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Media Create Sales 5/14 - 5/20

Segata Sanshiro said:
Man, ethel was right about the way these threads are going.


What about the opinions of those who know what the titles beyond Halo3 / GTA4 are? I'd say a lot of folks would say the other titles will have no sizable system-pushing potential (that doesn't mean they won't sell like gangbusters).


Junior Member
Oh dear...oh dear...oh dear...

JudgeN said:
Thats the problem here, how can you not know about the PS3 big titles there are countless threads on them. And Sony just had a huge gamers day were they released the latest information. The problem is people think the PS3 is too expensive so they just completely discredit the games coming out for it as auto failures. Or they just discredit them because there Sony first party and peoples perspective of Sony 1st party is that its trash.

Noone said the games were automatic failures, and noone thinks like that.
maybe people want to WAIT for the good games to come out since the fanchises people know and are used too aren't out yet (MGS4, FF XIII, DMC4) and they want to wait to pay 500$ instead of 600$.
RiskyChris said:
What about the opinions of those who know what the titles beyond Halo3 / GTA4 are? I'd say a lot of folks would say the other titles will have no sizable system-pushing potential (that doesn't mean they won't sell like gangbusters).
If you actually have educated yourself about the game, you are in as good a position as any to try to predict its success. At least then you're basing it on more than "it sounds generic". I'll point out though that even at that point it's just your own opinion. Like this, watch me go, watch me go:

I don't personally like Smash Bros. At all. I'm not excited about the next installment, which looks just like both games that came before it. I doubt it's going to sell any better than the last one, and it will probably sell worse since it isn't bringing much new to the table that I can see.

At any rate, I'm more or less finished with this discussion. I've already been in too many tard snowball fights on these forums for my liking, I'm not going to get in another one.
Mar_ said:

A lot of fans bring up X game and say how huge it's going to be. What they don't understand is that it's only the hardcore who even know what that is. The hardcore group around these games and hype builds from screenshots and videos. Meanwhile the real world hasn't seen shit and couldn't give a crap either way.

Usually my first exposure to such games is the 1up Show. Last episode introduced me to Crysis, and I was blown away. That game looks incredible. But I'm sure the hardcore gamers look at me with mystified faces that I haven't even heard of the game before that point.

Like Mariah and others. I just don't click on the threads that talk about 'generic shooter 3' or 'chick with breasts and a sword kills guys 7'. I used to play games like that. For years and years. But I've just grown out of them. These days I prefer something different and interesting.

It's easy to mark someone who's like this as a 'Nintendo fan'. But if anyone knows my post history. I'm certainly not one of them. I don't like Mario games, I don't like most of Nintendo's franchises. I do happen to favour their attitude at the moment though. And there's the simple fact that I want a 360, and to a lesser extent a PS3. But I'm waiting for a price drop.

It's not labeled as 'Edited,' but I swear everytime I glanced over this post there was something new there. Weird. :lol

Oh, and YIKES at the can of worms I opened up. Seriously was not my intention, even though deep down I probably knew this wasn't going to end well...


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
Segata Sanshiro said:
I've already been in too many tard snowball fights on these forums for my liking, I'm not going to get in another one.
That's a really annoying way of ending it and you know it.

I don't know why you react so harshly, I for once welcome that we're trying to get different perspectives here. It's not about the quality of the games. It's about whether or not certain titles will stand out of the masses, and if many gaffers don't know about them, it may just be a sign that they won't.

"Ball rolling maze game" on the other hand is a subtitle that you can get the attention of not-yet video gamers with. Just look at all the non-descript, non-franchised puzzle games announced for the DS recently.
Segata Sanshiro said:
If you actually have educated yourself about the game, you are in as good a position as any to try to predict its success. At least then you're basing it on more than "it sounds generic". I'll point out though that even at that point it's just your own opinion. Like this, watch me go, watch me go:

I don't personally like Smash Bros. At all. I'm not excited about the next installment, which looks just like both games that came before it. I doubt it's going to sell any better than the last one, and it will probably sell worse since it isn't bringing much new to the table that I can see.

At any rate, I'm more or less finished with this discussion. I've already been in too many tard snowball fights on these forums for my liking, I'm not going to get in another one.

Yeah but opinions can be wrong, in which case that particular one happens to be.

As a sales-age thread, it's completely reasonable to try to predict how certain titles will be received and what effects it may have on said console's sales. We have historical precedent in the SSB, Halo, and GTA series to say that they likely will drive console sales.

Additionally, what did Virtua Fighter 5 do for PS3 sales? There are a lot of niche, wonderful titles that simply don't have the weight that some franchises carry.
I think the point trying to be made here is that these games aren't going to prick the ears of anybody who isn't already interested in them. This applies to Nintendo's titles as well.

That's why Nintendo is doing so well right now. Wii Sports is so popular it cannot be avoided by the mainstream.
Wait. What?

I thought we had determined that Dragona wasn't an example internet transgenderment a while ago.

What gender does ethelred think he/she is?


you can't put a price on sparks
how are wii games getting any more exposure than games on the ps3/360?

and i dont see how wii sports is any more popular than gears of war.
davepoobond said:
how are wii games getting any more exposure than games on the ps3/360?

and i dont see how wii sports is any more popular than gears of war.

