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Media Create Sales 2/12 - 2/18


shit this is gonna be 3 against 1.

I gotta bring my A game. I hope you know that means lots of trolling about graphics!


Accept one saviour, get the second free.
Amir0x said:
first you have to establish you want it more than me. It is possible, although rare, to cancel the effects of the "Amir0x rule" if it is established that specific people - maybe you! - want something more than I.
Ah no you misunderstood my post, I corrected it, it's not that I want FE/DS more than you, it's that I want FE/DS more than I want you to live.
Amir0x said:
I just want you to know in advance that I DO take guns to knife fights.
no problem with me, I take AR weapons to fistfights.
LanceStern said:
You know, I realized this as well, but it just hit me that it might be ok for this to happen.

I mean it just hit me now that it might be ok for one third party to do nicely on Wii for a long time, then others come and grab a few 200 - 300k sellers every once and a while.

Because outside of the Wii, where else are they going to find that success? :(
Wow, are you finally admitting that not every game on a nintendo console has to sell at least "so many" to not be a total failure? :O

There were thousands of PS2 games, and only a fraction of them reached your holy 300k benchmark even though the PS2 userbase is gigantic, but I didn't hear you b*tch about that. It's also true that once a console becomes "the preferred console" of game publishers, the platform will get lots of third party games, and logically that means a higher chance some of these games will enter the top ten. That's why the PS2 ruled the charts the past 5 years. And it seems the DS is reaching that point at this moment.

I'm sorry if I come of a bit brutal, but I'm so sick of that ever on going argument (but I really appreciate it you allways substantiate your opinions well, instead of just trolling -something that happens a lot in MC threads and GAF threads in general). Why do you fixate on Nintendo? Why do you call so many games a total failure on it's platforms? Who says every game should sell 300k? And why do you change your benchmark once games do have reached these numbers? When the numbers on the DS lately prove you wrong alltogether, you just move on to complain about the Wii. Don't say "but Wii play and Wii sports sell a lot", because that aren't the games to use as an example. These two games are doing exeptionally well, just like the brain training series on DS, and those are also uncomparable with other games. In the future there will be a lot of great sellers on the Wii, but somehow you'll find a way to ignore these titles and fixate on the ones that don't sell.

I'm allready sorry I've contributed to this argument which could feed this thread for another 2 pages, but I really wanted to say this.
Amir0x said:
I gotta bring my A game. I hope you know that means lots of trolling about graphics!

You are doomed, as Fire Emblem has never been about graphics!

(Lovely sprite animations aside, the best FE game since the SFC was the GameCube one, and it had "shittier" graphics than the GBA titles...)



I...I meant in general. About things! YOU KNOW, THIS IS A WAR NOT A SINGLE BATTLE

(Edit: I gotta go get fitted for my tuxedo now, but LATER...)
Dragona Akehi said:
You are doomed, as Fire Emblem has never been about graphics!

(Lovely sprite animations aside, the best FE game since the SFC was the GameCube one, and it had "shittier" graphics than the GBA titles...)


Fire Emblem for NGC had indeed crap graphics.
So the PSP sold 100k is last week. The superior limit of my previsions. What can I say ? First, that finally, after 2 years of complete and unbelievable Nintendo's domination with a PSP's software's selling like crap, there is something new !!!

Now it will be interesting to see if MHP2 will have legs. The experience say "not like Nintendo DS's games", but who knows ? It could remain for months in the top 50 and sell very well (1.5+ millions) in the long term.

The CORE of the problems, like I already said, is that the PSP has not killer-app comparable to MHP2 anymore. So, the big question is that is this game will drive PSP's sales in the long term and even here, it is too difficult to answer.

What about the rest: nothing new, because 8/10 games are on Nintendo's consoles and even games like Sim City sells well on the miracle's platform that is the Nintendo DS.

MHP2 is the Ocarina of Time of the PSP. This is the correct answer, but exactly like the N64, the next big game will come too late to reverse the tendence that we can safely assume right now: Nintendo DS is the leader and PSP the second one. And keep in mind that it is selling well for a second place. Perhaps the only thing that is different is that Sony is to blame for non supporting his consle enough and this is the key-difference with the N64 and he Gamecube, where Nintendo has made monster profits with a samll userbase.
Really a lost occasion for Sony in my opinion.

