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Metal Gear Solid 4 |OT| No Place to Hide, No Time for a Legend to FoxDie

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CrushDance said:
In the end, he was nothing more than a tool. Created via cloning to mimic Big Boss and become another weapon, his fate it seems, was sealed from the moment the forces around him laid out the path of his existence in the lab all those years ago.

Not after MGS1.

"We're not tools of the government, or anyone else. Fighting was the only thing I was ever good at, but at least I always fought for what I believed in."


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
While I do think MGS3 will remain my favorite in the end (though I loved each installment), you can't forget that MGS3 also had a lot of rough edges. The original release with the f*cked up camera really just didn't play all that well. The first half of the game was often extremely clunky and difficult to handle as the controls/camera didn't jive with the environment. I remember disliking a number of areas during my first run of MGS3 (everything from the caves until the fight with The End didn't really do anything for me initially, though I certainly ended up enjoying it in the long run).

Some of the cutscenes are pre-rendered with the in-game engine. It's pretty obvious as they're full of compression artefacts. I guess they were running really short on disc space.
Oh, come on. There are compression artifacts in the video segments, but they are EXTREMELY minor when you consider how long they are and how demanding the content is. The video at the end of Act 3 takes place in the worst kind of environment for video (the dark sky). That scene is literally 31 minutes long. The vast majority of the cutscenes are realtime, however, but just a couple of lengthy scenes like that can really eat up disc space.

I'm kind of surprised they went with video. I'd imagine that all of the on screen action simply resulted in a framerate drop, but that never stopped Kojima in the past. There were scenes in MGS3 that dropped into the teens (the cutscenes following the death of The Fury, for instance, were almost TOO choppy). I doubt it would have run THAT slowly. Heck, the framerate during that cutscene was variable just like any other scene which was odd considering it was a video.


The Everyman
just here to say it again.


honestly my mind is blown as to how some people can pick mgs3 over 4


Rez>You said:
I found the bosses to be the best the series has offered to date. *shrug*

I'm with you on this one. The
were unique. Even the
call backs to Sniper Wolf and psycho Mantis
did new things with an existing formula, which I liked a lot. The battles with
and especially with
were extremely satisfying, and the
Metal Gear battle
was something I never expected, perhaps naively, I would ever get to do in this series.


when is my burrito
Baryn said:
Anyone else feel that this game could have been done on the PS2, sans the best-in-world visuals?

I'm so late in replying to this but no.

2)The number of enemies on screen and their AI scripting


has calmed down a bit.
FINALLY got to play the game yesterday.

With a 57" 1080p DLP screen and a decent 6.1 surround setup, I can safely say that I've never, ever, ever seen or heard anything like this in videogames. The graphics are so well done, from models to the animation, but what really puts it over the top is the presentation itself. The way the camera gathers dust, the way light refracts on the screen, the way particles float around and everything sways in the wind. It's that attention to detail that makes this game so pleasant to look at. In terms of sound............WOW. I can't believe how ridiculously crisp everything sounded. From the loud explosions, to the dialog, to the surrounding environmental noises, everything sounded top notch and translated into a soundfield that you rarely get in games.

Ok, so now that the A/V impressions are out the way, I have to say that I'm really pleased with the game itself so far. After that thoroughly bizarre intro, I knew all bets were off. I wish there was more gameplay in between the massively long cutscense, but hey, this is Metal Gear. I thought about writing down every time I thought Kojima had drawn a scene out too long and could've cut down without sacrificing story. I'm early on (beginning of Act 2), but I already have about a half dozen instances noted. I wish some of the longer expository monologues would've been trimmed and presented in their entirety in an alternate manner instead for the hardcore story fans. Maybe in the theater menu.

My only other beef would be with the installs. This is the first Ps3 game I buy, and I've had the console for almost a year. I was pissed at the initial 8 minute install, and bewildered that I had to do a second (albeit shorter) install at the beginning of the second act.

That said, I don't want this post to give off negative vibes. I'm in awe of the sound and graphics of this game, I'm liking the story so far, I'm loving Kojima's direction of the action sequences so far, and I even tried out some of the bonus stuff like downloadable content to play during the game. This is what happens when you give a skilled team the time and resources (thank you Sony) to make what they really want to make without compromising. Sure, you can tell that this caused some excess that should've been trimmed, but I'll take excess over a crippled vision from Kojima.

