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METAL GEAR SOLID Master Collection Vol.1 won’t support keyboard & mouse on PC

The Stig

Well, there goes my hopes of these ports being more than a cash grab, I guess. Fingers crossed they run well on the Steam Deck at least...
honestly I'd be happy with just getting a good port of this:


Shit port incoming. It won't have graphics settings, widescreen support, unlocked framerate, integer scaling, etc. etc. either.

Then again, is there a single PS1 or PS2 emulator that has KBM support for gameplay?

It's too bad that 3D graphics emulation isn't as robust as 2D because Konami's Castlevania Collection is quite good.


It's the correct choice. You weird fuckers playing 3rd person action games with kb/m can go play on an emulator with a Guitar Hero guitar instead. Stop being retarded .
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These games are meant to be played with a controller. I will allow it.
It will be great to have a PC copy.
It should have included MGS4.
Anybody hoping for more than a basic port was fucking delusional. Resolution options are the only thing we may get which we hopefully do because it would be nice to have 4K on PS5. Otherwise I'll just get it on Switch assuming it's not 720p docked.

Were lucky enough to get them on current platforms in general.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Buy a gamepad to play like a real yakuza/detective/etc., a boon of PC gaming since inception was using different devices, from wheels & flight sticks (consoles often didn't/don't support) to gamepads. Classics wouldn't boot without one. What's next, whining for Alyx/PC VR games kbm support? Lol. Chances are they will technically work, with shit controls like the original MGS2 PC, but if not, whatever really, use Steam Input or similar (like real PC gamers who don't need their hand held through everything, unlike Alex Battaglia) to make a profile for your weird, niche kink 🤷‍♂️

Graphics settings or whatever are a completely different topic and something to look at on a case by case basis too, what graphics settings would 2D games have beyond matching your aspect ratio (and understably having black bars for old games with art made for other aspects), what could you even increase without remaking a game like some random PS1/2 era JRPG and what would you care to reduce if it runs fine on 20 year old computers, for two random examples showing nothing any troll demands in this thread is truly something to have in every PC game & port 🤷‍♂️
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That’s fine, pc users can use basically any controller they prefer. The ports being super barebones is not surprising unfortunately.
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So true. M/kb might be great for FPS, hex sim, RTS, puzzle games or anything that has a lot of drag and drop needed. But what about sports, fighting games, racers, third person action games? The seem to fit perfect with a gamepad (unless someone has a steering wheel).

I use the controller as little as possible. Fightstick for fighting games, sim racing rig for racing games, mouse and keyboard for almost everything else. Controller is my last pick.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Pinacle of laziness

I don’t expect much then in terms of ultrawide or unlocked framerate and the sorts. Will probably be enabled by script kiddies, that’s how shit Konami has become.

Some peoples don’t play games on gamepads, it’s just like that, I know many.

There nothing special about a 3rd person action game that wouldn’t work on kb+mouse, If it works in Death Stranding, Mass effect, red dead redemption 2, GTA, fucking Metal Gear Solid V (aiming is god tier, not even comparable to controller tier shit with auto-aim)

Why not offer it?

Script kiddies will do the hard work and offer it. That’s how shit these devs are.




*Refreshes biennially
Pinacle of laziness

I don’t expect much then in terms of ultrawide or unlocked framerate and the sorts. Will probably be enabled by script kiddies, that’s how shit Konami has become.

Some peoples don’t play games on gamepads, it’s just like that, I know many.

There nothing special about a 3rd person action game that wouldn’t work on kb+mouse, If it works in Death Stranding, Mass effect, red dead redemption 2, GTA, fucking Metal Gear Solid V (aiming is god tier, not even comparable to controller tier shit with auto-aim)

Why not offer it?

Script kiddies will do the hard work and offer it. That’s how shit these devs are.

Death Stranding is a perfect example of a game that’s better with mouse and keyboard. I’ve played it on PlayStation and then for the second time on PC. Navigating menus and managing cargo was so much more enjoyable and yeah, you do a lot of that in that game.
Konami is ridiculous and they’ll be destroyed in reviews on Steam. Will hurt their sales for sure.


Tears in the rain
That's kinda very disappointing. Konami you are already rock bottom and you sure are trying to stay there. Can't wait for another GOW rip-off Castlevania to seal the deal (laughs in Bloodstained)


How do you even play a complex game like Snake Eater with Kb&M?

I thought the loss of pressure sensitive triggers would be a deal breaker...huh.
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It doesn't bother me personally as I can't see how playable the games would be with keyboard and mouse. I am fine with a controller as that's how I played the games when first released. The only thing that I am sceptical about this collection is the quality of the PC port.


