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Media Create Sales: Week 28, 2013 (Jul 08 - Jul 14)


Junior Member
Another thought- Nintendo was much more aggressive in "fixing" 3DS it's first year even though sales were never close to being this poor. Is this reflective of Nintendo's internal priorities, or just the reality of the situation (I.e, 2011 Nintendo could cut its losses on a price cut- 2013 Nintendo cannot).

Bit of both. I bet they are a select few who want to replicate the 3DS "fix".
Is "Only 2 days of sales!" the Media-Create equivalent of "It only had 6 days on the chart. Just wait for next month!" over in NPD GAF? Nintendo games usually have pretty good legs, but don't games get a large portion of their launch week sales on Day 1?

L5 games don't and judging form previous pikmin they get 20-30% of their sales week one. However that does not mean Pikmin 3 will have the same legs.


So Pikmin only did 90K+ in 2 days on a console without a userbase and the Wii U only tripled it´s numbers. I guess it´s settled then: This will be our "shit on Nintendo thread of the day" - We should open them in advance so they don´t interfere with some discussion about, you know, games.

I don't mean to call you out in particular, but as a Nintendo fan, I really don't like this mind set some of you guys have at the moment. I mean sure, some stuff like calling for Iwata's blood in every thread can get pretty old (before anyone asks, I'm pretty neutral on that debate!), but this thread shows a clear problem with the Wii U's momentum. Even if the Pikmin 3 debut was okay, tripling the Wii U's lackluster numbers to 33,000 is still pretty bad news.

Fact is, it's pretty natural for there to be a lot of threads that focus on Nintendo's bad news, when it keeps piling up like this. Just because someone is pointing out reality doesn't mean they are shitting on it! Hell, I personally love a ton of aspects about the Wii U, such as Miiverse, the kick ass controllers, and having imo, the best 2D Mario ever made, with an awesome expansion pack to boot! But fact is, it seems like every time Nintendo attempts to make the Wii U situation better business wise, things seem to keep getting worse.

On a side note, it'll be interesting to see how the Wii U does vs the PS4 in Japan. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like the PS4 has a very Western focused launch vs where Nintendo is trying to take the Wii U. It'll be interesting to see if how the market reacts to that, since it seems like despite that launch, most Japanese developers seem to have mostly ignored the Wii U, but seem to be paying attention to the PS4 or sticking with the PS3 (though that seems to be on its last legs).


Exactly. 25k is decent for it, I'm baffled that the sell-through is so low though (20-40%). Did Nintendo really expect more?

I think Nintendo expected it to sell over a long period of time.

I'm not saying it failed. However, those core 500k Mario fans already bought their Wii Us. Why would 3D World convince people to lay down their $350 (or whatever the price of the system is in Yen) for a Wii U if NSMBU didn't?

Because there isn't only 500K Mairo fans and don't think NSMBU alone is worth it.

I must have missed that, are there any DLC numbers from Famitsu?

No, I think it was only available digitally.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Is "Only 2 days of sales!" the Media-Create equivalent of "It only had 6 days on the chart. Just wait for next month!" over in NPD GAF? Nintendo games usually have pretty good legs, but don't games get a large portion of their launch week sales on Day 1?

I think the 2 day thing can be valid on a very small level, and might give Pikmin better initial legs than it otherwise would, but long term it means nothing obviously.


nods at old men
While I appreciate your effort and think all consoles should be region free, players who don't buy a console they really want just because it's region locked must have had a hard time from NES/Master System up to the GCN/PS2/Xbox era.
Probably not because it was quite easy to play any region games on those systems. (Except Xbox as I'm not familiar)
Master system wasn't locked. NES was just a piece of plastic.
Another thought- Nintendo was much more aggressive in "fixing" 3DS it's first year even though sales were never close to being this poor. Is this reflective of Nintendo's internal priorities, or just the reality of the situation (I.e, 2011 Nintendo could cut its losses on a price cut- 2013 Nintendo cannot).

It's obviously just a priority thing, you ca see sony is basically the opposite.

Nintendo were still supporting DS right up to 3ds was out with big games where as wii support was practically dead before u hit.. Sony's got big stuff for ps3 still rolling but abandoned psp and left vita out to dry.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
You might want to log off GAF for the rest of the generation. When a console fails this hard, we shit on it. Sorry. There'll be a couple weeks here and there when you can log in with 3D World, Kart 8, and Smash's release dates, but other than that you're gonna want to shield your innocent cheerleader eyes, cupcake.
Speak for yourself. Neogaf = Believe. Its roots are positive. Shitting on things = not what Neogaf should aim for.


