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Meta GAF |ON| Gaf on Gaf

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Gold Member
He used to. Probably has everyone on ignore.

He asked me why I hated him the other day and I'm like "huh"?

I think I've quoted a couple of his posts, but they were just linking to YouTube videos that were clickbait and the replies were just clarifying what was really going on that the video conveniently decided to not say.


Because he blocked you?

I didn't say anything to him, I just wondered why he was not replying to the people who quoted him and just genuinely asked what his post was about. He probably does have everyone on ignore lol.

He asked me why I hated him the other day and I'm like "huh"?

You have to be shitting me :messenger_tears_of_joy: This shit again Jare? You have a quintillion Gaf points and you're still PM'ing people to ask why they disagreed with you one time lol


Posted this in the Obi-Wan thread:

What the fuck is it with this place immediately trying to label someone as an "astroturfer" if they're trying to stop the spread of FUD on this place and prevent this place from becoming another Era where people latch onto bullshit clickbait just for outrage? That's a bullshit bit of console warring that started in the gaming side and is a fucking cancer that needs to be eliminated from this place. But fuck me for trying to improve the discourse here and try to point out how people shouldn't believe bullshit clickbait made up to get outrage clicks/YouTube views from people. It's like some people here WANT to believe the bullshit, but not the real stuff for reasons unknown.

Seriously I love this place, but that "you're obviously a marketer trying to defend it" BS is going to drive me away.

This is going to be an honest answer. I’m going to say some things you might like, and some things you might not like as much.

I like you. I like your knowledge of film, and I like that you gave me some really cool reading material to nerd out on Star Wars with.

What I don’t like, and I’ve noticed this fairly frequently, is your propensity to dismiss people’s criticism of films and TV shows, from a false place of authority, and with a holier-than-thou attitude.

Sometimes you have a point, like, apparently, in that Picard thread. I’m not talking about that.

Other times? You brush off legitimate critiques, whether about ‘wokeness’ or quality, have no real answer to them, and are pretty insulting about it.

It cumulatively creates this image of a defense force, someone that is shilling for all these movies/shows. It feels like if anybody has an opinion to share about not liking aspects of their entertainment, it lights up a bat signal for you to come and dismiss/trash their opinion.

I don’t think you’re an astroturfer. I do think you cultivate an image that can be mistaken for that, though.

I don’t know if that will make you mad. I’m not signing up for a back and forth all morning through Meta Gaf. You mentioned something, and I felt like I had the answer, and genuinely wanted to help you on your way a bit. So... this isn’t said with malice.

I think that if you took time to better engage with people and their opinions, these astroturfer insults would stop.


He asked me why I hated him the other day and I'm like "huh"?

I think I've quoted a couple of his posts, but they were just linking to YouTube videos that were clickbait and the replies were just clarifying what was really going on that the video conveniently decided to not say.
Same. I got a PM from him and I told him that I don’t hate him
Posted this in the Obi-Wan thread:

What the fuck is it with this place immediately trying to label someone as an "astroturfer" if they're trying to stop the spread of FUD on this place and prevent this place from becoming another Era where people latch onto bullshit clickbait just for outrage? That's a bullshit bit of console warring that started in the gaming side and is a fucking cancer that needs to be eliminated from this place. But fuck me for trying to improve the discourse here and try to point out how people shouldn't believe bullshit clickbait made up to get outrage clicks/YouTube views from people. It's like some people here WANT to believe the bullshit, but not the real stuff for reasons unknown.

Seriously I love this place, but that "you're obviously a marketer trying to defend it" BS is going to drive me away.
You're not alone in that sentiment, but don't let it drive you away. Ignore the trash.

Better yet, mock the trash.


Gold Member
This is going to be an honest answer. I’m going to say some things you might like, and some things you might not like as much.

I like you. I like your knowledge of film, and I like that you gave me some really cool reading material to nerd out on Star Wars with.

What I don’t like, and I’ve noticed this fairly frequently, is your propensity to dismiss people’s criticism of films and TV shows, from a false place of authority, and with a holier-than-thou attitude.

Sometimes you have a point, like, apparently, in that Picard thread. I’m not talking about that.

Other times? You brush off legitimate critiques, whether about ‘wokeness’ or quality, have no real answer to them, and are pretty insulting about it.

