
Digital release - 8/25/2015 (Playstation 4, Xbox One, Steam/PC)/$14.99
2/23/2106 (Nintendo 3DS)/$29.99
Physical release - 2/23/2016 (Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo 3DS)$29.99

The Physical versions of MMLC will include:
-Robot Master cheat sheet
-soundtrack sampler CD containing 18 songs from Megaman 1-6
-4 Megaman stickers

while a $49.99 Collector's Editon on Nintendo 3DS will have all of the above, a set of six Megaman postcards, as well as a limited Gold Megaman Amiibo. The MM Amiibos will be used to unlocked extra levels in the Challenge modes. will offer their own "Collector's Edition" for PS4 and Xbox One that includes a light-up Megaman statue with giant-sized Energy Tank for $129.99.
On the other side of the world, Europe will not be receiving any physical copies of MMLC (shakes fist at Capcom Europe!), and in Japan, only the 3DS version will be available in physical form

They, too, will have a limited edition available via e-Capcom (or your favorite import dealer) that includes:
-a 2016 notebook
-a sticky note set
-2 themes for your 3DS system's background
-Dr. Light's journal
Those who purchase from e-Capcom will receive one of 6 random inserts for their game box:

Developed by Digital Eclipse for Capcom of America

Megaman Legacy Collection is the third (and most current) collection of the 8-bit Megaman games that originally premiered on the Nintendo Entertainment System from 1987 to 1993. Unlike the anthologies of old, the six titles included are said NOT to be emulated, rather re-built from the ground up using DE's new "Digital Engine."

Compared to what could be called the gaming equivalent of "Criteron Collection," the Digital Engine (specializing in 8-bit titles in particular) is meant to be a near 1:1 perfect capture of a video game, and using it as a new "master copy" for use in future gaming generations.

This new collection contains the following:
-All 6 NES Megaman titles redone to perfection, from lag-free controls to re-creating the same slowdown in certain areas
-Rapid fire button (taken from Complete Works and Anniversary Collection)
-Save slates (in lieu of saving after levels in previous collections)

-Fully translated Database mode from Rockman Complete Works gives details on Megaman's greatest enemies, advice how to conquer them, and even offers a practice run against the Robot Masters

-Museum mode that shows detailed artwork from the Megaman Complete Works series as well as box art for Megaman games from all over the world

-Music Player accessing any given track from MM1-6 (no Complete Works arranged music except in the menus)

-New Challenge mode to test your mettle while racing against the clock as you compete against MM players from around the globe
-Original NES version glitches included such as the "Elecman trick" in MM1 or the "2nd controller cheat" in MM3
-Customizable controls
-Trophy and Achievement support
-4:3 original display or stretched 16:9 with optional filters and borders:

Original - 1:1 pixel perfection in HD

Stretched - Meets the edges of your monitor vertically with a bit blurriness

Filter - purposely gives off an almost CRT/1980s kind of picture

In the last few weeks, I have read many a post about why many GAFfers are excited for this release, considering that there are several other Megaman collections out there to be had at almost the same price but with more games available. For this, I will go through the other sets and acknowledge their pros and cons, and hopefully, inform you to make the right choice for yourself.

Rockman Complete Works was released starting in August 1999 with Rockman 1 and ending the following December with Rockman 6. Ported to the original Playstation in Japan (thanks SCEA for the anti-2D policy at the time!), Rockman Complete Works was a six disc collection for the hardcore Megaman fan that wanted to re-live the Blue Bomber''s greatest moments without paying an arm and a leg for the expensive NES carts. While the experience was far from perfect (a bit of emulation/coding errors here and there), the unique features that this collection offered made it far too appealing to pass up at the time. (Special note - these games are the same Megamans 1-6 found on PS Classics/PS Archives on the PSN store; save for a lot of extra input lag for some reason...)
-Original mode and Navi (Helper) modes offered
-Dual Shock vibration support!!!
-Pocketstation support
-Memory Card saves after each boss fight (doesn't at Wily Castles)
-Unlockable Boss Rush and Helmetless Megaman modes
-Arranged remixed music
-The same Museum and Database options found in Megaman Legacy Collection (but in Japanese though)

