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Media Create Sales Jan 8 - 14

LanceStern said:
Well you mean not even 1 million of those 4 million like videogames?

Perhaps they can't afford them...hm food for thought.

Oh and by douple post you guys mean two different posts. I'm thinkig you guys are saying I post the exact same message on accident.
Sorry, maybe i have the wrong idea, but does 25% of americans all buy consoles?
I know for aus what you are saying would mean around 5 million people buying video games, n that just doesn't happen. Maybe if you designated 25% of people from 7-40 yes, but of whole population is a big stretch?


The nerdiest nerd of all the nerds in nerdland
here are two very quick graphs to show ds vs ps2 again and illustrate the rates. ps2 sales pre-7m are modelled (badly) by a linear line back to launch weekend of 900k




ethelred said:
As I see it, there are two non-franchise RPGs from niche publishers there. Should we spin Nippon Ichi's almost identical first day sales for Dragon Shadow Spell as an indicator that third parties should fear Sony consoles?

What does Nippon Ichi have to do with Dragon Shadow Spell? :D

In other news, it seems that Sekaiju is indeed seriously undershipped with many internet retailers only able to fill orders next week. What's going on Atlus?!


psycho_snake's and The Black Brad Pitt's B*TCH
jimbo said:
Ok you are making me lose my cool. You are such a ****ing liar dude. I never predicted a "huge" turnaround for the 360 in Japan. I only stated Blue Dragon helped turn things around and improved sales(BIG DIFFERENCE FROM HUGE TURNAROUND) AND as a matter of fact I STATED the 360 would be LUCKY to hit 10k on a monthly basis.

You need to get banned for making shit up. As a matter of fact put your account where your mouth is. How about a bet? If you can find anywhere on this site me stating that I believe the 360 will maintain an average of OVER 10k in Japan, the mods can ban me for a month. If not, you're out for a month.
How about it? I'll even give you 24 hours to dig.

You are so full of shit.
:lol I don't want to waste my time argueing with one of the dumbest posters EVER.
But to make fun of you.

Japan likes GOW more than Europe confimed?

BD turn-around confirmed?

Last week I was getting flamed for saying that BD may have helped turn things around for the 360. While the 360 is still below the Xbox's LTD at this point, the original Xbox never had 4 weeks in a row like this in Japan a year after it came out. Most people dismissed the idea that this could happen as soon as BD fell off the charts, but I think that's because most people were unrealistically expecting the game to sell 500k and give the 360 a 300k boost in hardware. This, however, is more in line with what I was expecting. BD may be off the charts, but it has not stopped selling, and it has not stopped moving hardware. It's just simply selling very small amounts but it's also selling hardware along with it. It's still too early to call but if the 360 doesn't drop back to 2-3k next week(we should know tomorrow) that would pretty much solidify it, especially considering how much the other two systems dropped in comparison.
So now that X360 didn't drop below 3k, BD turn around confirmed, even if we know the fact that first week of the year is one of the biggest (if not the biggest) weeks of the year in Japan.

The Wii took a huge drop-off. So do you guys think it's safe to say supply is now > demand for both PS3 and Wii in Japan?
Yeah, pretty much its drop off related to its demand not its supply (which various sources such as IGN claimed there were no Wiis in Japan at that time.)

I agree. It seems now there's plenty of supply for both systems. So tomorrow's numbers should be the first "real" numbers after the dust settled.
Plenty of Wiis?
:lol :lol

I can't wait to see how the Wii's popularity holds up(although this week should bring up a red flag), how the price of the PS3 will affect its sales, and finally if I am right in that the 360 won't fall back down to 2k a week again.
Yeah you are right genius, and everyone else expected that 360 would drop below 2k in the biggest week of the year. :lol

I really don't think 1 million units over 6 YEARS is being far too optimistic. It all comes down to the games really. So let's face it, 475k people bought the Xbox, with half of them to just play DOA. The other half I think were probably the same guys buying a second console to replace the first one to play DOA, because I can't think of what else they bought it for. The 360, oth, has currently one of the best rpg line-ups, which Japanese love. I certainly think that if it can manage to get 3-4 strong rpgs exclusive or at least time exclusive on the system, along with DOA5, it will do 1 million over 6 years.
240k sales for DoA3 in Japan confirmed, according to dumbo mumbo jimbo.

