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Meta GAF |ON| Gaf on Gaf

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Womp womp.
Oh, wat a big ol surprise wow my stars oh gee no one saw this coming.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Yes, I'm well aware of your insatiable need for attention to open up a whole thread to argue with JordanN.. I stand by my statements that you utterly failed to debunk his standpoint and only made the situation worse. You cannot fall back on the excuse "I neither have the time not the passion to engage with the madman drivel" since you were the one who spent the time to open up the thread in the first place.
I opened the thread because it was the only way allowed to answer to the posting, but it was just that: An answer to the posting. Which does not mean I inted to spend hours on an antagonitic debate. It was not my intention, and I did not state such in the op, to "debunk" his obvious pseudoscience, it was my intention to answer to the point that it actually is wrong to state all Republicans are racists, but that does not excuse his own actual racism. You know, if my intention was to debate racial IQ research with JordanN I would have called the thread that instead of something like "Are all Republicans Racists?". I also wouldn't have started the post as an answer to another post that is not related to racial IQ research. SInce people acted all surprised about my claim that JordanN was racist, I gave a definition of racism and exemplified how I came to the conclusion he is racist in this posting:

I never stated it was a thread about proving his bullshit wrong. This is highschool level Biology course content [at least here]. Not at the level of detail strange headache did it, and in principle I appreciate he did this, but if people do not want to see JordanN's racist bullshit as what it is, racism, and try to find wild excuses for it such as "he is arguing on the diagnosis side and has autism!" then it is their prerogative.

Pathetic. You shine even more light on the topic by spinning it off into its own thread, but then you cower when held to account for doing so. Own up to your own behavior, for once.
I did not make a topic about racial IQ stuff, I posted a simple answer to a posting and were forced to do so in a separate thread. JordanN made the thread about the IQ stuff, I just mentioned it as one (of several) example(s) as for why I think JordanN is the worst racist I have conversed with over an extended period of time.
I know you feel yourself to truly be a martyr, but you're not. I like how you sneak in phrases like "his racially charged postings about white genocide, which is condoned by administration" and "It is devastating to see that a community I care about will continue to be shat on by JordanN's campaign unopposed" which hints at your own true motives here.
Please enlighten me which motives you ascribe to me this time.
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I opened the thread because it was the only way allowed to answer to the posting, but it was just that: An answer to the posting. Which does not mean I inted to spend hours on an antagonitic debate. It was not my intention, and I did not state such in the op, to "debunk" his obvious pseudoscience, it was my intention to answer to the point that it actually is wrong to state all Republicans are racists, but that does not excuse his own actual racism. You know, if my intention was to debate racial IQ research with JordanN I would have called the thread that instead of something like "Are all Republicans Racists?". I also wouldn't have started the post as an answer to another post that is not related to racial IQ research. SInce people acted all surprised about my claim that JordanN was racist, I gave a definition of racism and exemplified how I came to the conclusion he is racist in this posting:

I never stated it was a thread about proving his bullshit wrong. This is highschool level Biology course content [at least here]. Not at the level of detail strange headache did it, and in principle I appreciate he did this, but if people do not want to see JordanN's racist bullshit as what it is, racism, and try to find wild excuses for it such as "he is arguing on the diagnosis side and has autism!" then it is their prerogative.

I did not make a topic about racial IQ stuff, I posted a simple answer to a posting and were forced to do so in a separate thread. JordanN made the thread about the IQ stuff, I just mentioned it as one (of several) example(s) as for why I think JordanN is the worst racist I have conversed with over an extended period of time.
Please enlighten me which motives you ascribe to me this time.
Take it to PM next time. Wow. Much difficult. Very confuse.

You have a colorful history of declaring judgment on GAF's community, whether that's on the boards or on the discord, and in spite of your observations being knocked down time and time again, you continue to make them. Don't slander JordanN's "racist bullshit" here now that you failed to do so in your own thread. It makes you look petty, and it proves you didn't learn a single thing from your failures.


Take it to PM next time. Wow. Much difficult. Very confuse.

You have a colorful history of declaring judgment on GAF's community, whether that's on the boards or on the discord, and in spite of your observations being knocked down time and time again, you continue to make them. Don't slander JordanN's "racist bullshit" here now that you failed to do so in your own thread. It makes you look petty, and it proves you didn't learn a single thing from your failures.
Dropping kayfabe for a moment, I'm going to second this. I haven't followed the argument thus far and don't much care to, but when you have a sentence like this:

I'm not going to derail this thread as I understand this topic is now over, but I just want to make one observation.

