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Media Create Sales 10/1 - 10/7 2007

PistolGrip said:
Rachet and Clank games do well in Japan as well.
R&C: 562.658
R&C:GC: 223.535
R&C:UYA: 274.188
R: D: 233.375

R&C:SM 84.655

People are expecting too much from the series. It'll struggle to make 150.000 is my guess.


sex vacation in Guam
Phife Dawg said:
Lair is so bad it's release actually keeps people from buying a PS3.

Joking aside, with the price cut coming October 17th I'd guess a lot of people will hold out buying a PS3 this week up until the reporting period ends.
Do price drops usually affect the sales on prior weeks? They do not seem to affect US sales


John Harker said:
When was the last RPG published by Nintendo that people actually bought?
And I'm not talking about "Mario Branded" titles.

Super Mario RPG?

Nintendo mascot fans just don't buy RPGs. Nintendo's current fanbase is vastly comprised of mascot/Nintendo-developed games. Nintendo published RPGs are neither developed by nor contain Nintendo mascots. Therefor, they do not sell.

I'm really glad they keep trying though; they just need to build a larger base of regular gamers and titles like ASH will start selling better. Hopefully FF and DQ will help tilt the balance, but again, those are just another breed of mascot fans in their own right, aint they.

The Golden Sun series... and Fire Emblem is selling decently.


sex vacation in Guam
Phife Dawg said:
R&C: 562.658
R&C:GC: 223.535
R&C:UYA: 274.188
R: D: 233.375

R&C:SM 84.655

People are expecting too much from the series. It'll struggle to make 150.000 is my guess.
150K is bad in Japan? :( with the price drop, holiday season and white 40G PS3 I am sure I can do very well especially since it seems to be best R&C game and PS3 doesnt have much else in japan.
PistolGrip said:
150K is bad in Japan? :( with the price drop, holiday season and white 40G PS3 I am sure I can do very well especially since it seems to be best R&C game and PS3 doesnt have much else in japan.
I think it depends on the title really. I'd say for R&C on PS3 this would be pretty good, it'll make most of it's sales in the west anyways. R&C sales were on a downward slope even on a much, much bigger install base. I don't think the title will perform very well.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
ethelred said:
The Golden Sun series... and Fire Emblem is selling decently.

Ahh, forgot about GS.
But one can argue those are Nintendo-developed, which which actually helps prove my point :)
schuelma said:
If Famitsu is correct, its going to be another dip for Wii hardware. With no releases the next 3 weeks..is it possible that Wii hardware comes close to or matches PS3 for that last week?

I think its possible.
Something would have to prevent PS3 from falling, too, though.
John Harker said:
When was the last RPG published by Nintendo that people actually bought?
And I'm not talking about "Mario Branded" titles.
If we can't count Mario/Mother/Pokémon, are there really enough to establish much of a pattern? Both Golden Suns sold several hundred thousand, but that was a long time ago. Baten Kaitos II did nothing, but then its non-Nintendo-published predecessor didn't set much of a precedent itself.

John Harker said:
But one can argue those are Nintendo-developed, which which actually helps prove my point :)
Heh. If being published by Nintendo makes it count as a Nintendo mascot game, I guess it is going to be difficult finding a Nintendo-published title that doesn't count. :)
I wonder if DBZ would do better on Wii if the Classic Controller came with the system. And wow at Halo being gone...back next week?


Cheesemeister said:
Unless I've forgotten how to read. o_O

財団法人日本漢字能力検定協会公認漢検DS2+常用漢字辞典 = Kanji Test 2
英検DS ~旺文社英検書シリーズ準拠~ = English Test DS
Yes, the list is changed! :p I'm pretty sure there was an "English Test 2" 28000 | NEW in the top 10 last week, but maybe I don't remember well ^^


ethelred said:
Remember back in the day when the DS was doing swimmingly in Japan against the PSP and Monorojo (the master of deceptive statistics and pro-Sony sales spin) kept trying to insert worldwide sales into every discussion in order to tilt things more in his favor? As I recall, every Nintendo fan shot him down every time -- "this is a Media Create thread, stop trying to take focus away from Japan!"

Ahhh, memories.
Those quotes were in response to spwolf crowing about FIFA.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
ethelred said:
Uh, not really. Camelot is not Nintendo.

