Jokeropia said:
Not necessarily, because it's customary for a system to drop a bit in the weeks leading up to a new hardware SKU release, such as the black Wii. I'm surprised that it actually increased this week.
Ye, that is true, i also mentioned that MH3 and/or the black colored Wii could be some reasons for the 2 weeks Wii hardware sales decrease in my previous post
But seeing a downfall (it was not really a huge downfall though, but the Wii hardware sale did decrease a bit) in the Wii hardware sales about 2 week after Wii Sports Resort were released, which is probably one of the biggest Wii titles being released this year, this wasnt necessarily a good outlook, at least in my opinion. If Wii Sports Resort didnt really do much for the Wii hardware sales (at least there wasnt really a huge bump in the Wii hardware sale), being one of the biggest Wii titles this year, how would the outlook be for the other Wii games? It is pretty much impossible to know for sure before the games comes out for sale though, but i wouldnt rule out this question completely (i am not saying that you or anyone else are ruling out this question just to underline that, i am just saying that i wouldnt do it). And i guess that many people who are/were interested in Wii Sports Resort might already own a Wii console though.
Personally i also think that the Wii sales will increase now that Wii Sports Resort is out (it might lead to a bit increase in the Wii hardware sales each week as donny2112 predicted earlier), and that the black colored Wii and Monster Hunter 3 are right around the corner (or they might actually be out for sale right now
). I think it should be interesting to see how the Wii hardware sales will look in the upcoming weeks and months
The increase in the Wii hardware sales this week might have been due to Monster Hunter 3 being released this week. I am under the impression that Monster Hunter 3 has had a pretty good ad campaign, and maybe this has increased the awareness of the Wii itself on a general basis, and not just about Wii and Monster Hunter 3. Eventhough that the black colored Wii is also coming out this week, and i am sure that serveral of people wants a black colored Wii, maybe people still prefer a white colored console instead of a black coloroed console. And maybe several of people dont know about the Monster Hunter 3 bundle and/or that people bought a Wii for Wii Sports Resorts as well. This is just some of my guesses though
Jokeropia said:
Such a statement would've made more sense last year or the beginning of this year. Recently Wii has seen a small revitalization (and I expect a bigger one to be imminent) while PSP has been slumping compared to previous levels.
That is true, the Wii has increased a bit within the last 10 weeks or so when it comes to the hardware sales as you say. But, the hardware sales hasnt really been that high though (at least compared to the DS and the PSP, and to the earlier years of the PS2), and this might show a lower interest when it comes to consoles. This goes for all consoles hardware sales, not just the Wii. But i think i know what you mean though, since the Wii has increase a bit in hardware sales, it shows increased interested/caring about consoles (or at least about the Wii), correct? If yes, i agree to this
The PSP sales have indeed gone a bit down compared to the PSP sales for like 2-3 months ago or so as you say, but the PSP sales is still pretty good, and it seems that still relatively many people are interesting in buying a PSP, at least in my opinion
This could probably be said for the Wii as well though, but the PSP hardware sales are higher, which might indicate a bigger interested, at least in my opinion.
But even if the consoles interest might be at a lower point now compared to the previous console generations, i still belive that people are interested in consoles in Japan, but maybe people have been a bit more interested in handheld gaming instead of console gaming in this generation compared to previous generations? I think that it should be interesting to see how the console hardware sales will be in the upcoming times
EDIT: I added some text.