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Media Create Sales 10/1 - 10/7 2007

Jcgamer60 said:
Ouch, Wii continuing to drop... (NOT GOOD), PS3 continuing to flatline, who knows what the future will bring ;)

I know people wonder who will win next gen. But it looks like they will end up ALL being losers...in Japan


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
ivysaur12 said:
Does the Wii have any big software coming out soon? If not, it'll probably stay around this number until SMG.

Nothing until 10/25.

Like literally nothing
Twilight Princess said:
hrm, what's with low sales of the wii? last time i went into one of these mc threads the wiis were selling like hot cakes in japan.

Don't worry, the Wii will pick up now that Nintendo had a conference. After all, look what LittleBigPlanet and MGS4 footage did for the PS3.


Twilight Princess said:
hrm, what's with low sales of the wii? last time i went into one of these mc threads the wiis were selling like hot cakes in japan.

So you haven't visited a MC topic in over a month you're saying?


ivysaur12 said:
Does the Wii have any big software coming out soon? If not, it'll probably stay around this number until SMG.

I think Wii will continue to drop until SMG comes out, then we'll probably see a large rise week-on-week finally peaking at the end of december/beginning of january. Then obviously a drop, but how much of a drop remains to be seen (i dont think it will baseline at ~20k for a long long time after that, Wiifit will make sure of that)..


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Xavien said:
I think Wii will continue to drop until SMG comes out, then we'll probably see a large rise week-on-week finally peaking at the end of december/beginning of january. Then obviously a drop, but how much of a drop remains to be seen (i dont think it will baseline at ~20k for a long long time after that)..

I think it will pick up a bit for the 10/25 week. Some actual software being released.


perfectchaos007 said:
I know people wonder who will win next gen. But it looks like they will end up ALL being losers...in Japan

We need to wait for the triple A titles to be released first. Monster Hunter wii, galaxy, ff13 ps3. What other titles am i missing?
Is it or is it not weird that Nintendo seems as though they couldn't care less about Wii falling off the map in Japan?

I thought for sure we'd hear about new colors or a bundled game or something they way sales have fallen the past couple months but... well... they just don't seem to care.


Xavien said:
I think Wii will continue to drop until SMG comes out, then we'll probably see a large rise week-on-week finally peaking at the end of december/beginning of january. Then obviously a drop, but how much of a drop remains to be seen (i dont think it will baseline at ~20k for a long long time after that, Wiifit will make sure of that)..

Ummm... Brawl comes out around January 23rd or so in Japan.
Jcgamer60 said:
We need to wait for the triple A titles to be released first. Monster Hunter wii, galaxy, ff13 ps3. What other titles am i missing?
SSBB, Mario Kart Wii, MGS4 etc.

Saint Gregory said:
Is it or is it not weird that Nintendo seems as though they couldn't care less about Wii falling off the map in Japan?

I thought for sure we'd hear about new colors or a bundled game or something they way sales have fallen the past couple months but... well... they just don't seem to care.
I think they are probably relieved that they will have some extra Wiis for the Holiday. After SMG, they won't be able to meet supply until at least the end of march. They won't announce new colors for a while now, maybe next slow down period?
Jcgamer60 said:
Ouch, Wii continuing to drop... (NOT GOOD), PS3 continuing to flatline, who knows what the future will bring ;)
I still have to ask, the drop isn't something that would be considered great to Nintendo, but the drop happened at about 3.6 million units in. Nearly the entirety of the GCN userbase in under a year.

The same cannot be said about the PS3 or 360 in Japan. Overall, console gaming is taking a huge backseat in Japan this generation to handheld gaming, but the Wii is still the undeclared victor of Japan. At Sony's current pace it will take them til the PS4 before they would even be caught up to what the Wii is at now. The Wii is seeing a huge lack of interest, but if it's only a month or so of limited interest, that's still a much better situation then the PS3 is in there.

Which is sustained disinterest since launch.

Handhelds overall win, but it's obvious one console is going to make a show of it.


Saint Gregory said:
Is it or is it not weird that Nintendo seems as though they couldn't care less about Wii falling off the map in Japan?

I thought for sure we'd hear about new colors or a bundled game or something they way sales have fallen the past couple months but... well... they just don't seem to care.

Why would they care? They're not in trouble. Galaxy, WiiFit, Brawl... they're good.


people are waiting till christmas to buy a wii.. we are getting close to the holidays so they might want one but they'll wait. thats what I BELIEVE. christmas sales will prove this, quote me.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Are they counting all the PSPs together instead of splitting up the PSP slim and PSPs like they do with the DS and DSL?

