RadioHeadAche said:
I'm working on a no-alert play-through right now. I just started Act 4 and because I foolishly wasted all my chaffs last game, I have only two that I procured from the heliport. Are there any masters of stealth here who can give me suggestions on reaching the boss fight with those two chaff grenades?
I forgot what a great game it is. The only real flaw is that it likes to hear itself talk way too much.
Use the rail gun or 50cal sniper on the Gekko's.
For the tank hangar filled with scarabs, crawl through the 2nd floor ventilation duct and drop down when the 3 on the catwalk roll into the doorway; hide behind the box and watch the 3 below you, when they roll away from directly beneath you drop down and enter the hall, easily avoid the lasers and go outside.
For the blast furnace, shimmy along the ledge on the left side, when across go to the north wall and jump over the 2 railings on the left when the scarabs turn away. Press the elevator button twice and it'll get there faster.
After the elevator go straight and hide behind the stuff until the gekko turns to go to the right of the room, crouchwalk to the left and stay on the left. Not too sure about the next section but stay behind things and watch the scarab's and gekko's patterns, you want to go as far north as you can then cross over the conveyor when the gekko turns away. There are 3 more scarabs on the other side but just hide behind something and crawl to the door when they turn away.
Next area is what was the camera hall, when the scarab rolls away follow it but lean against the wall to watch until it goes up the steps, follow it up the first steps and lay down in the middle of the bridge, the scarab will scan right over you. When the scarab rolls to the right after scanning, crawl up the steps and over a bit, then crouchwalk through the door.
I think that's it.