It cumulatively creates this image of a defense force, someone that is shilling for all these movies/shows. It feels like if anybody has an opinion to share about not liking aspects of their entertainment, it lights up a bat signal for you to come and dismiss/trash their opinion.

I don’t think you’re an astroturfer. I do think you cultivate an image that can be mistaken for that, though.

I don’t know if that will make you mad. I’m not signing up for a back and forth all morning through Meta Gaf. You mentioned something, and I felt like I had the answer, and genuinely wanted to help you on your way a bit. So... this isn’t said with malice.

I think that if you took time to better engage with people and their opinions, these astroturfer insults would stop.

My issue is that it's a constant stream of people posting bullshit clickbait YouTube videos like THEY have a position of authority when it's just someone yelling stuff into their webcam in an attempt to get people outraged for monetized views (hell, these people admit they just do it to pay their rent) and people blindly believe it and defend it because it conforms to whatever bias they have.

Hell it's basically my job to filter out this bullshit and when I come here seeing people blindly believing bullshit and then lashing out with "astroturfer", "shill", "paid marketer" accusations to anyone who tries to say "hey, wait this is bullshit" I makes me not to even bother wanting to post here anymore.

If GAF wants to be a haven for internet fake news and signal boosting that fake news just because you like what the fake news says, that's on GAF. But don't lash out and accuse someone who is trying to STOP GAF from being that of being an astroturfer or paid shill.


The Tribe Has Spoken
My issue is that it's a constant stream of people posting bullshit clickbait YouTube videos like THEY have a position of authority when it's just someone yelling stuff into their webcam in an attempt to get people outraged for monetized views (hell, these people admit they just do it to pay their rent) and people blindly believe it and defend it because it conforms to whatever bias they have.

Hell it's basically my job to filter out this bullshit and when I come here seeing people blindly believing bullshit and then lashing out with "astroturfer", "shill", "paid marketer" accusations to anyone who tries to say "hey, wait this is bullshit" I makes me not to even bother wanting to post here anymore.

If GAF wants to be a haven for internet fake news and signal boosting that fake news just because you like what the fake news says, that's on GAF. But don't lash out and accuse someone who is trying to STOP GAF from being that of being an astroturfer or paid shill.
What videos are you talking about?


Also, to address your particular concern more directly, ManaByte ManaByte , there’s also this.

Dude, you were already "discrediting" Star Wars leaks that most of them ended up being true

I remember this. You swore up and down that these leaks were fake and clickbait. Insulted the creators. Insulted the people that posted them. Then, we all watched the movie, and every single part was true.

Everyone is wrong from time to time, so it’s not about that. It’s about the arrogance, not even allowing for the possibility that another could be right, or admitting it after the fact.

Again, not insulting you. I believe you have a tremendous amount to offer this board, especially with your insight, intelligence, and connections.

By all means, call it as you see it, when there’s indisputable evidence. We truly do not need actual clickbait. In other, less clear cases, it may help to take a more gentle stance of discussion and debate.


Gold Member
What videos are you talking about?

Stuff from people like Grace Randolph who makes up complete bullshit for views. On clickbait videos where the thumbnail says "Patrick Stewart Returning to X-Men!" when the person making the video conveniently omitted Stewart's quote where he said he WASN'T returning because he made Logan.

Also, to address your particular concern more directly, ManaByte ManaByte , there’s also this.

I remember this. You swore up and down that these leaks were fake and clickbait. Insulted the creators. Insulted the people that posted them. Then, we all watched the movie, and every single part was true.

Someone posted something from a Fandom Menace video (might have been Mike Zeroh who makes up everything) that claimed Rey shot STAR DESTROYERS out of the sky at the end of the movie with Force Lightening. I said that was bullshit. IT WAS. Palpatine is the one who did that in the movie. Then people were saying the planet the Death Star wreckage was on was the forest moon of Endor. It wasn't. It was a water moon called Kef-Bir. But like Era you can't defend yourself without dogpiled with "astroturfer" accusations so I don't even bother. Hell I have most of those trolls on ignore and the only reason I brought this up today was because I've had enough of the "astroturfer", "shill", and "paid marketer" accusations in this place as a low effort troll to try to shut someone up.

