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Mega Man Community Thread | It's not over yet! -Cancelled- WHAT AM I FIGHTING FOOOR!?


Just noticed we have a little over 2 months until the 25th anniversary is over. Unless there's a game announcement on that before the last day, I guess all we got were comics and VC re-releases
of re-releases
. Even still, it would've been nice to get the remaining MM games like MM5-6 in US PSN and MM7 and X3 this year. lol

I guess finally getting the GB MM games wasn't too bad of a thing though.

Those, and I suppose the artbook and metallic figures, but those aren't from Capcom in the same way.

It's bullshit. This was an extraordinarily tepid 25th anniversary, and is contrary to the "wait for the other cool stuff later" spin that Capcom was going for when the Anniversary first started and all we got was an announcement of re-releases for the 3DS VC.

MMX, eh? Mega Man must be doing fairly well if they're considering a spinoff series. Bet it gets split off within a year, or that they're already planning to do that once the plot gets up to X1.

I might look into buying some MMX comics once they come out. I think I have maybe one or two of the first MM Archie comics, and that's it. Not really a comics person, but seeing as I'm more of a MMX person and with basically nothing else on the MM front, I'll pay more attention to reviews and hype. Apparently these are pretty good. I do think the art is great.


I might look into buying some MMX comics once they come out. I think I have maybe one or two of the first MM Archie comics, and that's it. Not really a comics person, but seeing as I'm more of a MMX person and with basically nothing else on the MM front, I'll pay more attention to reviews and hype. Apparently these are pretty good. I do think the art is great.

Archie does good work nine times out of ten, and Mega Man in particular has been in top form for the last year. I expect the writer the knock MMX out of the park from the word go.


It'll probably never happen, but I still dream about what happened in between the Megaman and the X series.

You have to think it was something drastic, a lot of blood was spilled in Zero's creation, what drove Wily to that point, and what happened to the original Mega Man/Protoman/Bass, X was created after that fact I believe so it occurred while Dr. Light was even older and closer to death.


It'll probably never happen, but I still dream about what happened in between the Megaman and the X series.

Personally, I'm more curious about the shitload of stuff that happened in between X and MMZero.
Sigma killed, Elf Wars, Zero and X fighting Omega, X throwing in the towel and his copy goes insane, a lot of humanity gets killed off, Dr Weil wrecks shit, etc.


Personally, I'm more curious about the shitload of stuff that happened in between X and MMZero.
Sigma killed, Elf Wars, Zero and X fighting Omega, X throwing in the towel and his copy goes insane, a lot of humanity gets killed off, Dr Weil wrecks shit, etc.

Same. I don't mind if we never had a game telling the events from Classic to X, but they should've had something to bridge X and Zero.
Had a lot of potential, and they'll probably never get around to it. :/


(Ignoring ZX I guess) I actually wouldn't want a series that explains the transition to Legends, personally.

I like how Legends 2 explains its own series' past while the rest of the connections were references.
I'm ok with leaving that as a mystery considering how far into the future it is.


Personally, I'm more curious about the shitload of stuff that happened in between X and MMZero.
Sigma killed, Elf Wars, Zero and X fighting Omega, X throwing in the towel and his copy goes insane, a lot of humanity gets killed off, Dr Weil wrecks shit, etc.

I'd like them to do something during that era as well, really interesting stuff. But after horrendous retconning in X6 and Zero 4's ending I really feel that focusing on the narrative is not something that's suited to Rockman.


It'll probably never happen, but I still dream about what happened in between the Megaman and the X series.

You have to think it was something drastic, a lot of blood was spilled in Zero's creation, what drove Wily to that point, and what happened to the original Mega Man/Protoman/Bass, X was created after that fact I believe so it occurred while Dr. Light was even older and closer to death.

I doubt it was anything that crazy. According to some sources I have heard, X was already built and stored in his time capsule before Mega Man 9 gets underway. Zero was already being built in the ending of either The Power Fighters (or whichever was the second of those two fighting games) or Mega Man & Bass.

The simplest explanation of the gap between the games is that robotic technology hit a brick wall after Light and Wily passed away until Dr. Cain rediscovered their technology when he found X. Megaman, Protoman, and Roll probably just peacefully reached the end of their lives, rather than dying in some sort of horrible event.

That, or the X series just takes place in a slightly different continuity than the Classic series. Considering the almost complete lack of cross-over, this is possible, albeit unlikely. Continuity even within an individual sub-series is spotty at best in this franchise. Look at how X6 doesn't exactly follow any of the three endings from X5. The franchise hardly has had a grand plan laid out.

