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Men down! Goodbye GAF

Robot Carnival

Gold Member
not familiar with OP but godspeed in whatever you're going into I guess.

Awwwwwe. Bye, I guess.

This Carnival of Stupid will miss you.

ah, the Carnival Of Stupid. I remember that from back in the days. fun times. I actually use that as my Steam handle. :messenger_grinning_sweat:



Did you really drop this thread and then just reply to people the last however long? So we are really starting these “feel bad for me I’m leaving, but staying at the same time because I need attention” type threads now? Wow, if you aren’t banned at least temporarily or something for this, I don’t even know what to say anymore 🤦‍♂️
I really enjoyed the “I’ve been here for ages, I thought the mods knew me better” part.



Gold Member
The mods see something that qualifies as console warring, they will issue a warning, even if it’s a joke. If you’re just trying to get a jab in that’s basically the cost of it. It doesn’t mean you’re an enemy of the forum if so. Warnings are not a big deal. Post deletions are not a big deal. Just a way to keep things on track.

I'd like to warn you about... deez nutz!

banning super mario GIF
Never had a warning but did get a couple of posts deleted without notice in the "Pics that make you laugh" thread.
And I get it, those were "borderline".

Never understood console wars & don't care for it.
Also religion & politics.

Why? Because I come in here to share my silly thoughts and be entertained.
I also feel appreciated and love other members in return.

This place is dysfunctional yet nurturing.
Just like a real family 🤠
Yep, I’ll get some deleted, and some with just a little “hey, that was borderline, tone it down” or something like that. I know I get overly passionate on here sometimes, but I don’t ever take that personal. There’s been times I’ve disagreed a little, but going back to read my posts I can see how they could come off that way, especially in a world where we can’t hear tone of voice or see body language when someone says something on a forum. But would never take it personal. I just leave it alone and forget about it like 2 minutes later lol. If people didn’t get warnings, it would be a huge shit show here.


Wonder what the tipping point was. If he was here 18 years, his account survived a lot of shit. I think GAF is currently the best its been in many, many years (console war BS aside, but that's timeless and inevitable).
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