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After the PC open beta, I think it might have decent legs. It feels very back to basics without going all out bare-bones. Not sure how the objective gametypes will work out, it seems like that will take some getting used to. It is way different than how COD games play out and COD will most likely be what the majority of people have as comparison. Also, as always map design will be a huge factor.

Hope it's good though. There can never be enough good games.


There will definitely be a lot of people that are going to try this game out. However, I'm not sure how well the online MP is going to do in the long run.

I'm really hesitant to buy this game day 1. Just not enough information on it and there are too many mixed opinions on how good the online MP is. I wanted to know if there'll be a good clan support system for MoH but can't seem to find any information on it. Definitely not going to buy this game if all we're getting in terms of clan support is a stupid tag in front of our names like in BC2.
4-hour long SP campaign? Fuck it. Not worth to spend 60 bucks for people like me who are only interested in SP. Pre-order cancelled.


I don't understand why people keep saying it's $60 when most online retailers like Amazon are giving at least $20 credit when you preorder it. Like someone said, Kmart is going to give you a $25 coupon once it releases. Sure, you gotta pay the $60 up front, but it's really not $60 when you're getting $20 or more back.


I play slow so about 6 hours for the SP for me. And I will get the PC version so its not like it will be $60. I am still getting it for the SP campaign.
Click said:
There will definitely be a lot of people that are going to try this game out. However, I'm not sure how well the online MP is going to do in the long run.

I'm really hesitant to buy this game day 1. Just not enough information on it and there are too many mixed opinions on how good the online MP is. I wanted to know if there'll be a good clan support system for MoH but can't seem to find any information on it. Definitely not going to buy this game if all we're getting in terms of clan support is a stupid tag in front of our names like in BC2.

PSNation has an interview with one of the MOH guys, no real clan support (it was a specific question). Usually, with $20 credit these games trade back at around $40 so it's like a buy option. I got NFS Shift on pre-order, it was buggy and I wasn't really into it so I traded it back for $40 at Amazon and no loss to me in the end.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Click said:
I don't understand why people keep saying it's $60 when most online retailers like Amazon are giving at least $20 credit when you preorder it. Like someone said, Kmart is going to give you a $25 coupon once it releases. Sure, you gotta pay the $60 up front, but it's really not $60 when you're getting $20 or more back.

$60 out of pocket is still $60 out of pocket no matter how you see it.


Wario64 said:
$60 out of pocket is still $60 out of pocket no matter how you see it.

... that's not really true, assuming you're a person who knows how gift cards work (it can be tricky for some).

Sometimes, $60 out of pocket is $35 out of pocket in the long run (which could be as short as a week).
sdornan said:
Even $40 is too much for 4 hour single player.

Yeah, too bad there isn't multiplayer.

In all seriousness, yes $60 is too much for an average single player campaign and an uncertain MP. Just wait for the price to drop--is there really any harm in that?


They will not be able to recuperate their ridiculous advertising cost despite better than average first week sales. Literally the game is everywhere tons of websites, TV, movie ads, magazines, huge billboards all over NYC.
Four hour campaign? No sale. I was only interested in the SP, but for only four hours, I'm not gonna drop 60 bucks. I've been burned on too-short games before (KL2), and even if the campaign is quality, it's still too much for me to justify the purchase.

I'll pick up Vanquish this month instead and wait for a MoH price drop before picking it up. It's a shame that the campaign is so short, I was really looking forward to it. I realize that length is not the only quality to look for in SP, but I personally will feel short-changed, so I'm not gonna bother.


itsnervedamage said:
PSNation has an interview with one of the MOH guys, no real clan support (it was a specific question). Usually, with $20 credit these games trade back at around $40 so it's like a buy option. I got NFS Shift on pre-order, it was buggy and I wasn't really into it so I traded it back for $40 at Amazon and no loss to me in the end.