What about the gap between everything else and Mega Man Legends.
Mostly explained by Mega Man Zero and ZX, I think. Ciel invents the Quantum Refractors, and the difference between human and robot breaks down due to societal changes brought about as a means of ending the human/reploid conflicts. Humans become reploid-like and reploids become human-like, until the difference is mostly academic. We have never figured out the origin of the Master System, but it is entirely possible that Elysium itself dates to the Neo-Arcadia period. Heck, even somehting that resembles the red Reaverbot Eyes is a dominant design element of ZX era mechanaloids.


Soo... Battle Network 2 and 3... if I'm slightly interested in what 2 might offer in terms of story should I play it first or go right to 3 for what I hear is superior gameplay? I would play 1 but I hear it has not aged quite as well.

What about the gap between everything else and Mega Man Legends.

what about what happens after Legends 2 ;-;
Soo... Battle Network 2 and 3... if I'm slightly interested in what 2 might offer in terms of story should I play it first or go right to 3 for what I hear is superior gameplay? I would play 1 but I hear it has not aged quite as well.

what about what happens after Legends 2 ;-;

2 and 3 are both worth playing. I'd suggest playing 1 as well it's really easy so you'll breeze through it


Soo... Battle Network 2 and 3... if I'm slightly interested in what 2 might offer in terms of story should I play it first or go right to 3 for what I hear is superior gameplay? I would play 1 but I hear it has not aged quite as well.

what about what happens after Legends 2 ;-;

Play 1-3 in order. The story is pretty good and follows each other.

IMO, 1 didn't age that badly. Some of the mechanics work differently, but it's not big enough that you should skip over them.
The internet though. Dear god fuck navigating that.

As much as I hate on OSS, it's an inmense improvement over 1 simply due to having maps.


Oh right, the general internet maps were bad in that game and didn't distinguish areas well outside of name. lol

I recommend DLing images of the maps to help the playthrough go faster.

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Oh right, the general internet maps were bad in that game and didn't distinguish areas well outside of name. lol

I recommend DLing images of the maps to help the playthrough go faster.

Yeah, this is what I did. It made the game so much more bearable.

Decent game, but yeah wow, it's pretty flawed coming back from the other games.


Soo... Battle Network 2 and 3... if I'm slightly interested in what 2 might offer in terms of story should I play it first or go right to 3 for what I hear is superior gameplay? I would play 1 but I hear it has not aged quite as well.

Battle Network 2 is probably the second or third best game in the Battle Network series, so you would be missing out if you skipped it. If you skip straight to 3, you would end up playing only 3, since it is the best Battle Network game. But there is a lot of stuff that you would miss out on by playing the games out of order. I skipped Battle Network 1, since I got into the series a touch late, but the first three games all have call-backs to their predecessor titles.

Feel free to skip 4 though. Spare yourself.

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Well... I liked the new changes to the battle system if that makes you feel any better

oh and the new art style but I may be alone in that...


1-3 is the best for me if I just want story. 4-6 beats the first 3 in terms of battle mechanics for depth though.

4 was a letdown in story after beating 3. 5's Liberation Missions didn't do much for me and the story was still disappointing. 6 was a nice return though to wrap things up. Favorite folder I made in BN was in 5 though. S code in that game was so fun. You could kill in a turn or two lol

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4's biggest problem were the tedious quests between tournament fights (which makes up more than half of the game). They were incredibly boring, tedious, unfair, broken or all of the above. Also the majority of them forces you to spend a lot of Zennys, which makes it even worse when you want to buy things for yourself. The entire journey of the game was bad. Really really bad. They really didn't think through any of the game's scenarios.


1 is a bit flawed and easier, 2 and 3 are the pinnacle, and the series generally went downhill after that. This is the original Mega Man series all over again. lol

From what I've seen of 1's gameplay the net does seem to be so abstractly laid out I'm sure I'll get lost, especially with random encounters. Maybe getting maps is a good idea.

... why has Capcom never turned this into an MMO?

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MMOs are kind of too costly and it requires a huge userbase to keep it going. MMBN appealed mostly to kids, and MMOs aren't exactly accessible to kids, so it may be a bit too alienating.


MMOs are kind of too costly and it requires a huge userbase to keep it going. MMBN appealed mostly to kids, and MMOs aren't exactly accessible to kids, so it may be a bit too alienating.

I heard they were planning a Mega Man MMO before, and it just seems like a great fit... but I guess you're right. The Battle Network series as it is now isn't appealing to adults.

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I heard they were planning a Mega Man MMO before, and it just seems like a great fit... but I guess you're right. The Battle Network series as it is now isn't appealing to adults.

Yeah, it was a Korean company. They eventually had layoffs and became mobile-only devs. They also had a GnG MMO (wtf) in the works, but that got cancelled as well. Shame because the Mega Man MMO looked rather interesting. Kind of odd that the gameplay looked like a co-op Mega Man side scrolling stuff with RPG elements, that probably had 4 players max. Makes you wonder why they were making a MMO out of that concept lol

To be honest, I think a MMBN MMO would've been probably great, at least on paper.