They had a 2nd-party relationship with them though; and with a string of Mario-developed sports titles, GS-nintendo-exclusivity, it makes a difference

Heh. If being published by Nintendo makes it count as a Nintendo mascot game, I guess it is going to be difficult finding a Nintendo-published title that doesn't count. :)

Well, that's not what I meant. Mario Baseball wasn't developed by Nintendo, but its a Nintendo mascot game. Baten Kaitos was a Nintendo published RPG, but it doesn't have any development or Nintendo mascots. So thats the difference I meant.
Unless it has Nintendo mascots or developed by Nintendo (or their derivatives), Nintendo-published RPGs don't appear to perform well. Your right there isn't a lot of examples, but there are several more coming... I just hope they perform better, because I want them to keep up this recent trend.

That was also what I was saying though; its a new trend for Nintendo, they don't usually put out RPGs. They need to build a fanbase.
PistolGrip said:
PS3 does better 10k without games, what makes you think Lair would cause it to dip below that? Also Halo caused 360 sales to jump +4k, I doubt will be higher than 10k this week even with the elite and PGR4. The elite didnt cause any jump on US it actually lowered sales if I am not mistaken why would it cause a jump in Japan?
PS3 has been declining despite some releases comparable in size to Lair (Oblivion comes to mind), and its on the 11k barrier on Famitsu already. Then like Phife Dawg said, pricedrop is coming and new model was announced, both happening pretty soon. Latest weeks until PSP Slim came out made the old fat model to decline sharply. Yeah, I think PS3 missing 10k wouldn't be very surprising to be honest.

X360 is getting a totally new SKU, this isn't a bundle with a game (Trusty Bell style) or a huge game bumping hard (Halo style). I don't think PGR4 will do wonders, I doubt it can reach top10 to be honest. But X360 should see some old and new users buying the new model.

And well, just to complete, Wii doesn't have a single software release (PSP says: HIGH FIVE WII, wannabe friends!?) and it was at 21k by Famitsu. We should wait for MC numbers because it could be below 20k last week if the latest trend (5 consecutive weeks with MC having Wii lower than Famitsu) repeats. Anyway its on the barrier already plus another week without releases plus its declining trend can easily translate into 1-2k less.


John Harker said:
They had a 2nd-party relationship with them though; and with a string of Mario-developed sports titles, GS-nintendo-exclusivity, it makes a difference

Well, that's not what I meant. Mario Baseball wasn't developed by Nintendo, but its a Nintendo mascot game. Baten Kaitos was a Nintendo published RPG, but it doesn't have any development or Nintendo mascots. So thats the difference I meant.

No... again, Camelot is not Nintendo. Camelot has never been Nintendo. It's always been an independent company, as noted by the fact that their RPGs have all followed a pretty unified approach.

You're coming up with this really weird rule whereby you can say Nintendo hasn't published any successful RPGs in recent years while discounting successful Nintendo published RPGs because the developer has worked with Nintendo, and it's, er, logically tenuous.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
ethelred said:
No... again, Camelot is not Nintendo. Camelot has never been Nintendo. It's always been an independent company, as noted by the fact that their RPGs have all followed a pretty unified approach.

You're coming up with this really weird rule whereby you can say Nintendo hasn't published any successful RPGs in recent years while discounting successful Nintendo published RPGs because the developer has worked with Nintendo, and it's, er, logically tenuous.

It's no rule, but perception is the key here; the Zune is actually made by Toshiba, but you're so assoicated with it as a MS product, you'd be hard-pressed to find many people who didn't realize MS didn't actually make the hardware.

An example of what I mean by those Camelot games I mentioned.
John Harker said:
They had a 2nd-party relationship with them though; and with a string of Mario-developed sports titles, GS-nintendo-exclusivity, it makes a difference

No, it really doesn't. The casual Nintendo-mascot crowd doesn't pay attention to detailed developer information -- certainly not enough to make elaborate buying decisions like "Oh, well, this is developed by Camelot, but I remember that they made Mario Tennis! I'll buy this, but not this Baten Kaitos game..." They're either making decisions on the Nintendo name (in which case ASH and BK and GS all count) or on an intangible Nintendo "house style" (in which case none of them count.)

