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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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Resident Guru said:
Where are the reviews for this game? I want to believe! I never really got into an MGS game but I have this game preordered and paid in full, I just need something to tell me I should just go get it and enjoy.
Go get it and enjoy.


Smartest thing sony has done all year, bundling this game. More people at walmart (about 15) for the bundle than the game.
Don't know about you guys, but I'll be too damn excited the first day to even put MGS4 in the PS3 when I get it.

I will stare in awe at finally obtaining the holy divine in my hands after an eternity of waiting. Sweating and escalating heartbeats shall lock me in place as I can barely stand to take my eyes off it's heavenly etchings. I shall touch it slowly, caressing the box tenderly saying sweet nothings, before I proceed to lick it sensually.


muramura said:
Just watched the intro and OMG I already came.

Plus, I&m not sure of it, but there might be a trailer for a new game from kojima.
I dunno though, i'm soo baked.

What? Elaborate please.


Went to Walmart, they had 6 bundles. I was fifth in line but didn't need a bundle as I've got a PS3. Turns out they didn't have the stand alone game, at least that's what the employee told me. Went home disappointed.


alr1ghtstart said:
I'm now in the possession of the LE :D
but I have no PS3 :(
and I forgot my artbook :(

How u gonna play MGS4 with no PS3? Buy PS3.
Got my limited edition game with my limited edition guide, and artbook. There was around 10 people in line, and was talking about how sweet RE5 will be especially with online co-op.

Installing now! :) :D :D


HomerSimpson-Man said:
Don't know about you guys, but I'll be too damn excited the first day to even put MGS4 in the PS3 when I get it.

I will stare in awe at finally obtaining the holy divine in my hands after an eternity of waiting. Sweating and escalating heartbeats shall lock me in place as I can barely stand to take my eyes off it's heavenly etchings. I shall touch it slowly, caressing the box tenderly saying sweet nothings, before I proceed to lick it sensually.

I went a little farther than that....

Kittonwy said:
I got call from EB, they said I can haz it tomorrow.
My GS isn't having a midnight launch but in 30 minutes I can leave to go get it from teh Wal-Mart. I hope I can get my money back form my preorder, but store credit will be fine.
The Gamestop I preordered at back in March never called me, they better have my LE waiting for me when I stop by after work.

JudgeN said:
Please tell me this is a good sign.

If you're really concerned, read below:

Kotaku said:
This morning, Metal Gear Solid 4 launched in Tokyo, Japan. According to Famitsu, there was a line of twenty or so in front of the Yodobashi Camera in Shinjuku at 8:30 this morning. By 9:15am, the line grew to about 50 people, and swelled to around one 100 thirty minutes before the store opened.

The Yodobashi Shinjuku store manager pointed out that the rainy weather wasn't exactly ideal for the launch event, and that by sometime time today the store would probably sell out of the PS3 Metal Gear Solid 4 bundles.

Over in Tokyo's Ikebukuro, there were 20 or so people lined up in front of Bic Camera. By the time the store opened at 10am, the line had grown to 60 customers — mostly males in their 20s and 30s, couples too and ladies buying for their boyfriends.


Ok, upon further review about the alledged trailer for a new game, I think it something else. may be spoilers ahead.
They appear to be commercials for military companies in the MGS world. I cannot tell if it is live action or cgi, but I think it is closer to cgi.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
muramura said:
Ok, upon further review about the alledged trailer for a new game, I think it something else. may be spoilers ahead.
They appear to be commercials for military companies in the MGS world. I cannot tell if it is live action or cgi, but I think it is closer to cgi.

Mix of both.


Tenbatsu said:
Actually the queue is not that mind blowing, its like 60 ~100 all around, might be due to the rain.

They should have given out toilet paper as a bonus, that would have gotten the people out.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Time for me to post in this legendary topic.

I finally has the PS3 MGS4 bundle. I'm getting the LE MGS4 tomorrow at Gamestop (I pre-ordered it) with my art-book (they wouldn't give it to me until the LE was released).

I got my PS3 MGS4 bundle at Best Buy for the 2-year warranty. I really hope this baby sells.

It'll be tomorrow before I can play it. I have to tidy the place up. :D


TTP, you asked about Bluetooth Codecs.

It's for the tips given on the battlefield and while in action, the ones who pop up with a screen are provided by normal speakers.

Game progress: Just saw the various bosses for the first time.


back from being at school for almost 12 hours straight finishing up finals @_@.Heading to bed in a bit and waking up first thing in the morning to pick up my LE copy.I'm most likely not coming back until I'm done with the game :lol


So GS has not called at all they better have my LE copy and art book when I walk in tomorrow after work, or heads will roll and magazine racks will fall!
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