I can't wait to get out of work so I can fire up my tv and receiver and be enveloped again by Kojima's unique vision.


TheWolf said:
Not after MGS1.

"We're not tools of the government, or anyone else. Fighting was the only thing I was ever good at, but at least I always fought for what I believed in."

Except that is crap, because he was under the control of
Gene throughout Portable Ops.

Honestly, in hindsight, I think that's a pretty ironic declaration. Maybe it was meant to be taken seriously at the time, but it's hard to in light of...well, really every game in the series.
Raiden is a tool of the Patriots

The Boss and Big Boss are both tools of their government

Null/Gray Fox/Frank Jaeger is a tool of Gene/The Fox Unit

and, of course, Snake is a tool of Ocelot.
tanod said:
I'm so late in replying to this but no.

2)The number of enemies on screen and their AI scripting

Really? Octocamo? And any mention of the AI is never a positive.

This game is all about its story telling. Thats the true next gen part.


dabookerman said:
Are Solid and Liquid twins in the same way twins are made when the egg splits in two? Or are they two seperate eggs? Because from what I understand, Solid was fertilised using BBs genes, and with the use of a Japanese Womans ovum, and then used Eva as the surrogate mother. Whether the same happened with Liquid, I do not know, he might of had a different woman providing the ovum. Solidus was born from a different mother obviously right.

Even if Solid and Liquid are called "twins", they do have differences in their genetic codes (hence why Solid isn't affected by FOXDIE). So there's no chance they originate from the same egg. Most likely two different ones created with close genetic materials, that is slightly altered Big Boss genes
Quick question about Naomi
What was the reason why she went back to Liquid during Prague and stayed with him? Was it because she was the only one that could get into the network using Big Boss' genetics and biometrics, which meant that she was the only one that could open the hole for Snake to get the virus into?
snack said:
Quick question about Naomi
What was the reason why she went back to Liquid during Prague and stayed with him? Was it because she was the only one that could get into the network using Big Boss' genetics and biometrics, which meant that she was the only one that could open the hole for Snake to get the virus into?

Basiclly. She had to finish plan that the ex patriots like eva set into motion.


CrushDance said:
My views as a Metal Gear newcomer upon completion of this awe-inspiring "game". Kojima's thoughts, the controls for those not used to the series, the meaning of Snakes existence as a soldier and more. In a nutshell, Metal Gear as defined by one not used to the series.

Beautiful post.

I'm pretty much in the same position as you were, insofar as my experience with the MGS series is quite limited. I played MGS2 partway through the first scenario on the ship, and though I enjoyed the game's setting, presentation and sense of humor, I found the stealth-oriented gameplay very difficult to get into. It it simply didn't engage me, and to make matters worse the controls didn't feel intuitive at all. I ended up watching a friend play through part of the game, then viewed a speed run of the remaining portion. Experienced passively, MGS2 was very entertaining to me.

MGS2's story intrigued me enough that I eventually read several in-depth plot analyses to make up for my lack of firsthand experience with the series. By that time, MGS3's release was close at hand. It seemed an excellent opportunity to give MGS a second stab. In short order I picked up a copy and started playing, only to set down my controller in disgust after being killed for the tenth time at the enemy compound just past the bridge in the first mission. Thus concluded my experience with MGS3. I felt a little guilty for giving up so quickly (more so now, after I've heard so many positive things about it), but when a game punishes me over and over again at the same juncture, regardless of how measured or varied my attempts are, my patience tends to evaporate before long--especially when the gameplay doesn't really appeal to me to begin with.

Finally we come to MGS4. For the last few months preceding the game's release, I'd been keeping tabs on MGS4 with a sort of detached interest, knowing full well that I wouldn't be able to play it even if I decided I wanted to (owing to the fact that I don't yet have a PS3--I'm holding out for Tekken 6 and FFXIII). For better or worse, since the game came out I've been making no attempt to avoid plot details. The things I've read and seen have convinced me to give the MGS series a third chance, even though I'll be missing out on the pure experience of playing MGS4 unspoiled. Raiden's fight
with Vamp
, which I caught on YouTube, was absolutely amazing. That alone piqued my interest in a major way. But it was Raiden's ending that clinched it; a scene that is, without a doubt, the most emotional I've ever witnessed in a video game. The voice acting and animation...just incredible. I was shocked to find myself deeply moved by characters I didn't even realize I cared about. Even if MGS4's barrier to entry turns out to be worse than past MGS titles, I will play this game all the way through the very first chance I get.