I'm really not happy with the DS's new 70k to 80k selling rate. It's been above 100k for so long, this just seems wrong.

Hopefully the PSP will bottom out higher than 50k so all can see the superiority of handhelds over the stationary consoles.
Wii comparisons: At 45 weeks, Wii is where GCN was at 172.9 weeks (January 1, 2005), where GBA was at 38.2 weeks (December 10, 2001), where DS was at 50.9 weeks (November 19, 2005), where PS2 was at 55.9 weeks (March 24, 2001), and where PSP was at 83.0 weeks (July 8, 2006).

PS3 comparisons: At 48 weeks, PS3 is where PS2 was at 5.4 weeks (April 4, 2000), where PSP was at 18.4 weeks (April 12, 2005), where GCN was at 22.6 weeks (February 14, 2002), and where Wii was at 6.7 weeks (January 11, 2007).

DS vs PSP: Weekly shares of 50.2 / 49.8, the closest they've ever been. This brings the total shares to 75.1 / 24.9. At this week's rates, PSP catches up to DS in -20,473.2 weeks (May 13, 1615). If DS stopped selling and PSP continued at this week's rate, it would catch up in 150.8 weeks (August 28, 2010).

PS3 vs Wii: Weekly shares of 65.7 / 34.3, bringing the total to 24.5 / 75.5. If Wii stopped selling and PS3 continued at this week's rate, it would catch up in 226.8 weeks (February 11, 2012).

PSP vs Wii: At this week's rates, Wii doesn't catch up to PSP.

PS2 vs DS: At this week's rates DS catches up to PS2 in 15.3 weeks (January 22, 2008) at ~20.9 million apiece.


I really like this week's pie. With DSL and PSP nearly matching, and Wii nearly matching PS2+PS3, it's got a nice symmetry to it.

perfectchaos007 said:
Why do you say that? No post conference hype?
Conferences don't sell systems. Anyone remember March Madness? :)
Saint Gregory said:
Is it or is it not weird that Nintendo seems as though they couldn't care less about Wii falling off the map in Japan?

I thought for sure we'd hear about new colors or a bundled game or something they way sales have fallen the past couple months but... well... they just don't seem to care.
Other than a price drop, there's really not much they could do (like new colors) which would come quicker than Super Mario Galaxy already is.


Saint Gregory said:
Is it or is it not weird that Nintendo seems as though they couldn't care less about Wii falling off the map in Japan?

I thought for sure we'd hear about new colors or a bundled game or something they way sales have fallen the past couple months but... well... they just don't seem to care.

I think NA is probably their biggest priority atm since NA likes Nintendo the most out of the three territories.
GreenGlowingGoo said:
Are they counting all the PSPs together instead of splitting up the PSP slim and PSPs like they do with the DS and DSL?

I'm really not happy with the DS's new 70k to 80k selling rate. It's been above 100k for so long, this just seems wrong.

Hopefully the PSP will bottom out higher than 50k so all can see the superiority of handhelds over the stationary consoles.
Does it really need to be said?:D

Handheld gaming is the future of gaming because the likelyhood of multiple owners in households is so much higher then consoles. Gaming in Japan has already went that way. The rest of the world will follow suit in a few generations. Consoles will fade away, and handhelds reign supreme.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
JoshuaJSlone said:
This brings the total shares to 75.1 / 24.9. At this week's rates, PSP catches up to DS in -20,473.2 weeks (May 13, 1615).

This really amuses me.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
To me, its very simple- The insane demand for Wii Sports is now completely over (hence a drop in sales even after new releases this week). Nintendo and 3rd parties should hope that Galaxy ignites some good old traditional gaming sales. And hopefully for Nintendo Wii Fit becomes the next Wii Sports for the casuals.


Jcgamer60 said:
We need to wait for the triple A titles to be released first. Monster Hunter wii, galaxy, ff13 ps3. What other titles am i missing?

Monster Hunter Wii will be a triple A title? What?


Gaborn said:
Ummm... Brawl comes out around January 23rd or so in Japan.

That it does, but stockpiling Wii's can only go so far, theres gonna be a drop when supply constaints hit.

JoshuaJSlone said:
DS vs PSP: Weekly shares of 50.2 / 49.8, the closest they've ever been. This brings the total shares to 75.1 / 24.9. At this week's rates, PSP catches up to DS in -20,473.2 weeks (May 13, 1615). If DS stopped selling and PSP continued at this week's rate, it would catch up in 150.8 weeks (August 28, 2010).

