I'm always kind of baffled with the responses in these threads. Hopefully it's because it's a vocal minority that it always attracts. Hopefully.
Anytime there is some doomsday global warming news everyone screams at the top of the longs that something should be done. Pointing fingers and corporations and governments that haven't done enough to tackle the problem (rightfully so). But the second someone advocates an idea that could help the global warming problem that somehow affects the individual, people turn their backs and dismiss the idea right away. Some just go fuck it, I enjoy beef too much. Some try to dismiss the idea that the beef/diary industry is that much of a burden on the environment. Some try to reason that the impact of such an idea is too small so why bother anyway.
I hope I won't sound too hostile, since it's not ment that way. But refusing to stop eat beef, or place some higher tax on it, is just so incredibly selfish. Just stop and think what little of an impact that will have on your life. It's a meat you probably don't continually eat throughout the day and/or every day. You'll probably have to think of something else to eat for maybe two or three days a week. That's it. It's not difficult. It's not that inconvenient. The only reason why someone would continue to eat beef is because they like the taste of it. Yet by deciding to eat something else you can actually do something about climate change. However small that might on a personal scale. It all adds up to dramatic results on the larger scale.
As corny as it may sound, but be the change you want to see in the world. If you can't even bother to change one minuscule part of your life for selfish reasons, you honestly don't got the right to complain about companies or governments for not making huge changes.
Edit: Slightly off the point but also not. People need to realize that things need to change in order to combat global warming. And those changes will influence your personal lives. Be it paying more for certain things, higher taxes, removal of certain travel options or products, what ever. It will not all be fun. But we can't have our cake and eat it too. Not anymore.