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Rodent Whores
Terrence you are a human. Please, your wife is worried about you.


I haven't bothered to look up a single political tweet in a while, with biden being president now. are these progressive movements going to stop acting like they're oppressed? now that ol' meanyhead, trump. "Is" no longer taking their "rights" or some shit.

As far as I know, western civilization is beyond saving at this point.


I haven't bothered to look up a single political tweet in a while, with biden being president now. are these progressive movements going to stop acting like they're oppressed? now that ol' meanyhead, trump. "Is" no longer taking their "rights" or some shit.

As far as I know, western civilization is beyond saving at this point.

They formally introduced a new personality type the other day. One where perpetual victimhood becomes an identity.

So, not only common sense and history, but the psychiatric field, tell us these people, and I do use the term loosely, will continue into complete societal collapse, unless dealt with.
They formally introduced a new personality type the other day. One where perpetual victimhood becomes an identity.

So, not only common sense and history, but the psychiatric field, tell us these people, and I do use the term loosely, will continue into complete societal collapse, unless dealt with.

Preach it sister, but I'm going to revert back to a state of being where I'm more offended you have a Fortnite thing in your avatar than I am my country gone.

Richard Packer

Gold Member
Oh man, Trump had 50+ lawsuits? And they were all discarded because non-partisan judges examined the evidence thoroughly? Wow!

Wrong about what? Maybe you should check our post histories and figure out who claimed the courts would give Trump a fair shake and that the establishment was anything besides crooked.

Yes, Biden won, so the party of Russiagate and Ukrainegate is here to stay.

You know how we figure out other countries have rigged elections? The US State Dept. uses criteria to determine fraud in foreign elections that the 2020 election hits in every single goddamn category. Yes, it's a totally first world problem to not be able to choose your leader... LOL.

What facts are you posting? I'm not sure where you're getting your info if not from news outlets. Ah, reality, so who is determining reality? Oh, THE JUDICIARY IS! I see. Good thing we have those checks and balances when we can just have one part of the apparatus decide reality.

Is what fake news? I don't know, if you have this little context or understanding of those decisions it probably matters where you read about it, sure.

If you recall correctly? You're responding to my post, lol, WTF is wrong with you? Wait, which court case are you arguing Trump's team showcased evidence in? I think it's exactly what you'd do in court if you reached that stage of the court process, yes, weird no judge wanted it to reach that!

Pretty sure we can decide for ourselves... well... you can't... you need one branch of the government not examining the evidence to tell you there is none. It's not the court's judge to determine what is or isn't evidence, I mean, you do realize throwing out a case on "lack of standing" has nothing to do with the quality of evidence in the case, correct? You get that, right? You could have absolute proof of something and the court can use "lack of standing" to toss out the case... I'm going to assume you weren't aware of this and I've just completely blown your mind. Next thing you should do is look up what it means to have lack of standing and why it's absolutely bogus that it was used for these cases. Then, you can check all the evidence presented to STATE LEGISLATURES because of the way the courts have been partisan hacks over this.

You guys can run a victory lap but very few of us (certainly not me) ever told you this was going to be a win for Trump... go ahead and look back. We said we were right and we had proof we were right, we've linked you to websites compiling that proof multiple times. My threshold for being wrong was not a court that is trying to avoid a constitutional crisis hand waving legitimate suits completely based on bogus legal terminology. The funny thing is so many of YOU claimed you were all for this to get ALL OUT IN THE OPEN in a court case and see where the chips fall... but then you're beyond celebratory of the fact that the courts don't allow it to get into the open! Really good stuff! Some of my Conservative pals do think there's still some hope, and hey, I'm not here to give them crap... if they were as pessimistic about the establishment in this country as I was I'm sure that'd be a pretty bad time for them. Part of me thinks if enough people understood what was going on like I did maybe there'd be some sort of revolution but do I really want revolution? As much as I hate smug assholes like yourself, as much as I can't stand our corrupt system I'm not 100% interested in actions that might lead to civil war because you know... that'd be awful. Who knows what the party of mostly peaceful protests would do if this got overturned, anyways, wonder how much of the establishment would have enjoyed more Trump but is fearful of that shit. Wonder if Biden promised them no more lockdowns if they played ball. They have proven the American public are scared sheep who can be made to do any stupid thing if they tell you to in 2020, that you don't care how susceptible to fraud our elections are, that after 4 years of telling you a foreign country HACKED our elections you can IMPLICITLY trust voting machines that connect to the internet and that there's no way mail-in voting is susceptible to more fraud than in-person voting! How un-American of you to suggest that!

