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Media Create Sales: 3 - 9 July


DemDereNads said:
It's a good game, I just don't personally find it worthy of the sales it's getting, but hey... it's from Nintendo which it doesn't seem to matter what they put out, it will sell.

It's not worthy of it's sales? :lol
It is one of the best handheld platformers, it deserves a lot of sales. And Nintendo games sell because they appeal to people and because it's fanbase, simple as that.


So looking through the 11-30 listings and picking some out...

12. Tetris DS - somewhere around 16,000 units
14. Mario Kart DS - possibly ~14,000
15. Digimon Story - ~12,000
16. Pokemon Ranger - ~10,000
28. Seiken Densetsu DS: Children of Mana - ~4,000

Shows a strong week all round. Okay, so all those figures (other than CoM) could be way out...but the point is that Tetris and Pokémon Ranger are still selling at a rate reasonable enough to keeping them ticking toward the million mark. It also shows that Third Party Digimon has good legs at the moment...

And as for CoM. Wow! Nobody would have thought it'd do so well. Perhaps it'll be even bigger if/when SEx puts it out on budget.
DemDereNads said:
It's a good game, I just don't personally find it worthy of the sales it's getting, but hey... it's from Nintendo which it doesn't seem to matter what they put out, it will sell.

Yeah, that Chibi Robo and Pikmin 2 sure did sell well in Japan since Nintendo published them in Japan...


Amir0x said:
I mean seriously guys. XENOSAGA III. no words...

The word is "YES!"

I'm looking forward to XS 1 and 2 coming to the DS. Then watcha gonna say? ;)

The way the NeoGAF "elite" rag on XS, the more I seem to like XS.


Hey, Amir0x. I'm going to go out on a limb here and tell you that most "real" gamers are freaking sick of Mega Man. It's the same stupid game it was twenty years ago. Once I realized that it was just the same thing over and over again, I gave up on the series other than casual check ups... when I was seven.

Expecting people to buy the same stupid game over and over again does not qualify as some sort of moral high ground. Get off your high horse and realize that a lot of the games that are pure milking of some decreasing-due-to-age-and-disillusion niche should be doing poorly, no matter how vocal that niche gets as it sees the walls coming down. The same thing goes for 2D fighters and a number of other old bastions.


P90 said:
I'm looking forward to XS 1 and 2 coming to the DS...

Considering Xenosaga I & II's poor showing on the DS in Japan, I wonder if it'll actually get picked up for a Western release? You'd hope so considering how Pac-Pix and Pac 'N Roll both made it over...Despite what many people here think, I actually quite like XSI&II DS. Quite a fun little RPG.


Juice said:
Hey, Amir0x. I'm going to go out on a limb here and tell you that most "real" gamers are freaking sick of Mega Man. It's the same stupid game it was twenty years ago. Once I realized that it was just the same thing over and over again, I gave up on the series other than casual check ups... when I was seven.

Expecting people to buy the same stupid game over and over again does not qualify as some sort of moral high ground. Get off your high horse and realize that a lot of the games that are pure milking of some decreasing-due-to-age-and-disillusion niche should be doing poorly, no matter how vocal that niche gets as it sees the walls coming down. The same thing goes for 2D fighters and a number of other old bastions.
It's not milking unless It's Nintendo, or EA.

Or thats what I hear anyway. How can 100+games in one series be milking? It's just continuing the awesomeness.

Mega Man hit its peak with MegaMan2.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
P90 said:
The word is "YES!"

I'm looking forward to XS 1 and 2 coming to the DS. Then watcha gonna say? ;)

The way the NeoGAF "elite" rag on XS, the more I seem to like XS.
He probably wouldn't say anything. He'd be too busy puking.


It's just funny the biggest critics of the DS/Wii on this board are Amirox, Drinky Crow, etc., yet they're the biggest proponents of games like Megaman ZX and "old school" style gaming.

The DS is the last bation of hope for this style of gaming. It's not financially feasible any longer with the direction Sony is trying to push the industry towards.

You're kidding me right? You realize the PSP has 2 Megaman games with the "old school" style gaming you're mentioning.

