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Media Create Sales 11/5 - 11/11 2007


spwolf said:
It doesnt really matter - 105k for RE didnt lift Wii sales whatsoever.

Will Sports game change the tide? What were the reviews for Mario & Sonic sports game?

I mean, first week of RE, 3rd week of SMG just managed to keep Wii at 35k in mid November. Thats just bad.

RC at 20k in 8 days is good or bad? HS 16k all right for Japan first week?
Do we know how much did old RC's did in Japan before? I doubt it was much more.

Up Your Arsenal did 66k in it's first week in Japan, Nov 2004.
Ratchet: Deadlocked did 85k in it's first week in Japan, Nov 2005
Could someone explain to me how Wii hardware sales are bad?
I mean, yes, it's selling lower than it was, but 36K a week isn't what I'd call bad.
Seems like some of you are spoiled by the DSL and PSP at this point.
creamsugar said:
PS3 53000
Wii 36000

Segata had his puppy taken away, so sombody ought to come on in here and play the part: THE TIDE IS TURNING, cobracommander.gif, etc. etc.

6.SMG 43000(378000)
10.FFTA2 14000(249000)

These numbers are not so awesome. :/

Stumpokapow said:
Biohazard Umbrella Chronicles (Wii): 105,000

Pretty decent numbers. This isn't a raging fire of repudiation for SMG's poor performance or anything, but it's going to match Capcom's expectation and possibly more. I foresee a fairly positive Capcom-Wii relationship in the future -- though whether we'll get the RE4-engine full-but-unnumbered RE game that people really want is a good question....

farnham said:
1. PS3 is still not in any position to trump the Wii anytime soon.. even with the hardware launch


2. same applies to PSP

Oh, I don't know. If it keeps selling 60k a week, maybe the PSP is in a position to take on the Wii. :lol

Stumpokapow said:
Shortages aren't a huge problem as long as the restock is forthcoming QUICKLY. If it's mid-December before there's a restock, the used supply will fuck the game so hard it's not even funny... and it won't be the first Wii victim of bad supply management.

What is Nintendo's problem with this, anyway? It's one thing when DS cartridges (already hard to manufacture for a variety of reasons) hit shortage during the completely unprecedented sales explosion of the DS, but REUC being unable to press enough DVDs now? Is this a problem with Capcom's expectations or does Nintendo not have enough DVD factories?

spwolf said:
Do we know how much did old RC's did in Japan before? I doubt it was much more.

R&C1 debuted at 50k and climbed to 550k lifetime.


AceBandage said:
Could someone explain to me how Wii hardware sales are bad?
I mean, yes, it's selling lower than it was, but 36K a week isn't what I'd call bad.
Seems like some of you are spoiled by the DSL and PSP at this point.
It's being outsold by the PS3. Yes, PS3 sales are crazy high right now, but that doesn't eliminate the stigma of the statement.
Date of Lies said:
how often is the database updated?
For the new hardware (and now Famitsu software) data I usually put it in the Thursday we get it. For the older PS2/GCN/GBA/Xbox Famitsu software I'm going through now... whenever I get a chunk done. I mention here when I've added more; I'll probably have them caught up to the present sometime next month.

f@luS said:
Is this true? 2nd very good week for the ps3?
Well, an average of 7-8K is certainly a big improvement over most PS3 weeks, but also down a lot from the first day of 40 GB availability. I doubt it was that constant, though; to pull one possibility out of my nose, the first day of the week could be 11K, the last day 5K.
Stumpokapow said:
The worst part about it is that SQL is case-sensitive for pretty much any variable, column, or table name. Only SQL syntactic fluff is case-insensitive. Otherwise I'd just recommend you trim(strtolower($query))--but you can't because the case sensitivity is an issue.
Yeah, I had the same thought. I did remember to put in trim(), though, once I noticed a couple near-duplicates with an extra space at the beginning appearing.
donny2112 said:
You need more data
and so do I
. :p
PS2 generation stuff should be easy... but any PS1/N64/DC and earlier data I've found on the web is pretty spotty. There are at least Top 100s for a few years to be found which could give at least a yearly view of things, but that would still be very lacking.
spwolf said:
I mean, first week of RE, 3rd week of SMG just managed to keep Wii at 35k in mid November. Thats just bad.
Lack of SMG bump is a bummer, but mid-November doesn't mean much. It's late November when things pick up. Here's approximately the November period for PS2's first four years.


