That 2 million unit expectation for MvC is starting to look about an order of magnitude too high...
Looks like even 200k worldwide would be a struggle
That 2 million unit expectation for MvC is starting to look about an order of magnitude too high...
Mahvel hasnt exactly been big in japan far as i can remember
Unless something insanely negative happens for MHW prior to release that absolutely craters the positive fan reception of the game so far, I wouldn't be too sure. Then again, RE7 was well-received & still underperformed (in terms of Capcom's expectations).
Looks like even 200k worldwide would be a struggle
Change to first person, story reboot, all new characters, no zombies, no action, no co-op, no online, no mercenaries, the list goes on and on.
It's hardly surprising that RE7 under performed compared to the previous entries, it doesn't have a lot of what the series has been known for years for. It basically didn't do a good job of appealing to the existing fan base and didn't catch enough of a new one.
MHW so far seems to be a legit new entry in the series, very much appealing to the core fans first while also adding various QOL features along the way.
It still sold like 4 million copies
Change to first person, story reboot, all new characters, no zombies, no action, no co-op, no online, no mercenaries, the list goes on and on.
It's hardly surprising that RE7 under performed compared to the previous entries, it doesn't have a lot of what the series has been known for years for. It basically didn't do a good job of appealing to the existing fan base and didn't catch enough of a new one.
MHW so far seems to be a legit new entry in the series, very much appealing to the core fans first while also adding various QOL features along the way.
05./00. [PS4] Dragon Quest X: All in One Package - 14.052 / NEW
07./00. [NSW] Dragon Quest X: All in One Package - 9.482 / NEW
| | Nintendo 3DS | Nintendo Switch | Difference |
| | (2011/02/26) | (2017/03/03) | |
|Week| Weekly | LTD | Weekly | LTD | NSW - 3DS |
| 28| 54.744|1.727.529| 45.439|1.623.475| -104.054|
| 29| 49.076|1.776.605| 44.052|1.667.527| -109.078|
| 30| 58.837|1.835.442| 43.426|1.710.953| -124.489|
| 31| 70.159|1.905.601| | | |
| 32| 58.504|1.964.105| | | |
| 33| 53.540|2.017.645| | | |
| 34| 55.025|2.072.670| | | |
| 35| 73.933|2.146.603| | | |
| 36| 65.041|2.211.644| | | |
| 37| 145.271|2.356.915| | | |
| 38| 103.962|2.460.877| | | |
| 39| 96.219|2.557.096| | | |
| | PlayStation 3 | PlayStation 4 | Difference |
| | (2006/11/11) | (2014/02/22) | |
|Week| Weekly | LTD | Weekly | LTD | PS4 - PS3 |
| 186| 20.987|5.164.235| 29.482|5.306.335| 142.100|
| 187| 18.951|5.183.186| 24.660|5.330.995| 147.809|
| 188| 17.676|5.200.862| 23.814|5.354.809| 153.947|
| 189| 17.175|5.218.037| | | |
| 190| 19.578|5.237.615| | | |
| 191| 20.077|5.257.692| | | |
| 192| 18.345|5.276.037| | | |
| 193| 19.473|5.295.510| | | |
| 194| 19.420|5.314.930| | | |
| 195| 45.224|5.360.154| | | |
| 196| 28.630|5.388.784| | | |
| 197| 33.057|5.421.841| | | |
| | Mario Kart 8 | Mario Kart 8 DX | Difference |
| | [WIU] (2014/05/29)| [NSW] (2017/04/28)| |
|Week| Weekly | LTD | Weekly | LTD | MK8DX MK8 |
| 20 | 3.996| 686.763| 10.526| 683.214| -3.549|
| 21 | 3.625| 690.387| 10.971| 694.185| 3.798|
| 22 | 2.821| 693.208| 11.457| 705.642| 12.434|
| 23 | 3.170| 696.378| | | |
| 24 | 3.210| 699.588| | | |
| 25 | 13.544| 713.132| | | |
| 26 | 8.752| 721.884| | | |
| 27 | 12.742| 734.626| | | |
| 28 | 19.244| 753.870| | | |
| 29 | 24.938| 778.808| | | |
| 30 | 34.331| 813.139| | | |
| 31 | 38.637| 851.776| | | |
| | Dragon Quest VIII | Dragon Quest IX | Dragon Quest XI |
| | [PS2] 2004/11/27 | [NDS] 2009/07/11 |[3DSPS4] 2017/07/29|
|Week| Weekly | LTD | Weekly | LTD | Weekly | LTD |
| 1 |2.167.072|2.167.072|2.318.932|2.318.932|2.099.203|2.099.203|
| 2 | 476.281|2.643.353| 612.671|2.931.603| 508.512|2.607.714|
| 3 | 203.618|2.846.971| 270.305|3.201.908| 207.762|2.815.476|
| 4 | 152.295|2.999.266| 179.612|3.381.520| 117.248|2.932.725|
| 5 | 104.211|3.103.477| 135.649|3.517.169| 52.746|2.985.469|
| 6 | 71.019|3.174.496| 126.682|3.643.851| 36.899|3.022.368|
| 7 | 37.507|3.212.003| 79.103|3.722.954| 25.140|3.047.508|
| 8 | 23.858|3.235.861| 71.318|3.794.272| 16.402|3.063.910|
| 9 | ?| ?| 50.063|3.844.335| 11.586|3.075.496|
| 10 | ?| ?| 36.877|3.881.212| | |
| 11 | ?| ?| 32.603|3.913.815| | |
| 12 | ?| ?| 30.086|3.943.901| | |
|Year| YTD | LTD | YTD | LTD | YTD | LTD |
|Total -|3.319.607| -|4.143.999| -|3.075.496|
MHW so far seems to be a legit new entry in the series, very much appealing to the core fans first while also adding various QOL features along the way.