Again, not insulting you. I believe you have a tremendous amount to offer this board, especially with your insight, intelligence, and connections.

By all means, call it as you see it, when there’s indisputable evidence. We truly do not need actual clickbait. In other, less clear cases, it may help to take a more gentle stance of discussion and debate.

It's useless to try to debate someone who is convinced of a conspiracy theory. It's like arguing with a flat earther. Same thing with movie stuff. People watch YouTube videos making up crazy conspiracy theories and people won't hear anything else and anyone who tries to tell them to not listen to some loser screaming into their mom's webcam is a "paid shill". Because THAT is the exact thing they tell them to call those people.
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Fair point. But clearly, the majority of the leaks were on target, and not ‘man-children making up rumors into a cheap mic their mom bought them’, or something similar that you said.

Saying, okay, yeah, I missed the target on this one, would go a long way.

Here’s another example, from today. Media links that you sourced have been removed for readability, but were present to anyone wondering.

Ewan McGregor debunked this. Said they're filming in January, so it's not cancelled or on indefinite hold.

And there's a thread about this already:

Grace addresses that. He's likely putting a good face on things.

Here's the Collider report, which is backed up by THR.

About the show, but this is news.

Grace is a fucking idiot with some kind of unhealthy obsessive hatred for Jessica Chastain.

Which was already discussed in that thread. The only reason for this thread seems to be to promote Grace Randolph's stupidity.

Does this seem like healthy, productive engagement to you? Regardless of whether Iconmaster is right or wrong, he responded to you politely, in the interest of discussion, only to be responded to with extreme aggression.

This kind of posting doesn’t build healthy dialogues, or even rapports with other posters. How you choose to engage, and this is a typical example, is the problem here.


Gold Member
Fair point. But clearly, the majority of the leaks were on target, and not ‘man-children making up rumors into a cheap mic their mom bought them’, or something similar that you said.

Saying, okay, yeah, I missed the target on this one, would go a long way.

Here’s another example, from today. Media links that you sourced have been removed for readability, but were present to anyone wondering.

Does this seem like healthy, productive engagement to you? Regardless of whether Iconmaster is right or wrong, he responded to you politely, in the interest of discussion, only to be responded to with extreme aggression.

This kind of posting doesn’t build healthy dialogues, or even rapports with other posters. How you choose to engage, and this is a typical example, is the problem here.

That thread was a redundant thread. The whole thing was already discussed in the other Obi-Wan thread and he only posted that thread to promote a Grace Randolph video.

And she is a fucking idiot. She was fired from Marvel for being an idiot (they told her to not put something on her resume, she did, so they axed her).

She had a nuclear meltdown because Disney "race bended" a TALKING CG DOG in Lady and the Tramp.

She publicly tried to spoil Spider-Man: Far From Home, Birds of Prey, and WW84 with fake spoilers.

She made up a crazy (and debunked) conspiracy theory of Kathleen Kennedy being fired one month before she signed a three-year contract extension.

I know legitimate critics (not crazy YouTubers) in NY who can't stand seeing her at screenings. And then Sony Publicity put her in Zombieland 2 and they really had a fit.
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Does this seem like healthy, productive engagement to you? Regardless of whether Iconmaster is right or wrong, he responded to you politely

Yeah I noticed that thread yesterday and thought the same thing, iconmaster iconmaster is a pretty polite and sincere dude and I didn't understand coming at him like that, he was just sharing something he liked.


That thread was a redundant thread. The whole thing was already discussed in the other Obi-Wan thread and he only posted that thread to promote a Grace Randolph video.

Was it? That’s your opinion acting as if it was fact again. A lot of people, like myself, don’t expect big news to be posted in the OT like that, and would have missed it altogether.

Same for Iconmaster (?) promoting a Grace Randolph video. Now who’s accusing who of astroturfing? 😋 Knowing the guy, he probably just thought the subject matter was interesting.

And she is a fucking idiot. She was fired from Marvel for being an idiot (they told her to not put something on her resume, she did, so they axed her).

She had a nuclear meltdown because Disney "race bended" a TALKING CG DOG in Lady and the Tramp.

She publicly tried to spoil Spider-Man: Far From Home, Birds of Prey, and WW84 with fake spoilers.