Been playing Project X-Zone. Zero
meets Iris
and the first thing he says is "
There is no world just for Reploids! It's only a fantasy!
" and then of course "
What am I fighting fyoooooooraaaaarrrgh!?


4's biggest problem were the tedious quests between tournament fights (which makes up more than half of the game). They were incredibly boring, tedious, unfair, broken or all of the above. Also the majority of them forces you to spend a lot of Zennys, which makes it even worse when you want to buy things for yourself. The entire journey of the game was bad. Really really bad. They really didn't think through any of the game's scenarios.

4 sucked. I feel the quests before each tournament fight were pretty weak. Because they were all...isolated, so to speak, unessential, they just didn't contribute to any sort of plot momentum that the standard "beat up all cyber terrorism organization cronies" format created. Even BN5, which I'm not super enthusiastic about but still like more than 5, at least had a construct that enabled a cohesive conflict, even if it's "get the new teammate/visit a new dungeon and then beat up the Darkloid." I just really dislike the concept of a central plot fixture whose events are randomized. I also didn't like playing through the game three times for all the Souls, and the viruses only leveling up through playthroughs sucks.

3 is the best, but I like 2 more. I like the game's feeling of tension and heaviness, and I like that 2 had more dungeon areas (
the fan, the bombs, SciLab, Netopia underground dungeon, plane
) compared to 3 (
school, zoo, hospital
). What went on in 3 was arguably even more tense than 2, but it didn't have that same feeling.

Been playing Project X-Zone. Zero
meets Iris
and the first thing he says is "
There is no world just for Reploids! It's only a fantasy!
" and then of course "
What am I fighting fyoooooooraaaaarrrgh!?

then he takes some time for himself, to cope with his suffering ;_;

The translators stuffed tons of references into that game.


Did X-Over do well that they're making more content for it? Wow, thought it would bomb big time...

Yeah. Honestly, I'm a bit in disbelief. This title has been getting updates for...what, almost two years, a year and half? Sadly it looks like the voices calling it terrible are outnumbered by the people who insist on playing it for...who knows what reason.

Capcom already has a sizable mobile development section, so I guess it's no big deal for them to keep developing worlds for this game. Mobile is also easy to develop too, so there's that.


I wonder how well Capcom would do by placing the franchise on a four-year cycle across two dev teams, rotating Classic -> Battle Network -> X -> Legends. No single subseries is used often enough to wear out its welcome, nor do they risk going dormant, and the franchise as a whole stays in the public consciousness.

It's complete anathema to the way Capcom actually works, of course.


Who the fuck was on map design duty for MMBN1? I want to punch him in the face.

Please tell me it doesn't get worse than that boring-ass, disorienting, bumblefuck of the second internet area where you fight Stone Man.

As if it wasn't enough that every single path looks the same, the isometric view makes it hard to tell what's above or below what, and there are a whole bunch of pointless dead ends, you've got random encounters every 5 seconds just to make sure you forget where you were going and which places you've already checked.

AND the fucking music starts over every time you return from a battle.


Who the fuck was on map design duty for MMBN1? I want to punch him in the face.

Please tell me it doesn't get worse than that boring-ass, disorienting, bumblefuck of the second internet area where you fight Stone Man.

As if it wasn't enough that every single path looks the same, the isometric view makes it hard to tell what's above or below what, and there are a whole bunch of pointless dead ends, you've got random encounters every 5 seconds just to make sure you forget where you were going and which places you've already checked.

AND the fucking music starts over every time you return from a battle.
Stone Man's area was the most annoying one for me in the first game. The rest is just like your other typical map.
2nd game and on, the game will be much more user friendly for various reasons.

Dungeons still will be mazes though.
Back to Mega Man, today I'm going to replay Mega Man X4, one of the better entries in the X series as I recall that I simply haven't played much. I owned X1 and X2 when I was little so I have those games burned into my memory. I got X3 when I was older and have completed it 100% but only really played it 2-3 times. X4 I rented once and beat 100%, then bought it years later at a tag sale where it's just sat on my shelf.

Will post my thoughts on it as I replay it, will start as Zero then play as X

Early thoughts

- Zero's saber does pitiful damage against bosses, Storm Owl dominated me and I only beat Jet Stingray because standing in the corners makes you invincible as he'll never be able to touch you.

- Beating bosses doesn't always give Zero upgrades, case in point beating Jet Stingray gave me an air dash which is useful but doesn't help with my damage output.

- The fact stages are broken up into two parts, and you get a full heal at the start of stage 2 and before the boss makes playing though much easier. Most of my deaths came from the stupid jet stringray bike section from jumping into walls -.- Thankfully you can continue on the 2nd half of a stage with full lives and health so again the game is very forgiving
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