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Rodent Whores
humans are visual creatures, it's easier to identify people by whatever lock steady avatar they choose

this is all to say, @SLoWMoTIoN --> where the anime titties at



The Tribe Has Spoken
But I reiterate that this is a community problem, and falls to us posters to fix. We’re letting this happen. Gaming side needs the kind of protectionism that Off-Topic and Politics enjoy when people try to bring in bullshit.
When I notice blatant fanboyism, I usually call it out (if I can be bothered that day. Sometimes I don’t have the time or the inclination). But, like I’ve advised many people here, don’t get mad at the console trolls. They are just displaying their immaturity. Simply point at them, highlight their stupidity, mock them and laugh. Then move on. They are not going to stop. They are attracted to inexplicable console tribalism like flies are to shit and your time is worth more than theirs.

They want you to get mad and take them seriously.

Point. Laugh. Move on.


Is Arcadia actually a girl or is that some GAF canon that you pervs came up with?

Lmao at pervs. Not that it super matters, other than getting memed a lot lately, but yes.

I say it doesn’t really matter, because I’d rather people ultimately think of me as, hopefully a really good/fun poster here. I love sharing all the weird things that make me laugh here, or all the nerdiest thoughts I could never really share in real life, and finding that other people love those things too.

This really is a fantastic community, unlike anything else on the internet. Forgive the tangent, but I needed to say that.

Xaero Gravity

Lmao at pervs. Not that it super matters, other than getting memed a lot lately, but yes.

I say it doesn’t really matter, because I’d rather people ultimately think of me as, hopefully a really good/fun poster here. I love sharing all the weird things that make me laugh here, or all the nerdiest thoughts I could never really share in real life, and finding that other people love those things too.

This really is a fantastic community, unlike anything else on the internet. Forgive the tangent, but I needed to say that.
I'm on to you, thot.
Is Arcadia actually a girl or is that some GAF canon that you pervs came up with?
She is. I robbed some packages from her porch the other day, and the things she buys..., I almost stabbed myself in the eye with that thing.
The point is, she's a girl, judging by the things I found in her packages. Or a perverted man, possibly.


Making a persona inspired after your porch thief thread and writing in croatian... it's so obvious in hindsight. Why though? You're going to get banned.

-Arcadia- -Arcadia- = 200 IQ

Lol, I didn’t even know about the thread or other language. He just has a really obvious tell in his writing style. I really did think it was Xaero for a while though, and harassed the poor guy. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

He shouldn’t be in trouble, btw. I would assume making alts is frowned upon, but more for getting around bans, manipulating conversations, etc., rather than just trying to make everyone have fun. Which, mission accomplished.
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