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Media Create Sales 12/10 - 12/16 2007


jesusraz said:
Strange. Why do you think this is? It's been getting strong reviews across the board. Is it lack of advertising, the particular genre being a turn off, a possible bad taste from FFXII or something else? Strikes me as odd how unpopular it's been since launch.

FFXII wasn't a hugely popular game to begin with (at least not here). A general lack of awareness at a time when there were so many awesome games out really hurt it.


wow... we have the zappers on display and they arent selling, we are selling wii play, Mario party we are sold out, RB bundles for 360 are gone, all GH3 bundles are sold out, even our pc ones. We were never told to hold ours, thats kind of weird to hold it the day after Christmas when people want them so bad now. We seriously get as many calls for GH3 as we do Wii.

I guess the idea is that when people will come to the store to exchange/return stuff, or use their Christmas money and giftcards, there will be ample supply of big product.

Me, I requested that day off. It's always a fucking nightmare.


AniHawk said:
I guess the idea is that when people will come to the store to exchange/return stuff, or use their Christmas money and giftcards, there will be ample supply of big product.

Me, I requested that day off.
Im off that entire week:D playing gigs in houston:D
donny2112 said:
Just based on the Famitsu Top 30s for 2007, here are the top publishers.

Nintendo - 16.9 million
Square-Enix - 5.3 million
Namco-Bandai - 3.9 million
Capcom - 3.3 million
Konami - 2.4 million
Nintendo/Pokemon - 2.1 million

They're actually more like 40%.

*high fives Odysseus* :)

Thanks! :)

Holy crap... Nintendo combined with Pokémon has almost sold in one year 20 millions pieces of software.. Crazy.

Lightning said:
Famitsu lowballed PS3 sales?

And WOW at the fucking PSP... what the hell is going on there.

PSP is a monster. Too bad it hasn't almost any correlation with software. I think Sony should include PSP in its Hi-Fi section, instead that a gaming device. At this point it would make more sense.

beerbelly said:
Sony is probably making big profits from PSP hardware sales and probably knows it's a lost cause with software sales. They won't do anything about piracy.

This can explain why Sony isn't developing almost any big software title for PSP.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
AniHawk said:
2. Grand Theft Auto IV
3. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
4. God of War: Chains of Olympus
5. Halo Wars

God of War: Chains of Olympus: 25
Gran Turismo: 8
I'm kinda surprised at GoW a bit, it'll definitely be a big hit for PSP here in NA.
donny2112 said:
I think they have about 25% of all the software sold this year in Japan.

And last year ?

Minsc said:
Anyone have first week numbers on Final Fantasy III DS?

I have no idea what to expect from yesterday's (?) release of the FF IV remake, but I'm hoping it's first week is good, for no other reason than because I enjoyed the heck out of it when it came out ~16 years ago.

Shit. I didn't know that FF IV was already out. Another storm for DS software?

AniHawk said:
Overall analysis for the end of the week (since I have tomorrow off thank god).

360: Sold out of the Arcade and the Elite. Two premiums left (and their boxes are sorta beat up, but otherwise they're in good shape). Eight Halo 360s left and they've been here for months. So they're going to stick around until the price drops. Pretty much everything: Halo 3, Mass Effect, GH III, Rock Band, Assassin's Creed, Orange Box, Bioshock, and COD4 have been selling well to varying degrees.

PS3: We had a big push for this thing in November and early December, but recently sales have died. Still, Assassin's Creed and COD4 are popular, although Uncharted and Ratchet rarely sell. I haven't seen a copy of Lair, Folklore, or Heavenly Sword leave the store in months.

PSP: Pretty popular. Still too many Star Wars bundles, but they're slowly moving. The best selling titles are to the kids that buy Transformers and Cars, or to the more hardcore crowd with games like FFT. The biggest question is "how can I put movies on it," and few people really care about the games for the thing.

NDS: Extremely popular. Especially now that we're "sold out" (corporate's making stores hold them until the day after Christmas). Popular games are pretty much anything these days. We've been restocked on Contra 4 constantly at this point. The only big hardcore game that hasn't sold lots is FFXIIRW, and we have a huge overstock of Phantom Hourglass.