Also what's the Sony defense force?


jesusraz said:
Considering Xenosaga I & II's poor showing on the DS in Japan, I wonder if it'll actually get picked up for a Western release?
Suppossedly it's already been greenlit for fall, though Namco Hometek's not yet announced anything and it was mysteriously absent at E3. Who knows, maybe it's been canned in favor of more appealing DS RPGs like Digimon Story or Tales of the Tempest?


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
Tabris said:
You're kidding me right? You realize the PSP has 2 Megaman games with the "old school" style gaming you're mentioning.
You mean those 2 that made capcom realize never to do it again? Kinda like what konami realized with castlevania from the beginning?


JoshuaJSlone said:
But at that point, isn't it the GameCube problem? Fix things that were a problem with N64/PSP, but by that time you're trying to sell a me-too system in a market with an established leader.

Yep. Sony still doesn't have the DS's monster franchises like New Super Mario Brothers, Animal Crossing, Brain Training, Nintendogs, etc. You can't overstate how big the sales are of those games in Japan right now.

Unlike Nintendo, Sony doesn't have the internal resources to develop 3-4 big franchises to turn it around. It'll be hard for them to come back relying on trying to get Sega/Namco/Konami/Capcom to create new franchises on PSP, when DS has a much, much larger userbase. SquareEnix will probably be lost to DS for good, as far as any strong support goes, after FFIII comes out.


Tabris said:
Also what's the Sony defense force?

It's a bit of a shadow organization, but we do know a few details (upon interrogation of Monorojo after he was captured). It's perhaps best been described to me as an overarching entity that through various plain-clothes informants supplies members with their daily ration of FUD, while also offering a "vitamin" shot bi-monthly to induce a violent emotional response that's sympathetic to Sony. From what we've pieced together, the drug somehow inverses the individual's classical Needs Pyrimad to actually put Sony's success over the very survival of the member individual.

Again, we really don't know much about it yet, but given a thorough investigation of your posting history, there are more than a few people that believe--knowingly or unknowingly--you are in league with this group.


jarrod said:
Suppossedly it's already been greenlit for fall, though Namco Hometek's not yet announced anything and it was mysteriously absent at E3. Who knows, maybe it's been canned in favor of more appealing DS RPGs like Digimon Story or Tales of the Tempest?

How does the Xenosaga series sell in the US? I know the second one died here in the UK, and the first never made it here (despite Namco insisting to me on several occasions that it WAS coming).

Digimon and Tales have more chance of selling, but with any luck what you say will hold true and it'll be translated.


Tabris said:
You're kidding me right? You realize the PSP has 2 Megaman games with the "old school" style gaming you're mentioning.
And since the PSP market won't support them, so those are most likely the last "old school" MegaMans we'll see on it. ZX in it's first week has already outsold all 4 PSP Rockman games combined ltd... and it didn't exactly have a stellar debut itself. If I were a PSP owner, I'd be worried that UGNG is probably the final newish "old school" game we'll see on the platform, as it's inevitably going to tank too.

Which was likely soundwave's point... it seems in Japan the only way for a platform to support "hardcore" games is to have a massive diverse base (ie: FC/SFC, PS1/PS2, GB/GBA, DS) or be focused around a "hardcore" gaming base (ie: PC Engine, Saturn, NeoGeo). PSP seems to fall somewhere by the wayside, huge mainstream PS brand franchises like Mingol, Monster Hunter, WE, Musuo, RR and so on seem to perform pretty well, but not much else. It's like Sony's equivalent to GC, where really only big brand games put up comparably decent numbers and smaller scale "hardcore" stuff generally couldn't make ends meat (unless suprememly hyped like Ikaruga or Viewtiful Joe).


jesusraz said:
How does the Xenosaga series sell in the US? I know the second one died here in the UK, and the first never made it here (despite Namco insisting to me on several occasions that it WAS coming).

Digimon and Tales have more chance of selling, but with any luck what you say will hold true and it'll be translated.

If I were them, I'd wait until early 2007 to bring it out in the US. Way too many RPGs coming out in the fall for DS/GBA and in general.