Released in the summer of 2004, the US exclusive, Megaman Anniversary Collection was the first time the "Megaman Classic" series would be re-released in that region for nearly 8 years. Relying on emulation rather than re-coding, the AC would offer the entire Megaman lineage at a budget price, but with blurry and sometimes baffling results.
-Emulated versions of Rockman Complete Works 1-6 without any special features (no vibration support, etc)
-Navi Mode included, but horribly mistranslated (considering the developers resided in the UK)
-Arranged music included on PS2/Xbox versions, but left out of Gamecube edition
-Automatic saving system at the Password Screen
-Gamecube version has switched shoot/jump buttons without any way to change back
-Butchered, emulated version of Megaman 7 which entire ending is edited out due to problems re-creating the Mode 7 effects
-Emulated Megaman 8 is based on the Playstation version (where the Saturn edition has better graphics, extra bosses, and more hidden secrets)
-The two Megaman Arcade games are included (Power Fighters and Power Battle) but missing extras from the PS2 Japanese port
-Unique bonuses included such as exclusive artwork, music remixes, and videos (depending on which version, G4 network interview with Kenji Inafune or pilots for the Megaman cartoon/anime)
With this info given, hopefully, you can make the right decision for what MM compilation is the best for your tastes...

Rock/Megaman/DLN-001 may look like a regular 10 year old boy without his armor, but in truth, is actually one of Dr. Light's first "Humanoid" androids, whom are able to feel and grow as a person as they experience life. Raised as Dr. Light's own son alongside his "sister" Roll, Rock rises to the challenge when Dr. Wily attempts to take over the world, volunteering to become the "super-fighting-robot," Megaman! Armed with an unique copy-ability that allows him to take the weapon of any enemy, Megaman endlessly fights for everlasting peace for both man and machine.

Roll/DLN-002 acts as a "sister' model to Rock/Megaman and daughter to Dr. Light. Chirpy and up-beat, Roll usually stays behind to care for and assist her father, yet secretly yearns for the adventurous lifestyle that her sibling has taken on.

Dr. Thomas Light is the father of modern-day robotics and the world's number one authority on the matter. A literal parent to Rock and Roll, Dr. Light supplies numerous amounts of aid and support in the battle against evil in hopes that his ultimate dream of humanity and robots living in harmony could become reality.

Dr, Albert W. Wily was once Dr. Light's colleague and partner until his better jealously turned him mad, his ambitions turning to world domination. At first, he hijacks Light's Robot Masters to do his bidding, but after being thwarted by Megaman, Wily designs his own line of war machines to destroy the Blue Bomber once and for all.

Blues/Protoman/DLN-000 was the first "humanoid" robot designed by Drs. Light and Wily. Meant to be an android with a "soul," Blues became too independent and fled from Light Labs, only to be found by Dr. Wily years later and turned into a fighting robot in an attempt to counter Megaman. His mindset restored, Protoman waits in the shadows, ready to aid Megaman; the simple whistle he gives off the only clue that he is nearby...

Rush is a robotic dog given to Megaman as a companion on his narrowing and dangerous adventures. Using the adapters found in several Robot Masters, Rush can change his shape, from a spring coil to give Megaman an extra bounce in his jump, to a jet pack to easily fly over obstacles.

Eddie (or Flip-Top) is a walking robotic container that appears in different stages to offer Megaman an item to even the odds. His contents are given at random, varying from a weapon capsule to as much as a 1-up!

Beat is an electronic bird designed by Dr. Cossack as a gift for Megaman. Depending on the game, Beat can launch a homing attack against enemies, or be used to pull Megaman out of the many pitfalls placed in certain stages.

Dr. Mikhail Sergeyevich Cossack is an old colleague of Dr. Light, who proceeds to declare war on Megaman with his own set of Robot Masters after Dr. Wily's disappearance . However, the reasoning behind his attack remains unclear...

Kalinka Cossack is the only daughter of the Russian robotic expert. Her whereabouts during her father's world domination attempt are unknown...

Mr. X is a mysterious billionaire who sponsors both the World Robot Alliance and the First Annual Robot Tournament. After the opening ceremonies, he takes control of the eight strongest robots, and announces his intentions to take control of the world, daring Megaman to stop him in the process.

Megaman 1 Manual said:"It's Mega Man versus the powerful leaders and fighting forces of Monsteropolis - that strange multi-faceted land of robot-like Humanoids. Brilliant scientist Dr. Light conceived the construction of fully-operational human-like experimental robots to perform specific everyday duties. Dr. Light, and his assistant Dr. Wily, encouraged with their very first near-human robot - Mega Man - proceeded to develop six additional Humanoids, all programmed to perform prescribed rituals. But, with the exception of Mega Man, all of Dr. Light's near-human robot experimentation went awry. Assistant Dr. Wily turned disloyal, re-programming Dr. Light's Humanoids, now bent on destroying opposition so Dr. Wily could control the world and its resources. Resisting re-programming, Mega Man is chosen the defender of the universe and its inhabitants. Mega Man dares to single-handedly penetrate seven separate empires of Monsteropolis, eliminating the leaders and followers of these sovereignties."