The DS actually has a pretty proven track record of delivering good sales on "real games" thus far, which is not a surprise given that it brought a new casual market (many of whom are going to experiment with new titles) together with the market for traditional games that already existed on the GBA. (I think the Wii is struggling in this area because it doesn't have a successful predecessor to inherit the market from.) RPG games, even hardcore-oriented ones, have done fine on the system -- I point here to Etrian Odyssey, which did well enough for Atlus both to earn a sequel and a spot as one of their "growth" franchises.

The problem with ASH is different. As far as I can tell, it stems from some problems specific to it. The marketing was abysmal; they didn't show the game at all for a year and a half, then didn't show footage until the week before it was released, which led people to think there was probably something wrong with the game. It was sold as "the new SRPG! From Mistwalker!" instead of pushing any of the pretty unique gameplay mechanics that might convince SRPG players it was worth their time. And they fucked up the interface enough that the first impressions were poor -- which meant that, in the absence of any hype due to the first two points, anyone who was on the fence just didn't bother picking it up.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
charlequin said:
No, it really doesn't. The casual Nintendo-mascot crowd doesn't pay attention to detailed developer information -- certainly not enough to make elaborate buying decisions like "Oh, well, this is developed by Camelot, but I remember that they made Mario Tennis! I'll buy this, but not this Baten Kaitos game..." They're either making decisions on the Nintendo name (in which case ASH and BK and GS all count) or on an intangible Nintendo "house style" (in which case none of them count.)

Well that only works if you believe that of the hundreds of thousands of people who purchase Nintendo-mascot games (millions of people, really) only consist of the 'casual crowd,' as you put it
John Harker said:
Well that only works if you believe that of the hundreds of thousands of people who purchase Nintendo-mascot games (millions of people, really) only consist of the 'casual crowd,' as you put it

You're positing the existence of a huge crowd of gamers that has full awareness of developer names and the business end of the industry, but still chooses to make their purchasing decisions based on criteria like "I'll only buy this if Nintendo developed it, or if not Nintendo, then someone who Nintendo has hired to make mascot sports titles?" That's ridiculous. (Off the top of my head, there's also an obvious counter-example in BK bombing despite Namco's recent development of Mario Superstar Baseball.) The part of the casual market which does respond to the Nintendo name or mascot brands is doing so without enough knowledge of the industry to tell BK and GS and FE apart; the "hardcore Nfan" types, if they're discriminating this way, aren't likely to draw a distinction between Camelot and Namco and Mistwalker because none of them are actually "Nintendo" teams.

ASH failed for a bunch of reasons. Nintendo sending it out to die (or allowing Mistwalker to do so) is a big-ass reason on that list, but "lol Nfans" is not.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
charlequin said:
You're positing the existence of a huge crowd of gamers that has full awareness of developer names and the business end of the industry, but still chooses to make their purchasing decisions based on criteria like "I'll only buy this if Nintendo developed it, or if not Nintendo, then someone who Nintendo has hired to make mascot sports titles?"

It doesn't matter who develops a Nintendo game that uses Nintendo mascots. That's partly of what I was saying - it contains Nintendo mascots, so that's a defining purchase criteria. What I was talking about above was in reference to Golden Sun specifically; I was attempting to make an argument it was a 2nd party developed game from Camelot, and thus perceived as a Nintendo-developed RPG. Which helps with the fanbase. Vs other Nintendo published RPGs, which dont. That's all.


But it wasn't.

See my brand-perception argument above.
It was a perception-play argument, I'm not saying definitively one way or the other that it was, technically speaking. I've always considered GS a Nintendo-developed RPG. I'm not alone in this.


John Harker said:
It doesn't matter who develops a Nintendo game that uses Nintendo mascots. That's partly of what I was saying - it contains Nintendo mascots, so that's a defining purchase criteria. What I was talking about above was in reference to Golden Sun specifically; I was attempting to make an argument it was a 2nd party developed game from Camelot, and thus perserved as a Nintendo-developed RPG. That's all.

But it wasn't.
John Harker said:
It doesn't matter who develops a Nintendo game that uses Nintendo mascots. That's partly of what I was saying - it contains Nintendo mascots, so that's a defining purchase criteria. What I was talking about above was in reference to Golden Sun specifically; I was attempting to make an argument it was a 2nd party developed game from Camelot, and thus perceived as a Nintendo-developed RPG. Which helps with the fanbase. Vs other Nintendo published RPGs, which dont. That's all.