Juice said:
It's a bit of a shadow organization, but we do know a few details (upon interrogation of Monorojo after he was captured). It's perhaps best been described to me as an overarching entity that through various plain-clothes informants supplies members with their daily ration of FUD, while also offering a "vitamin" shot bi-monthly to induce a violent emotional response that's sympathetic to Sony. From what we've pieced together, the drug somehow inverses the individual's classical Needs Pyrimad to actually put Sony's success over the very survival of the member individual.

Again, we really don't know much about it yet, but given a thorough investigation of your posting history, there are more than a few people that believe--knowingly or unknowingly--you are in league with this group.



elostyle said:
You mean those 2 that made capcom realize never to do it again? Kinda like what konami realized with castlevania from the beginning?

No guarantee on that. So in the meantime, 2 is still greater than 1.

Also, remember, there's 2 other markets for finding out whether the "old school" gaming style is a success or not on PSP.


Tabris said:
No guarantee on that. So in the meantime, 2 is still greater than 1.

Also, remember, there's 2 other markets for finding out whether the "old school" gaming style is a success or not on PSP.
Well, Powered up tanked in America (traditionally MegaMan's strongest market btw) and Maverick Hunter X did okayish (over 50k iirc). No idea about Euro sales, but I wouldn't expect much there as it's by a huge margin MegaMan's weakest market and Capcom Europe has super shitty distribution (they usually have to rely on Nintendo or EA for their big stuff).

Still, Inafune made it painfully clear that sales of both games were not nearly up to par and in all likleihood we won't see any more PSP remakes. No absolute guarantee of course, but any reasonable person can probably guess the outcome with a good degree of certainity...


Queen of Denmark
Oh FFS cry me a god damned river with this "non games ruining teh industry" bullshit. soundwave's posts are dead-on -- there's no way some of the DS' best "real" games would be doing as well as they are without the massive userbase spurred on by non-game purchases.

Anyway, who the hell annointed you judge and jury over what games "deserve" to do well? I hate most RPGs but I sure as hell am not going on a crusade against them. Jesus Christ, get over yourself.


cvxfreak said:
sp0rsk: I hope that anyone who uses Brave Story as an example of PSP/DS third parties isn't conveniently ignoring Rockman ZX.
I'd also hope they don't conveniently ignore that Brave Story PSP is a Sony game. ;)


Can't compare the Megaman games. 1 is an original title and the other 2 are remakes.

Also I didn't realize Brave Story was developed by Sony there, I thought it was just published by Sony.


Tabris said:
Can't compare the Megaman games. 1 is an original title and the other 2 are remakes.
They'd make for a much closer comparison than the DS/PSP/PS2 Brave Story games though given they all share the same developer, same genre and likely same level budgeting and campaign.

Tabris said:
Also I didn't realize Brave Story was developed by Sony there, I thought it was just published by Sony.
It was co-developed by SCEI and Game Republic, and it's a (comparably) big budget traditional RPG... so a fairly big name developer, a fairly big budget and in the region's most popular tradional gaming genre. Compared to Bandai's low rent DS graphic adventure, I'd certainly hope it'd sell better.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Ironically PSP fans used to boast how MMPU had more than 50% more content then the original game (maybe even just as much new content as MMZX has), yet now they write it off as simply a remake.


Sucks at viral marketing
Viewtiful Darkness said:
Yeah, that Chibi Robo and Pikmin 2 sure did sell well in Japan since Nintendo published them in Japan...
Pikmin 2 - Nintendo - 470,933
Don't make fun of Pikmin, mofo. In any way, shape, or form!

I don't actually read Am0rix' posts anymore, so can someone tell me what's going on here.


Kurosaki Ichigo said:
Go Xenosaga! Great numbers for the 3rd episode, it'll hold up to X2 (250k) this long in ps2 life and being another direct sequel of a hated game/series. Oh, anyway, it doesn't hold up to Tales numbers, so I guess Xenosaga is really ending here...more tales milking to come! :)

Tekken 1st day stimate was off...and now it seems it bombed. Well, it has :lol
Nah, not really bombing, but not good number either. Not bad for Tekken 5-PS2-320k portable version anyway.

