And does anyone really think he did more good than harm for the Democrats during the last election? He is just a trump card that makes people go, "nope, no way I can go to that side and relate with them" just as evangelicals and the likes of Rush Limbaugh tend to trump other attributes of the Republican Party for many people. The Democrats need to be more accessible in the future, not less. They've got to eliminate their connections with people that even many moderates despise. I realize Moore isn't often directly related to the Democratic Party, but he did campaign for Wesley Clark and did his own little turn out the vote stuff as well, and a significant portion of the population doesn't separate him from the party. The Dems need to reach across the void and attract people with well-founded arguments and charismatic approaches, not a man who incites hatred and controversy.
Ugh. Does anyone really believe Moore isn't primarily about the money at this point?Michael Moore Planning Fahrenheit 9/11½
Source: Variety, November 11, 2004
Michael Moore tells Variety he met with Harvey Weinstein and they plan to start working now on Fahrenheit 9/11½. "We want to get cameras rolling now and have it ready in two-three years," Moore told columnist Army Archerd.
"We want to document and commercialize it," added Moore, "Fifty-one percent of the American people lacked information (in this election) and we want to educate and enlighten them. They weren't told the truth. We're communicators and it's up to us to start doing it now. The official mourning period is over today and there is a silver lining -- George W. Bush is prohibited by law from running again."
The issues (for the next film) have not changed because of the election. "They are Iraq and terrorism." Moore will also continue preparing his other film, Sicko, on the national health care industry.
Moore says he and Weinstein are going ahead on the Oscar campaign for Fahrenheit 9/11 in the Best Picture category and other categories.
And does anyone really think he did more good than harm for the Democrats during the last election? He is just a trump card that makes people go, "nope, no way I can go to that side and relate with them" just as evangelicals and the likes of Rush Limbaugh tend to trump other attributes of the Republican Party for many people. The Democrats need to be more accessible in the future, not less. They've got to eliminate their connections with people that even many moderates despise. I realize Moore isn't often directly related to the Democratic Party, but he did campaign for Wesley Clark and did his own little turn out the vote stuff as well, and a significant portion of the population doesn't separate him from the party. The Dems need to reach across the void and attract people with well-founded arguments and charismatic approaches, not a man who incites hatred and controversy.