Why should anyone who wasn't fired really care about the motivation at this point?Microsoft can obviously publish all of their games on Blu-ray to sell to people that do actually buy their games, but no. They’ve started not bothering with that.
The actions of every méga-entreprise should be questioned. Is this to improve the quality of their game publishing, or more penny pinching?
I do feel bad for people who lose their jobs because that sucks for those affected. But even if the economy was not in bad shape, people would still be getting let go from both Bethesda companies and Activision companies. Reducing redundancies after mergers go through is par for the course. No matter what anyone from their former parent company and its shareholders / employees said, no matter what the gaming unions, the political entities that approve these deals, and the gaming press all said, their fates were sealed when the deals were finalized. Possible it would have been someone else let go under different circumstances, but the reality that people would be getting let go solidified with the merger.