Moor-Angol said:
Wii sold less than PS3 again
SMG dropped again
only 4 Wii titles in top10
Mario Party DS dropped by 50% from last week
PSP was just 20k below DS without any title in top10

Nintendo is doomed, third party in 2008, sell all your consoles. Sony is back.

I know he's being sarcastic but when was the last time the Wii had 4 titles in the top 10? That's sure impressive. Anyone, I predict the Ps3 to go down to sub 30k in the week we're in now.


when is my burrito
Culex said:
Up Your Arsenal did 66k in it's first week in Japan, Nov 2004.
Ratchet: Deadlocked did 85k in it's first week in Japan, Nov 2005

True but the userbase is quite a bit different.


Sharp said:
Ratchet & Clank and Heavenly sword are both kind of bomba, but they had low shipments so they were expected bombas.
What dictates a bomb? i don't think anyone, even Sony, expected HS to do anything and that was why Japan waited months after US/EU got the game.

I think a bomb is a game that does well below expectations. That would be Ratchet since it should've done better but Heavenly Sword was going to bomb in Japan no matter what and everyone knew it.


Lightning said:
What dictates a bomb? i don't think anyone, even Sony, expected HS to do anything and that was why Japan waited months after US/EU got the game.

I think a bomb is a game that does well below expectations. That would be Ratchet since it should've done better but Heavenly Sword was going to bomb in Japan no matter what and everyone knew it.
Well, as I said, there were low shipments, so I suppose you could argue that HS was not a bomba, but considering the amount of money put into it and the quality of the game it feels kind of like a bomba. If it were a budget Bandai shovelware tie-in game or something I would totally agree.


Culex said:
Up Your Arsenal did 66k in it's first week in Japan, Nov 2004.
Ratchet: Deadlocked did 85k in it's first week in Japan, Nov 2005

So RC:F did pretty good? I mean it had between 20 and 30x less installed base.


spwolf said:
So RC:F did pretty good? I mean it had between 20 and 30x less installed base.
Well, Size Matters did nearly 40k in its first week. Well, first week on the charts which was like 2-3 days.
So I don't think it did all that great.


spwolf said:
So RC:F did pretty good? I mean it had between 20 and 30x less installed base.

By that logic, Musou 5 should have only sold 40k, given the difference in userbase.

Sorry, it bombed.
Wow at ps3 still holding steady. The true test, of course, is if they can sustain these numbers through the rest of this year and beyond. If they can, Sony is back in business.

With Wii Fit coming out on 12/1, I'm very curious to see its impact on Wii sales. Will this game bump Wii sales back to its days when it was consistently selling around 70k units a week? And hopefully, Galaxy will have legs in Japan. A masterpiece like this doesn't come around very often, and it would be disappointing to see it not selling the numbers that it should be. Oh well, at least in North America, it will be a multi million seller, so that's encouraging.

Media Create is getting much more interesting again these days, that's for sure.
Frillen said:
I know he's being sarcastic but when was the last time the Wii had 4 titles in the top 10? That's sure impressive.
I believe I set this query up properly to show Wii's best weeks as far as games in Famitsu's top ten.

By Famitsu's reckoning there are four previous weeks where Wii had four games in the top 10.
2006-11-27 (Launch)
2007-02-19 (Fire Emblem, Naruto)
2007-04-30 (Super Paper Mario, Big Brain Academy)
2007-07-16 (Dragon Quest Swords, Power Pro Baseball)


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Holy moly, the PS3 is selling very well because of Musou 5 along with price drop, but to see it sustain those numbers is pretty impressive.


Hcoregamer00 said:
Holy moly, the PS3 is selling very well because of Musou 5 along with price drop, but to see it sustain those numbers is pretty impressive.

It shouldnt really have issues sustaining it and even getting it up over holidays as Winning 11 and GT5 are also released within 3 weeks, as well as other smaller and non-japanese games that wont be huge but sure will add their own mark to the final tally.


Hcoregamer00 said:
Holy moly, the PS3 is selling very well because of Musou 5 along with price drop, but to see it sustain those numbers is pretty impressive.
Well, last week was only 1 day of the new color/new SKU/Musou.
I think these numbers will stay fairly constant for at least 2-3 more weeks, and then there're more things coming out that could sustain it (or push it even further) for a longer time.


