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Definitely not in agreement with shooting people for getting through a window, especially when moments later we got images/video of people right in the House chamber without anyone trying to stop them.

Didn’t say it was right to shoot her, rather I didn’t support the “no reason” argument, like she was just standing around minding her business and someone walked up and shot her.


Unconfirmed Member
I love Cyberpunk, in contention for my GOTG which might say more about the Gen than the game since it needs a lot of work, by the time it has massive Witcher 3 sized DLCs and all bugs are fixed I'll look less like crazy person for loving it so much.
Whenever I see gameplay of it I just yearn/play a Fallout game honestly. (Vegas or 4) It just does not grab me attention at all. Also I don't have pc so fuck paying for a degraded version of a game. :/

Cute yuri
^Second best alt. We are the best.
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Didn’t say it was right to shoot her, rather I didn’t support the “no reason” argument, like she was just standing around minding her business and someone walked up and shot her.

To me it looked that way, I'm taking your word for it that she was breaching some perimeter but you're a cool dude so I don't mind doing so. My problem would still be that she was killed over it while we get a gaggle of buffoons posing freely on the House floor.
Whenever I see gameplay of it I just yearn/play a Fallout game honestly. (Vegas or 4) It just does not grab me attention at all. Also I don't have pc so fuck paying for a degraded version of a game. :/

^Second best alt. We are the best.

I played Fallout New Vegas for 600 hours in 2019... and I beat it 5 times back in 2010 when it launched, to be clear. The shooting is leagues better than any Fallout and it has stealth and hacking options which aren't even there in a Fallout game. The dialogue choices are often LESS than in Fallout 4 but the story is way more cohesive, the characters way better and the different endings way more meaningful (and honestly plentiful, most of Fallout 4's choices were meaningless, same can be said for Cyberpunk but with acting/writing this good it's fine getting different dialogues, I never once played through Fallout 4 again thinking "man can't wait to hear the SARCASTIC reply to that dialogue!"). It also has a better diversity of endings compared to New Vegas, though New Vegas stomps it when it comes to number of options during the game, CP2077 actually has multiple climaxes including epilogues you ACTUALLY play, THEN it still has the sort of endings a New Vegas had (in that game it's monologues, in CP2077 it's video messages during the credits, more effective honestly). As much as I love Fallout none of the games actually made me care like CP, the characters never felt so real and in terms of gameplay... well... to me there's no contest. That said would I outright call CP2077 better than New Vegas? Nah, New Vegas is potentially my favorite game of all time, that said I expect within about a year CP2077 will already be a more stable, less buggy game than New Vegas is to this day, mods or no.


I love Cyberpunk, in contention for my GOTG which might say more about the Gen than the game since it needs a lot of work, by the time it has massive Witcher 3 sized DLCs and all bugs are fixed I'll look less like crazy person for loving it so much.

You ain't crazy, and you're not in the minority either. The people bitching about it stopped playing it and spend all their time writing massive DL: DR missives about it ad Infinitum as if CDP went airtight on their Mom, meanwhile everyone else is having a great time in Night City ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Richard Packer

Gold Member
Dear Schrödinger's cat Schrödinger's cat

I was successful in managing my time. I was able to wrap up around 7pm. Unfortunately, that was way past daylight. I did sieze the night, however. After dinner we made popcorn and hot cocoa. We had a nice evening watching Dolittle. The kids loved it.

All that is left for me to do is to finish the baseboards, install a cabinet sink and the toilet. Then of course clean up. Which should take me no more than 2 hours. I will enjoy fun in the sun today!!

With lots of love, Richard.


Dear Honorable Schrödinger's cat Schrödinger's cat , Richard Packer Richard Packer , Esq.,

I seem to have been inadvertently receiving your mail. I normally would not comment, yet the sordid contents of your courting process have entered my sight uninvited. Please ensure that any further carnal letters are received only by the intended party.

Take it to PM's, you marks!


First of His Name, Warlord of West Michigan
If you're breaking into the US capitol, you know damn well what you're risking. MAGA martyr, my ass

Regardless of the reason, breaking into a government building is likely going to lead to you getting your ass handed to you

Whole lot of people got in and wandered about freely without being shot. I guess she was just particularly dangerous, right? I think less of you two, today.