Since we have been getting more PS4/Switch games lately and we are doing comparisons, here is another one.
Since we have been getting more PS4/Switch games lately and we are doing comparisons, here is another one.
There real problem with these MvCI performances is when you compare it to Capcom's own expectations. If it was a low budget title (which it looks like, but licensing may have been super pricey) with low expectations then this would still be a bad performance which happens to everyone, but compare it to their expectations of 2 million this FY and you can see something is clearly wrong at Capcom.
Nintendo didn't increase Switch shipments last week despite the new releases. If it doesn't happen this week either with Fire Emblem they will likely remain at 40-50k until Odyssey launch.
05./08. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe <RCE> (Nintendo) {2017.04.28} (¥5.980) - 11.457 / 705.642 (+4%)
So is it safe to make some assumptions about the Switches current production capacity?
Assuming there is no stockpiling for holiday sales (I don't believe this is true) would it be safe to estimate that their production capability is somewhere around 150k-200k weekly?
(Assuming stock to be distributed 30% JP, 40% US, 30% EMEA)
If we speculate they are distributing 50% of stock now, and stockpiling 50% for holiday sales, and have been since the start of september, then there will potentially be 2.4 - 3.6 million units available to the supply chain globally for holiday sales.
Since we have been getting more PS4/Switch games lately and we are doing comparisons, here is another one.
Switch vs 3DS
Dragon Quest Comparison
Code:------------------------------------------------------------------ | | Dragon Quest VIII | Dragon Quest IX | Dragon Quest XI | | | [PS2] 2004/11/27 | [NDS] 2009/07/11 |[3DSPS4] 2017/07/29| |----|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------| |Week| Weekly | LTD | Weekly | LTD | Weekly | LTD | |----|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------| | 1 |2.167.072|2.167.072|2.318.932|2.318.932|2.099.203|2.099.203| | 2 | 476.281|2.643.353| 612.671|2.931.603| 508.512|2.607.714| | 3 | 203.618|2.846.971| 270.305|3.201.908| 207.762|2.815.476| | 4 | 152.295|2.999.266| 179.612|3.381.520| 117.248|2.932.725| | 5 | 104.211|3.103.477| 135.649|3.517.169| 52.746|2.985.469| | 6 | 71.019|3.174.496| 126.682|3.643.851| 36.899|3.022.368| | 7 | 37.507|3.212.003| 79.103|3.722.954| 25.140|3.047.508| | 8 | 23.858|3.235.861| 71.318|3.794.272| 16.402|3.063.910| | 9 | ?| ?| 50.063|3.844.335| 11.586|3.075.496| | 10 | ?| ?| 36.877|3.881.212| | | | 11 | ?| ?| 32.603|3.913.815| | | | 12 | ?| ?| 30.086|3.943.901| | | |----|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------| |Year| YTD | LTD | YTD | LTD | YTD | LTD | |----|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------| |Total -|3.319.607| -|4.143.999| -|3.075.496| ------------------------------------------------------------------
RE7 is like 50% an action horror game.
The last few hours make it a straight up shooter.
So is it safe to make some assumptions about the Switches current production capacity?
Assuming there is no stockpiling for holiday sales (I don't believe this is true) would it be safe to estimate that their production capability is somewhere around 150k-200k weekly?