Wii: Holy shit WTF. A lot of people don't even know this thing has been hard to find for the last year. I told one guy about the reservation thing since it could be a good last resort sort of thing, and he sorta laughed it off and said "what's the point?" since, you know, they're going to be pretty easy to find in January. ...Anyway, we sold a shitload of Mario and Sonic today, and we won't have any left at the end of the weekend. Super Mario Galaxy is close behind, but I think we should have copies left until Christmas Eve and maybe even the day after Christmas. DBZ is sorta popular. NiGHTS only sold to two guys (myself and a former coworker).

PS2: Yeah... not too many systems sold anymore. The big thing seems to be getting DBZBT3, Tony Hawk, Need for Speed, and sports games. It's pretty much becoming the cheap casual console like its father before it.

Thanks ani. It is interesting how these reports are a pretty good indication of some trends of the market.


Maybe a stupid question but why is Microsoft still trying in Japan? Each japanese-oriented game they release it there bombs even harder than the last one. I think japanese gamers have seen through MS real ambition and are like "No matter how much stuff you release - it's still not Final Fantasy, so sorry, NO DICE"

And why are japanese companies STILL making 360 exclusive games?

That's like double suicide or triple harakiri.

Also, Ani, thanks for the preorder info especially PC and PS3 part. I really appreciate you posting this. WoW is a fucking beast I can't see Blizzard making Diablo 3 a non-MMORPG now :(
Borys said:
Maybe a stupid question but why is Microsoft still trying in Japan? Each japanese-oriented game they release it there bombs even harder than the last one. I think japanese gamers have seen through MS real ambition and are like "No matter how much stuff you release - it's still not Final Fantasy, so sorry, NO DICE"

And why are japanese companies STILL making 360 exclusive games?

That's like double suicide or triple harakiri.

I'd say;

a) MS need the Japanese developers onboard to bolster their library, not just for Japan but for N America also
b) Japanese devs/pubs need the sales from the North American market, where they know that the PS3 >>> 360 trend is reversed


Borys said:
Maybe a stupid question but why is Microsoft still trying in Japan? Each japanese-oriented game they release it there bombs even harder than the last one. I think japanese gamers have seen through MS real ambition and are like "No matter how much stuff you release - it's still not Final Fantasy, so sorry, NO DICE"

And why are japanese companies STILL making 360 exclusive games?

Cause they've got the power money.
Borys said:
Maybe a stupid question but why is Microsoft still trying in Japan? Each japanese-oriented game they release it there bombs even harder than the last one. I think japanese gamers have seen through MS real ambition and are like "No matter how much stuff you release - it's still not Final Fantasy, so sorry, NO DICE"

And why are japanese companies STILL making 360 exclusive games?

Because depending on what they do with those games, they can still make big bucks out of it.

See: Capcom.
Pureauthor said:
Because depending on what they do with those games, they can still make big bucks out of it.

See: Capcom.

Agreed. Many games developed in Japan are made specifically for the western market. Lost Planet for example.
Wow! Nice bump for Wii but the PSP is the real shocker! It's such a shame that it's so easy to pirate or else it would've been a great competitor to the DS in Japan! (Yes I know that it's hardware sales are probably so high because it's easy to pirate without additional hardware, but still!)


Public Health Threat
Borys said:
Maybe a stupid question but why is Microsoft still trying in Japan? Each japanese-oriented game they release it there bombs even harder than the last one. I think japanese gamers have seen through MS real ambition and are like "No matter how much stuff you release - it's still not Final Fantasy, so sorry, NO DICE"
They've really only tried twice, BD and LO. Unless you really want to count N3 and Every Party.

Perhaps third time's the charm.

Borys said:
And why are japanese companies STILL making 360 exclusive games?

That's like double suicide or triple harakiri.
Why not? Most of the exclusives we're seeing now are the smaller third-party companies that don't expect much sales anyways. Incentives and low development costs are still a compelling factor for smaller companies.