Whole lot of people got in and wandered about freely without being shot. I guess she was just particularly dangerous, right? I think less of you two, today.

I'm with ThatGamingDude ThatGamingDude . Even if you are fully in your rights, there's times where you can easily get killed. There's right and wrong, and then there's reality.

If you're in an "active shooter" event, and you save people's lives by grabbing your own gun and taking out the fucker that's doing it, there's a VERY GOOD chance that the cops responding to the scene are gonna cap you if you are still waving your gun around when they get there. You'd be fully within your rights to do so, and still 100% dead.
I'm with ThatGamingDude ThatGamingDude . Even if you are fully in your rights, there's times where you can easily get killed. There's right and wrong, and then there's reality.

If you're in an "active shooter" event, and you save people's lives by grabbing your own gun and taking out the fucker that's doing it, there's a VERY GOOD chance that the cops responding to the scene are gonna cap you if you are still waving your gun around when they get there. You'd be fully within your rights to do so, and still 100% dead.
yeah the police sure shot a lot of people during those riots the past decade. Oh wait no they didn't really shoot anyone in fact one of the only people who did, Kyle Rittenhouse, is probably going to go to jail for defending himself. When you have rules for one group and not the other justice can't exist.
Not celebrating her death, but not condoning breaking into a federal building either. Think of me what you want breh
Picture this happened because of someone like George Floyd. Imagine for a second BLM storm the Capitol building and a black woman is shot dead the way this one is. Tell me what you think the response would be from the media, tell me if you think she'd be made into a martyr.


Picture this happened because of someone like George Floyd. Imagine for a second BLM storm the Capitol building and a black woman is shot dead the way this one is. Tell me what you think the response would be from the media, tell me if you think she'd be made into a martyr.

I didnt support the BLM riots and wouldnt support them storming the capitol either. I'm not being political, just rational. I'm not a fan of extremism on either side


yeah the police sure shot a lot of people during those riots the past decade. Oh wait no they didn't really shoot anyone in fact one of the only people who did, Kyle Rittenhouse, is probably going to go to jail for defending himself. When you have rules for one group and not the other justice can't exist.

I'm not even commenting on whether or not she should have been shot; my personal opinion doesn't matter, and would probably be out of step with what's considered acceptable discourse, to be 100% honest.

I was just saying that regardless of what is right or wrong, there are times where you can know that what you are doing, or where you are can get you killed. I would say that being within a crowd that is pushing into federal buildings in the face of armed opposition is a situation where being shot and killed isn't unlikely.


I am a virgin
I'm not condoning shooting people or anything either

But, high tension areas are high tension areas; what I am saying is walking into a battle field and not expecting to get wounded is stupid

Acting aggressively on any sort of government grounds is going to get you looked at by MANY people with weapons who are posted there; specifically all of them are going to turn and look at you calculating how to de-escalate the scenario, and if need be, intervene with more measures

EDIT: Or being on government grounds while aggressive activity is occurring; while she was being peaceful, there's a reason why people dip while highly aggressive crowds are about

Lol, maybe the police need more avenues for not randomly shooting people eh? Trolololololol

Whole lot of people got in and wandered about freely without being shot. I guess she was just particularly dangerous, right? I think less of you two, today.
Oh look some dude on the internet is telling me he thinks less of me
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I am a virgin
Quoth the virgin
You can still be a virgin and have been in relationships

Utah is a prime example
Go hang out at BYU, it's a nice campus

ThatGamingDude ThatGamingDude why did you earned that tag? Was that because of that Virgin gaf thread?
Trolling the mods and forum; I had a bet going on with some other seedy individuals on whether or not I could get them to give me a subtext, and in what context. Won, but the mods taking so long it diminished my fucking winnings, still about 2k though
I had to be a bit eccentric to catch their attention; edge lord type stuff

I'm just surprised people are still on about other people's sex life. In the context of trying to be offensive towards someone's sexuality, you usually don't like them in the first place, so why you get into their sex life is confusing to me, really
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