Thanks. Guess I won't be buying this game unless there are rage reviews from players after it launches. What a shame. Thought this reboot of MoH series was going to kick ass. *sigh*
Click said:
Thanks. Guess I won't be buying this game unless there are rage reviews from players after it launches. What a shame. Thought this reboot of MoH series was going to kick ass. *sigh*

I think serious clan support is just too much effort for a fringe hardcore crowd in these mass market shooters (COD, MOH, BFBC). Sony first party has been doing a good job with clan support but I find it pretty doubtful the big 3rd parties are going to bother to build and maintain the extra infrastructure.

Besides, stuff like gamebattles kind of takes up that role for COD, with a little extra inconvenience, maybe that will pick up for MOH also. Don't recall if parties or anything like that are supported and to what extent in MOH.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Alright, 4 hours SP seals it for me, I'll just wait for KZ3 and Gears 3 now. I don't need another MP shooter so it's been all about the SP for me, and while I generally don't gripe too much about short campaigns (assuming that the content is good), this is pushing it. 4 hours is what they managed to craft from the source material, W.T.F.? Yeah, fuck this.

Does this game even have campaign co-op?

To think you championed this game. :lol

DennisK4 said:
I play slow so about 6 hours for the SP for me. And I will get the PC version so its not like it will be $60. I am still getting it for the SP campaign.

It's $60 on PC you know.


Seeing a lot of ads during the MLB playoffs, wonder how much they are putting into their ad campaign? I think they should have delayed it to late Nov/early Dec after the beta giving them more time, not to mention trying to sell their game in between two other big name FPS titles. I'll keep an eye on what people say about the online but as of right now I don't plan on picking it up day one.


I'd buy this game just for the MP. I rarely ever play single player for these types of games anyways, it's all about the MP. Never even touched MW2's singleplayer but I've watched my brother/cousins play it. Just about all SP campaigns in these games are mediocre and dull so I dont see the big deal. I've put in probably over 70 hours into the betas (PC) already and I'm really feeling it!

Ppl tend to use "BFBC2 and CODMW meshed together" as a negative but I think it's a positive. Sometimes I dont want to be as overly invested into a game as BFBC2 and then again I dont want all the akimbo/knife-tastic/faster running/super over the top killstreak spamming/"SSSHSHGHGHGNDNNGNNGGGGGGGGGG" sound effects/and unbalanced maps that CODMW2 comes along with. It's nice to have something in between. It's a strategic run & gun type of game. You have to think about your next move in advance but have the reaction/response times to counter anything that pops up. If you treat it as strategic as Socom then you're being too slow and you'll get shot in the back. You try to be as run and gun as CODMW2 then you'll be shot in the face. I like the middle area that this game provides.


OK I've played. Gamertag is byrneo, so you can see my achieves or whatever..

Single player: Graphics are really good, sound effects are F'ing amazing. Like house shaking saving private ryan amazing. Guns sound incredible in single player. As always, EA gets the sound right.

Campaign: Feels like a MW rip (which is fine) but it's just a little too "on rails". No room for going another way, pretty much at all (unless it's part of the script). This is disappointing, but I've only really gone through the first level, and part of the second. But so far, it's the most on rails fps I've ever played. One way to go, always. Invisible barriers? Check. All over the fucking place check. Like, it kills your ability to suspend your disbelief. It's so rigidly on rails, you can't even accidentally take a wrong turn. I mean that, Just push up and you'll always wind up going the right way. (So far).

AI: AI has problems. I've almost tripped over enemies who didn't even notice me, let alone shoot at me. Many locations. Many times. They shoot at my squad and stuff, but for whatever reason pay me no mind. On Hard.

Multiplayer: You know it's DICE. It has that 24fps underwater feel to the control, similar to BF. If you like BF (and I do) then you will feel at home with it. I have only played lik 5 matches, but it's starting to grow on me. It's not terribly hard. It's not terribly deep, I mean the default weapons tear people apart pretty good as it is .. I'm guessing unlocking fancy scopes and ammo and all of that will be fun. But guns don't recoil that much as is, and killing people is really easy without any of that stuff 1-2 hits or bursts.. so it remains to be seen how much these things will add to the game.