Rockman ZX, another dissapointing 3rd party sales...
 ▼ Rockman Zero 02.04.26 GBA 66,980 37,519 18,890 231,166 28.97 %
 ▼ Rockman Zero 2 03.05.02 GBA 53,839 25,283 10,029 158,479 33.97 %
 ▼ Rockman Zero 3 04.04.23 GBA 44,330 22,355 18,264 121,847 36.38 %
 ▼ Rockman Zero 4 05.04.21 GBA 27,596 13,063 10,802 74,354 37.11 %
Just a little better than RZ4 that didn't reach 100k...well, I thought it would do better. If they plan to release a new one every year just like Zero its going to hurt...

Opening week sales for ZX aren't disappointing at all. They've turned around the downward trend in the series' sales and for the first time one of the games has sold more than its predecessor. I'd say that's quite good. It can't be disappointing if it's both consistent with the series' sales in general and an improvement upon such.

Anyway, we'll need to see how it fares in the weeks to come to see what kind of legs it has comparable to the GBA games.

Tabris said:
Also I didn't realize Brave Story was developed by Sony there, I thought it was just published by Sony.

Doesn't matter anyway... plenty of games are developed by other companies but published by Nintendo, and everyone just labels them as first party for the sake of their "third party games don't sell on the DS" crusasde.


jj984jj said:
Ironically PSP fans used to boast how MMPU had more than 50% more content then the original game (maybe even just as much new content as MMZX has), yet now they write it off as simply a remake.

I agree with the inference, but they =! Tabris. :)


Amir0x said:
Fuzzy said:
I say FFXII sells 0 copies during October NPD. :D
that's a trick because doesn't October NPD end on the 28th or something :lol

Remember when Pokemon: Emerald showed up on the NPD list the month before its release date said it would due to people selling it a few days early? We could see a few thousand for FFXII in October. :p

Tabris said:
Also I didn't realize Brave Story was developed by Sony there, I thought it was just published by Sony.

So who developed the game can make it fall into the "third party" envelope? Well then, "HELLO Jump Superstars!" ;)


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
donny2112 said:
So who developed the game can make it fall into the "third party" envelope? Well then, "HELLO Jump Superstars!" ;)
Hello extra 400K contribution to 3rd party DS sales.


ethelred said:
Doesn't matter anyway... plenty of games are developed by other companies but published by Nintendo, and everyone just labels them as first party for the sake of their "third party games don't sell on the DS" crusasde.
Indeed. Otherwise we'd have amazing selling 3rd party DS games like Pokemon Fushugi no Dungeon, Jump Super Stars or Daredemo Anbo Taisen ripping up the charts. Actually using that definition, Pokemon releases in general would be considered "3rd party" games up until 2000.


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
jarrod said:
Indeed. Otherwise we'd have amazing selling 3rd party DS games like Pokemon Fushugi no Dungeon, Jump Super Stars or Daredemo Anbo Taisen ripping up the charts. Actually using that definition, Pokemon releases in general would be considered "3rd party" games up until 2000.
I still think that massively funding 2nd party development is the smartest move nintendo made with the DS. If they can keep that up with the Wii, any lack of 3rd party support won't matter as much. They even take less risk when self-publishing games than 3rd parties do, so it doesn't hurt them in any way.
jarrod said:
Well, Powered up tanked in America (traditionally MegaMan's strongest market btw) and Maverick Hunter X did okayish (over 50k iirc). No idea about Euro sales, but I wouldn't expect much there as it's by a huge margin MegaMan's weakest market and Capcom Europe has super shitty distribution (they usually have to rely on Nintendo or EA for their big stuff).

Well if you consider 50k "okayish" then Powered up didn't tank, as it is right around the 50k mark, and MHX is over 80k.


DemDereNads said:
Well if you consider 50k "okayish" then Powered up didn't tank, as it is right around the 50k mark, and MHX is over 80k.

Maverick Hunter X was at 77,656 as of the last numbers. That's in addition to 12,038 from Japan sales -- pretty poor numbers overall.

