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Media Create Sales: Week 28, 2017 (Jul 10 - Jul 16)


I (or quite a few Japanese colleagues as well) was thinking that Nintendo was holding stock for Splatoon2 release. However by anecdotal evidence difficulty of finding Switch available thru last weekend didn't get any better, or actually it got worse.

Demand goes up, supply goes up but not as much as demand. Your statement isn't of mutually exclusive events.


Or this "withholding stock" speculation is always pointless in the first place. Holding back stock? But by how many? Even if they "saved" 10 units you can still insist your accusation of "withholding" is valid. Let's not waste any more time on that. The only thing we can see with evidence now is yes there seems to be more units supplied this week (but nobody really knows whether that is due to "saved up" stock or just increased production), but the amount increased certainly does not support the "massive withholding" conspiracy theory. Let's just leave it at that.


These are not necessarily contradictory situations.
Demand goes up, supply goes up but not as much as demand. Your statement isn't of mutually exclusive events.

Yeah I agree but by looking up some stores supply really didn't seem to be increased by much compared to last week, unless they've sent shipments to some online shops (I heard that they're shipping many units to Amazon).
Again this is totally anecdotal so we'll see the result in a day or two.

Edit: The usual blog guy is stating that from what he observed Switch supply increased.. for the amount of bundles only though. We must estimate how many bundles Ninty kept for release I guess.
Also, from what he has written I felt he's trying to imply extremely high software number and a bit lower hardware number.
He also has been saying lol to "artificial shortage" bullshit.
I'm sure it would be. 1.1m to likely under 50k. That would be insane.

See, you're making the mistake of thinking the attach ratio will max out at 100%. Who said we can't see a 105-115% attach ratio by week 3? I mean, we're talking about a new Splatoon coming out on the Swtch in Japan. There are no limits.
Or this "withholding stock" speculation is always pointless in the first place. Holding back stock? But by how many? Even if they "saved" 10 units you can still insist your accusation of "withholding" is valid. Let's not waste any more time on that. The only thing we can see with evidence now is yes there seems to be more units supplied this week (but nobody really knows whether that is due to "saved up" stock or just increased production), but the amount increased certainly does not support the "massive withholding" conspiracy theory. Let's just leave it at that.

It's not a conspiracy theory. How do you think they had more stock for the launches of Mario kart, arms and now splatoon 2 (and for the holiday period)? It's a pretty normal practice to hold back some supply for big spikes in demand.

We do know for sure that this isn't due to increased production. They aren't going to go from selling 30K a week to suddenly selling up to 100K in a week due to increased production.

I think I'm just hoping that soon we'll start to see regular switch shipments increasing. If Nintendo can only muster less than 100K for the biggest release of the year including bundles than I feel that's a sign that supply hasn't really improved.


The blogger seems teasing a very big (or even huge) attach rate for Splatoon 2.
He also notes that hardware was still limited and the only additional units came from the Splatoon 2 Bundle.

He expects this situation to continue until the end of the year, and he notes as well the chance loss of the Summer Holidays. Children have time snd want to play.

Edit: was already posted by crinale


Ōkami;244409743 said:
Shovel Knight is coming to PS4 and Vita this thursday, just announced out of the blue.

The game was published by Nintendo, so this is rather interesting.

Only Wii U and 3DS version. Switch is by YGC themselves, presumably because they wanted to go multiplat. And I saw them confirming it'd be digital-only, so there you go.

I (or quite a few Japanese colleagues as well) was thinking that Nintendo was holding stock for Splatoon2 release. However by anecdotal evidence difficulty of finding Switch available thru last weekend didn't get any better, or actually it got worse.

Based on the wording of the PR, I expect bigger shipments through holiday season, then back to the good ol' 20-40k range we all know and love in September.

October 12th for Lost Sphear (Switch, PS4)



The blogger seems teasing a very big (or even huge) attach rate for Splatoon 2.
He also notes that hardware was still limited and the only additional units came from the Splatoon 2 Bundle.

He expects this situation to continue until the end of the year, and he notes as well the chance loss of the Summer Holidays. Children have time snd want to play.

Edit: was already posted by crinale

Thanks and I forgot to mention that. I think I read the report saying some local Tsutaya apologizing to customer who is making pre-order that delivery date they can promise will be around Christmas or something.

Based on the wording of the PR, I expect bigger shipments through holiday season, then back to the good ol' 20-40k range we all know and love in September.

October 12th for Lost Sphear (Switch, PS4)


Yeah this matches with what I've heard.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Only Wii U and 3DS version. Switch is by YGC themselves, presumably because they wanted to go multiplat. And I saw them confirming it'd be digital-only, so there you go.

Based on the wording of the PR, I expect bigger shipments through holiday season, then back to the good ol' 20-40k range we all know and love in September.