Probably shouldn't expect any more larger third-party exclusives though.
Nuclear Muffin said:
Wow! Nice bump for Wii but the PSP is the real shocker! It's such a shame that it's so easy to pirate or else it would've been a great competitor to the DS in Japan! (Yes I know that it's hardware sales are probably so high because it's easy to pirate without additional hardware, but still!)

I don't think that PSP would sell that well if it was impossible to use pirated software. Piracy is both the strentgh and weakness of PSP.

king zell

first day numbers

Final Fantasy IV 180,000
card hero DS 30,000
Doremon DS 20,000
NARUTO PS2 45,000
spot powerful professional baseball PS2 17k Wii 4k
Time crises 4 PS3 10k

thanks duckroll


Is Patapon the insane looking 2D sidescroller/ RTS game on the PSP that looks like Gish and LocoRoco mixed together?

If yes then :( @ 5K sales.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
AniHawk said:
Not bad for the 4th release of FFIV.
Yup, but not as good as FFIII (which came out in August not December). I said this would happen when we were talking about it a while ago, FFIII did so well mainly because it hadn't been rereleased in 20 years. S-E definitely went the wrong route when it ended up selling so well, this will either make S-E cut back on FF support on DS to concentrate on DQ or cause them to rethink their strategy.


BishopLamont said:
FFIV only 180k? That's quite low isn't it.

I know about the production values, but it's the fourth time this game's been released, and the third time it's been released this decade. Could be that people are just tired of it.

...Also, Dragon Quest IV came out only weeks ago.
I'll never get why people just translate the two-three known titles and not bother with the rest, and this isn't even taking all the comments from sinobi about shipments, sell through and restocks.


king zell said:
first day numbers

Final Fantasy IV 180,000
card hero DS 30,000
Doremon DS 20,000
NARUTO PS2 45,000
spot powerful professional baseball PS2 17k Wii 4k
Time crises 4 PS3 10k

thanks duckroll


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Durante said:
It has been rereleased more often, but it's also a much better remake of a much better game. It's easy to expect more.
The quality of a game hardly ever translates into sales, all GAFfers should know that by now.


Kurosaki Ichigo said:
I'll never get why people just translate the two-three known titles and not bother with the rest, and this isn't even taking all the comments from sinobi about shipments, sell through and restocks.

Ask the guy that did it this week. You know how I would do it, but I'm not that big of a sales-age fan so I'm happy to let others do it however they want.


Why do awesome, quirky games like Patapon not sell? It's like people see it, notice how quirky and unique it looks and then decide to not buy it. Do people specifically avoid originality or something?

I am mad >:[


Yoboman said:
Why do awesome, quirky games like Patapon not sell? It's like people see it, notice how quirky and unique it looks and then decide to not buy it. Do people specifically avoid originality or something?

I am mad >:[

It's a PSP game. Could be that people don't see or notice it.


AniHawk said:
It's a PSP game. Could be that people don't see or notice it.
Yeah, cause the PSP audience is only 5,000 strong. Quiet you stupid Anihawk you, there is no justifying this >:[

king zell

Kurosaki Ichigo said:
I'll never get why people just translate the two-three known titles and not bother with the rest, and this isn't even taking all the comments from sinobi about shipments, sell through and restocks.

if you need to add any more info just do it . no one is stopping you
Someone that knows Japanese please translate all of the sinobi post, shipment figures and stuff is the interesting part.

Yoboman said:
Yeah, cause the PSP audience is only 5,000 strong. Quiet you stupid Anihawk you, there is no justifying this >:[

PSP audience does not buy games.

icecream said:
Lazy, but I'll toss in the relevent stuff.

Higurashi Kakera
Apprend Edition (FES-Style): 15,000
Normal Edition: 8000
Despite how badly the remakes are criticized, it actually sold pretty well, with roughly 50% sell through.

LE: 4000
Normal: 2000
Also roughly 50% sell through with both combined.

FFIV and Card Hero shipment figures?