Prefacing a wall of text in Meta GAF, then you know people are going to get riled back and forth and demand their right of response. If the pair of you want to keep the debate rolling (and that includes 'addressing the room' like this) then do it somewhere private.


Prefacing a wall of text in Meta GAF, then you know people are going to get riled back and forth and demand their right of response. If the pair of you want to keep the debate rolling (and that includes 'addressing the room' like this) then do it somewhere private.
In my defense, there where several other posts above mine that were discussing the topic on hand, and since my name was mentioned several times, I decided to only make ONE rebuttal.

But Yoshi is just rambling at this point, and went on to post far more than once. Other than the sarcastic eyeroll (which was to signal I no longer cared about this stuff), I stuck to my word and haven't commented on the subject since. It's Yoshi who is pushing the subject repeatedly, not me.
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Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Take it to PM next time. Wow. Much difficult. Very confuse.
Public opposition to racism cannot be given in PM form. Which, from my pov, is a moral obligation when I respect the community.
You have a colorful history of declaring judgment on GAF's community, whether that's on the boards or on the discord,
On the community? Please correct me if I am wrong, but to my best knowledge I said two (very similar) things about the community that could be considered judgment on the community as a whole, which was (1) it is right leaning, (2) it runs at risk of becoming a right wing echo chamber, though one not enforced by moderation. The thing with JordanN was not a comment on the community, unless JordanN suddenly is the whole community.
in spite of your observations being knocked down time and time again, you continue to make them
Aggressive postings claiming the contrary with some super-convincing link to the political leanings chart are not exactly knocking down the observation.
Don't slander JordanN's "racist bullshit" here
It is not slander, because criticising factual misbehaviour cannot be slander.
It makes you look petty, and it proves you didn't learn a single thing from your failures.
You know, since for months basically everything you have posted about me in any capacity related to politics was either hateful, dismissive, or just plain wrong, it would be hard for me to care whether you add "petty" to your list of insults.
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Public opposition to racism cannot be given in PM form. Which, from my pov, is a moral obligation when I respect the community.

On the community? Please correct me if I am wrong, but to my best knowledge I said two (very similar) things about the community that could be considered judgment on the community as a whole, which was (1) it is right leaning, (2) it runs at risk of becoming a right wing echo chamber, though one not enforced by moderation. The thing with JordanN was not a comment on the community, unless JordanN suddenly is the whole community.
Aggressive postings claiming the contrary with some super-convincing link to the political leanings chart are not exactly knocking down the observation.
It is not slander, because criticising factual misbehaviour cannot be slander.
You know, since for months basically everything you have posted about me in any capacity related to politics was either hateful, dismissive, or just plain wrong, it would be hard for me to care whether you add "petty" to your list of insults.
You misspelled "inquisition".

To the rest, sorry, but I'm not going to in any way validate your martyr complex. You continue to miss the lesson here and instead choose to double down on your previous ineffective choices.

"Factual misbehavior" :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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The Jew remark is uncalled for. You shouldn't discriminate based on your religious beliefs.

Funny as I am not a Jew but insulting others for their religion triggers me.

I can laugh at the cuck loser insult though. As it sounds like they are fishing for insults.


Unconfirmed Member
JordanN said:
I'm not going to derail this thread as I understand this topic is now over, but I just want to make one observation.


In my defense, there where several other posts above mine that were discussing the topic on hand, and since my name was mentioned several times, I decided to only make ONE rebuttal.

But Yoshi is just rambling at this point, and went on to post far more than once. Other than the sarcastic eyeroll (which was to signal I no longer cared about this stuff), I stuck to my word and haven't commented on the subject since. It's Yoshi who is pushing the subject repeatedly, not me.

"One observation"?
You then went on to write 5 paragraphs, including 4 links.

You do tend to crap on. A lot.
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Public opposition to racism cannot be given in PM form. Which, from my pov, is a moral obligation when I respect the community.

