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Meta GAF |ON| Gaf on Gaf

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Rodent Whores
Every time I’ve had to say something a little mean in this thread, it’s cut both ways. Keep that in mind.



I'm watching NBA with my children :messenger_heart:

Notice how he uses his children as a shield whenever people wise-up to his assholery antics. Ol' Taliban Dick.

How do you guys feel about the VFXVeteran temp ban?

Don't know why he was banned, but feel pretty good about it. Seems like a guy who thinks he knows more than he knows. Or wants to convince you he does.
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I'm of two minds because his behavior is ... well... you know... but also I wish this place was more like it used to be in terms of industry people frequenting it. i don't think we should sacrifice how cool this place is to do that but I do think it's a shame the ones we get tend to get driven off.


I'm of two minds because his behavior is ... well... you know... but also I wish this place was more like it used to be in terms of industry people frequenting it. i don't think we should sacrifice how cool this place is to do that but I do think it's a shame the ones we get tend to get driven off.

Industry people mostly drink from big brother's kool-aid supplies. Trading them in for a more free-thinking forum is an easy choice. Twitter is good enough for general leak needs.
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I'm of two minds because his behavior is ... well... you know... but also I wish this place was more like it used to be in terms of industry people frequenting it. i don't think we should sacrifice how cool this place is to do that but I do think it's a shame the ones we get tend to get driven off.

Same. That’s why losing John was such a blow. Here’s a preeminent industry voice, coming to this reawakening forum, and it was wonderful in every way. Then fanboys decide to wreck it.

The problem is that VFX is exactly that type of fanboy, as well as an industry voice. It’s not only disruptive, it also calls his technical opinions into question, because you never know when something is going to hit the irrational part of him.
Notice how he uses his children as a shield whenever people wise-up to his assholery antics. Ol' Taliban Dick.

Please post examples.

You are obsessed. Not even funny to interact with. I dont even know who the fuck you are. I've never interacted with you. You're just a fucking loser who is obsessed.


Gold Member
Same. That’s why losing John was such a blow. Here’s a preeminent industry voice, coming to this reawakening forum, and it was wonderful in every way. Then fanboys decide to wreck it.

To be honest, I like John, very much, but the guy have a serious problem of taking critics. And what I saw are their fanclube defending him for me, John old follower by mile, because he can't take critics.
And when he send people to hell or want them to die I said 'wow, take easy', while their fanclube throwing stones of me or saying fanboys don't need to have empaty. He is old enough to defend himself, no need to whiteknight someone old like him even after people who don't even are fanboys.
He need to separete the fanboys from the people who actually want to have a discussion. Generalizing does not help.

I still talk to him on twitter and thank god he listen to me sometimes. He have some issues that need to be adressed. The guy have a son. They're fanboys? Of couse, from every side you imagine, but Jesus Christ your job is to pixel count games, what fha fuck you expected?

The way I see, is just an excuse to run of his problems. My last advice for him on twitter was 'John, stay far alway from gaming forums, not just neogaf, not just resetera, but reddit as well. You don't take criticism very well.'

If you're curious about what I'm talking about, search for 'Far Cry 5 resetera' on google.
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To be honest, I like John, very much, but the guy have a serious problem of taking critics. And what I saw are their fanclube defending him for me, John old follower by mile, because he can't take critics.
And when he send people to hell or want them to die I said 'wow, take easy', while their fancluse trowing stones of me or saying fanboys don't need to have empaty. He is old enough to defend himself, no need to whiteknight someone old like him even after people who don't even are fanboys.
He need to separete the fanboys from the people who actually want to have a discussion. Generalizing does not help.

I still talk to him on twitter and thank god he listen to me sometimes. He have some issues that need to be adressed. The guy have a son. They're fanboys? Of couse, from every side you imagine, but Jesus Christ your job is to pixel count games, what fha fuck you expected?

The way I see, is just an excuse to run of his problems. My last advice for him on twitter was 'John, stay far alway from gaming forums, not just neogaf, not just resetera, but reddit as well. You don't take criticism very well.'

If you're curious about what I'm talking about, search for 'Far Cry 5 resetera' on google.

Him taking everything, including trash comments, to heart, and falling into deep depressions doesn’t help, but... still. What happened to him was uncalled for.

This thread was a good read Goodnight GAF.

That's always been the way, avoid panic, except for journalists who get better ratings when people panic. The truth was somewhere in the middle, it was neither as bad as was hyped or as harmless as was hoped. But mostly not as bad, like way not bad, had we known then what we know now I doubt we'd have even had lockdowns.


Gold Member
Him taking everything, including trash comments, to heart, and falling into deep depressions doesn’t help, but... still. What happened to him was uncalled for.

I would think of my son before fall into deep. He need to be strong, not for him, not for anyone, but for his son.
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