Hype effect. People who own a console are more likely to look into what the available games are, and more people own a Wii than do a PS3. With supply constraints we may even be able to bump up the number of people interested in upcoming Wii games a little.


you can't put a price on sparks
bmf said:
Hype effect. People who own a console are more likely to look into what the available games are, and more people own a Wii than do a PS3. With supply constraints we may even be able to bump up the number of people interested in upcoming Wii games a little.

so (since you only brought up the ps3) ps3 games do not get exposed to people who don't own a ps3?



davepoobond said:
so (since you only brought up the ps3) ps3 games do not get exposed to people who don't own a ps3?

Not in the mainstream media. Wii sports is being talked about in popular science, time magazine, newsweek, all sorts of publications.
davepoobond said:
so (since you only brought up the ps3) ps3 games do not get exposed to people who don't own a ps3?


Pretty much. Bet mom and pop might hear a thing or two (even if they don't purchase it) about Warioware, but they sure as hell won't hear about Heavenly Sword.
davepoobond said:
how are wii games getting any more exposure than games on the ps3/360?

and i dont see how wii sports is any more popular than gears of war.

Do you see Gears Of War on Conan O' Brien, The Colbert Report, Dr. Phil, etc.?

Wii Sports is getting more mainstream press than any console video game I'd say since GTA3.

There's very few games that crossover into the general public conciousness anyway. I'd say since the beginning of video games there's maybe 20-25 games that have done it total and Gears Of War sure as hell is not one of them.
davepoobond said:
so (since you only brought up the ps3) ps3 games do not get exposed to people who don't own a ps3?

Sure they do. Anyone that's contemplating the purchase of a PS3 is surely looking at the games. What I'm saying is that I believe that the number of people currently contemplating the purchase of a Wii, and are therefore examining the upcoming games is probably higher than the same types of people who are doing the same for the PS3. This is mostly due the sales numbers we've been seeing for each system, and the apparent fact that the Wii is supply constrained while the PS3 is demand constrained.

I suppose that it's possible that there are 20 Gazillion consumers that have a burning lust for the PS3 and read every scrap and tidbit of information they can on every game, yet can't afford the PS3 purchase at this point, but Occam's razor says that there isn't.


you can't put a price on sparks
soundwave05 said:
Do you see Gears Of War on Conan O' Brien, The Colbert Report, Dr. Phil, etc.?

no. (mostly because i dont watch most of those shows to begin with).

but then again i dont see the wii anywhere except for weird fast food commercials. and the 360 had its share with the 360 games from burger king.

out of curiousity wtf were they talking about Wii on Dr. Phil for?
davepoobond said:

but then again i dont see the wii anywhere except for weird fast food commercials. and the 360 had its share with the 360 games from burger king.

So, lol, the Wii has a fast food tie-in and so does the 360 = the same mainstream press coverage?

Like the Wii or not, but the "Iwata era" Nintendo is quite honestly taking both Sony and Microsoft to school on how to get the mainstream press/media/public behind a video game product.
Matt said:
I agree. Why would third parties abandon the PS3 now, only to come back to it later? With the long development times of next-gen titles, such a strategy seems doomed to failure. And if third parties abandon the PS3, what exactly is going to make it sell "a lot more?"
this seems so familiar; it's almost like it's the same thing that happened to the GC: third parties leave because sales are horrible and say they'll be back when sales get better. Sales don't get better because of the lack of games so the third parties never come back. I hope this doesn't end up happening to the PS3.
bune duggy said:
this seems so familiar; it's almost like it's the same thing that happened to the GC: third parties leave because sales are horrible and say they'll be back when sales get better. Sales don't get better because of the lack of games so the third parties never come back. I hope this doesn't end up happening to the PS3.

It's the whole chicken/egg scenario. Developers want a big userbase, but they don't want to risk dev resources to do it.
davepoobond said:
how are wii games getting any more exposure than games on the ps3/360?

and i dont see how wii sports is any more popular than gears of war.
Marketing and targeting specific audiences, the whole package. And yes, Wii Sports is more popular than Gears of War.

Eteric Rice

bune duggy said:
this seems so familiar; it's almost like it's the same thing that happened to the GC: third parties leave because sales are horrible and say they'll be back when sales get better. Sales don't get better because of the lack of games so the third parties never come back. I hope this doesn't end up happening to the PS3.

It's probably going to happen to the PS3.



bune duggy said:
this seems so familiar; it's almost like it's the same thing that happened to the GC: third parties leave because sales are horrible and say they'll be back when sales get better. Sales don't get better because of the lack of games so the third parties never come back. I hope this doesn't end up happening to the PS3.

It's already happening. Behind the scenes and out in the open.


you can't put a price on sparks
titiklabingapat said:
And yes, Wii Sports is more popular than Gears of War.

perhaps this is an unfair comparison to begin with since Wii Sports was a pack-in game.

soundwave05 said:
So, lol, the Wii has a fast food tie-in and so does the 360 = the same mainstream press coverage?