[B said:
Oh and how would the naysayers explain the 360 in Japan if it indeed manages to stay around the same numbers for the first week of the year?[/B]
We can't say anything except you are full of shit and know nothing about sales trends.

So to re-cap:

360 > Wii +PS3
GOW LTD > Wii + GC Zelda LTD
and finally.....

PS3 = 68% of shipped = Jimbo(price matters) > GAF 2006 (price doesn't matter)

I still can't believe how stupid those arguments were.

Just how much does price matter? I repeat: the freaking PS3 sold 68% of its total shipment its 2nd month after launch! Even I who expected this to happen, didn't expect it to happen so soon.
Yeah, because:
1. There are no other countries in NA. (1m in NA =! 1m in US)
2. No one here knows what Sony shipment numbers means. (in terms of Sony's numbers, shipment = units which leave production facilities)
3. NPD covered through Dec. 31th (which is not the case and a lot of those shipments made available on that day, Dec. 31th)

Seriously,this thread NEEDS some Tom Cruise and The Last Samurai photoshops. It's so perfect.

Just think about it:

So a drunken American war hero has-been(Tom, AKA Xbox) goes to Japan to supposedly "kill some Japs". Gets there and makes a friend of similar tastes(Itagaki) and then gets the shit kicked out of him(Xbox LTD). But alas, a gift from GOD(Bill Gates) spares his life and takes him to meet an old samurai(Sagakuchi) in an old samurai town(Mistwalker). He gets the shit beat out of him again(360 launch). The war hero is now humbled. He learns humility. However.....while there, he learns how to fight(BD + LO production begins) and succeeds at having a small victory over the town bully in a show-off of what he has learned(BD sees good sales).

Want to know what happens to the 360 in Japan? Go watch the rest of the movie, but at some point the Emperor(Nintendo) bows dow to him and they become friends(Wii60 for the win?)

:lol :lol

Actually it was only 3.4 mi in the US. But people always forget Canada which can amount to as much as 15-20% of US sales. So it should be anywhere between 510k-680k in Canada.

So as of the end of Nov we can assume:
4 million NA
~1.5-2 million Europe
115,000 Australia as listed in the Australian thread
180,000 in Japan

And ~300k everywhere else?

For a total of 6.1 to 6.6 world wide as of the end of Nov.
Oh snap. You said people guesstimated sales while they might not do it and yet you did it yourself? And in a shitty ways as always. :lol
Yeah pretty much by the end of Nov. X360 sales was between 500-700k in Canada alone. :lol
And why did you predict European sales yourself? Where did you get those numbers?
So if I guesstimate 5m sales for X360 in Europe then you haven't problem with it?

But it should easily do 1 mil world-wide. I don't expect it to do 1 mil in any one region but come on....the game is on track for 200k in Japan on a user base that's barely past that. There are more JRPG fans that currently own a 360 in the US and Europe than there are 360 owners in Japan.
The way I see it is there are currently 6-7 million hardcore gamers that own the 360, and if they're anything like me and the rest of the guys on GAF then they're just STARVING for something like BD. After all, that's why I spent money for Enchanted Arms.