Anyway, it is good to see that after a 72% of the hardware's market dominated by Nintendo in 2006 (and still in 2007 until now) and after an almost complete Nintendo's domination in the charts, some good, traditional games can sell well, even after the storm of the Blue Ocean Strategy and the games that are born from it.

For who said that in Japan only non-games sells: take that !!!!


gconsole said:
This is very normal for popular franchise in japan.
Anyway MH2 could destroy Capcom record for the third highest opening week sale. (The champion still be Biohazard 2 and Biohazard 3 at 1.3M and 1.1M for the first week).

I say wow.

MH2 might have legs since not everybody got it the first week...

If it can happen to this series...I just hope it happens to Ratchet and Clank...

Aren't you that 'licking their wounds to the biggest moneyhats' guy?

No...I was the guy that stated "they cant go backwards" for DQIX- but after the results for this weeks media creates come in, it wouldnt even matter anymore.

The "supposed" end of the PSP...has been very very VERY greatly exaggrated.
- 300k is a great benchmark of success for Nintendo DS titles. 3rd Parties especially, there's just something EVEN about that number.

100,000 is too low. That's like just a couple of online message-board gamers and magazine reader buying the title.

200,000 is OK I suppose. But still it doesn't make a very big impact. It's like the gamers told a few people what the game was about and people bought it. Companies should want more mass appeal than just 200k.

300k is a good benchmark though. It's well rounded, the main-stream is getting into it and know about it... everything is nice.

Now, this doesn't apply to all DS titles, because there are many factors like how well the game was advertised, it's initial impressions and the time it's released, the context. A title like Lost mAgic or Contact or Digimon Story I have no problem seeing sell 70k, 30k and 200k respectively because I didn't expect them to do that well, they weren't advertised much, it looks like a low-appeal title and they were released at downtimes.

For a lot of titles though, it works.

"Based on the typical front-line retail price for Wii titles, we estimate that publishers need to sell approximately 300,000 units per title to break even. In contrast, we estimate that breakeven units for front-line Xbox 360 and PS3 titles are in the 600,000-unit range, or at least double the Wii's break even level."


Oh, and the beginning of my corrupted neoGAF past was MC June 26 - July 2, when I first mention 300k: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=3974417#post3974417
One blip on the radar.

Nintendo is probably thanking Capcom for the temporary relief. I swear, Nintendo has platinum selling IPs on top of platinum selling IPs on top of platinum selling IPs with sequels slated for each one that they have to lease them away for other companies to catch up while they come up with ideas for even more platinum selling IPs.


LanceStern said:
I made advertisements on the computer and posted them aroudn my high school about the Nintendo DS and it's videogames in hopes to increase awareness and sales near launch period.

I said WOW. But more in an awkward way than a good way.


LanceStern said:
I made advertisements on the computer and posted them aroudn my high school about the Nintendo DS and it's videogames in hopes to increase awareness and sales near launch period.

I think I'll just recheck I locked all my doors and windows.

LanceStern said:
I was dedicated. It was actually a pretty good ad too :D

... but the DS only came out a couple of years ago. In this case, 'was' isn't far from 'is'.

EDIT: And for anyone who understands my avatar, you may remember the episode with Alan's biggest fan... "Go away you big sp*****! You're a mentalist!"
Yamauchi said:
I knew that FE wasn't going to sell well. You can see that in my previous posts. 4 Wii games in the top 10 is impressive, though.

Less well then the other series, but I think that it is reasonably safe to say that the Wii has not the userbase of others consoels (because Fire Emblems traditionally came out late in the console life-cycle). this is one explication. Then, I think taht it can easily have legs to surpass Path of radiance (that sold "only" 150k in the long term).
pswii60 said:
EDIT: And for anyone who understands my avatar, you may remember the episode with Alan's biggest fan... "Go away you big sp*****! You're a mentalist!"


Now I'm imagining you running across an open field, pursued by LanceStern, desperate to get you back into his Room of DS... :lol
LanceStern said:
You know I'm very glad you brought this up and I thank you for the compliment. I see you in these topics every once in a while and you can hodl your tongue very well.

I am a ginormous, insane Nintendo fan. Only own Nintendo systems, used to troll every non-Nintendo system with zeal and passion. You know my TEVS Document? It was originally just a document that tracked Nintendo sellers. I wear Nintendo logos and brands, I made advertisements on the computer and posted them aroudn my high school about the Nintendo DS and it's videogames in hopes to increase awareness and sales near launch period.