But Camelot is not, has never been, and is unlikely to be, a part of Nintendo.
Vinnk said:
Welcome back Cheese!

Anything people want me to count this week? Not sure if it's even worth it.

Quick summary:

PSP slim: Neither sold out nor supply constrained
Wii: lots
DS: Lots and lots
PS3: Less than Wii but more than enough
Xbox 360: Small number available but more than meets demand

So, not a single console is supply constrained. When will come out Super Mario Galaxy in Japan ?


Hcoregamer00 said:
I was hoping for something different in this case, with the game selling well forever and becoming the highest selling PSP game in Japan (because we all know the USA release will likely get that record).

I have a hard time believing it comes anywhere near the sales of GTA LCS. Those ASH sales have to be majorly disappointing.
John Harker said:
What I was talking about above was in reference to Golden Sun specifically; I was attempting to make an argument it was a 2nd party developed game from Camelot, and thus perceived as a Nintendo-developed RPG.

Right, and you attempted badly, because all you have is a circular argument backing it up: "Camelot is perceived as part of Nintendo because they release games that are perceived as being Nintendo games! Camelot releases games that are perceived as Nintendo games, so they must be perceived as being part of Nintendo!"

Golden Sun says Camelot right on the box, and doesn't "look" like a Nintendo game in any particular way except for being published by Nintendo. The exact same thing is true of Baten Kaitos.

If your argument rests on the idea that there are a lot of badly informed people who know enough to distinguish developers from one another but are still under the inaccurate impression that Camelot were in any way beholden to or part of Nintendo, um, I guess I can't prove that there aren't, but... that doesn't really mean much. :lol

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
charlequin said:
If your argument rests on the idea that there are a lot of badly informed people who know enough to distinguish developers from one another but are still under the inaccurate impression that Camelot were in any way beholden to or part of Nintendo, um, I guess I can't prove that there aren't, but... that doesn't really mean much. :lol

badly informed people = http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camelot_Software_Planning

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
charlequin said:
Which... tells me that Camelot was never part of Nintendo, like I said?

Let's get back to where this started. Are you still trying to claim that ASH failed because it wasn't OG Nintendo enough, not for any of the dramatically more likely reasons I carefully spelled out above?

You want to go back to where it started, read my first post. I didn't claim anything overtly specific about ASH's failure; I was speaking about the userbase of Nintendo platforms more than I was the individual failure/success of particular products.

And I posted that link because it says:
Camelot Software Planning is a Japanese video game developer established in 1990 best known for partnering with Nintendo on many of Nintendo's spin-off franchise games such as Mario Tennis and Mario Golf, besides the famous GBA RPG series Golden Sun.
Camelot wrapped up Shining Force III and formed a partnership with Nintendo.

And we all know how much stock people put into the wikipedia 'bible' :lol


John Harker said:
You want to go back to where it started, read my first post. I didn't claim anything overtly specific about ASH's failure; I was speaking about the userbase of Nintendo platforms more than I was the individual failure/success of particular products.

And I posted that link because it says:

And we all know how much stock people put into the wikipedia 'bible' :lol

Maybe I'm not getting your point, but are you trying to claim that Nintendo fans don't buy RPGs unless they have Nintendo characters in them? Really?! What could you possibly be basing that on. Yeah, most of the RPGs on Nintendo consoles don't sell as well as things like Paper Mario, but how many RPGs on Sony's platforms sell like Final Fantasy titles? How many really awesome RPGs come out on Nintendo consoles?

The Mario series of titles has to be my favorite, followed closely by Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. Anecdotal, but I don't see much to back up your points either.

Jokeropia said:
750k as of August 31. 1 million is a definite possibility.

Awesome! I'll be picking up my copy over the holidays, as soon as finals are over.
mepaco said:
Maybe I'm not getting your point, but are you trying to claim that Nintendo fans don't buy RPGs unless they have Nintendo characters in them? Really?!

No, he's saying that Nintendo fans don't buy Nintendo-published RPGs. Unless they have Nintendo mascots in them. OR they're developed by Nintendo. OR they're developed by someone who they think kinda sorta counts as Nintendo, like Camelot. But definitely not by anyone else like Namco or Mistwalker.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Wii down

PS3 down

Wii is gonna get real low these next few weeks folks.
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