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METAL GEAR SOLID DELTA Tokyo Gameplay Demo 20mins

Little Mac

Gold Member
The Office Pam GIF


Gold Member
Stick Around Bob Ross GIF by Originals

Classic filter enabled and it's perfection.

A PS5 vs Pro comparison should be extremely interesting for this one.


I hated Snake Eater, but if all this work means we get an Epic MGS and MGS2 remake, I'm all for it.

What was it about Snake Eater you didnt like?

Snake eater evolved the gameplay in various directions to the point where I can see it being tedious for some. Instead of rations for health there's a variety of animals to capture and eat, instead of simply restoring health there's surgeries to perform on specific body parts. Instead of staying out of a line of sight and moving quickly there are uniform changes that impact your visibility. While these elements of gameplay add a lot more nuance and strategy, I can also see how this can weigh the experience down for some people instead of elevating it further.

My biggest gripe about Snake eater (despite loving the game) was that I played the original and not the subsistence upgrade that added over the shoulder camera.
Will get this if good, but not excited. To me this wasn't needed. There is already multiple versions of MGS3.
Where is the port or remake of MGS4? Too many games stuck on ps3 (shit we only got the mgs collection last year, before that those too were stuck on ps3/360 era machines (well I guess xbox still had them via bc).
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Elden Member
What was it about Snake Eater you didnt like?
The departure in story from Snake to Big Boss, The linear corridor jungle (especially when I was so excited when it first got announced thinking we were going to get an (at the time) new fangled open world/hub type game, much like MGS5 ended up being). It was a case of disappointment through expectations of something amazing and instead got something (gameplay wise) less than amazing. I also LOVED MGS2 and badly wanted a sequel, and played all of MGS3 thinking there would be some clever Tanker/Big Shell switch that would bring us back to modern times and make it a sequel to MGS2 instead of it being more or less its own thing. over 20+ years ago and I'm still disappointed.


Neo Member
Looks nice. Konami retrieved themselves with this after the borefest that was MGS2. It's quite rightly regarded as the best in the series imo.


Gold Member
The departure in story from Snake to Big Boss, The linear corridor jungle (especially when I was so excited when it first got announced thinking we were going to get an (at the time) new fangled open world/hub type game, much like MGS5 ended up being). It was a case of disappointment through expectations of something amazing and instead got something (gameplay wise) less than amazing. I also LOVED MGS2 and badly wanted a sequel, and played all of MGS3 thinking there would be some clever Tanker/Big Shell switch that would bring us back to modern times and make it a sequel to MGS2 instead of it being more or less its own thing. over 20+ years ago and I'm still disappointed.

I feel you, brother. I will never forgive Kojima for that first trailer showing this huge jungle and Snake hunting down that squad of soldiers.

Literally none of that is in the actual game. The big area, the patrolling squads, the dynamic weather. What we got was an ultra-linear set of hallways dressed as a forest. It's not even a jungle.

Honestly, that very first trailer is what MGS Delta should've been.


Elden Member
I feel you, brother. I will never forgive Kojima for that first trailer showing this huge jungle and Snake hunting down that squad of soldiers.

Literally none of that is in the actual game. The big area, the patrolling squads, the dynamic weather. What we got was an ultra-linear set of hallways dressed as a forest. It's not even a jungle.

Honestly, that very first trailer is what MGS Delta should've been.
Yep, perfectly said. Not sure if many of the kids on this forum will understand the level of disappointment that this was seeing that first trailer and then getting what amounted to MGS1 gameplay and level design out of MGS3. Honestly MGS2 felt more open and modern looking back.

Thinking about it, Starfield is a good example of expectation from the trailers vs the reality of what was delivered in comparison
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Elden Member
Snake eater evolved the gameplay in various directions to the point where I can see it being tedious for some. Instead of rations for health there's a variety of animals to capture and eat, instead of simply restoring health there's surgeries to perform on specific body parts. Instead of staying out of a line of sight and moving quickly there are uniform changes that impact your visibility. While these elements of gameplay add a lot more nuance and strategy, I can also see how this can weigh the experience down for some people instead of elevating it further.

My biggest gripe about Snake eater (despite loving the game) was that I played the original and not the subsistence upgrade that added over the shoulder camera.
Non of that was the issue. The issue was a failed promise of what the game was originally suppose to be vs what was delivered. The very first trailer for Snake Eater was this amazing promise of a living jungle that you had to survive in, hunting to survive, roaming squads of soliders to deal with. It took until MGS5 to get anything like what was expected.
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Gold Member
Legacy and new style is really cool.

Game looks gorgeous, but you can spot the hits when they run quality mode.

It gets choppy.


Legacy and new style is really cool.

Game looks gorgeous, but you can spot the hits when they run quality mode.

It gets choppy.
Yeah, I am hoping that is why they're pushing out the game. I think they had an internal release date of 2024, but I think they may have pushed it out to get more polish after the criticisms over the Master Collection. I am hoping they pushed it out for performance reasons and it comes out as smooth as possible when it does release.


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
Shame about UE5...still pissed Konami discontinued the fox engine to play MGS 1-4 on FE was my dream ground zeros was so good

plus MGS3 is my least fav mainline MGS game gonna wait for fan reviews on this one looks good tho


I feel you, brother. I will never forgive Kojima for that first trailer showing this huge jungle and Snake hunting down that squad of soldiers.

Literally none of that is in the actual game. The big area, the patrolling squads, the dynamic weather. What we got was an ultra-linear set of hallways dressed as a forest. It's not even a jungle.

Honestly, that very first trailer is what MGS Delta should've been.

Besides the obvious comparisons Snake Eater always felt Apocalypse Now-inspired to me so it made sense to be this way. Seemed large in scope but was very linear. Same with the movie. It fits

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Always cracks me up that japaneses have women just to moan and react to game showcases with SUGOI, EEUUHHHH, OOOIII, AAHHHH, with porn actress voices


Elden Member
Metal Gear 3 was easily better than 5, and it's prologue .....I'd rather have an immersive story driven experience than a barren open-world...
I'd rather have both (minus the barren part). Too many good games and other forms of media now to settle for less.
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