Nintendo can't just pulled games out of its ass. Even worse, they like to delay them...

If they don't have games ready they can't release them.

(Not that I want to excuse them, but like I said, can't pull games out of your ass.)

An explanation is not always the same as an excuse.
wow, given the long development time is it possible pikmin 3 wont even be profitable? Or is this a franchise that always did bad in japan but sells well other countries?


Another thought- Nintendo was much more aggressive in "fixing" 3DS it's first year even though sales were never close to being this poor. Is this reflective of Nintendo's internal priorities, or just the reality of the situation (I.e, 2011 Nintendo could cut its losses on a price cut- 2013 Nintendo cannot).

The handheld business is its bread and butter.
Numbers are almost exactly what I thought they'd be.

People have to understand that you don't go from zero to 100 in 1 second, we'd be able to tel if the system was about to sell 30k+ this week much earlier.


While I appreciate your effort and think all consoles should be region free, players who don't buy a console they really want just because it's region locked must have had a hard time from NES/Master System up to the GCN/PS2/Xbox era.

Nevermind the fact that many of these consoles had easy, cheap ways to play games from a different region, it doesn't matter. Home consoles (except Nintendo's) have been region free for the past 7 years. This is the norm now.
I don't mean to call you out in particular, but as a Nintendo fan, I really don't like this mind set some of you guys have at the moment. I mean sure, some stuff like calling for Iwata's blood in every thread can get pretty old (before anyone asks, I'm pretty neutral on that debate!), but this thread shows a clear problem with the Wii U's momentum. Even if the Pikmin 3 debut was okay, tripling the Wii U's lackluster numbers to 33,000 is still pretty bad news.

Fact is, it's pretty natural for there to be a lot of threads that focus on Nintendo's bad news, when it keeps piling up like this. Just because someone is pointing out reality doesn't mean they are shitting on it! Hell, I personally love a ton of aspects about the Wii U, such as Miiverse, the kick ass controllers, and having imo, the best 2D Mario ever made, with an awesome expansion pack to boot! But fact is, it seems like every time Nintendo attempts to make the Wii U situation better business wise, things seem to keep getting worse.

On a side note, it'll be interesting to see how the Wii U does vs the PS4 in Japan. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like the PS4 has a very Western focused launch vs where Nintendo is trying to take the Wii U. It'll be interesting to see if how the market reacts to that, since it seems like despite that launch, most Japanese developers seem to have mostly ignored the Wii U, but seem to be paying attention to the PS4 or sticking with the PS3 (though that seems to be on its last legs).

MAybe i was to harsh. I guess i am getting to old for this. I joined gaf for the nimbus of an educated discussion about videogames. And what did i get (not always of course - but way to often in the last months) - the digital equivalent of 13 year olds at the playground shouting "lol-Nintendo" for whatever reason. I am over 30 now. I am used to the average nintendo is doomed - thread since the 90s. But this stuff is getting out of hand.


L5 games don't and judging form previous pikmin they get 20-30% of their sales week one. However that does not mean Pikmin 3 will have the same legs.

Pikmin hasn't had a release in 10 years, and I'm pretty sure sales have trended towards being more frontloaded in that time. Pikmin 3 could still have good legs, I just don't think sales from two generations back are the best predictor.


I wouldn't mind a Direct right about now...
Next month going by the Direct schedule.

Pikmin hasn't had a release in 10 years, and I'm pretty sure sales have trended towards being more frontloaded in that time. Pikmin 3 could still have good legs, I just don't think sales from two generations back are the best predictor.
Wii re-releases dit pretty well.
When a console is doing worse than vita 2012 in japan there is no optimistic perspective. If all you can do is whine that people are not cheerleading your favorite company dont come in a sales thread
MAybe i was to harsh. I guess i am getting to old for this. I joined gaf for the nimbus of an educated discussion about videogames. And what did i get (not always of course - but way to often in the last months) - the digital equivalent of 13 year olds at the playground shouting "lol-Nintendo" for whatever reason. I am over 30 now. I am used to the average nintendo is doomed - thread since the 90s. But this stuff is getting out of hand.

Why are you expecting that in a sales thread. Go to the wiiu 2013 games thread then. In these threads sales are discussed and guess what wiiu is selling like dogshit. Nintendo is not a person. You are too emotionally invested if negative talk actually upsets you


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Another thought- Nintendo was much more aggressive in "fixing" 3DS it's first year even though sales were never close to being this poor. Is this reflective of Nintendo's internal priorities, or just the reality of the situation (I.e, 2011 Nintendo could cut its losses on a price cut- 2013 Nintendo cannot).

