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When somebody gives a picture I share in the pics that make you laugh thread a like instead of a laugh reaction, I am deeply offended and reminded of Jerry's girlfriend from Seinfeld that couldn't laugh but would simply say "That's funny."
I can see where if you don’t know that Brap can actually be a chill, sweet person, you might think he’s serious about women beating and such. Which... causes problems when you’re in charge, and people are coming in and saying, ‘What the fuck?’

If you do that kind of joke to strangers, it has to have some kind of nod or wink to it, where you can tell the OP isn’t serious.

On the other hand, since the election, this board is relatively, compared to what we’re used to, slathered in woke recently. People getting offended and acting like Reeeeeeefugees in every section. You can still speak your piece against it, but it’s not the most fun environment when that stuff happens.

I genuinely think a little bit of 4Chan, within reason as mentioned above, is a good antidote to that. It toughens people up, and sets a standard of grow thicker skin, or go away. That’s a really good thing.

Like the foot stuff. With them not allowed to seriously post anything, or have their weird OT, it’s just been a harmless in-joke, and honestly, one of the more amusing parts of Gaf lately.

Now, I don’t do this 9-5. I come here for entertainment. Maybe I don’t see things that they do. But that’s my take on it.
I think it's a worthy discussion why you mostly only kill men in video games and why that would be okay but if someone said I only want to kill women in video games they'd be a weirdo.

a definite component of that discussion would simply be that the other way is the norm so anything that isn't the norm will seem weird regardless. What's interesting is how it conflicts with woke culture. because if we've had years of games where almost all killable NPCs are male then having a game where they're all female or even a bunch of games like that should be considered hitting some kind of equality or something.

but it's not really considered that way because if you pay enough attention to woke culture they don't actually want equality they just want all the things that are positive. Some of the biggest proponents of this culture such as Anita sarkisian had problems with any games were any women were killable at all. It's absolutely preposterous until you acknowledge that whether it's biological instinctual or evolutionary it's a bigger deal to us for violence to be done to a woman than a man.

No one has any problem accepting that that's the truth when it comes to children but if you make it about gender some people have trouble admitting it. But the way things went was the man went out and hunted and gathered while the women protected the children, because the man was facing greater danger it's become more acceptable that harm comes to him. and even if you get beyond our hunter-gatherer stage even if you get beyond women's suffrage women's lib and all these other things you still have most of media having villains be mainly male, the fodder in movies and video games to kill is largely male.

I still remember when Duke nukem 3D through some women in that you could shoot but if you shot them you were punished by aliens coming to kill you. The game got s*** for stuff like that even if it was still punishing the player. Again back to Anita sarkisian where she gave a Hitman game crap because she claimed it enforced the idea that the women were objects you should kill even as the footage on her screen showed you were being penalized for killing them.

Equality should mean that we're not treated as a lesser because we're different it should not mean that our differences aren't acknowledged. My idea of a quality would be venerating the housewife. The idea that women need to do men's jobs to be equal makes no sense to me it suggests that what men do is superior to what women do. Why would we do that? Why do we need to suggest choices women make naturally are worse choices than the ones men make? Do we not see the inherent sexism in that idea?

Brap was temporarily banned for doing edgy anti-female jokes. because this forum is a better place than many others I'd like to believe the same thing would happen to someone who's entire routine was to be anti-male. in anywhere besides this forum we know that's not true though.

I feel like all this stuff is very nuanced and interesting and I like discussion on it. I feel like too much of the reason these issues still exist is because we're not allowed to discuss them or we are but we're only allowed to have certain viewpoints on it. When I sincerely believe something but can't say it for fear of repercussions for me personally I begin to develop negative emotions related to the people who would give me those repercussions. If something is declared sexist that I don't believe is sexist but I can't argue it I just have to follow the rules I'll follow the rules because I have to but deep inside it erodes my faith in those who decide these things my trust in them and can even lead to me hating them. This is how you create enemies in my mind. Think about how many enemies reset era has created including people who wanted to be on their side think about how often woke culture has turned someone against them who used to be on their side. That's real toxicity.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm frankly astonish mods allow people to call others homophobes and mysoginies here and there so easly.
Right on. Some of these guys seem straight out of old gaf or ERA. I mean if anything the guy that was literally preaching for misandry got nothing and a literal shitpost was like "man brap quit posting like if you are on newgrounds". When I saw brap's ban I though he got it for telling somebody to kill himself or something. He won't even spend XXXmas here with his adopted dad Matt.


Jesus forgives you all btw and so does the cardinal.


Gold Member
Reminds me a gentleman saying to another gentleman that because he hate TLOUS2 he refuse to share the same place on this planet with him.


Unconfirmed Member
They're proto metal, it's just that they're so influential it sounds like they were part of the genre. But thing is, THERE WAS NO GENRE when they were doing that. So they're still classic rock IMO.



Their first album had traces of blues in it but everything afterwards was Metal. Same goes for Priest.
Death and hatred to mankind!

By the way yes Sabbath are Metal, the progenitors of Doom metal even.

I don't think they're Metal. I think Metal bands try to be them.

Their first album had traces of blues in it but everything afterwards was Metal. Same goes for Priest.

Not sure I agree there pal. I mean look at this:

Now compare to this:

For me is like that Skid Row and Guns n Roses thing. Skid Row were Glam METAL. GNR were GLAM metal.
I get what you're saying about them not being considered metal at the time that might be true though if I ask my parents who were teens back then they tell me that they considered them metal but they also considered stuff like deep purple metal. but then again if you go by what it's called at the time then you can't call them classic rock in fact classic rock isn't a real genre and what's classic rock is going to change every few decades. At some point you'd have to call it oldies if that's the way you do genres. What defines metal has a lot to do with the way the instrumentation is done what kind of guitar riffs are used and such there's actual technical ways to figure it out and the people who do those things tend to consider Sabbath metal and hard rock not either both. I know for me Black Sabbath feels far more natural in a metal playlist I'm listening to than in a classic rock playlist they feel much more natural alongside iron maiden Judas priest manowar and stuff like that then they do alongside led Zeppelin Supertramp electric light orchestra or whatever else from that era. But it doesn't really matter what you consider it so long as you understand it's amazing
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