Powered Up as it 21,867 as of the last round of NPD numbers we've gotten. That's less than half the 50k mark you say it's right around, so try again. The Japanese numbers were so low the game didn't even rank on the charts.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
DemDereNads said:
Well if you consider 50k "okayish" then Powered up didn't tank, as it is right around the 50k mark, and MHX is over 80k.
How is barely at 30K right around the 50K mark?


Worldwide, I expect ZX to have outsold PU and MVX combined by a decent margin (maybe even doubled if it's lucky). Hell you can even throw Legends 1-2 in there. ZX is going to break 100k in Japan too, this is a huge improvement already over PSP Rockmans. And rightfully so, Rockman's primary base has tradionally been Nintendo handhelds for the past half decade... I don't doubt RM² or IHX would've sold far better as DS titles, likely enough to greenlight sequels even.

To add some fuel to the fire, UGNG probably should've been a DS game too. ;)


I would bang a hot farmer!
jarrod said:
Well, Powered up tanked in America (traditionally MegaMan's strongest market btw) and Maverick Hunter X did okayish (over 50k iirc). No idea about Euro sales, but I wouldn't expect much there as it's by a huge margin MegaMan's weakest market and Capcom Europe has super shitty distribution (they usually have to rely on Nintendo or EA for their big stuff).
LTD through May NPD (ethelred's numbers are a month older).

Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X - 84,314 (6,658 in May)
Mega Man Powered Up - 28,022 (6,155 in May)
jj984jj said:
You said 50K, and 30K-40K is a pretty low standard. Especially after the first month.

Yes, for some reason I recall it was around 43k last month, and last month it did 6k which if my initial brain fart wasn't incorrect, it would be right around 50k a month after it was 43k.
jarrod said:
Worldwide, I expect ZX to have outsold PU and MVX combined by a decent margin (maybe even doubled if it's lucky). Hell you can even throw Legends 1-2 in there. ZX is going to break 100k in Japan too, this is a huge improvement already over PSP Rockmans. And rightfully so, Rockman's primary base has tradionally been Nintendo handhelds for the past half decade... I don't doubt RM² or IHX would've sold far better as DS titles, likely enough to greenlight sequels even.

To add some fuel to the fire, UGNG probably should've been a DS game too. ;)

To add some fuel to the fire, Megaman ZX would have sold more if it was named Megaman, Dr. Wily's intense Brain Games :p


I would bang a hot farmer!
DemDereNads said:
To add some fuel to the fire, Megaman ZX would have sold more if it was named Megaman, Dr. Wily's intense Brain Games :p
They're saving that title for the RPG where you build robots and battle them against your friends online.


DemDereNads said:
To add some fuel to the fire, Megaman ZX would have sold more if it was named Megaman, Dr. Wily's intense Brain Games :p
Maybe, but it sells well enough on DS just off the Rockman name. Maybe adding "Brain Training" to the PSP games would've pushed their sales to acceptable levels though. :p


from 2 ch

15 NDS Digimon Story - 11,000 / 91,000
28 NDS Seiken Densetsu DS CHILDREN of MANA - 4,000 / 268,000
31 PSP Monster Hunter Portable - 3,600 / 676,000
32 NDS Kanji DS Dictionary - 3,500 / 119,000
35 NDS Magical Vacation - 3,000 / 22,000
39 NDS Point Blank - 2,800 / 42,000
47 GBA MOTHER 3 - 2,400 / 346,000
53 PSP Valkyrie Profile -Lenneth- - 2,000 / 139,000
56 NDS Green Tea dog's home DS - 1,900 / 53,000
60 NDS SIMPLE DS series Vol.8 THE 鑑識官 - 1,900 / 19,000
64 NDS Dragon Ball Z - 1,500 / 297,000
74 NDS BLEACH DS - 2,500 / 88,000(May 06)
78 PS2 Okami 大神 - 12,00 / 135,000
82 NDS 漢字の渡り鳥 - 1,200 / 13,000
83 GBA Calcio Bit - 1,200 / 27,000
92 NDS Right Brain Expert! Machigai Museum - 1,200 / 97,000(last week)
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