On the community? Please correct me if I am wrong, but to my best knowledge I said two (very similar) things about the community that could be considered judgment on the community as a whole, which was (1) it is right leaning, (2) it runs at risk of becoming a right wing echo chamber, though one not enforced by moderation. The thing with JordanN was not a comment on the community, unless JordanN suddenly is the whole community.
Aggressive postings claiming the contrary with some super-convincing link to the political leanings chart are not exactly knocking down the observation.
It is not slander, because criticising factual misbehaviour cannot be slander.
You know, since for months basically everything you have posted about me in any capacity related to politics was either hateful, dismissive, or just plain wrong, it would be hard for me to care whether you add "petty" to your list of insults.

Who appointed you Grand Inquisitor? Fuck your callout culture. Prove him wrong with facts, don’t just shriek racist and expect the rest of us to join you.

Being known as a racist in 2019 carries close to the same weight as being known as a rapist or wife beater. You are a social outcast if you are known as a racist. Persona non grata. It is a serious accusation and accordingly necessitates a high burden of proof for the accuser. Because I view it this way, my instinct is to tell grandstanding fuckwits like yourself — who are only engaging in the callout culture to boost your ego — to take a hike. Substantiate your claims or piss off.

Your conduct in (1) creating the callout thread, and (2) failing miserably at proving your accusation, was utterly pathetic. It was obvious that you wanted to make the claim and receive the Good Boy Points for identifying a witch racist without actually doing any heavy lifting. That’s weak as piss and it shouldn’t have taken 8 pages or whatever it was for strange to show up and provide a decent counter.

Here’s the key thing you keep failing to understand: very few of us here actually like witches, but we really don’t like self-aggrandizing witch hunters who are only doing it to boost their ego. You’re too socially inept to be a successful witch hunter and my suggestion is to shut the fuck up because all you do is make the situation worse by floundering around while Jordan trounces you with his much better prepared arguments. Watching you try to take him down was like watching one of those danger haired college students trying to take on Steven Crowder on a Change My Mind bit. He could be completely wrong but your overconfidence and complete inability to debate makes him look like Einstein and turns otherwise impartial observers against you and towards him.

Since that thread, it has been brought to my attention that Jordan was citing research funded by the Pioneer Fund, which apparently has links to literal WW2-era Nazis. All you had to do was point this out and you would’ve very quickly won people over. But you didn’t. You just shrieked and expected everyone else to join you in burning the witch. Fuck that, I’m more likely to burn you.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Since that thread, it has been brought to my attention that Jordan was citing research funded by the Pioneer Fund, which apparently has links to literal WW2-era Nazis. All you had to do was point this out and you would’ve very quickly won people over.
Considering how much of a discussion with strange headache (in addition to his very detailled and easily digestable postings) it took for you to even properly consider this point, and considering that you actually respect strange headache, I call bullocks on that. If you take a look at your own pursuit in the thread, right off the start, do not invest the effort to try to fool me or anyone at all, that you would have properly considered anything I would have written. Considering you are a scientist yourself, getting the impression of JordanN being "Einstein" indicates that you did not put any time whatsoever in even reading anything in the thread.

My proof obligation from my initial posting was not that JordanN uses questionable sources, but that he is a racist I have given a definition of that (which you do not agree with, because you require the explicit request of racial legal or physical action, which would then mean even the German nazi party NPD could rightfully deny the descriptor) and evidence showing why I think the definition matches. Demonstrating the (absolutely unsurprising, considering the research question to begin with; trying to prove genetical causation of performance difference by social groupings, rather than biological properties such as presence of a certain gene is clearly politically motivated and not well-founded scientific research) fact that the sources used by JordanN are politically charged and strongly related to nazism does not prove that in itself. His continued use of them after being pointed towards this is a strong indicator, but that was unavailable to me (because I did not manage to find the old discussion with Arkage at the time).

Dr. Claus

ah yes i see, an actual scientist

What else would you call someone who does research, writes papers in high impact journals, and has dedicated his life to studying chemistry?

i must've missed those courses at fsu, please give me an extra club card if you come across it

Ah, you have nothing of any actual value to say so you rely on silly garbage like this. Though I can't say I am surprised given you defend JordanN's silly rhetoric and openly deny climate change.
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Darkness no more
I can only repeat this is utter bullshit. JordanN is shitting up the Resetera thread with his racially charged postings about white genocide, which is condoned by administration, but at the same time I am forbidden to answer to that in the same thread because that would then suddenly only be allowed in politics. I specifically asked Evilore how am I supposed to answer to JordanN and he said, I need to open a new thread in politics to do that, which I did, hesitently. Then one moderator / administrator changed my simple answer posting thread to a general fight thread which it never was intended to be by me*. Due to the recontextualisation I provided a definition of racism and showed a sample of postings by JordanN that exhibit such positions. It is devastating to see that a community I care about will continue to be shat on by JordanN's campaign unopposed in the most prominent thread on the site, but considering how my first answer thread was handled by staff, I do not think further engagement on the issue could lead to any positive outcome.