Maybe they also used so many ressources for rescuing the 3DS (it's their most important business), that they lack the ones needed for Wii U? They could drop the price, but this wouldn't make the Wii U explode with only two games (Mario, Pikmin) available...
MAybe i was to harsh. I guess i am getting to old for this. I joined gaf for the nimbus of an educated discussion about videogames. And what did i get (not always of course - but way to often in the last months) - the digital equivalent of 13 year olds at the playground shouting "lol-Nintendo" for whatever reason. I am over 30 now. I am used to the average nintendo is doomed - thread since the 90s. But this stuff is getting out of hand.

It's not a nintendo only thing, have you never seen a vita or xbone thread? when shits fucked people are going to talk about how fucked shit is,


Eh, a lot of gaffers are known to be equal opportunity haters if a particular platform is doing badly.

It is now Nintendo's turn with the Wii U. (MS has just escaped the roasting with the XBone thanks to its 180)

Last gen it was Sony with the PS3.

The one before that it was Microsoft with the original XBOX.

No ailing company's product escapes scrutiny on GAF, you'd know that if you've been around long enough.

A jab here and there is no problem if it's clever and fun

Agenda-driven thread-shitting is a problem and I'm glad that the rules punish such behaviour

And people who need to shit on something just because for the sake of shitting, whether on Sony, MS or Nintendo, have some serious issues


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Nevermind the fact that many of these consoles had easy, cheap ways to play games from a different region, it doesn't matter. Home consoles (except Nintendo's) have been region free for the past 7 years. This is the norm now.

Xbox 360 doesn't really qualify as region free though. So what you're saying is: PS3 is region free and PS4 and Xbone will be.
You might want to log off GAF for the rest of the generation. When a console fails this hard, we shit on it. Sorry. There'll be a couple weeks here and there when you can log in with 3D World, Kart 8, and Smash's release dates, but other than that you're gonna want to shield your innocent cheerleader eyes, cupcake.

Lol. This thread is going amazingly well.
You might want to log off GAF for the rest of the generation. When a console fails this hard, we shit on it. Sorry. There'll be a couple weeks here and there when you can log in with 3D World, Kart 8, and Smash's release dates, but other than that you're gonna want to shield your innocent cheerleader eyes, cupcake.


What was that? I couldn't hear you over that buzzing from the hive.


I do think it looks better on paper, yes.

It's just that so far the apathy for buying third party titles has been so high that I'm not sure why they would gain traction.

I mean, if Nintendo was putting out some major open world action adventure game at the same time I could totally see interest in one leading to increased sales in Ubisoft's titles and Batman, but they are not really offering anything to bring that audience to table.

Even a game like that probably wouldn't help 3rd party sales much or at all. I don't think the reason Wii U owners aren't buying 3rd party games is because those kinds of games are alien or not appealing to them, I think the main problem is that, currently, the Wii U is only selling to a few enthusiasts. These people likely already own a 360, a PS3 or PC and buy the 3rd party offerings rather on the platforms they've already build an "online life" on. Not to mention that most Wii U games are of inferior quality compared to even their PS360 counter parts.

The percentage of Wii U owners who only own a Wii U is likely very slim and there's pretty much no reason for them to pick up a 3rd party game on the Wii U. The only somewhat redeeming factor is Off-TV Play.

I think the myth of Nintendo fans who own nothing but Nintendo platforms and only play Nintendo games is largely a myth (and probably consists largely of kids). But even then, it doesn't make sense to cater to that small audience, since no matter what, they won't suddenly be interested in types of games they don't care for.
So are you saying that the point he/she is making about the two days is not valid?
Pikmin's numbers, while a little underwhelming, aren't bad. It's failure to stimulate hardware sales is another matter. And the resultant hardware sales being poor for this tracking period remains unchanged. People are discussing this.

Reasonable expectations were of a boost of a similar level to the P4G Vita boost, something in the realm of 30-40K.

Strawmanning about people expecting 100K+ hardware numbers and thread whining about people talking about failure to meet already modest expectations detailed above and in the prior thread in a sales thread, is not valid.
Pikmin 3 did ok all things considered. Wii U on the other hand got a mediocre rise in hardware sales. Nintendo should be lucky they have 3DS to fall on.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Speak for yourself. Neogaf = Believe. Its roots are positive. Shitting on things = not what Neogaf should aim for.