October 12th for Lost Sphear (Switch, PS4)


Hopefully much more on the higher end (40k) than the lower end. I mean, I suppose production will still increase due to be better prepared for the Holiday season, so there could be a bit more units for weekly sales in Japan. I mean, hopefully. First, we must see how well Switch is stocked in the post-Splatoon 2 weeks, though - it's something I consider almost more interesting than their shipment for last week.


The shipment for last week is completely irrelevant if shipment numbers go straight back to the level of previous weeks. It doesn't matter if Nintendo shipped 50k, 100k or even 150k if numbers go right back to sub-30k a week later.

Nintendo's inabillity to increase production despite current shipment numbers being unremarkable on a global scale is quite a sorry state of affairs, but it seems apparent that this is how things will continue to be for the foreseeable future.


Speaking at a financial meeting, Koei Tecmo confirmed that their business is expected to perform strong, thanks to a revitalized console market on the back of the performance of the Nintendo Switch and the PS4. Given the investment the company has made in these two platforms – it has major games lined up for both – it certainly makes sense that their success is bolstering its own business.
Koei Tecmo will seemingly reinforce their Switch/PS4 support.
The blogger seems teasing a very big (or even huge) attach rate for Splatoon 2.
He also notes that hardware was still limited and the only additional units came from the Splatoon 2 Bundle.

He expects this situation to continue until the end of the year, and he notes as well the chance loss of the Summer Holidays. Children have time snd want to play.

Edit: was already posted by crinale

So that makes it sounds like Switch sales are most likely in the 50-60k sales range and not in the 80-100k range most expected.


El Capitan Todd
The blogger seems teasing a very big (or even huge) attach rate for Splatoon 2.
He also notes that hardware was still limited and the only additional units came from the Splatoon 2 Bundle.

He expects this situation to continue until the end of the year, and he notes as well the chance loss of the Summer Holidays. Children have time snd want to play.

Edit: was already posted by crinale

Switch going to be around 50k then....................


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
So that makes it sounds like Switch sales are most likely in the 50-60k sales range and not in the 80-100k range most expected.

It would be pretty strange given how earlier hints from retailer blogs went more in the 6 digits direction, as reported by Chris1964


If Friday shipments match the hints from some blogs Switch is heading for 6 digit figures.

3 restocks and 1 bundle will help.
Why is Dragon Quest XI selling better for the PS4? We've had two, maybe three million-selling Dragon Quest titles for the 3DS, why is the first numbered sequel on the platform selling worse than remakes and spin-offs on the platform?

Because the a notable part of the DQ base want to get it on PS4.


Yup, there's no meeting this week, so no worldwide Splatoon 2 data unless there's a PR later today. If there's early report from Famitsu, it will now be on Wednesday.


That's not a sale clarification, that's fanboy view on the reality.

I don't know what kind of rare phenomenon do you want as explanation, because it really is that simple: given the two options available, part of the fanbase prefer the PS4 version, as well as part of the fanbase prefer the 3DS one.
That's not a sale clarification, that's fanboy view on the reality.


3DS active player base transitions to, if not already part of, Switch/PS4/Mobile
3DS has 2 DQ remakes
The last DQ mainline entry was DQ9, on the DS.
PS4 version therefore has a more "fresh" feeling to it, also looks better
PS4 has bigger boobs


I don't know what kind of rare phenomenon do you want as explanation, because it really is that simple: given the two options available, part of the fanbase prefer the PS4 version, as well as part of the fanbase prefer the 3DS one.
1 - Indirect preorders numbers don't necessary reflect first week sales for 3DS
2 - Preorders don't reflect ltd
3 - If 3DS version sell the most ltd wise (a reasonable assumption), what "the DQ fanbase want it on PS4" means?

Edit: saying " a big part of the PS4 fanbase want it so preorders reflect that" would have been ok in my book. That said, my "fanboy" was not cool, I'll edit it (sorry Psycho Mantis).


1 - Indirect preorders numbers don't necessary reflect first week sales for 3DS
2 - Preorders don't reflect ltd
3 - If 3DS version sell the most ltd wise (a reasonable assumption), what "the DQ fanbase want it on PS4" means?

he did not say "the DQ fanbase", he said "a notable part of the DQ fanbase". The meaning is very straightforward.


the piano man
out of curiosity, in case somebody here has some insight...

are there people that are DQ-only gamers in Japan?

I have a couple of friends that play nothing else (literally, not figuratively) than FIFA or Call of Duty. This spanish friend of mine got FIFA (2008? dunno) with a PS3 when he was 15 for his birthday and has always been a huge football fan. he says he has never bought a game outside of the FIFA series. He will buy a PS4 only when FIFA stops appearing or being supported on PS3.

those have yearly iterations though so it's not hard to keep the excitment going.
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