Time Travel!


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I know people wonder who will win next gen. But it looks like they will end up ALL being losers...in Japan

Based on what, four weeks of numbers? The Wii Be the market leader and the profit leader in Japan. To think otherwise is not using logical thinking.


Just curious.

Can PS2 win the PS3/360/Wii generation?

Cause even with such high saturation its still selling pretty good. Its software sale own every other console too. I don't remember PS1 being even close to this strong at this period.
Fina1e said:
Monster Hunter Wii will be a triple A title? What?
It's a AAA title on the PSP.

It very well could be on the Wii. If this has a good sized budget, and has been given enough time what would stop it from being so?


when is my burrito
Sage00 said:
Does PS3 have anything before 10/25?

Could there be an interesting week hidden in here? :lol

I think the price drop on existing SKUs is effective immediately.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Fina1e said:
Monster Hunter Wii will be a triple A title? What?

If you mean triple A in terms of sales:

I also wonder how high it will sell. The PS2 MHs don't do nearly as well as the PSP versions. It really seems much more suited for portable gaming. It's strange since some missions take upwards of a half an hour. But I really don't think I'd like it as much on a console.

I think it's the same way with Animal Crossing. It has a console following but it's really exploded on the DS. So I don't expect AC wii to be an ultra seller.
(The two games are actually pretty similar)

If you meant triple A in terms of quality:

FUCK YOU! It is a triple A series dammit!


It's strange how the Wii sales just kinda died. Now that I'm here in Japan and get to talk to people as well as visit shops, I find that the big issue is just lack of compelling software, but also the lack of games to look forward to. Wii Sports has pretty much run its course and there isn't anything available to fill that gap. Not only that, but not enough games for the core gamer. Funny that looking at the Japanese Wii software section compared to the Wii software sections in the states the difference is like night and day. There just isn't much compelling Wii software. A co-worker has a Wii, but says he hasn't played it in months because there haven't been any games he wants. Most of his game playing is on the PS3 at the moment which he is currently playing Folks Soul.

On other thing I'd like to add is the comments from some of my students (who are Japanese) is that many are unsure what kind of console the Wii is supposed to be. I still haven't figured out what that means since my Japanese isn't good enough, but perhaps someone can understand it better than I.

I understand that Nintendo wants to go after the casual market, but they do need the "core" gamers to survive as well. There should be some happy balance and there just isn't at the moment. Perhaps the announcement of Monster Hunter 3 will spur some interest, but I think there need to be more games announced than that. Specifically, more RPGs and less ports and rehashes. The article posted in another thread about Japanese developers wary of the Wii really strikes home when you look at the current software lineup. I think Nintendo needs to do something, but not really sure what.
Wow, the Wii is definitely on a downturn. I know there's the whole Wii "bubble burst" meme, but it really does look like that sort of happened. However, I don't think that's the end of the Wii. I think it's just leading by "normal" numbers now. It is, in fact, just a console.

DS takes over its rightful lead again. All's fine there.

PSP is still doing remarkably strong, though it's been sinking for the past few weeks, and I imagine it will continue to do so. Where it stops, though, will be more interesting.

Yeah, console gaming in Japan... very surreal.


schuelma said:
To me, its very simple- The insane demand for Wii Sports is now completely over (hence a drop in sales even after new releases this week). Nintendo and 3rd parties should hope that Galaxy ignites some good old traditional gaming sales. And hopefully for Nintendo Wii Fit becomes the next Wii Sports for the casuals.

At this point, based on the data we have who else should Nintendo feel threatened by? as "bad" as Nintendo's sales have been the last several weeks it's not like Sony took advantage with the PS3 (PSP of course benefitted with the slim and FF:CC), there is no other console that is in an obvious position to threaten the Wii right now based on the last year.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
EDarkness said:
It's strange how the Wii sales just kinda died. Now that I'm here in Japan and get to talk to people as well as visit shops, I find that the big issue is just lack of compelling software, but also the lack of games to look forward to. Wii Sports has pretty much run its course and there isn't anything available to fill that gap. Not only that, but not enough games for the core gamer. Funny that looking at the Japanese Wii software section compared to the Wii software sections in the states the difference is like night and day. There just isn't much compelling Wii software. A co-worker has a Wii, but says he hasn't played it in months because there haven't been any games he wants. Most of his game playing is on the PS3 at the moment which he is currently playing Folks Soul.