You do know that the history of NeoGAF's "Believe" moniker was specifically because the legendary Drinky Crow trolled GAF's entire Nintendo squadron with just that one word to play on their hopes and dreams in the cruellest way possible right?

Here you go.


MAybe i was to harsh. I guess i am getting to old for this. I joined gaf for the nimbus of an educated discussion about videogames. And what did i get (not always of course - but way to often in the last months) - the digital equivalent of 13 year olds at the playground shouting "lol-Nintendo" for whatever reason. I am over 30 now. I am used to the average nintendo is doomed - thread since the 90s. But this stuff is getting out of hand.

I think the best solution to this is to just take a break from posting in these kinds of threads, sometimes reading or posting in too many at once can wear down on some people. Threads about the Wii U's struggles are pretty easy to spot. Just stick to threads about games you like, interesting things about games, etc. Sometimes, the state of the video game industry for all players involved can really put a damper on just having some fun. It's easy to avoid the school yard if you know which threads to look for!


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
On a completely unrelated note, when do we expect PS4 Japanese title announcements? Closer to TGS?
Ok enough of the wiiu talk for a sec. What's everyones thoughts on Youkai Watch's sales? My first though is somewhat decent without the anime, but need to wait and see
On a completely unrelated note, when do we expect PS4 Japanese title announcements? Closer to TGS?

PS4 might not even launch this year so TGS likely and Famitsu


Why don't we get Famitsu numbers instead of Media Create in the first post, by the way? I like them better because of the sell-through data and Top 30 instead of just Top 20

Ok enough of the wiiu talk for a sec. What's everyones thoughts on Youkai Watch's sales? My first though is somewhat decent without the anime, but need to wait and see
Not too shabby, sellthrough is 40-60% on Famitsu so Level-5 might have expected a bit more but it could've been worse


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Why don't we get Famitsu numbers instead of Media Create in the first post, by the way? I like them better because of the sell-through data and Top 30 instead of just Top 20

High five bro.
Once Mario Kart releases, if Wii U sales don't increase it's over. Nintendo would need to kill off the Wii U and make Smash Bros a launch title for the next system.

It's clear they need something like Kart/Smash/Zelda at launch.

Or they could just get rid of the Basic and officially price cut the Premium console to $249, if this doesn't happen by the release of Wind Waker HD (in October ?), also in time for Mario and DK then Nintendo have officially lost all grasp on reality.

Going to war with a $400 PS4 (whether they want to admit they are in a war or not) is suicide for the company. I think Nintendo expected PS4 to be $500 and now they are screwed with there only being a $50 price difference instead of a $150 difference..

At $249 with a marketing blitz and the software for the rest of the year they have a real chance of turning the system around imo but I'm not sure Iwata will admit he is wrong again and price cut after the 3DS fiasco.
On a completely unrelated note, when do we expect PS4 Japanese title announcements? Closer to TGS?
I thought there was meant to be a pre-TGS Japanese event. If not, then TGS would be a good bet. I wonder if there are third party titles (possibly multiplatform) that are yet to be announced for next gen that we'll see at TGS as well.

Although, since it may not even release in Japan this year and it's a Tier 2 (lol, terrible messaging) country for Microsoft , maybe they'll keep their cards closer to their chest.


Xbox 360 doesn't really qualify as region free though. So what you're saying is: PS3 is region free and PS4 and Xbone will be.

How so? Because a significant amount of games (far from the majority though) were region locked? The console itself is region free, otherwise it wouldn't play any games from a different region.


WiiU :(

I promise I'll buy one. When 3D World gets released, preferably after a price cut. Would a price cut be too disastrous for Nintendo's pocket, guys? If the thing is being profitable after one game purchase, I guess there's a bit of room?

Bruno MB


[WIU] Pikmin 3 (Nintendo) {2013.07.13} - 102.188 / NEW [170.000 - 255.000*]
[3DS] Youkai Watch (Level 5) {2013.07.11} - 52.901 / NEW [88.000 - 132.000*]
[WIU] New Super Luigi U (Nintendo) {2013.07.13} - 27.312 / NEW [68.000 - 136.600*]

*Estimated copies shipped.

The gap is quite big, especially for games with low sell-through percentage like New Super Luigi U, but that's better than nothing.

I noticed that Nintendo Land + Wii Remote Control Plus Set (Blue / Pink) didn't chart in the Top 30, so none of these two bundles was able to sell 2.700 units.
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