 3 other fucktards who don't know what the hell they are doing. Wonderful!
DopeyFish said:
when mcdonalds was running that promotion where if they took more than 30 seconds to give you the meal, you'd get a free burger... i swear i never saw service so fast.

After ordering right when I paid I had my meal sitting in front of me, I was almost floored.

That just means your food has been sitting there for a few hours

Justin Bailey

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WasabiKing said:
That just means your food has been sitting there for a few hours
That's why I usually order "custom" order burgers (like no pickels or onions). They don't always have those sitting around so at least I get a fresh burger most of the time. Onions and pickels don't bother me, but I can do without 'em.
Justin Bailey said:
That's why I usually order "custom" order burgers (like no pickels or onions). They don't always have those sitting around so at least I get a fresh burger most of the time. Onions and pickels don't bother me, but I can do without 'em.

yup, no mayo is what I always ask for. I never worked in fast food, but I learned the tricks from the trade from my dad, who also owned a restaurant. I really don't like to push my luck and be complicated, no one is ever paid enough for that shit...


This is outrageous. Big corporations trying to find ways to cut jobs and pocket the extra revenue. Fuck you, McDonalds.
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