If I remember correctly, I played mgs 1 with keyboard on Pc. You had to spam "space" for cqc.

And it looks like you could technically use a mouse for MGS1, but it was for like goofy slidestyle movement, where you assign mouse movements to the cardinal directions. (Mouse also worked in menus.)

MGS2 would be pretty much the same thing. (Maybe you could mod it for aiming, but then you would need to move Snake with a mouse, which is dumb but also counterintuitive to switch controls and aiming all the time.) The original PC version of MGS2 didn't even have the cursory menu mouse features that MGS1 did.

MGS3 I guess would work with a mouse (Subsistence cam,) but even that wouldn't work the way people expect a mouse to work because of the intentional camera limits. (There never was a PC version of MGS3, was there? )

...So, seems weird that some people are acting like this breaks the game because not everybody has a controller for their PC. Konami went controller-only in 1999/2002, back when it wasn't as easy as plugging in any controller for any console in the house into USB or BT.

In general, sure, no reason to not allow remapping the controls to keyboard. (I'm guessing that's already a thing, although 2 and 3 are expecting analog input to work so that's a problem unless yet also add in like shift-modifier?) Mouse, though, that's a redesign of the game and a clumsy feature at best.

This feels like something people are angry about on principle but aren't really thinking about what they're angry about. I get it, "choice", but it's a choice nobody will ever use because the end result must likely wouldn't work.

The same way the old MGS 1 and 2 PC ports work.

See above. Unless these docs are incorrect, there wasn't really m/k support in the old PC 1&2. There was k, but the m was practically unused or worse, was the worst way ever to play.
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Sorry but who TF plays a game like MGS on a keyboard lol. FPS very much so but third person games even PC gamers have an xbox gamepad.
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Gold Member
PC MASTER RACE crippled by controller requirements, lmao. Get with the times, you pc dweebs.

Just plug in a controller.


That’s fine, pc users can use basically any controller they prefer. The ports being super barebones is not surprising unfortunately.
I wonder if they will have to put that behind the box on PC copies. Keyboard and Mouse not compatible lol


Well, it isn't a FPS, so who cares? No one in their right mind play a game like this with mouse and keyboard!


Well, it isn't a FPS, so who cares? No one in their right mind play a game like this with mouse and keyboard!

These games were all made for controller but there's a lot of precise aiming involved. It can be very frustrating for people who aren't well acquainted with controllers. Some of the VR missions in MGS2 are much harder than they should be because of janky aiming.
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Both MGS1 and MGS2 played perfectly fine on keyboard, I finished them that way decades ago multiple times.

This is really trash-level effort from Konami. Even if I do play mostly with xbonepad these days.


I'm 100% playing this collection controller, however, its weird the hate KB/M is getting in these comments. Y'all do understand it is good to have OPTIONS, right? Some prefer KB/M and that's OK. That input should be standard like in the original PC ports. Especially since its coming to... PC.

This era of gamers get goofier by the minute. Jesus, lol


The Metal Gear games when they're made for PC are ideal for mouse & keyboard control. All this tells us is that it's another Konami "roms on a disk" collection. Calling this a collection of ports will be probably be too kind. It's a cash grab, plain and simple. I love these games but I've definitely moved on now, but I'll happily watch the train wreck from a distance.


Linux User
I'm 100% playing this collection controller, however, its weird the hate KB/M is getting in these comments. Y'all do understand it is good to have OPTIONS, right? Some prefer KB/M and that's OK. That input should be standard like in the original PC ports. Especially since its coming to... PC.

This era of gamers get goofier by the minute. Jesus, lol
It goes both ways. I've seen a lot of hate from PC gamers over controller support.


*Refreshes biennially
It goes both ways. I've seen a lot of hate from PC gamers over controller support.

I'm yet to see someone hating that game is playable on controller.

Take Age of Empires II on Xbox as an example. I would never even attempt to seriously play it on a controller but it's good that the option is there.

If they can make RTS playable on a controller then sky is the limit. I personally thought it's impossible.

This is even worse as original ports of MGS were perfectly playable with mouse and keyboard and arguably some aspects like navigating menus or aiming in first person are better with mouse and keyboard. Use scroll wheel to control sneak/walk/run speed and you have a perfectly playable game.
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Fucking pathetic.

To chime in: K+M are THE best control device for 99% of games. Gamepad's only advantage is that it's comfortable and you can play from your couch. That's it.
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