* And to add to this: I never was interested in such. Everyone with an ounce of political education can easily see for themselves what kind of rhetortic and sources JordanN uses. I neither have the time nor the passion to engage with the madman drivel to the extend asked for by the reframing of the thread. It is obvious that it is impossible to change JordanN's mind on the issue. I just do not think it is OK to let a racist run an extended propaganda posting streak completely unopposed.

Just put him on ignore and move on with life. You seem way to invested in some random internet person.


What else would you call someone who does research, writes papers in high impact journals, and has dedicated his life to studying chemistry?

Ah, you have nothing of any actual value to say so you rely on silly garbage like this. Though I can't say I am surprised given you defend JordanN's silly rhetoric and openly deny climate change.

silly garbage is using credentials to tilt the discussion, or thinking you are the only one with dainty epaulettes on your shoulder (you aren't)

with all due respect
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JordanN said:
I'm not going to derail this thread as I understand this topic is now over, but I just want to make one observation.


In my defense, there where several other posts above mine that were discussing the topic on hand, and since my name was mentioned several times, I decided to only make ONE rebuttal.

But Yoshi is just rambling at this point, and went on to post far more than once. Other than the sarcastic eyeroll (which was to signal I no longer cared about this stuff), I stuck to my word and haven't commented on the subject since. It's Yoshi who is pushing the subject repeatedly, not me.

"One observation"?
You then went on to write 5 paragraphs, including 4 links.

You do tend to crap on. A lot.
Nope. My point still stands.

I made one formal response when my name was brought up repeatedly and ended it there. It's now you and Yoshi who are looking for a fight and you both have gone the entire page screaming.
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Considering how much of a discussion with strange headache (in addition to his very detailled and easily digestable postings) it took for you to even properly consider this point, and considering that you actually respect strange headache, I call bullocks on that. If you take a look at your own pursuit in the thread, right off the start, do not invest the effort to try to fool me or anyone at all, that you would have properly considered anything I would have written. Considering you are a scientist yourself, getting the impression of JordanN being "Einstein" indicates that you did not put any time whatsoever in even reading anything in the thread.

My proof obligation from my initial posting was not that JordanN uses questionable sources, but that he is a racist I have given a definition of that (which you do not agree with, because you require the explicit request of racial legal or physical action, which would then mean even the German nazi party NPD could rightfully deny the descriptor) and evidence showing why I think the definition matches. Demonstrating the (absolutely unsurprising, considering the research question to begin with; trying to prove genetical causation of performance difference by social groupings, rather than biological properties such as presence of a certain gene is clearly politically motivated and not well-founded scientific research) fact that the sources used by JordanN are politically charged and strongly related to nazism does not prove that in itself. His continued use of them after being pointed towards this is a strong indicator, but that was unavailable to me (because I did not manage to find the old discussion with Arkage at the time).

I’m gonna make it real simple for you: if you want to accuse someone of something as heinous as being a racist (translation: unfit for polite society), the onus is on you to meet the high burden of proof with evidence. You didn’t do that — strange did, but you want to trade on his effort as though it was yours all along even though you just sat there lazily screeching for several pages.

You’re no moral arbiter and I find your witch hunting more detestable than Jordan’s obsessive exploration of controversial research he believes to be true. Why? Because his assertions can be proven false, or at least of highly questionable origin. You, on the other hand, are driven by ideological zealotry borne from your guilt-based education. You are conditioned to seek the dopamine hit from identifying and denouncing racists. I would rather deny you that dopamine hit than grab a pitchfork and join you.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Y'know, I've personally overturned your perms twice now, blame space, once at your request, and held back the mod team numerous times. I never had anything against you. I even promoted you during the Timedog vs blame space popularity contest.

But you've turned into a cunt. Sayonara.
Just an idea but could a drudge siren reaction replace the triggered reaction?

You could pass it off as gaming-themed too what with GTA and cops.
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