"press coverage" is only one part of acquiring mainstream attention.

AniHawk said:
It's already happening. Behind the scenes and out in the open.

people've been saying that about the PSP for years. yet i dont exactly see it getting any worse than it used to ever be for the thing to begin with.
davepoobond said:
perhaps this is an unfair comparison to begin with since Wii Sports was a pack-in game.

"press coverage" is only one part of acquiring mainstream attention.

It's also an unfair comparision because Wii Sports can actually appeal to a broader range of users. If you walked around a college campus and started asking women at random about Wii Sports, it probably would not take too long before one of them had seen/heard about Wii Sports.

Gears Of War? :lol Good luck.


you can't put a price on sparks
soundwave05 said:
It's also an unfair comparision because Wii Sports can actually appeal to a broader range of users. If you walked around a college campus and started asking women at random about Wii Sports, it probably would not take too long before one of them had seen/heard about Wii Sports.

Gears Of War? :lol Good luck.

yes, because Gears of War was TOTALLY made for a broad range of people.

that still doesn't answer the question of HOW the games are getting any more. One game doesn't mean "games"

to what effect is the mainstream press coverage granting the other wii games?
davepoobond said:
how are wii games getting any more exposure than games on the ps3/360?

and i dont see how wii sports is any more popular than gears of war.

I would put GoW in a league with Wii Sports as a title that can push systems. No one is saying 360 games in general have less mainstream hype, just that certain titles do not have system-selling properties.

I bought my 360 because of gears of war.
davepoobond said:
yes, because Gears of War was TOTALLY made for a broad range of people.

that still doesn't answer the question of HOW the games are getting any more. One game doesn't mean "games"

to what effect is the mainstream press coverage granting the other wii games?

The Wii is the hottest video game product out right now pretty much bar none.

Contrast that to where Nintendo was about 2 years ago.

Obviously something is happening in areas where Nintendo was shit-last just a few years ago -- namely

1.) Mindshare

2.) Word of mouth

3.) Mainstream marketing/"buzz"

Gears Of War is a terrific game with a nice marketing campaign ... but it's just another game. It's a lot like what Splinter Cell was to the first XBox.

Games like Super Mario Bros., DOOM, Mortal Kombat, Tomb Raider, Pokemon, GTA3, The Sims, ... those are the types of games that reach the true level of mainstream acceptance and mindshare ... that's where Wii Sports is headed.

By the time this gen is up it should clear 4 million copies in Japan also.
soundwave05 said:
Gears Of War is a terrific game with a nice marketing campaign ... but it's just another game. It's a lot like what Splinter Cell was to the first XBox.

Just another game or not, it sold a lot of 360s.


davepoobond said:
people've been saying that about the PSP for years. yet i dont exactly see it getting any worse than it used to ever be for the thing to begin with.

Exclusives are no longer exclusive. That's the first step. It's what happened to the PSP too.
RiskyChris said:
Just another game or not, it sold a lot of 360s.

Actually the hardware spike the 360 got the month GoW came out really wasn't that impressive.

Street Fighter 2 sold "a lot" of SNES, GoldenEye sold "a lot" of N64s, FF7 sold "a lot" of Playstations. I don't really see GoW being in that same league.

It was pretty much the standard type of "big fall title" you'd expect a system like the 360 to have.
soundwave05 said:
Actually the hardware spike the 360 got the month GoW came out really wasn't that impressive.

Street Fighter 2 sold "a lot" of SNES, GoldenEye sold "a lot" of N64s, FF7 sold "a lot" of Playstations. I don't really see GoW being in that same league.

It was pretty much the standard type of "big fall title" you'd expect a system like the 360 to have.

Then Galaxy is just a "big fall title" you expect on a Nintendo system. Whether or not its expected, it was a game that got a lot of attention and absolutely drove up the perceived value of a 360. Who's to say the sales of 360 wouldn't have stayed as high as they have without GoW?
AniHawk said:
Exclusives are no longer exclusive. That's the first step. It's what happened to the PSP too.

Who really knows how many projects/games that developers might have considered putting on PSP were also quitely canned behind the scenes or never considered either.

If the PSP is selling higher than the DS, then maybe it's the one getting Dragon Quest IX and FF12: RW and Final Fantasy IV Remake, etc. etc. etc.

That's the thing with the PSP ... successful platforms usually have a ramp up of big third party announcements ... the PSP has pretty much just stayed level. It's first Christmas it's biggest game was GTA .... it's second Christmas ... err ... GTA again.
RiskyChris said:
Then Galaxy is just a "big fall title" you expect on a Nintendo system. Whether or not its expected, it was a game that got a lot of attention and absolutely drove up the perceived value of a 360. Who's to say the sales of 360 wouldn't have stayed as high as they have without GoW?

Actually I could see both Wii Health and SSBB outselling Mario Galaxy and for better or worse something like Manhunt 2 getting more mainstream attention.

And I wouldn't say Mario Galaxy is as important to the Wii as Wii Sports is/was. I can see Mario Galaxy selling a nice 7-8 mill WW for Nintendo, but I don't see it becoming an iconic type of game.
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