She made up a crazy (and debunked) conspiracy theory of Kathleen Kennedy being fired one month before she signed a three-year contract extension.

I know legitimate critics (not crazy YouTubers) in NY who can't stand seeing her at screenings.

Maybe so, but isn’t there a better way to impart all that?

Sometimes our message can be right, but if we can’t get out of our own way to deliver it, nobody is going to listen.

Likewise, sometimes our message can be wrong too. That’s why it’s important to listen to and interact with other people, rather than dismissing them out of hand.

Anyway, I feel deeply uncomfortable... almost reviewing you, and I don’t want to put you on the spot anymore than I have. That’s my take, and you are free to agree with it, or disagree with it. I don’t mean that in any passive-aggressive way, but genuinely. I hope this helps provide some insight from an outside perspective. : )


Gold Member
Was it? That’s your opinion acting as if it was fact again. A lot of people, like myself, don’t expect big news to be posted in the OT like that, and would have missed it altogether.

Same for Iconmaster (?) promoting a Grace Randolph video. Now who’s accusing who of astroturfing? 😋 Knowing the guy, he probably just thought the subject matter was interesting.

Maybe so, but isn’t there a better way to impart all that?

Sometimes our message can be right, but if we can’t get out of our own way to deliver it, nobody is going to listen.

Likewise, sometimes our message can be wrong too. That’s why it’s important to listen to and interact with other people, rather than dismissing them out of hand.

Anyway, I feel deeply uncomfortable... almost reviewing you, and I don’t want to put you on the spot anymore than I have. That’s my take, and you are free to agree with it, or disagree with it. I don’t mean that in any passive-aggressive way, but genuinely. I hope this helps provide some insight from an outside perspective. : )

It wasn't anything against iconmaster iconmaster , it was just using Grace as a source for anything.


The problem with ignore/block notifications, going back to Facebook not allowing them, is that people aren’t going to respond well to that.

I can just see the meltdown threads, lol.

Hmm. Maybe we should have them then. :messenger_smiling_horns:


The problem with ignore/block notifications, going back to Facebook not allowing them, is that people aren’t going to respond well to that.

I don't know, I've many times seen people ask in threads if they are on someone's ignore list. Why not let someone know that any messages they send to a particular user are going straight into the void? The effect would probably just be more mutual ignores and then as a consequence, fewer one sided conversations.
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
I don't know, I've many times seen people ask in threads if they are on someone's ignore list. Why not let someone know that any messages they send to a particular user are going straight into the void? The effect would probably just be more mutual ignores and then as a consequence, fewer one sided conversations.

I feel like it'd just turn this thread into endless bitching about who's on who's ignore list, and people trying to bait other people into passing on messages to people that can't hear them.
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I hadn't really looked in this thread much until DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi mentioned me the other day. This shit is deep!



I feel like it'd just turn this thread into endless bitching about who's on who's ignore list, and people trying to bait other people into passing on messages to people that can't hear them.

Who cares it's a meta thread, if people want to be drama queens that's fine lol. And I don't think there would be too many "boo hoo X poster is now ignoring me" tears, it would probably just result in mutual ignores and that would be that for those two people.

I would like the information so I could simply not bother replying to people whom I know have me on ignore.

I hadn't really looked in this thread much until DunDunDunpachi DunDunDunpachi mentioned me the other day. This shit is deep!


We took a hit moving over to Communities I think.
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It wasn't anything against iconmaster iconmaster , it was just using Grace as a source for anything.

In this case, Grace had called the delay before other outlets reported it, so I’m as yet unpersuaded she’s a bad source. Mostly I enjoy her nerdy, not-super-woke takes on comic book movies. I won’t take your reaction personally, though.


Gold Member
The problem with ignore/block notifications, going back to Facebook not allowing them, is that people aren’t going to respond well to that.

I can just see the meltdown threads, lol.

Hmm. Maybe we should have them then. :messenger_smiling_horns:

I have 92K followers on Twitter, so of course there are a lot of trolls. The ones I block get pissed off and go cry on Reddit claiming they did nothing wrong until people dig up their troll posts and are like "Really?".

In this case, Grace had called the delay before other outlets reported it, so I’m as yet unpersuaded she’s a bad source. Mostly I enjoy her nerdy, not-super-woke takes on comic book movies. I won’t take your reaction personally, though.

