After trying to warn us of the possibility of a Trump victory with his film "Michael Moore in Trumpland", Moore is just as pissed off as the rest of us.
I love this.
I love this.
Moore had largely been quiet for much of the campaign, in part because he was writing the movie. He said that period was coming to an end now as he saw the activism of the past few days--protests have sprung up around the country, most notably and at times violently in Portland, Ore., on Thursday night--as the start of a larger movement.
"I'm going to be one of the people leading the opposition to him, that's going to stop him. It will be a mass movement of millions that will dwarf Occupy Wall Street," Moore said.
He added, "I don't believe anyone in the media who says we're going to have four years of Trump. This is a man who doesn't have any ideology; the only thing he believes in is Donald Trump. And that's usually a one-way ticket out of office.
"We're not going to fix the Democratic Party--we're going to take it over," he said.
"The Democratic Party doesn't seem to get it. Working people that are both African American and white--don't make it a racial thing--have suffered at the hands of both Republicans and Democrats," Moore said. He grew more fiery. "The DNC has to resign. They all have to resign."