Being a Nintendo fan was not too hard, but no necessarily easy back in the GCN/GBA/DS launch era. You guys probably know I originate from GameFAQs, a site that loves to troll. LOVES to troll anything they hate or are threatened by. This board keeps it to a minimum, but I was born and raised on GameFAQs with the trolls who loved to bash Nintendo and what not.

Now that Nintendo is on top, I still have that GameFAQ's-like mentality in my mind where people are going to bash/troll every little thing no matter how high-up Nintendo is. If DS has great 1st party sales, you can still pick on the low 3rd party sales (300k was always a good benchmark). If you have great 3rd aprty sales, one title may do badly (either 1st or 3rd) and the you get a whole freakign page of trolls talking about how poorly the Nintendo system does. On and on and on. It's fuels insanity I must say.

I didn't care if PS2 was troleld if titles sold less than 300k or less than expected, because I didn't care. But I won't let it happen for Nintendo systems... so I get very frustrated/disappointed when all titles aren't selling well. Sell sell sell!!!

DS at first started bad, no good sales for more than a handful of games. 3rd parties are starting to come around and I enjoy it. I will, in my defense that I've always use, regurgitate that for weeks I have said certain titles have certain expectations, and all titles that don't do over a certain benchmark (300k) aren't encessarily deemed failures. Digimon World, Lsot Magic, Contact, cooking mama, Harvest Moon, Prof. Leyton etc. are all doing less than it, but I'm perfectly fine and admittedly pelased with how the titles are doing. I don't want a good title to come out though, adn sell crappy, ebcause some non-game is taking all of the sales. But that point has passed on the DS. Now it's the Wii.

At first my response was clear, but I'm losing focus now, so I'll leave it at that.

The Poison of GameFAQs. It's like Nuclear Radiation. The Effects don't show up until later on

Oh man, I don't believe what I read. Seriously.
Dragona Akehi said:
It's going to sell in the US, of that I am certain. FEGC's sales are phenomenal considering when it was released, the genre it is in and the fact it's a relatively new franchise.

Especially given the strong performance Wii's putting up in the US and the additional months of userbase-building it'll have under its belt by the time the game comes out over here. I suspect that (good) SRPGs may actually be more successful than regular jRPGs in the US right now -- FE9 was a hit, to my mind, and did shockingly well given how crowded that holiday season was.


I'm going to go out on a limb and claim that five of your Euro-dollars say it'll be announced by August for Q2 2008 release (probably slipping in reality to Q3).


Amir0x said:
I gotta bring my A game. I hope you know that means lots of trolling about graphics!



The following graph shows the DS/PSP ratio for both software and hardware (Famitsu). For example, if DS sales equal PSP sales the graph shows a 1, if the DS sales double the sales of PSP the graph shows a 2 and if Pokemon is released..yeah, that's a 20.


I wonder whether we will see the software ratio below 1 for the MHP2 week.
I like that one, Rock_Man. Did you see a week or two ago where I linked to the data from older software pies? It would be interesting to see that chart go back further than September.


JoshuaJSlone said:
I like that one, Rock_Man. Did you see a week or two ago where I linked to the data from older software pies? It would be interesting to see that chart go back further than September.

Yes, I saw that and I bookmarked that page. :) Unfortunately, the pie charts from 2005 is based on the top 30 chart only. Nowadays the pie charts is covering total software sold. But I can do the chart from January 2006 if you want.


Rock_Man said:
Nowadays the pie charts is covering total software sold.
So this is based on total weekly software sales, not just top 30? (Meaning it includes lots of games we don't get individial numbers for?) Pretty cool.
Rock_Man said:
Yes, I saw that and I bookmarked that page. :) Unfortunately, the pie charts from 2005 is based on the top 30 chart only.
Ahh, I didn't realize that. It does explain why the lesser systems seemed so inconsistently included.
Nowadays the pie charts is covering total software sold. But I can do the chart from January 2006 if you want.
Cool. No rush or anything.


Chris Michael said:
Off topic but why hasn't Nintendo announced FE for the DS? So we get AW but no FE? wtf.

We already established, it's "The Amir0x rule." If you want Fire Emblem on DS, please join the war line with ethelred, Dragona and Masklinn.
Man I'd love to see Fire Emblem on the DS as well. The series seems so much more fitted for handheld play than console play to me. Plus I'd love to be able to design each of my character's costumes using the stylus or give people CPR buy blowing into the mic after they've been mortally wombed
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