(Assuming stock to be distributed 30% JP, 40% US, 30% EMEA)
If we speculate they are distributing 50% of stock now, and stockpiling 50% for holiday sales, and have been since the start of september, then there will potentially be 2.4 - 3.6 million units available to the supply chain globally for holiday sales.
Dragon Quest Comparison
Code:------------------------------------------------------------------ | | Dragon Quest VIII | Dragon Quest IX | Dragon Quest XI | | | [PS2] 2004/11/27 | [NDS] 2009/07/11 |[3DSPS4] 2017/07/29| |----|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------| |Week| Weekly | LTD | Weekly | LTD | Weekly | LTD | |----|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------| | 1 |2.167.072|2.167.072|2.318.932|2.318.932|2.099.203|2.099.203| | 2 | 476.281|2.643.353| 612.671|2.931.603| 508.512|2.607.714| | 3 | 203.618|2.846.971| 270.305|3.201.908| 207.762|2.815.476| | 4 | 152.295|2.999.266| 179.612|3.381.520| 117.248|2.932.725| | 5 | 104.211|3.103.477| 135.649|3.517.169| 52.746|2.985.469| | 6 | 71.019|3.174.496| 126.682|3.643.851| 36.899|3.022.368| | 7 | 37.507|3.212.003| 79.103|3.722.954| 25.140|3.047.508| | 8 | 23.858|3.235.861| 71.318|3.794.272| 16.402|3.063.910| | 9 | ?| ?| 50.063|3.844.335| 11.586|3.075.496| | 10 | ?| ?| 36.877|3.881.212| | | | 11 | ?| ?| 32.603|3.913.815| | | | 12 | ?| ?| 30.086|3.943.901| | | |----|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------| |Year| YTD | LTD | YTD | LTD | YTD | LTD | |----|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------| |Total -|3.319.607| -|4.143.999| -|3.075.496| ------------------------------------------------------------------
Were PS4 owners given the possibility to upgrade for free by owning another version of the game?
Looks like Japan is getting a 40-50k bunch of Switch weekly.
While it's a good number we havn't seen in a while, that's still not comparable to Wii/DS era.
That's still even slightly under the post-Ambassador program 3DS.
The supply constrain makes things hard to read here but on the strict numeric data I'm just saying, it's below.
How is possible there is no stockpiling for holiday sales? Production won't explode suddenly in a month.
Two weeks in a row now BotW's sales have increased week-over-week. Just statistical noise?
Dragon Quest IX was such a beast. I wonder whether we will see something like ever again.
What is it about Monster Hunter World that makes people say stupid shit?Good on Pokken.
Capcpom stay losing. I kind of hope World bombs just to add to their list of failures and hopefully someone will wake the hell up over there.
How is possible there is no stockpiling for holiday sales? Production won't explode suddenly in a month.
Production capacity will have always been forecasted with an increase during the holidays. They won't need to stockpile to increase availability.
Where the fuck did arms go? It cratered off the list.
If Switch is really as big as "early" sales indicate, maybe. But since PS4 and Switch versions of a possible DQXII would be pretty close (unlike DXI on PS4 and 3DS which are basically two different games), doubt they'd be many double-dippers to "boost" sales this time around.
What is it about Monster Hunter World that makes people say stupid shit?
It's not on a Nintendo platform.What is it about Monster Hunter World that makes people say stupid shit?
What is it about Monster Hunter World that makes people say stupid shit?
Where the fuck did arms go? It cratered off the list.
It still sold like 4 million copies
I wasn't specifically saying something like this in the Dragon Quest franchise, but more in general. Perhaps Animal Crossing...?
14./12. [3DS] The Snack World: TreJarers <RPG> (Level 5) {2017.08.10} (¥4.800) - 5.952 / 167.759 (-11%)
I know that you know the answer to thisWhat is it about Monster Hunter World that makes people say stupid shit?
Nintendo is definitely stockpiling for Super Mario Odyssey and the holidays.
I don't think they'll come even close to the 3DS' first holiday. 3DS install base was 4.3 million units on January 1, 2012.
Well, Animal Crossing 3DS did outsell DQIX by a wide margin (it should be close to 5m by now, if it's not already? Can't remember if we had confirmation of that yet or not). I believe that AC Switch could easily match DQIX sales, if reception is good and Switch doesn't mysteriously crater in Year 3 or so.
What is it about Monster Hunter World that makes people say stupid shit?
Very low sales for Pokken in my opinion.