Besides, I am proof and my word is final. None of the games I have ever bought on day one has gone to sell less than 500k. Therefore.....I plan on buying BD day one...+500k sales guaranteed ;)
Wow, so it seems you made predictions based on your tripsto the future. :lol

As almost everyone pointed out before, you are one of the worst posters ever here on GAF.
Seriously, just STFU.
DeaconKnowledge said:
The PSP seems to be trending similar to the GBA. Had the DS never existed...well, you know.
Not really, though it's harder to tell on that chart since the weekly Media Create data doesn't go back far enough. PSP has now been out 25 months and is at 4.7 million. 25 months for GBA on that chart would be April 2003, where it's around 9 million.

cvxfreak said:
Joshua, you should start doing PS2 catch up countdowns every week. :lol
Heh, not a bad idea. If DS and PS2 continue to sell as they did this week indefinitely, they'll meet up in 86.8 weeks (September 12, 2008) with total sales of 22,197,752 apiece. Of course, since this is based on a single week things can vary greatly. The same stat using last week's numbers has them meeting 20 weeks later (May 26, 2007) at 21,247,270 units apiece.

With the addition of "PS2 LTD", "Weeks until DS catches up", and "At which point they'll both have sold" columns, I am now using every single one of the 256 allowable columns in an OpenOffice.org spreadsheet. I'll have to start splitting this thing up or offloading some of these stats to be figured using my online data. @_@
jimbo said:
How about a bet? If you can find anywhere on this site me stating that I believe the 360 will maintain an average of OVER 10k in Japan, the mods can ban me for a month. If not, you're out for a month.

I really didn't want to join in, but I think that bet was a bad idea...

jimbo said:
I really don't think 1 million units over 6 YEARS is being far too optimistic

Go and find a calculator


Graphics Horse said:
I really didn't want to join in, but I think that bet was a bad idea...

Go and find a calculator

6 * 52 = 312 weeks

1,000,000 / 312 = 3205


Edit: Beaten a few times over.

starship said:
:lol I don't want to waste my time argueing with one of the dumbest posters EVER.
But to make fun of you.
Then you conceed his point. You accused him of saying something, he called you out for making it up and asked you to back it up. You won't.

Joe Molotov

Fuzzy said:
I don't know because I've pretty much stopped following MC threads because they're too much of a cluster****.

Anytime you start seeing posts with more than 10 seperate quotes in them, then it probably means all the fun has been squeezed out of this week's Media Create thread.


JoshuaJSlone said:
Errr. That would mean something like X360 selling 700K over the next 4.5 years, which averages to 3K each and every week for the duration.

jimbo said:
I only stated Blue Dragon helped turn things around and improved sales(BIG DIFFERENCE FROM HUGE TURNAROUND) AND as a matter of fact I STATED the 360 would be LUCKY to hit 10k on a monthly basis.
How about a bet? If you can find anywhere on this site me stating that I believe the 360 will maintain an average of OVER 10k in Japan, the mods can ban me for a month. If not, you're out for a month.

3K * 4 weeks = 12K / month.

Just saying. ;)



psycho_snake's and The Black Brad Pitt's B*TCH
GhaleonEB said:

6 * 52 = 312 weeks

1,000,000 / 312 = 3205


Edit: Beaten a few times over.

Then you conceed his point. You accused him of saying something, he called you out for making it up and asked you to back it up. You won't.
jimbo said:
Great numbers for the 360. 17k is awesome for the week after BD. You know as bad as the 360 is doing in Japan, if it can keep its numbers over 10k a week from now on, it would outsell the original Xbox's LTD in Japan in roughly 6 months. It will be interesting to see if LP will help it stay around 15k this week.



donny2112 said:
Since European discussions came up in this thread, I figured this was as good a place as any to post it. :p

PS2 tops Kiwi market at Xmas, total sales over 400k

PlayStation 2 recently achieved sales of over 400,00 units in New Zealand, selling 21,800 units during November and December - 70% of total console sales.

This marks the seventh consecutive year Playstation 2 has been the number one games console in the market. In addition to record console sales, the new range of 'social gaming' titles have also proven very successful, with SingStar Legends, Buzz!T Sports, and Buzz!T Junior Jungle selling in the tens of thousands of units.

