Do people really play these games split screen?
Doing a quick spot-check of available reviews and review-in-progress, none of the top 8 I clicked on mention the feature. (I would think splitscreen is a bigger draw in a console couch than on PC, but the feature is on both. ) They barely talk about online or co-op even (though they came out while the game is fresh and so most leave that aspect of the review for an update when players are on.)
Lariat will do the math on whether this feature got used enough to be worth ask this once all versions are out, but at the very least, it's not a common feature for some clear reasons, and we'll see if this game can disprove those reasons...
I can tell you as a first time player of the D&D franchise. Co-op. IS A MUST. While it can work for single-player. It wouldn't be the same.
Er, yeah, but this isn't
just co-op. Co-op, they could do, online just fine already (also LAN); even typical splitscreen, they could do. But as i understand it, this is drop-in-anywhere, roam-anywhere, splitscreen co-op.
it's basically two copies of the game playable in the same window, and each player can conceivably go anywhere they want in the area. (Typical co-op tethers players close to one another so that the game doesn't need to keep track of much more than a small play area beyond the host.) Leaving an area still triggers a dialog box apparently, even online, and I'm not sure how big an "area" is before it requires players to resynch, but you can imagine the challenge of two separate game experiences really adding up.
(Also, even on PC, it requires 2 controllers, no M&K allowed, so there are other weird complications about how they built this mode...)