One small point of uncertainty: with all the talk in this thread about MGS4's references to the rest of the series, I wonder whether I should force myself to complete MGS2 and 3 so I'll be able to appreciate those subtleties myself.


Question about Octocamo and the Facecamo:

The Facecamo mask gives you around 5% to 10% extra camo, right? Does this really make a difference between being caught and not being caught?

I'm asking this because I really want to use other Facecamos for fun, but I don't want to lose that edge. Is there some happy average where as long as the camo is this high of a %, you are in the clear no matter what?

Ninja99 said:
I wonder whether I should force myself to complete MGS2 and 3 so I'll be able to appreciate those subtleties myself.

As games alone they are completely worth it, and it would only benefit your experience with MGS4.

Also, from what I got from your post, the stealth gameplay of MGS2 and 3 was frustrating? Don't worry about it so much, I am a pretty sloppy MGS player, and I get shit from one of my friends, who is a big MGS fan. Maybe you are just wanting to play MGS as a pure stealth game and it's too difficult? For MGS2, I just headshot every enemy I need to pass, and go on my way. MGS3 did give me a bit of trouble, but it's never impossible.
After my 2nd playthrough... is anyone else totally ready for a MGS with Cyborg Raiden as the main character?

God he is so friggn amazing in this game. Slowly becoming one of my favorite video game characters..ever
supercake said:
Question about Octocamo and the Facecamo:

The Facecamo mask gives you around 5% to 10% extra camo, right? Does this really make a difference between being caught and not being caught?

I'm asking this because I really want to use other Facecamos for fun, but I don't want to lose that edge. Is there some happy average where as long as the camo is this high of a %, you are in the clear no matter what?

It only really matters on Big Boss Hard and Extreme.
supercake said:
Question about Octocamo and the Facecamo:

The Facecamo mask gives you around 5% to 10% extra camo, right? Does this really make a difference between being caught and not being caught?

I'm asking this because I really want to use other Facecamos for fun, but I don't want to lose that edge. Is there some happy average where as long as the camo is this high of a %, you are in the clear no matter what?

While Im sure every bit helps, I found that at around 80-85% your almost cloaked unless they trip over you.


NarcissisticJay said:
After my 2nd playthrough... is anyone else totally ready for a MGS with Cyborg Raiden as the main character?

God he is so friggn amazing in this game. Slowly becoming one of my favorite video game characters..ever

Yes his search for
Sunny and missions for EVA
would make a great game. Hire Itagaki and make the dream happen Konami.


MrTroubleMaker said:
Who did they scan for Meryl's face? She looks familiar.
Some japanese actress whose name escapes me at the moment. She was interviewed briefly for the LE bonus BD as were a lot of the cast.
It was not the US voice actor as suggested.
So, I've been enjoying MGS4 as many of you. It's a beautiful game and I think it's by far the most technically advanced game out there on PS3 and probably on any platform.

I am wondering tough, if you feel that sometimes some sequences are pre-rendered "at the same quality" to achieve a seamless transition between gameplay and cut-scenes. For example in Act 3 (spoiler alter):

In the Europe act, when Liquid Snake is surrounded by all the boats and soldiers, it seems like it's all pre-rendered, I don't really know if that's real time, but I want to read your opinions about that. It's just amazing, I mean if it's real time, WOW, the amount of soldiers, the level of detail of textures, etc. What do you think?


NarcissisticJay said:
After my 2nd playthrough... is anyone else totally ready for a MGS with Cyborg Raiden as the main character?

God he is so friggn amazing in this game. Slowly becoming one of my favorite video game characters..ever
konami should sign on itagaki and get him to make a game with cyborg raiden
jjasper said:
Yes his search for
Sunny and missions for EVA
would make a great game. Hire Itagaki and make the dream happen Konami.

yeah, for real.