"It is no surprise to us that PlayStation 2 was the number one selling gaming platform for Christmas. As the PlayStation 2 offering goes from strength to strength, more consumers are buying into the value proposition of the hardware and the unrivalled range of software on offer. Consumers obviously saw exceptional value in PlayStation 2," says Warwick Light, SCENZ's general manager of sales and marketing.

"With new platforms on the market, we stand by our belief that the gaming category is a long-haul race. The continued support and innovation of the PlayStation 2 platform shows that a console can enjoy a long lifespan and continue to grow its appeal to new audiences. Don't think that with the launch of our next generation console we will be forgetting about PlayStation 2 - far from it. "

Christmas sales figures for 30 October to Dec 31 2006:

PS2 21,813 units = 70.9% of console market
PSP 9,560 units = 73% of handheld market
Source: GFK sales tracking


that's interesting... I expected the PS2 to be #1 but not the PSP... I wonder how big is the DS market and how did the Wii do.


The whole time I have lived in New Zealand I have never seen another DS besides my own. Most stores have pretty useless game displays as well.


starship said:
How is "if it can keep its numbers over 10k a week" constitute an assertion that it would do so? I've made a similar observation in the past - if the 360 can average ~10k/week for a couple of years, that's a decent niche. I think the 360 has a longshot at best of doing that, though. You made it sound like he was vigorously arguing that position. All of the other posts you quoted support the fact that he has NOT been arguing for that.

Your absolute hatred of that guy is bizarre - he hasn't said anything crazy about 360 sales. The system is tanking in Japan, but less so than it was. That's all it amounts to. I guess I feel some sympathy for him, since you're not discussing his points and just instead attacking him personally. It's childish, really.


psycho_snake's and The Black Brad Pitt's B*TCH
GhaleonEB said:
How is "if it can keep its numbers over 10k a week" constitute an assertion that it would do so? I've made a similar observation in the past - if the 360 can average ~10k/week for a couple of years, that's a decent niche. I think the 360 has a longshot at best of doing that, though. You made it sound like he was vigorously arguing that position. All of the other posts you quoted support the fact that he has NOT been arguing for that.

Your absolute hatred of that guy is bizarre - he hasn't said anything crazy about 360 sales. The system is tanking in Japan, but less so than it was. That's all it amounts to. I guess I feel some sympathy for him, since you're not discussing his points and just instead attacking him personally. It's childish, really.
It didn't make sense at all if he didn't believe in what he said, he saw a big possibilty in there.
I don't say if Wii can sell 700k monthly in Europe it would outsell GC in 6 months, if I really don't think it has a really big chance to do it.
Anyway, his comments always seems fanboiysh. Anyone can look at some of his quotes in my post.
Btw, he guesstimated sales of 360 before (just look at his quotes in my post) and then when people did it too, because they were not in favor of his console of choice, all of a sudden guesstimating became BS and made no sense. He is the guy that act like a 10 year old girl when 360 sold 35k in a week and then created the only Media Create prediction thread in GAF's history. I love what Anihawk said in one of the MC threads back then. :lol


flinging feces ---->
Why is it that we don't list Japanese console sales in the media create threads (I don't know, so if it's some obvious reason, feel free to make fun of me)
LanceStern said:
Well you mean not even 1 million of those 4 million like videogames?

Perhaps they can't afford them...hm food for thought.

Oh and by douple post you guys mean two different posts. I'm thinkig you guys are saying I post the exact same message on accident.
LanceStern said:
How is it a BOOM when it's less than 21k? And how is a boom, 9k units in 2 months?