THe mp modes I haven't have much experience with. The one I played the most was similar to BC2 conquest. Someon mentioned something about no vehicles, but I swear to holy Jesus there were tanks. I've had some beers (10 or so as I write this), but I know I wasn't imagining the tanks. Always the other team had them tho, so read into that as you will.

Overall, it's not worth the $69.99 tag in Canada. Yes America, despite our dollar parity, EA charges $10 more than anyone else for games in Canada. I have no illusions, I will be trading this in for COD Black Ops in 30 days. Until then, I'm going to enjoy the single player experience (on hard, taking it slow) then just milks as many achievements as I can before passing it off.

PS: I think you guys are probably going to see a meta score somewhere around 70. Maybe a hair less. It's not the AAA title MW1 was, or the BBB title MW2 is .. and while the graphics and sound are better than BC2 (Some tearing yes, but wow those sound effects!) , the MP doesn't seem to be as much fun as any of the previously mentioned offerings. HAving played only a couple of levels and maybe 45 minutes online, on a letter grading system, I'd say the game is a solid "C". If I end up failling in love with the campaign, or discovering some depth in the MP then it could change.
If you got a VIP voucher with the game, does it have any details as to what you'll be gaining access to printed on it? Any mention of free upcoming maps or things of that nature?


It said something about activating my limited edition, and whatever that entitles me to (I think it's like, quicker path to unlocking stuff).. but I never really paid it much mind. Once you put in your online pass, it tells you. I know it didn't say anything about extra maps or anything


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Four hour campaign is pretty bad for a game that doesn't seem like it is going to have much of a multiplayer following. Releasing it right between Halo and Black Ops isn't gonna help either.

I guess Battlefield 3 is next year since EA is mentioning the beta, but seeing as how BC2 couldn't stay in the top five on Xbox Live I wonder what their strategy is going to be. They can't will people into caring about objective based game play.
AltogetherAndrews said:
Alright, 4 hours SP seals it for me, I'll just wait for KZ3 and Gears 3 now. I don't need another MP shooter so it's been all about the SP for me, and while I generally don't gripe too much about short campaigns (assuming that the content is good), this is pushing it. 4 hours is what they managed to craft from the source material, W.T.F.? Yeah, fuck this.

Does this game even have campaign co-op?

Oh I'm sure much like BC2, we'll see plenty of kb sized DLC files to unlock plenty of "extra" content. Co-op will probably be one of them.
Mooreberg said:
I guess Battlefield 3 is next year since EA is mentioning the beta, but seeing as how BC2 couldn't stay in the top five on Xbox Live I wonder what their strategy is going to be. They can't will people into caring about objective based game play.

I think the lack of any REAL updates had more to do with it. There were balancing patches but really no new content, aside from Onslaught mode. EA/DICE promised some good DLC to everyone and all we got were unlocked maps from the disc, for the most part. You can't gamers to keep playing without any post-launch support.

Plus, at this point I'm think EA/DICE is going to adapt some COD features if they want COD-like numbers. We even had people in the BC2 GAF thread come in and say, "So, I unlocked everything. Now what do I do?"



a 4 hour SP campaign is pretty disappointing. 8 to 10 hours is the sweet spot for me but i'll wait to see what the reviews say i suppose. This was day one for me but now i'm not so sure :(


I don't understand... they had an entirely separate studio working on the Multiplayer so how is the Campaign only 4 hours long? I would expect it to be at least a bit longer than Call of Duty, not less.


Mooreberg said:
Four hour campaign is pretty bad for a game that doesn't seem like it is going to have much of a multiplayer following. Releasing it right between Halo and Black Ops isn't gonna help either.

I guess Battlefield 3 is next year since EA is mentioning the beta, but seeing as how BC2 couldn't stay in the top five on Xbox Live I wonder what their strategy is going to be. They can't will people into caring about objective based game play.

The only things that can stay in the top 5 are CoD and Halo games. BC2 is still doing fine on Xbox Live.


