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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Not interested. The familiar direction this forum is starting down is not what I signed up for.

Some of us don’t need to post porn, burn everything down to the ground, and reeee at Evilore. More time for the real world was something I was needing anyway.

I’ll always love the year+ I spent here and remember it fondly. The sheer idea that I got to become one of the most notable members in a legendary forum is mind-boggling to me, and I will never stop being grateful for it. Likewise to all the friendships made, and conversations had — literal magic. I’m thankful to everyone who made that possible.

I’ll check from time to time, as I never shut the door completely, but this is largely goodbye. Thanks for being amazing.
Alright, take care.


Rodent Whores
Whoops. What a silly and unfortunate typo. I meant to say duck.
Smaller than I was anticipating.

Richard Packer

Gold Member
Smaller than I was anticipating.

Meanwhile, ruddy ducks already have enormous penises that stretch nearly as long as the rest of their bodies. Brennan didn't see how the ruddy ducks could possibly grow them even longer. In one way, she was right: most group-living ruddy ducks did not develop longer penises. Instead, she was surprised to find, they hardly grew penises at all.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I really don’t know what the fuck is going on in the politics section but I feel that the trigger is being pulled too quick

Well I don’t know anything “behind the curtain” but I guess Ownership was disapproving of the way the politics forum was going and was testing the waters (he banned the guy who was compulsively copy pasting from thedonald.w) then shit hit the fan and he let go of the brakes. At that point the ringleaders felt the floor crumble under them and all went to hell. It did expose some unsavory Mayo power types that had been taking cover here but ultimately the way politics is now is incompatible with the relentless partisanship from before and just being righty ain’t enough for some.

Good old chain reaction.
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Well I don’t know anything “behind the curtain” but I guess Ownership was disapproving of the way the politics forum was going and was testing the waters (he banned the guy who was compulsively copy pasting from thedonald.w) when shit hit the fan and he let go of the brakes. At that point the ringleaders felt the floor crumble under them and all went to hell. It did expose some unsavory Mayo power types that had been taking cover here but ultimately the way politics is now is incompatible with the relentless partisanship from before and just being righty ain’t enough for some.

Good old chain reaction.
Sure, rejecting racists and white supremacy is fine by me. But regulars disappearing all of a sudden doesn’t strike something in you? Because I’m sure the regulars aren’t racists or whatever because they’re still not banned and just decided to leave.

This is giving me headache and I hope to god that what I have in mind is not true
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Sure, rejecting racists and white supremacy is fine by me. But regulars disappearing all of a sudden doesn’t strike something in you? Because I’m sure the regulars aren’t racists or whatever because they’re still not banned and just decided to leave.

This is giving me headache and I hope to god that what I have in mind is not true

Hardcore trumpers who’ve been fed a steady diet of “traditional media is all SJW COMMUNIST BABY EATERS” and thus prefer random guy rambling in front of his phone can’t survive because new rules demand news and facts being discussed can be traced to reliable non-conspirational media/reputable tweeters like Andy Ngo.

If you think this looks like cleaning up before “things change bigly” eh, who knows but we still have too much people shitting openly on SJW to be mainstream friendly.


Hardcore trumpers who’ve been fed a steady diet of “traditional media is all SJW COMMUNIST BABY EATERS” and thus prefer random guy rambling in front of his phone can’t survive because new rules demand news and facts being discussed can be traced to reliable non-conspirational media/reputable tweeters like Andy Ngo.

If you think this looks like cleaning up before “things change bigly” eh, who knows but we still have too much people shitting openly on SJW to be mainstream friendly.
But did they lie though? That’s what I see too by the way. Everything is turning into woke shitfest. You can’t stop me from writing what I feel as long as I’m not crossing the line, same how I can’t do that to you too. Come on now, conspiracy theories and racists aside. Where’s the “free speech”?

You don’t take that away from people all of sudden that were here because of it. Saying whats in their mind without feeling the threat of being watched 24/7. The biggest problem we had in GAF in the past couple of years was console warriors and thats it. Now look at people being divided and bouncing off. Thats surely not something anyone wants at the end of the day
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
But did they lie though? That’s what I see too by the way. Everything is turning into woke shitfest. You can’t stop me from writing what I feel as long as I’m not crossing the line, same how I can’t do that to you too. Come on now, conspiracy theories and racists aside. Where’s the “free speech”?

You don’t take that away from people all of sudden that were here because of it. Saying whats in their mind without feeling the threat of being watched 24/7. The biggest problem we had in GAF in the past couple of years was console warriors and thats it. Now look at people being divided and bouncing off. Thats surely not something anyone wants at the end of the day

It’s impossible to discuss the veracity of facts provided by people who have no interest on ethics and thus don’t provide sources. It inevitably leads to a shitfest that breaks down into faction-to-faction combat. Rooting discussions on reputable sources at least provides a solid base to spring from.

Ownership didn’t want politics to be a shitfest no more.


GAF has a terms of service and expected standards, Mista. It’s not a Free Speech forum. You’re not going to get that anywhere other than the dark web and/or hosted in Russia.
I know that very well and you can tell by my clean history. It was more flexible in here for the past 3-4 years so what changed all of a sudden? I’m not here saying you’re a cunt bro, nor saying that you shouldn’t keep this place under control. At the end of the day nobody wants chaos across the board. I just hope to god that whats happening in politics stays in politics because I have a feeling that whats currently happening over there will get out and slowly reach the gaming section


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Have you been keeping tabs on the Politics forum on an incognito tab? I assume not, so you haven’t seen what it’s been like lately. It got way out of hand, and we’ve had to react to a serious incident for America on January 6th for various reasons. Nothing to do with Gaming.


