Trump cabinet members, National Security Adviser General H.R. McMaster and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Mike Pompeo, spoke today at the "Foundations for Defense of Democracies Summit"
FDD has been described as being a hawkish think-tank that defends "right-wing Israeli policy" with an anti-Iran bias.
On Iran:
On North Korea:
Jeffrey Lewis (@ArmsControlWonk), a nonproliferation and arms expert, likened McMaster's comments on North Korea to General Maxwell Taylor, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who urged President Kennedy to invade Cuba and authorize pre-emptive strikes, potentially even nuclear strikes if needed, on Cuba during the Cuba Missile Crisis.
General Taylor wrongly believed there were no Russian nuclear weapons in Cuba at the time.
Bonus Quotes:
FDD has been described as being a hawkish think-tank that defends "right-wing Israeli policy" with an anti-Iran bias.
The Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) is a think tank based in Washington, D.C., focusing on national security and foreign policy. Its political leanings have been described variously as either nonpartisan or neoconservative.
The International Relations Center features a report on the foundation on its "Right Web" website, a program of the left-of-center think-tank Institute for Policy Studies which, according to its mission statement, seeks to "check the militaristic drift of the country".
The report states that "although the FDD is an ardent critic of terrorism, it has not criticized actions taken by Israel against Palestinians that arguably fall into this category". It terms the FDD a "prominent member of the web of neoconservative-aligned think tanks", including the American Enterprise Institute, the Hudson Institute and Freedom House.
ThinkProgress concluded, "Most of the major donors are active philanthropists to 'pro-Israel' causes both in the U.S. and internationally. With the disclosure of its donor rolls, it becomes increasingly apparent that FDD's advocacy of U.S. military intervention in the Middle East, its hawkish stance against Iran, and its defense of right-wing Israeli policy is consistent with its donors' interests in 'pro-Israel' advocacy".
On Iran:
Lt. Gen. HR McMaster begins speech on Iran and America's lack of ”strategic recent years"
McMaster is asked: What is wrong with the Iran nuclear deal? He half-jokingly takes out cards with Trump's quotes about it on them.
McMaster at @FDD: ”I was just talking to a European ally who was tongue tied over the JCPOA, I said, ”Just say ‘worst deal ever."
MCMASTER: "Iran is very good at pitting communities against each other. This is something they have in common with groups like ISIS, like al-Qaeda."
"We would like to see a stable #Iraq that is not aligned with #Iran." - Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster
Pompeo at @FDD: "The notion that the entry into the JCPOA would curtail Iranian adventurism...has now proven to be fundamentally false."
Pompeo: Administration is set to document al-Qaeda, Iran links
On North Korea:
McMaster says if Kim Jong Un thinks his nuclear program is keeping him safer, he's wrong.
On North Korea, McMaster says the idea of "accept and deter" is "unacceptable."
McMaster quotes: "we're running out of time"; Trump "not going to accept this regime threatening the United States with a nuclear weapon"
"The only acceptable objective is denuclearization." - H.R. McMaster on #NorthKorea strategy
#DPRK growing ever closer to having its #nuclear capability "perfected," says @CIA Director Pompeo
Jeffrey Lewis (@ArmsControlWonk), a nonproliferation and arms expert, likened McMaster's comments on North Korea to General Maxwell Taylor, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who urged President Kennedy to invade Cuba and authorize pre-emptive strikes, potentially even nuclear strikes if needed, on Cuba during the Cuba Missile Crisis.
General Taylor wrongly believed there were no Russian nuclear weapons in Cuba at the time.
McMaster here sounds like General Maxwell Taylor and the Joint Chiefs during the Cuban Missile Crisis. That is not a compliment.
Taylor urged JFK to invade Cuba promptly. He too believed he still had time for a military solution.
Proponents of invading Cuba in retrospect seem to have believed that Soviet nuclear weapons were not yet in Cuba.
Taylor was wrong. There were about 100 Soviet tactical nuclear weapons in Cuba.
There were also 60 nuclear warheads for 40 R-12 and R-14 missiles that could strike the United States.
Bonus Quotes:
McMaster on Trump: "He's made some, I think, truly landmark speeches" for foreign policy: in Saudi, Poland, on Afghan, Iran
McMaster closes by saying "we should happy for the president's leadership," which he says is "based in reality" and will deliver prosperity.
CIA Director Mike Pompeo: "We're going to become a much more vicious agency"
Pompeo vowing that the CIA is about to become ”far more aggressive" in pursuing its mission
"#ISIS may be gone in Iraq/Syria but #Iran's land bridge across region is coming to a theatre near you" John Hannah closes out #FDDSummit