That's like a squeak. Or feather dropping on sand
Dude, you have to look beyond your own nose sometimes. NZ is a small country, get over it.
Can't afford them...wow just wow.
And not even 1 million out of 4 million like videogames? So you're saying 75 million out 300 million US citizens like and buy videogames? Or 125 million out of 500 million EU citizens?
And you wonder why you are getting flak? :lol


psycho_snake's and The Black Brad Pitt's B*TCH
Phife Dawg said:
Dude, you have to look beyond your own nose sometimes. NZ is a small country, get over it.
Can't afford them...wow just wow.
And not even 1 million out of 4 million like videogames? So you're saying 75 million out 300 million US citizens like and buy videogames? Or 125 million out of 500 million EU citizens?
And you wonder why you are getting flak? :lol
mmm... Actually PS2+Xbox+GC sales in the US are very close to 75m. :) Of course it doesn't mean there are 75m video gamers in the US.
starship said:
mmm... Actually PS2+Xbox+GC sales in the US are very close to 75m. :) Of course it doesn't mean there are 75m video gamers in the US.
Agreed. Shouldn't be anything close to 125 million in the EU though.


you can't put a price on sparks
dirtmonkey37 said:
For example:

PS3 sold 25K this week
360 sold 9K this week
Wii sold....lots this week.

Why isn't this infomation in the <i>first</i> post?

its right here:

DS - 17
Wii - 6
PS2 - 4
PSP - 3
360 - 0
PS3 - 0
GBA - 0

like everyone's been saying. its been a big crash!


dirtmonkey37 said:
For example:

PS3 sold 25K this week
360 sold 9K this week
Wii sold....lots this week.

Why isn't this infomation in the <i>first</i> post?

Oh. I just assumed it was cause cvxfreak was being lazy this week. He's usually better about that when he creates the MC threads.


Accept one saviour, get the second free.
TTP said:
Will be interesting to see what happens when DS sales reach GBA ones.
The awesomeness will make GAF servers divide by zero, and everyone here will instantly die.
jj984jj said:
Well I'm looking more at where the DS sold 9-14 million, I mean if Nintendo can continue supplying DS Lites like they have during that part of the year then I don't think it'll take quite as long as 36 months. I'm not saying it'll happen in 7-8 months, but I won't be surprised if it was awfully close by the end of December. The only think that could get in the way is Wii... but they appealing to the non-gamer for different reasons so I think they can co-exist.
He's talking 36 monts from the launch (0 - 20mn). We're already past the 24th month so his prediction is less than 12 months in the future (eq at this rate, by the end of 2007 the DS will have passed PS2 LTD in japan)


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Masklinn said:
He's talking 36 monts from the launch (0 - 20mn). We're already past the 24th month so his prediction is less than 12 months in the future (eq at this rate, by the end of 2007 the DS will have passed PS2 LTD in japan)
Oh, I see, so he did take it into consideration.


I would bang a hot farmer!
cvxfreak said:
Slipped my mind. Crucify me now! :lol
Maybe you should be banned from starting MC threads from now on.

You don't start it with all the info available and edit it in later once you've translated it. You don't go back and update the OP as more data is made available. I'm very disappointed with you.
Phife Dawg said:
Dude, you have to look beyond your own nose sometimes. NZ is a small country, get over it.
Can't afford them...wow just wow.
And not even 1 million out of 4 million like videogames? So you're saying 75 million out 300 million US citizens like and buy videogames? Or 125 million out of 500 million EU citizens?
And you wonder why you are getting flak? :lol

As someone pointed out... the US sales would be like 750,000. Plus there's the possibility that gamers share a home console.

And yea I don't see why 1 million people out of 4 million can't like videogames.
LanceStern said:
As someone pointed out... the US sales would be like 750,000. Plus there's the possibility that gamers share a home console.

And yea I don't see why 1 million people out of 4 million can't like videogames.
Well your words were "not even" 1 out of 4 million people. You are expecting at least 25% of the population to buy video games, which just isn't happening, not even in other regions.


Sgt. Killjoy said:
i dont know how you could compare DS and PS2. The prices were way different(for a while)

So was the GBA. So was the GameCube. So was the PSP. So were plenty of other systems, but none of that mattered because the PS2 was a popular phenomenon in Japan. The DS is now being compared to that because it looks on track to easily exceed the PS2's popularity in hardware, have more million-selling games -- it's, more than any other system, the successor to the PS2 in Japan.

And suggesting that price is at the root of that popularity is silly.
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