I understand that Nintendo wants to go after the casual market, but they do need the "core" gamers to survive as well. There should be some happy balance and there just isn't at the moment. Perhaps the announcement of Monster Hunter 3 will spur some interest, but I think there need to be more games announced that that. Specifically, more RPGs and less ports and rehashes. The article posted in another thread about Japanese developers wary of the Wii really strikes home when you look at the current software lineup. I think Nintendo needs to do something, but not really sure what.

Good post, and they definitely need more.

I would hope that Galaxy, Brawl, and Mario Kart would be enough to get the ball rolling, but yeah, they do need more "real" games.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Gaborn said:
At this point, based on the data we have who else should Nintendo feel threatened by? as "bad" as Nintendo's sales have been the last several weeks it's not like Sony took advantage with the PS3 (PSP of course benefitted with the slim and FF:CC), there is no other console that is in an obvious position to threaten the Wii right now based on the last year.

That's a valid point, but Nintendo can't expect PS3 to sell 10K a week forever. Wii has to prove to be a viable 3rd party platform in Japan. So far, I'd say it largely has not been that platform.
ccbfan said:
Just curious.

Can PS2 win the PS3/360/Wii generation?

Cause even with such high saturation its still selling pretty good. Its software sale own every other console too. I don't remember PS1 being even close to this strong at this period.
PS2 is certainly stronger longer than PS1 was. However, as I brought up in another thread today, Wii's share of software has been besting PS2's share more with time. I'll make a guess that from Super Mario Galaxy on, total Wii software will be ahead of PS2's more often than it won't, with lapses to PS2 in the lead coming less and less frequently.


schuelma said:
That's a valid point, but Nintendo can't expect PS3 to sell 10K a week forever. Wii has to prove to be a viable 3rd party platform in Japan. So far, I'd say it largely has not been that platform.

I don't think Nintendo expects to sell 20k a week either. I think this is a natural lull period before the holidays. After all, it's not like ONLY the Wii has been slipping. It seemed like one week everything was going normally (Wii between 50 and 70k, DS around 100k+, PSP around 30k, PS3 around 20k, etc) and then EVERYTHING started dropping all together. I agree though that Nintendo needs to strengthen their 3rd party support to continue to remain the market leader over the long haul. Personally I think they have a great chance to do so, but we'll have to see.
schuelma said:
That's a valid point, but Nintendo can't expect PS3 to sell 10K a week forever. Wii has to prove to be a viable 3rd party platform in Japan. So far, I'd say it largely has not been that platform.

I'd say the PS3 hasn't been that platform either, so for the moment there's no good place for third parties to go, unless they just rely on userbase. Which the Wii still leads in.
EDarkness said:
It's strange how the Wii sales just kinda died. Now that I'm here in Japan and get to talk to people as well as visit shops, I find that the big issue is just lack of compelling software, but also the lack of games to look forward to. Wii Sports has pretty much run its course and there isn't anything available to fill that gap. Not only that, but not enough games for the core gamer. Funny that looking at the Japanese Wii software section compared to the Wii software sections in the states the difference is like night and day. There just isn't much compelling Wii software. A co-worker has a Wii, but says he hasn't played it in months because there haven't been any games he wants. Most of his game playing is on the PS3 at the moment which he is currently playing Folks Soul.

On other thing I'd like to add is the comments from some of my students (who are Japanese) is that many are unsure what kind of console the Wii is supposed to be. I still haven't figured out what that means since my Japanese isn't good enough, but perhaps someone can understand it better than I.

I understand that Nintendo wants to go after the casual market, but they do need the "core" gamers to survive as well. There should be some happy balance and there just isn't at the moment. Perhaps the announcement of Monster Hunter 3 will spur some interest, but I think there need to be more games announced than that. Specifically, more RPGs and less ports and rehashes. The article posted in another thread about Japanese developers wary of the Wii really strikes home when you look at the current software lineup. I think Nintendo needs to do something, but not really sure what.

That's the concern I was expressing earlier. It's not that Nintendo or the Wii is in any trouble ( :lol ) it's more that they seem to be losing momentum, at least in Japan. I would think at this point they wouldn't just be happy beating PS3, I would hope that they want their system and it's software to set Japan on fire. Saying "Wait for SMG or WiiFit" is like like saying "Wait for FFXIII". What will it matter if those games don't sustain sales like Wii Sports did?
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