Public Health Threat
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
I'll never get why people just translate the two-three known titles and not bother with the rest, and this isn't even taking all the comments from sinobi about shipments, sell through and restocks.
Lazy, but I'll toss in the relevent stuff.

Higurashi Kakera
Apprend Edition (FES-Style): 15,000
Normal Edition: 8000
Despite how badly the remakes are criticized, it actually sold pretty well, with roughly 50% sell through.

LE: 4000
Normal: 2000
Also roughly 50% sell through with both combined.


Not translated by me: (shipment within parentheses)

FF4 DS (DS) : about 180k (about 400k)
Naruto: Shippuuden N-Ultimate Accelerator 2 (PS2) : about 45k
Card Hero DS (DS) : about 30k (about 50~60k?)
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Matsuri: Kakera Asobi (PS2) : about 23k
Dora Base (DS) : about 20k (about 40k)
Powerful Pro Baseball 14 Final Edition (PS2) : about 17k
Time Crisis 4 (PS3) : about 10k
Myself;Yourself (PS2) : about 6k (about 10k)
Hajime no Ippo (PSP) : about 6k
The Prince of Tennis (DS) : about 6k
Patapon (PSP) : about 5k
Powerful Baseball Wii Final Edition (Wii) : about 4k
Survival Kids (DS) : about 3k
Medal of Honour: Airborne (PS3) : about 2.5k
The Legend of Heroes: Sora no Kiseki Complete Edition (PSP) : about 1k (about 3k)


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Wow, does Falcom really have such low expectations? Is that all they need? That is a rereleased though, right? Still, that's the lowest shipment numbers I've ever seen.


Stopsign said:
Top Ten Wii Games LTD

1.) Wii Sports 2,341,000
2.) Wii Play 1,921,000
3.) Mario Party 8 904,535
4.) Super Mario Galaxy 550,000
5.) Zelda: Twilight Princess 541,000
6.) Wii Fit 535,000
7.) Wario Ware: Smooth Moves 520,479
8.) Super Paper Mario 493,937
9.) Dragon Quest Sword 482,086
10.) Pokemon Battle Revolution 317,730

Thanks :)


Yoboman said:
Yeah, cause the PSP audience is only 5,000 strong

Yeah, I'm sorta surprised it's actually that big. The system sells 184k in a week and only 3 games chart in the top 50. Most people stopped using it for games a long time ago.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
AniHawk said:
Yeah, I'm sorta surprised it's actually that big. The system sells 184k in a week and only 3 games chart in the top 50. Most people stopped using it for games a long time ago.
Hey! At least Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaiki da showed some form of legs by actually stay in the top 50... :\
jj984jj said:
Wow, does Falcom really have such low expectations? Is that all they need? That is a rereleased though, right? Still, that's the lowest shipment numbers I've ever seen.
Not really budget, its 1+2 bundle plus a material collection (also released alone for 4k yen). The Complete pack is 12k yen (seriously), counting it has 1 (5k at release), 2 (6k at release) and the material (4k released same day), its budget, but not by much :lol

uhm, whats with that tag? :?


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Decent start for FFIV...it will be interesting to see if it can get a million after so many other RPG releases on the DS this season.


king zell said:
first day numbers

Final Fantasy IV 180,000
card hero DS 30,000
Doremon DS 20,000
NARUTO PS2 45,000
spot powerful professional baseball PS2 17k Wii 4k
Time crises 4 PS3 10k

thanks duckroll


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
Not really budget, its 1+2 bundle plus a material collection (also released alone for 4k yen). The Complete pack is 12k yen (seriously), counting it has 1 (5k at release), 2 (6k at release) and the material (4k released same day), its budget, but not by much :lol
12k?!? Wow, any wonder as to why the shipment is low is now gone. :lol

uhm, whats with that tag? :?
I'm not sure. I think I got it in the Tales of Innocence thread a few days ago, but I don't know really (since I don't think I said anything stupid enough for a tag change). Whatever it was, I guess removing the Awesome wasn't good enough. :\
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