But don't worry, I'm not here to help or lead a revolutionary force, just want to remind you the government/media/etc are as corrupt as they were when they made you believe Iraq had WMDs, that it was okay to drone strike people including American citizens without trial, that you have no right to privacy, that you have no real first amendment rights, that you're all racist, that Benghazi was because of a youtube video, that Seth Rich wasn't executed, that you couldn't prove intent when it came to Hillary's actions, that the IRS could attack groups based on their politics, that helped cause the housing crisis, that helped ruin the healthcare system and make it entirely unaffordable for most middle class working Americans because a bill was passed that people weren't allowed to see what was in it until it passed, that told you perjury and obstruction of justice aren't issues when they do it but they can get you for literal thought crimes, that you can only question the integrity of elections when it's your side that's losing, that the Supreme Court is the most trust-worthy apparatus there is but also you MUST elect your people to ensure the Supreme Court doesn't fall into THEIR hands because then what? They'll do what? What were evil Republicans like Kavanaugh the rapist and that lady who adopts black kids to appropriate them going to do to you besides preserve the status quo? Why were they terrible people who would destroy our country right up until they decided something in your favor? It's almost like you have no backbone or principles and have no clue what you're talking about, everything is only wrong if it hurts YOUR SIDE. It's why every Democrat now loves George W Bush (oh wow he doesn't like Orange Man!), Dick Cheney (He helped Biden? What a dream boat!), foreign intervention (gotta get those meddling Russians!) and well... anything else that's the opposite of something the Orange Man did or liked, heck even John Bolton is our spirit animal now! What a great guy he is!

Again, take your victory lap, I'm gonna live my life the same as much as I'm allowed to by my overlords. I mean, wearing the mask and social distancing doesn't stop me from playing my video games and getting fat off junk food so I'll just complain online and do nothing about it. Trump losing re-election won't stop me from seeing new blockbuster movies so I'll be okay, even if those movies get more and more tailored to a Chinese audience... I'll take what I can get! Please just let the descent into absolute fuckery be a slow one so I can still enjoy it as it happens! Without my constant stream of distractions numbing my senses it might be really upsetting to me to watch things like truth, justice and freedom die painful deaths! I need to laugh at the great Biden memes we'll be getting to not cry over the fact that we're being run by a man with clear dementia, run by a party that spent 4 years questioning Trump's mental health! I need to get by on laughing at Democrat double standards instead of letting it turn to anger when they begin reporting on Hunter Biden all of a sudden when they told you it was a nothingburger prior to election!

I've got my Cyberpunk, my movies like TENET and the lockdowns still haven't taken my pizza delivery from me, don't worry, I'll be okay! If there's one thing you can say about the Left they'll burn whole cities down over the smallest perceived injustices done to the most guilty of individuals while we sit back and take it as the country is rammed up the ass, wish I could say I was willing to be that passionate about things far less trivial than what actually caused the death of someone who would have OD'd that night anyways and who spent 30 minutes resisting arrest, even better we can spark new riots when something dumb happens like a motorcyclist who was the right skin color crashes because a police car in pursuit passed them by... hope we abolish the police's ability to chase suspects it'll be much like the AI of the police in Cyberpunk!

Hey, I'll even relent on arguing this stuff so often after this, I got more important fish to fry like pixel counting games, who wins the sales war and whether or not every game should be starring a diversity hire! I am defeated, I've been defeated and I admitted defeat the second they began announcing Biden was the presumed winner, check back and see for yourself, you can argue someone else had their spirits crushed this past week but the little bit of spirits I had spurned by the idea we might get 4 more years of Trump ended a while back and the only thing I could cling to on here was the possibility I might get someone else to see what was going on. I'm not sure why I tried, it's always just about your side, not what's right or true. It's always about what your authority figure says... and again... 4 years of Trump still only somewhat livened me up about our political landscape, I've been disillusioned since 2004 when I was old enough to realize this was all a farce and I got taken for a much more hopeful ride than Bernie Bros did but it was still a ride and the establishment is still going to make me get off that ride and most of us were fully aware. Close to half this country believes this election was stolen, that might be victory enough, if you look at this in terms of the long game, maybe things will slowly get better instead of worse but I'll say it again, hope for such things doesn't exist much inside me and these victories you all tout are expected outcomes I already told you I expected. Kick me while I'm down if you must, it's fine, this is more of a hobby for me... if it was anything more I don't think I could handle the extra depression and anxiety on top of what I already live with that it would cause me. I'll keep telling myself "I've still got my life, it's just a mask, it's just my privacy, it's just my rights, it's just 4 more years" and see if the entertainment industry keeps me from losing my damn mind while they shovel woke garbage into it.

I got linked to this post by two separate chat groups. A+ dude. Bringing smiles to faces in these hard times is a very special talent. Salute.


I am a virgin
Lol, can you be a bigger tool? Fucking pathetic.

Lmao I just get bored and every once in a while just do that

I can't remember who I did it to last; someone was giving them shit for just passing them in reactions

I've been thinking about scripting it out, but I think that'd be a tad too far for the admins to let slide

WTS reaction score boosts, in game currency only, PST for pricing
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Unconfirmed Member
I knew that game would be shit.

If your game needs a giant day one patch, you shouldn't be allowed to release the disc.

2 week grace period. Get your shit in order.
I agree. However I still loved Fallout NV when it came out. However that game didn't have the TIME to be properly made and it wasn't given copious amount of money to make it either.


Hmmm.... If most of the bugginess is relegated to consoles, might give it a shot.

What specs are you running on / what settings if you don't mind?
two rigs

3090 / i9 9900k @ 77-100 fps, tuned to ultra w / rtx enabled

4790k / gtx 1080 ti @ 60 fps sample locked w / gsync, tuned to ultra w/ rtx disabled

spending more time with the latter rig than the former, p. happy with performance and lighting
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