She didn't call it before other people reported it. Before the Collider report people at Pinewood knew about the delay and people who have real sources know what was going on, so people like Mike Ryan at Uproxx were teasing trouble and a delay. Grace follows those people and takes their teases as a "source". This was last weekend, and then a troll parody Twitter account that impersonates a big account called Discussing Film Tweeted that the series was cancelled. That went viral, which caused people like Anthony Breznican of Vanity Fair to actually investigate the claims of it being cancelled, which weren't true. Then a few days later Collider ran their report of it being "on hold" which caused people to say it was indefinitely delayed, then Ewan came out and said the shoot was just pushed back to January and the airdate didn't change.

There are troll accounts who will DM Grace complete bullshit spoilers because they know she'll run with them just for the views.
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Dr. Claus

Posted this in the Obi-Wan thread:

What the fuck is it with this place immediately trying to label someone as an "astroturfer" if they're trying to stop the spread of FUD on this place and prevent this place from becoming another Era where people latch onto bullshit clickbait just for outrage? That's a bullshit bit of console warring that started in the gaming side and is a fucking cancer that needs to be eliminated from this place. But fuck me for trying to improve the discourse here and try to point out how people shouldn't believe bullshit clickbait made up to get outrage clicks/YouTube views from people. It's like some people here WANT to believe the bullshit, but not the real stuff for reasons unknown.

Seriously I love this place, but that "you're obviously a marketer trying to defend it" BS is going to drive me away.

Reads more like you need to get a thicker skin. If you call out people, expect to be called out in return.

Dr. Claus

Fine. Justify calling people astroturfers.

That post and this one:

Mean I'm out. The astroturfer insult is out of hand here.

If you want to throw a hissy fit and leave, I can't stop you. You act with arrogance and insult others, don't be surprised when they do the same to you. It is a two way street and you shouldn't expect some protective bubble. This is an online gaming forum. We are all equally worthless. Get used to it.
That thread was a redundant thread. The whole thing was already discussed in the other Obi-Wan thread and he only posted that thread to promote a Grace Randolph video.

And she is a fucking idiot. She was fired from Marvel for being an idiot (they told her to not put something on her resume, she did, so they axed her).

She had a nuclear meltdown because Disney "race bended" a TALKING CG DOG in Lady and the Tramp.

She publicly tried to spoil Spider-Man: Far From Home, Birds of Prey, and WW84 with fake spoilers.

She made up a crazy (and debunked) conspiracy theory of Kathleen Kennedy being fired one month before she signed a three-year contract extension.

I know legitimate critics (not crazy YouTubers) in NY who can't stand seeing her at screenings. And then Sony Publicity put her in Zombieland 2 and they really had a fit.

I concur with what Arcadia says.
You should step down from your high horse a bit sometimes, cause you come across as a bit of an arrogant twat schooling people.
I mean, you can do what you want, but actio -> reactio. And we are just explaining to you what the problem here might be... ;)


He's been doing this shit for years and been his daily work for years

So yes, there isn't anything insulting if he corrected me. Its nice of him!

You shouldn't be embarrassed because someone corrects you!

You can't teach anyone anything they've been doing daily for fucking years

Take it as it is and you lot should get off your high horse not him. Its only normal he'll get frustrated by bollocks when he've been trying to say whats real and whats not 🤷🏻‍♂️


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
People can post threads sourced from Grace or whoever other person. We’ll address issues of credibility on our end as necessary, but the community can generally self-police these matters through open discussion.


She didn't call it before other people reported it. Before the Collider report people at Pinewood knew about the delay and people who have real sources know what was going on, so people like Mike Ryan at Uproxx were teasing trouble and a delay. Grace follows those people and takes their teases as a "source". This was last weekend, and then a troll parody Twitter account that impersonates a big account called Discussing Film Tweeted that the series was cancelled. That went viral, which caused people like Anthony Breznican of Vanity Fair to actually investigate the claims of it being cancelled, which weren't true. Then a few days later Collider ran their report of it being "on hold" which caused people to say it was indefinitely delayed, then Ewan came out and said the shoot was just pushed back to January and the airdate didn't change.