Winning Eleven will be interesting. I have no doubts that the PS3 version would outsell the 360 version, but unlike Musou 5, it has the PS2 to compete against, and considering the user base of the PS2, it could go either way for the PS3 version.


klee123 said:
Winning Eleven will be interesting. I have no doubts that the PS3 version would outsell the 360 version, but unlike Musou 5, it has the PS2 to compete against, and considering the user base of the PS2, it could go either way for the PS3 version.
Yeah, well, PS2 owners haven't exactly been setting the charts alight in Japan either lately. In fact they have been very disappointing indeed.

The PS2 version will still outsell the PS3 version but it depends if PES08 can hold the 53k sale number for the PS3. I'm hoping that it can. :lol

And still get more sales from DW6 because 250,000 is not enough for this kind of game.
creamsugar said:

DSL 81000
PSP 66000
PS2 8800
PS3 53000
Wii 36000
360 5700

1.Mario Party DS 115000(357000)
2.REUC 105000
3.Musou5PS3 73000(250000)
4.Game Center CX 46000
5.Famista DS 45000
6.SMG 43000(378000)
7.Heavenly Sword 16000
8.Wii Sports 15000(2106000)
9.Wii Play 15000(1662000)
10.FFTA2 14000(249000)

WTF is happening with PS3 and PSP ? Why so high ?


Lightning said:
Yeah, well, PS2 owners haven't exactly been setting the charts alight in Japan either lately. In fact they have been very disappointing indeed.

The PS2 version will still outsell the PS3 version but it depends if PES08 can hold the 53k sale number for the PS3. I'm hoping that it can. :lol

And still get more sales from DW6 because 250,000 is not enough for this kind of game.

Well, sure the console sales haven't been doing fantastic, but PS2 games still sell quite well. I somehow doubt the casuals would simply get a new PS3 to play the latest Winning eleven game when they can get the PS2 version, but the release of the game would still help the PS3 regardless.


spwolf said:
It shouldnt really have issues sustaining it and even getting it up over holidays as Winning 11 and GT5 are also released within 3 weeks, as well as other smaller and non-japanese games that wont be huge but sure will add their own mark to the final tally.

When is Winning 11 coming out?


anyway sony's aim right now probably isnt to outsell the wii, that fight is over. their aim is to make the ps3 relevant so the japanese publishers will think of it when deciding which platform to put their games on. as long as their close to the wii they should be happy. btw they need to bring that white ps3 to europe and NA this december. it could them a huge boost though.


mabuza said:
anyway sony's aim right now probably isnt to outsell the wii, that fight is over. their aim is to make the ps3 relevant so the japanese publishers will think of it when deciding which platform to put their games on. as long as their close to the wii they should be happy. btw they need to bring that white ps3 to europe and NA this december. it could them a huge boost though.

I agree
Sirolf said:
:lol :lol :lol
Do you really think Sony is a cheap brand in Japan ?

Dude, it was a serious question. I ask always what I don't understand and you should do the same thing: PSP is selling very well since PSP Slim, but games are selling like shit. Why ? Is it REALLY possible that piratage is the only explication ? What the heck are people doing with a PSP without games ?

Jonnyram said:
In before "REUC 105000, disappointing. Heavenly Sword 16000, amazing!"

Pretty slow start for the 40GB PS3 really:
36000 on launch day, then 53000 in a week. 89000 in eight days...

(hope I'm not mixing up M.Create and Enterbrain here)

Edit: PS3 situation is clarified here.

And another thing: Umbrella Chronicles sold 105k and Wii is not up in any singificant way ? This is even more weird.
spwolf said:
So RC:F did pretty good? I mean it had between 20 and 30x less installed base.

Let's have a brief lesson about good vs. bad analysis, shall we?

bad analysis said:
Ratchet and Clank Future did pretty well, after all it had about 1/30 the userbase.


good analysis said:
Ratchet and Clank Future did pretty poorly because it had about 1/30 the userbase.

This will be on the test!


creamsugar said:

DSL 81000
PSP 66000

PS2 8800
PS3 53000
Wii 36000
360 5700
Awesome numbers. Go, ye handhelds, stomp the inferior home consoles into oblivion. :D I'm especially happy to see PSP hanging in there ever since the Slim. It may not be better than DS (in sales or quality), but it is my pick for second best of this gen and I'm happy to see it's finally making a name for itself in Japan. (Well, at least hardware-wise. Still needs those software sales...)
Maybe there'll come a time soon enough when we can see each of the portables individually outselling all the home consoles combined. That would be my dream come true--I can't overstate how much I want the combined home/portable console future to come around sooner than later.


