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Neo Member
The 4 hour time being thrown around is a bit disapointing for me. Not going to cancel my preorder or anything over it, I just like longer single player experiences.
PaNaMa said:
It said something about activating my limited edition, and whatever that entitles me to (I think it's like, quicker path to unlocking stuff).. but I never really paid it much mind. Once you put in your online pass, it tells you. I know it didn't say anything about extra maps or anything
Ok. Sounds like there is no proper VIP pass then, just a regular online pass. Which is still not a good thing. But it could've been worse. The VIP pass for BC2 locked away maps on the disc and you had to wait months for EA to make these "free" maps accessible.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
cnizzle06 said:
What the hell do I care if it's based on true events? I didn't realize that component directly related to the fun factor. It's just another variation of, brown-everything, kick ass and take names (while sporting a beard), kind of game that has taken over the industry. And yeah, I do secretly hope it has been enhanced, but I find it unlikely, given how many things were just plain bad in the beta. You can't revamp your entire game in a few months.

Because it relates directly to some of the points you are bitching about.

All you do is show your ignorance when you "hope it bombs."

As gamers we should all hope all games come out fantastic, you're just another fanboy, or are portraying yourself as one.


Alienshogun said:
Because it relates directly to some of the points you are bitching about.

All you do is show your ignorance when you "hope it bombs."

As gamers we should all hope all games come out fantastic, you're just another fanboy, or are portraying yourself as one.

Haha, wow. It hardly relates to my points whatsoever. And yeah, I may be a gamer, but that doesn't mean I have to endorse the route some of these big companies are taking. If anything, you're just a general video game fanboy. Just cool off.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
cnizzle06 said:
Haha, wow. It hardly relates to my points whatsoever. And yeah, I may be a gamer, but that doesn't mean I have to endorse the route some of these big companies are taking. If anything, you're just a general video game fanboy. Just cool off.

Yep, I love me some video games, hardly a slanderous statement.

Also, I think you need to read back through your complaints and rethink how my post pertains to them.

MOH still has fantastic music (watched a Justin.Tv feed) and the locales (like in the original MOH) are straight out of "real life."

Again, wishing a game bombs just because you don't like EA or Dice just shows your ignorance, as a gamer you should hope it's the next big thing and that goes for every game.
Strider2K99 said:
To think you championed this game. :lol

It's $60 on PC you know.

Meh, I champion crap all the time. Though I really like the concept and the campaign it's based on, if they couldn't forge more than 4 hours of magic from that, then they honestly don't deserve the money.


Alienshogun said:
Yep, I love me some video games, hardly a slanderous statement.

Also, I think you need to read back through your complaints and rethink how my post pertains to them.

MOH still has fantastic music (watched a Justin.Tv feed) and the locales (like in the original MOH) are straight out of "real life."

Again, wishing a game bombs just because you don't like EA or Dice just shows your ignorance, as a gamer you should hope it's the next big thing and that goes for every game.

If you could stop throwing about the word 'ignorant', that'd be great. It'd be one thing if you used it properly. And please don't tell me how I should react as a gamer. Just because you're a blind sheep for the herd doesn't mean I have to be. And hoping for a first person military shooter to be the 'next big thing' seems a tad redundant, don't ya think. I don't like the direction they're taking the series, deal with it. It's not original, it doesn't excel in the genre it's trying to copy, and it certainly misses the mark with a 4 hour campaign mode. It doesn't appeal to me, plain and simple. Now go play ET cause despite it's flaws, you gotta support all games. Have a blast. :D


Captain Pants said:
You forgot to mention that the guy playing it is an autotuned douche.:lol

edit: He isn't doing it now, but he was singing about Captain Crunch a minute ago.
:lol :lol :lol :lol

"I just killed 5 ppl with 1 grenade, whooooo...gimme dat shit!"

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
cnizzle06 said:
If you could stop throwing about the word 'ignorant', that'd be great. It'd be one thing if you used it properly. And please don't tell me how I should react as a gamer. Just because you're a blind sheep for the herd doesn't mean I have to be. And hoping for a first person military shooter to be the 'next big thing' seems a tad redundant, don't ya think. I don't like the direction they're taking the series, deal with it. It's not original, it doesn't excel in the genre it's trying to copy, and it certainly misses the mark with a 4 hour campaign mode. It doesn't appeal to me, plain and simple. Now go play ET cause despite it's flaws, you gotta support all games. Have a blast. :D

What's funny is that you act like I'm using it wrong, when you clearly don't even understand what the word means.