Bradach said:
a 4 hour SP campaign is pretty disappointing. 8 to 10 hours is the sweet spot for me but i'll wait to see what the reviews say i suppose. This was day one for me but now i'm not so sure :(
Even if those 4 hours are amazing, there are already so many games competing for my gaming dollar over the next couple of months that it just wouldn't make sense for me to choose Medal of Honor. Separate developers for campaign and multi still resulted in a laughably short single player? Even if reviews/impressions are positive, I can wait for a price drop on this one.


As someone who enjoyed BC2 SP, I am very dissapointed by the length of this game.

Will wait until it drops below 20 quids.


Linkzg said:
Has it been said if Frontline HD is on the blu-ray or a downloadable?

Varth said:
For the review code is on the disk, and has to be installed.
That's cool. I thought we had to download it off of PSN separately. I'm still a little surprised about the length of the campaign. Not defending the length of the SP, but if it's a fun ride than fine.

In the end the game will cost me $27.98 due to a $30.00 credit at Amazon so it's no big deal to me. Plus I'll get a $20.00 credit for preordering MoH so that's nice. Having a remastered Frontlines included on the disc sweetens the deal too.

But I think this may be one game where I'll start on the harder difficulty level though. Maybe...


Mooreberg said:
I guess Battlefield 3 is next year since EA is mentioning the beta, but seeing as how BC2 couldn't stay in the top five on Xbox Live I wonder what their strategy is going to be. They can't will people into caring about objective based game play.
The PS3 version of BC2 is very busy and easy to find matchs all the time.


I'm gonna be frank, this game looks like pure and utter shit. Not a single thing I've seen or heard has me looking forward to this game. The PS3 beta was complete garbage. I was amazed that they even would showcase a game to the public that felt so unpolished and rushed. Metal of Honor was once such a reputable series, with great, memorable locales, and breath-taking music. Now we have CoD -1.5. I hope it bombs brilliantly.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
cnizzle06 said:
I'm gonna be frank, this game looks like pure and utter shit. Not a single thing I've seen or heard has me looking forward to this game. The PS3 beta was complete garbage. I was amazed that they even would showcase a game to the public that felt so unpolished and rushed. Metal of Honor was once such a reputable series, with great, memorable locales, and breath-taking music. Now we have CoD -1.5. I hope it bombs brilliantly.

So instead of hoping it was improved in any way from beta, and recognizing that this game ACTUALLY is based in real events (operation anaconda), you hope it bombs.

That makes sense.


So is this 'Limited Edition' the standard edition for the first X million production run?

Because BFBC2 also started off as a 'Limited Edition', in the sense that it was the only copy available at retail during release. You couldn't buy a 'standard edition' for less money...

Am I mistaken? Do I need to shell out extra cash above the $59.99 MSRP to get the BF3 beta?


Alienshogun said:
So instead of hoping it was improved in any way from beta, and recognizing that this game ACTUALLY is based in real events (operation anaconda), you hope it bombs.

That makes sense.

What the hell do I care if it's based on true events? I didn't realize that component directly related to the fun factor. It's just another variation of, brown-everything, kick ass and take names (while sporting a beard), kind of game that has taken over the industry. And yeah, I do secretly hope it has been enhanced, but I find it unlikely, given how many things were just plain bad in the beta. You can't revamp your entire game in a few months.


itsnervedamage said:
I think serious clan support is just too much effort for a fringe hardcore crowd in these mass market shooters (COD, MOH, BFBC). Sony first party has been doing a good job with clan support but I find it pretty doubtful the big 3rd parties are going to bother to build and maintain the extra infrastructure.

Besides, stuff like gamebattles kind of takes up that role for COD, with a little extra inconvenience, maybe that will pick up for MOH also. Don't recall if parties or anything like that are supported and to what extent in MOH.

I had to LOL @ this post.

Saying clan support is "too much effort for a fringe hardcore crowd" is just ridiculous. And what does GB have anything to do with a good clan support feature for games?

You are right in that most of these popular "mass market shooters" fail in giving gamers good clan support features.
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