The Order -

Megaman 2 Opening said:"In the year 200X, a super robot named Megaman was created. Dr. Light created Megaman to stop the evil desires of Dr. Wily. However, after his defeat, Dr. Wily created eight of his own robots to counter Megaman..."

The Order -

Megaman 3 Manual said:"Calling Mega Man! Calling Mega Man! Come in please!"
"Mega Man, we need you! We're down to the wire on our peace-keeping project. We've got to get those last energy crystals or we can't finish it. Dr. Wily is here now, too...yes...he's finally found his sanity. He knows where the crystals are! They're in the mining worlds, but we can't get to 'em. The robots are running amok and they're destroying everything!"
"You've got to get there, Mega Man, and get those crystals! You'll have to face some pretty mean metal. Expect the worst! Is Rush there with you? Give him a bolt to chew on and tell him it's from us. What's that...we must be getting static...sounds like you said 'Woof!'"
"Mega Man, get to those mining worlds pronto! Grab the crystals and stop whoever's in charge! He's one lunatic guy!"
"This is Dr. Light. Over and out!"

The Order -

Megaman 4 Manual said:"Invitation to Doom!
A year after the destruction of Gamma, a mysterious message arrives at Dr.
Light's lab...
"Good evening, Dr. Light. Allow me to introduce myself--I am Dr. Cossack. You
may not have heard of me, but soon the world will know my name.
Over the years, you have been hailed as the greatest robot designer
in the world, while my robotic creations have been totally ignored. I
cannot allow this to continue. The world must be made aware of my genius!
From my Siberian citadel, I've sent eight of my most powerful robots
to destroy that titanium troublemaker, Mega Man. Once they have
obliterated him, I will place his broken body on display for the
entire world to see. Only then will I be allowed to take my place as
the greatest robot designer of all time!"
-Dr. Cossack"

The Order -

Megaman 5 Manual said:"BROTHER AGAINST BROTHER!
"Cossack to Mega Man! Cossack to Mega Man! Come in, Mega Man!"
"Protoman has gone wild! City Hall and the spaceport have been totally destroyed and the city's power grid is in shambles. I've never seen destruction on this scale before."
"I know you're worried about Dr. Light, but your first duty is to free the city from the grip of Protoman's robots. I can modify your reactor to give the Mega Buster a little more power, but the rest is up to you. Dr. Light and I had been working on a special project, but it's not finished yet. Maybe if I can get it working, it might give you an edge."
"Remember to watch your back Mega Man. Protoman seems to have become more ruthless than we had thought possible. Good Luck."
"Cossack out!""

The Order -

Megaman 6 Manual said:"THE MYSTERIOUS MR. X!
The most talented robot designers from across the globe have come to the 1st Annual Robot Tournament sponsored by the billionaire, Mr. X. Traveling from Japan, Canada and the United States, the designers have brought their finest cybernetic creations to do battle in a series of tests to see which robot can claim the title of "The Most Powerful Robot In The World."
Nothing seems strange as the contest begins, but when the top eight robots enter the arena for the final event, the lights dim and the mysterious Mr.X appears...
"Ladies and Gentlemen,
I wish to thank you all for coming to see the final event of my 1st Annual Robot Tournament. As you know, I have kept the final event of the tournament a secret. This event will test the strength, skill and intelligence of each of these fine robots. In fact, it will also test the strength and skill of each one of you. That may seem strange, but I'm sure you will understand when I explain that the final test for these robots is to help me conquer the world!
Please excuse me and my robots as we teleport out of here, but we have lots of work to do. But don't worry, you'll see me again soon. Real soon!""

The Order -

PS4 Trophies:

Xbox One/Steam Achievements:
(Announce Trailer)
(1 hour of gameplay @ E3 2015)
(Gamespot "Now Playing" Interview/Gameplay demo)

Venture Beat - 80/100
IGN (U.S.) - 9/10
Destructoid - 8.5/10
WeGotThisCovered- 4.5/5
ShackNews - 8/10
High Def Digest - 4/5
Heavy - 6.5/10
Hardcore Gamer - 4.5/5

Protodude's Rockman Corner
Megaman Network
Capcom Unity
Frank Cifaldi and the team at Digital Eclipse
and every single person who bitched and moaned until another Megaman game was made!!!