THAT is actually the definition of ignorant.

You're right though, gamers who hope every game will be awesome, are blind sheep; While those who hope games they don't like the idea of fail, are leaders of the generation. :lol

Keep fighting the good fight champ, someone needs to keep being the internet troll.


Alienshogun said:
What's funny is that you act like I'm using it wrong, when you clearly don't even understand what the word means.

THAT is actually the definition of ignorant.

You're right though, gamers who hope every game will be awesome, are blind sheep; While those who hope games they don't like the idea of fail, are leaders of the generation. :lol

Keep fighting the good fight champ, someone needs to keep being the internet troll.

Oh, so I'm a troll now? :lol

Jesus man, the definition for troll sure has become loose these days along with the word, ignorance apparently. But hey, continue on mighty troll-hunter. For around every unwavering, relentless fanboy (you), there be a troll lurking(Me evidently :D ).



Haha uh. Guess I shouldn't have rented it to check out multiplayer?

What the fuck EA.
Played about 3 hours.

Single player is completely rote. Game starts out with
drive in a car only to get it ambushed.
Basically anything that was in MW2, is in this. Artillery? Check. Slow motion breaching? Check. Dudebro team-mates? You get the idea. Good thing about MoH is that the gunplay feels pretty good. Guns pack a punch and I never got bored of whatever weapon I was using. Grenades are pretty useless though. Also, enemy AI is terrible. Even on Hard (not really Hard - game feels super easy.) Graphics look worse than MW2. Some awful textures, bad pop-in and average explosions. All around, pretty underwhelming - especially if it's only 4 hours as advertised.

Multiplayer has its charm. Basically BF2 without vehicles. I know the game isn't officially out, but there's some pretty egregious lag right now. Snipers feel kind of over-powered. Maps and level design is pretty meh; also feels like there are only 4-5 maps right now and obviously they all look the same. Still, the gunplay is awesome and of course, the game has perks. I can see myself sticking with MP for a few weeks before Black Ops hits.

This game will not get a 94 on GR. I think it'll review around 7.5/10 and I agree with that so far.
Victrix said:

Haha uh. Guess I shouldn't have rented it to check out multiplayer?

What the fuck EA.

Hahah yeah, no way I am getting this one :p


gameplay footage looks terrible really couldn't be more generic.

MP might save this game but the SP is sad as hell.


Supposedly there are only 8 multiplayer maps. If not for the $20 amazon gift coupon, I probably would've canceled my preorder again.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
Alienshogun said:
Yep, I love me some video games, hardly a slanderous statement.

Also, I think you need to read back through your complaints and rethink how my post pertains to them.

MOH still has fantastic music (watched a Justin.Tv feed) and the locales (like in the original MOH) are straight out of "real life."

Again, wishing a game bombs just because you don't like EA or Dice just shows your ignorance, as a gamer you should hope it's the next big thing and that goes for every game.

Just wanted to say I agree with you. Whatever it is, ignorance, immaturity etc., hoping a game bombs when you know very little about it makes any person come off really bad.

It's possible to not be interested in a game, but to go so far as to "hope a game bombs" and definitely puts a person into the jackass category in my book. If you don't have anything constructive (constructive criticism is fine) to say, go to a thread where you do.
I actually buy shooters for single player or co-op.

4 hours. and 4 hours of generic stuf? No co-op and a multi player that is like CoD..

Think i'll stick with MW2 and Halo Reach for a while.

: ? dude is talking through autotune? :lol i want that tooooo

gameplay looks kinda fun anyway.. (ish)
Gamer @ Heart said:
What the hell did they cut to meet this release date?

I would not be surprised at all if single player DLC is announced in a few weeks.

Or maybe it was intentionally designed to be a short and condensed experience, instead of a 20 hour marathon with a ton of filler crap.
Vinterbird said:
Or maybe it was intentionally designed to be a short and condensed experience, instead of a 20 hour marathon with a ton of filler crap.

Meh, there is a golden middle, and 4 hours ain't it. There is a wealth of content to pick from here, so ff that's how it's going to be, I'd rather just have a fragmented collection of ops, subscription based or something.