Have you been keeping tabs on the Politics forum on an incognito tab? I assume not, so you haven’t seen what it’s been like lately. It got way out of hand, and we’ve had to react to a serious incident for America on January 6th for various reasons. Nothing to do with Gaming.
No I don’t plan on doing that honestly. I’m better off like that if you ask me. The world is already fucked, I don’t get on here for more of it. I want to relax and have fun with the others.

You do you brother and I’ll stick to what I do best which is the gaming section. And I hope to god that one day the gaming section won’t get infected for any reason.


Rodent Whores
Sure, rejecting racists and white supremacy is fine by me. But regulars disappearing all of a sudden doesn’t strike something in you? Because I’m sure the regulars aren’t racists or whatever because they’re still not banned and just decided to leave.

This is giving me headache and I hope to god that what I have in mind is not true
A lot of the regulars we like overreacted, and that cost them. A set of reasonable rules were put in place. The most triggered users couldn't handle it, and got banned. Then other users who are normally quite calm took the bannings as a harbinger of doom and eventually it became an increasing domino effect of a self fulfilling prophecy due to tribal paranoia. The same overreaction happened in 2016 too but on the other side of the coin.

The truly partisan and close minded are somewhat of a lost cause, but the more reasonable ones we lost are a tragedy since they got swept away in the commotion. At the end of the day, however, all actions are the responsibility of the individual, and if most had just took a break to calm down, I don't think we would have seen as big of a bloodbath as we did.

All the melodrama and self bannings are pretty selfish, IMO. If they cared about the cause, they would have stayed to argue it within the guidelines.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
No I don’t plan on doing that honestly. I’m better off like that if you ask me. The world is already fucked, I don’t get on here for more of it. I want to relax and have fun with the others.

You do you brother and I’ll stick to what I do best which is the gaming section. And I hope to god that one day the gaming section won’t get infected for any reason.
You’ll be the first to know if I lose my mind and dye my hair purple, no worries.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
No I don’t plan on doing that honestly. I’m better off like that if you ask me. The world is already fucked, I don’t get on here for more of it. I want to relax and have fun with the others.

You do you brother and I’ll stick to what I do best which is the gaming section. And I hope to god that one day the gaming section won’t get infected for any reason.

Ownership is here so I will STFU.


I find it a bit curious that some people lament the deletion of some threads and citing "muh free speech", like free speech gives you a guarantee to talk fucking absolute shit and be an asshole in general. I still think that you can say whatever you want on GAF as long as you aren't behaving like a total asshole all the time and attacking everyone. The Alanah thread and the GB thread were deleted/closed because it degraded into ad hominems based on body features of people and health conditions (like Jason's diabetes). Now I'm not saying that I don't enjoy shitposting from time to time but when a thread has prolonged activity like that, shit needs to calm down.
GAF is one of the few places where NOT everything is politics. One can give opinions on the hobby without first checking a list of blackballed names or forum-approved political viewpoints. This environment allows like minds to meet and form connections without fear of being backstabbed or reported to the powers that be for petty reasons.

Walking away from it all because you can't talk about one piece of your particular politics is incongruent with how the community rebuilt itself over the last 3 years. I'm happy for all the dissatisfied liberals and passionate middle-of-the-roaders who got a taste of conservative viewpoints on GAF, even if they scurried at the first sign of trouble. Better luck next patriotic resistance.

I've taken a few tours of politics board since its inception and it ain't the board it was even a year ago. The "50 posts minimum" was a nice temporary dam. However, an increasing number of posters began signing up / returning and heading straight to politics board without much mod intervention (the community did its part to point it out, at least), and the quality of discussion dropped in tandem. The drop in quality was anticipated. Regulars suggested different ways to address it, such as adding a ratio ceiling to the # of posts you could make in politics in relation to other boards. I still think a ratio would do wonders, but in the end, Politics board continues to serve its purpose as a honeypot for people who can't help but make everything political.

Even under the best of circumstances, stolen election articles and discussion was only gonna result in another russiagate-tier board takeover where every topic and every retort would spiral back to "stolen election" like everything spiraled back to "but but Trump". The board already suffers enough of those fools. We didn't need a republican version doing it too.


I am a virgin
It's a gaming forum dude. Let's just have fun and blow off some steam. Life is too serious, no need to take the internet so seriously too.
Nawh dude
You gotta understand

The restaurant area of the local arcade is the prime place to talk politics

Leaders are born while playing Bump N Jump

GAF is a gaming forum first and always. It’s not going to be some kind of Alamo for conspiracy theory true believers. And the racists coming out of the woodwork were never going to be tolerated before or after the guidelines update.
Thank you for just coming out and saying it
What's up with removing my virgin tag? I need the street cred
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I am a virgin
Speaking of Arcades. I started playing Tekken again. teezzy teezzy I hope you're ready to have a tiger up your asshole.
Which Tekken you hitting?
Tag Tourny is my pride and joy; first time I played it was on a PS2 in a hotel room because my Dad planned a family trip just to get a PS2 lol

I've heard Mod of War: Remastered Mod of War: Remastered is a surprisingly gentle lover.
You have to pay extra for fetishes; E-Daddy knows how to run a business
I kid I kid mods; wag a finger if you must, I'll tone it down if ya do
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