There are troll accounts who will DM Grace complete bullshit spoilers because they know she'll run with them just for the views.
could have just said that in the beginning instead of

grace is fucking idiot blah blah blah

tho i guess that might be tiresome having to do that all the time with your 92k followers
I think Ignore lists on forums were a mistake. If you aren't capable of looking at a post without it disturbing you at night, or can't just skim past it I think there may be more serious underlying problems in your life.

I haven't taken the Internet seriously in the 90's and I won't take it seriously now. Unless a crime is being committed. There are people who have committed suicide for basic YouTube tier comments they would have laughed at 20 years ago, people are becoming way too damn sensitive.


Gold Member
I think Ignore lists on forums were a mistake. If you aren't capable of looking at a post without it disturbing you at night, or can't just skim past it I think there may be more serious underlying problems in your life.

I haven't taken the Internet seriously in the 90's and I won't take it seriously now. Unless a crime is being committed. There are people who have committed suicide for basic YouTube tier comments they would have laughed at 20 years ago, people are becoming way too damn sensitive.

A lot of time you don't see the REAL bad YouTube comments. The worst stuff is usually caught by the auto-mod and the people running those channels are the ones who see it and have to deal with it.


I think Ignore lists on forums were a mistake. If you aren't capable of looking at a post without it disturbing you at night, or can't just skim past it I think there may be more serious underlying problems in your life.

I haven't taken the Internet seriously in the 90's and I won't take it seriously now. Unless a crime is being committed. There are people who have committed suicide for basic YouTube tier comments they would have laughed at 20 years ago, people are becoming way too damn sensitive.

100% agree. Mods can handle abusive people accordingly, but most people ignore over petty bullshit and hurt feefees.

Dr. Claus

I once had 3 people on my blocked list. Then I realized that I was being a bitch. Since then I only have one person on my block list. Mostly due to the strange stalkery BS they were pulling (though they have since been long banned).


I think Ignore lists on forums were a mistake. If you aren't capable of looking at a post without it disturbing you at night, or can't just skim past it I think there may be more serious underlying problems in your life.

I love the feature and putting people on ignore is not necessarily an issue with the ignorer's mental stability. I explained it like this in some other threads:

I don't know why people often seem to think using the ignore feature comes from an aversion to seeing things we disagree with or can't handle. To me it's like walking around your house with a piece of shit on the floor or something. Yeah, you could just choose to avoid it, but why not just get rid of the thing? I'm not learning anything new by looking at this piece of shit everyday, and it's smelling the same as it did yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that. You just get tired of some stuff, not so much offended or unable to deal with. I have a few posters on my list who either post copious gif spam or massive 888 I get tired of scrolling past.

...Some users are like "man only bitches use ignore, I'm a stronk thinker and don't need to hide things" - the analogy I used is it's like walking by a piece of shit on my living room floor every day. I could just walk by and ignore it repeatedly, or I could throw it in the trash once and for all, I don't know why it's strongly preferred by some to leave the shit on the floor.


I think Ignore lists on forums were a mistake

I forgot to ask, what do you consider the negative consequences of this feature? I just get the sense that a lot of people are butthurt about the existence of the lists period, and that users are able to fully block out any single person they do not wish to see. I don't understand how it negatively affects the site in any way aside from people knowing that their content isn't necessarily being seen by everyone who reads a particular thread.


Unconfirmed Member
Posted this in the Obi-Wan thread:

What the fuck is it with this place immediately trying to label someone as an "astroturfer" if they're trying to stop the spread of FUD on this place and prevent this place from becoming another Era where people latch onto bullshit clickbait just for outrage? That's a bullshit bit of console warring that started in the gaming side and is a fucking cancer that needs to be eliminated from this place. But fuck me for trying to improve the discourse here and try to point out how people shouldn't believe bullshit clickbait made up to get outrage clicks/YouTube views from people. It's like some people here WANT to believe the bullshit, but not the real stuff for reasons unknown.

Seriously I love this place, but that "you're obviously a marketer trying to defend it" BS is going to drive me away.
We aren't a collective though? At least I don't think I am.
Never used the ignore function on any forum.

For me that would be like cutting off nerves. Those nerves are there for telling you something wrong is happening.
If I have the feeling, a place where I am posting is shit, I just go somewhere else.

Basically this....

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