But then if the A.I. is shit, I wouldn't want that either.

Question is, since they were so involved with actual operators, were the developers forced to cut certain missions?
Every time the same shit.
Omg its only 4 hours long.
Omg its only 20 hours long.
What? Just 6 hours?

4-8 hours is normal for a shooter.

What do you expect? A FPS game that is 300 hours long? With multiplayer that is 5000 hours long?

On question : Does it have a story?


kevm3 said:
Supposedly there are only 8 multiplayer maps. If not for the $20 amazon gift coupon, I probably would've canceled my preorder again.

What are the multiplayer maps and what's the split of MW2 and BC2 style maps? I forgot the name of the actual modes but you know the ones I mean.


Small amount of content wouldn't be a big deal if the game wasn't so awfully derivative. From what I saw, Black Ops seems like a much more interesting game and I dislike COD ever since COD2. I just can't see this reboot being successful at all.
AltogetherAndrews said:
Meh, there is a golden middle, and 4 hours ain't it. There is a wealth of content to pick from here, so ff that's how it's going to be, I'd rather just have a fragmented collection of ops, subscription based or something.

But then if the A.I. is shit, I wouldn't want that either.

Question is, since they were so involved with actual operators, were the developers forced to cut certain missions?
in the stream the A.i. didn't look that great.. especially after having played Halo Reach.


I'm watching a mission at the moment that seems to be lifted straight from All Ghillied Up.

Haha this cutscene is hysterical :lol


I have already cancelled my pre-order. 4 hours is much too short and I don't do multiplayer.

I figured that as DICE was handling the multiplayer aspect of the game then the single-player must be substantial.
dark_inferno said:
Every time the same shit.
Omg its only 4 hours long.
Omg its only 20 hours long.
What? Just 6 hours?

4-8 hours is normal for a shooter.

What do you expect? A FPS game that is 300 hours long? With multiplayer that is 5000 hours long?

On question : Does it have a story?

What a retarded fucking post. "Normal" has changed quite a bit over the years, and 8 hours is actually twice as long as this game apparently is. And I'm pretty damned sure no one has asked for a 300 hours long campaign. It's damned short for what it is based on, and even by current military shooter standards.

Sstop exaggerating so bloody much.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault was the perfect length for a game of this type, a nice solid 10-12 hour experience with nice locational variety.


Thunderbear said:
Just wanted to say I agree with you. Whatever it is, ignorance, immaturity etc., hoping a game bombs when you know very little about it makes any person come off really bad.

It's possible to not be interested in a game, but to go so far as to "hope a game bombs" and definitely puts a person into the jackass category in my book. If you don't have anything constructive (constructive criticism is fine) to say, go to a thread where you do.
Thing is, people know a lot about this game. I was playing the PC beta (demo) only a few days ago so I think it's pretty safe to assume the retail version is going to be identical to that. So if people think this game is shit then I think everyone should respect that because they've probably played the game.


dark_inferno said:
Every time the same shit.
Omg its only 4 hours long.
Omg its only 20 hours long.
What? Just 6 hours?

4-8 hours is normal for a shooter.

What do you expect? A FPS game that is 300 hours long? With multiplayer that is 5000 hours long?

On question : Does it have a story?
4 to 8 hours is not "normal" for a shooter - there's a big difference between 4 hours and 8 hours. Average length for a FPS used to be around 8 hours. Then both Modern Warfares came in at 6 hours, and everyone seemed to be fine with it for some reason and 6 hours became acceptable. Now, Medal of Honor drags it even lower to 4, and that's supposed to be acceptable as well? How about a game that's just one hour-long battle, but has really terrific production values?
Nothing to really argue about here imo. To some people length is very important. To others its not.

I tend to land on the side of it doesn't matter to me. If its a kick ass 4 to 6 hours then I'm fine with it. I'd rather a company concentrate on making the best 4 to 6 hours they can rather than artificially extending that to meet some arbitrary idea of how long a shooter should be.

Of course some one else can feel differently and that wouldn't make them wrong nor does it make me wrong.

That being said, I'm more concerned about what I felt was a shit beta on consoles and a relatively average MP "beta" on the PC a week ago. In other words I have lots of concerns about whether I'm going to like Medal of Honor and the SP length falls fairly low on that list.
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