The part where Raiden
Puts his shoulder into Liquids ship (forgot the name, the Arsenal Gear Spin off) and the ship all bends around Raidens Awesomness.. with one arm chopped off mind you, to save Snake.. man. When Kojima played it like Raiden died there... my heart sank into my stomach, more than any other part of the game.
Raist said:
Even if Solid and Liquid are called "twins", they do have differences in their genetic codes (hence why Solid isn't affected by FOXDIE). So there's no chance they originate from the same egg. Most likely two different ones created with close genetic materials, that is slightly altered Big Boss genes

I'm gonna say
Solid's egg was from a Japanese woman where as Liquid's was from a Caucasian woman, hence the blond hair.. Does this mean :O! Caucasian Woman > Japanese Woman??? Bomba


dabookerman said:
I'm gonna say
Solid's egg was from a Japanese woman where as Liquid's was from a Caucasian woman, hence the blond hair.. Does this mean :O! Caucasian Woman > Japanese Woman??? Bomba

IIRC Snake is originally blonde too. He just dyed his hair


So I beat the game last night. Clocked in around 20 hours.

For some the Raiden scene was poignant, but I never played MGS2, so I really only know Raiden from plot synopses that I've read. To me, it was Otacon and Sunny watching the sunrise (the whole Meryl Johnny Sasaki thing threw me for a loop), and the fact that it wasn't only Snake that sacrificed a lot (I mean he sacrificed his short life), but Campbell and Otacon. It was nice seeing sort of a father-daughter moment with Otacon and Sunny.

The scene with Big Boss and Snake at the end in the graveyard was absolutely astounding to look at, despite the fact that this is my first MGS game (I bought the collection but couldn't resist playing this first), I'm sure Snake was grateful for the time he had to interact with Big Boss and get his approval and respect. I'm sure that meant a lot.

So many scenes were well done, I guess I'm in the minority, but the fight with Liquid Ocelot didn't have the same appeal to me as much as Snake walking through the microwaved corridors.

The old hero, struggling one last time, past endurance.

One question though, why did he have to struggle through the corridor, it seemed like the Mk III could have done all of that itself? It opened the door and uploaded the virus. Am I missing something?

Anyway great game, the production values are something that a lot of developers will have a hard time equaling. Hell even coming close to. The amount of time and love that went into this game is easy to see for anyone.
Raist said:
IIRC Snake is originally blonde too. He just dyed his hair

Solid and Liquid were incomplete clones of Big Boss. Solid inherited the recessive genes and Liquid the dominant genes. Solidus was the only "Perfect Clone" That is why Liquid Ocelot needed either Solidus' or Big Boss' remains to access the AI. Solids' and Liquids' DNA weren't a complete match. Also, EVA birthed all 3 sons of Big Boss.
TheBranca18 said:
One question though, why did he have to struggle through the corridor, it seemed like the Mk III could have done all of that itself? It opened the door and uploaded the virus. Am I missing something?

You could say snake was defending it, otherwise the scarabs would have interfered.

sorry about that.


Gamer @ Heart said:
Really? I dont remember that AT ALL. Holy shit.

I dont see how Snake's hair color is a "holy shit" thing :lol
But yeah, it was dyed and cut at the start of MGS1 to differentiate Snake from Liquid.
Solo said:
I dont see how Snake's hair color is a "holy shit" thing :lol
But yeah, it was dyed and cut at the start of MGS1 to differentiate Snake from Liquid.

My whole perception of him is shattered! First i can't even picture him blond and second, that he is the type of man that would ever color his hair.

Did he have blond hair in the MSX games? I remember seeing brown pixels though i could be mistaken.


The Everyman
dabookerman said:
He can't be a clone though. What about the Johnny in MGS3.
I think I remember Genome Soldiers merely have some o Big Boss genes, but not being clones.
johnny does look a lot like snake though.


The Everyman
jasonbay said:
Is MGO really considered a different game? Because Metacritic has it up and 2 reviewers actually reviewed it.
what'd it get? it better be 11s, even though i know the media hates it.


Gamer @ Heart said:
My whole perception of him is shattered! First i can't even picture him blond and second, that he is the type of man that would ever color his hair.

Did he have blond hair in the MSX games? I remember seeing brown pixels though i could be mistaken.

No he has brown hair

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