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Dude, it was a serious question. I ask always what I don't understand and you should do the same thing: PSP is selling very well since PSP Slim, but games are selling like shit. Why ? Is it REALLY possible that piratage is the only explication ? What the heck are people doing with a PSP without games ?
Or is it possible that those buying PSP slims already own the Phat PSP's and want to upgrade them and therefore already have the software they want.

I really don't think that all these PSP numbers are new owners, it doesn't add up. Many will be upgrading.
Mithos Yggdrasill said:
And another thing: Umbrella Chronicles sold 105k and Wii is not up in any singificant way ? This is even more weird.
well, what did RE4 do on it's first week on the Wii? i can't remember, but i think you could argue that the Resident Evil fanbase already bought their Wii's for RE4.


when is my burrito
Lightning said:
Yeah, well, PS2 owners haven't exactly been setting the charts alight in Japan either lately. In fact they have been very disappointing indeed.

Seems like the PS2 HW buyers (whether for replacement or a new purchase) are finally making that jump to the PS3 instead.


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Dude, it was a serious question. I ask always what I don't understand and you should do the same thing: PSP is selling very well since PSP Slim, but games are selling like shit. Why ? Is it REALLY possible that piratage is the only explication ? What the heck are people doing with a PSP without games ?

Is pirating not an explication?
Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Dude, it was a serious question. I ask always what I don't understand and you should do the same thing: PSP is selling very well since PSP Slim, but games are selling like shit. Why ? Is it REALLY possible that piratage is the only explication ? What the heck are people doing with a PSP without games ?
Browsing the Internet, playing PS3 games, watching videos, running homebrew, replacing their Phat.
charlequin good analysis said:
Ratchet and Clank Future did pretty poorly because it had about 1/30 the userbase.
There's also that the 20-30x is overblown. PS2 certainly wasn't at 26-39 million when any R&C games came out.


plagiarize said:
well, what did RE4 do on it's first week on the Wii? i can't remember, but i think you could argue that the Resident Evil fanbase already bought their Wii's for RE4.

I don't think the Resident evil fanbase is that small.


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Dude, it was a serious question. I ask always what I don't understand and you should do the same thing: PSP is selling very well since PSP Slim, but games are selling like shit. Why ? Is it REALLY possible that piratage is the only explication ? What the heck are people doing with a PSP without games ?

Ok then i stand corrected.

Jonnyram said:
Edit: PS3 situation is clarified here.

And evidently Jonnyram will negatively spin this week because his beloved Nintendo is not at the top.


charlequin said:
Let's have a brief lesson about good vs. bad analysis, shall we?


This will be on the test!

This is a case of is the glass half full or half empty ;) It would be cool if the PS3 Ratchet game was called Size Matters instead. It would have fit this situation (userbase related) better ;)


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Dude, it was a serious question. I ask always what I don't understand and you should do the same thing: PSP is selling very well since PSP Slim, but games are selling like shit. Why ? Is it REALLY possible that piratage is the only explication ? What the heck are people doing with a PSP without games ?

Edit: PS3 situation is clarified here.

And another thing: Umbrella Chronicles sold 105k and Wii is not up in any singificant way ? This is even more weird.

Why is it weird ? Can't existing wii owners buy new games ?

You know what's weird ? That there are people who expect every new game to lift console sales, people who think every console sale movement are related to new software releases.


Even with the declining in popularity of biohazard in japan ,400,000+ is a guarantee for biohazard main game sales. If the RE fanbase really bought Wii for UC, I would expect at least 200,000 in its first week. This is how gun survivor (gun pointer or whatever) series should sell on the most popular console.

And I believe at least one of the PS2 Ratchets was a million seller in Japan

Only Crash Bandicoot was the non-japanese game that cracked a million. I believe PS2 Ratchet & Clank sold around 400k and that's because of the bundle thing.


non-sanctioned troll
Now, I'm not in the party that just knows the PS3 is going to turn it around and start selling good every week. However, does anyone else get the feeling Nintendo should have put them away with a small price drop in Japan and MS should have done the same in Europe/NA with another price drop? I wrestled in high school and college, and was taught when I smell blood, to go for the kill.

I've seen too many times in my life where someone just doesn't have the instinct and it changes things. Not so much that the other person comes back and wins Rocky style, but they make it a hell of a lot harder on the one that was winning than it needed to be. I just get that awkward feeling, could be the stomach flu still.


Remember when there was that interview with that Japanese developer and he said no one played with their Nintendo Wiis and they just sat in closets and we laughed at him and thought he was stupid?

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