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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online

All of this is still rumors. All 125+ pages here are "If this is true then _________!"

Which will be funny if all of this turns out to be false and everyone is bitching about nothing.

Dang, got tore up for a bad if this then that today. Basically, here is where I stand. PS+ is an awesome rental service which only is "ON" when it needs to verify that you are paid up, Always ON DRM sucks, Always On devices for non-DRM reasons are cool, Developers need to get paid, It sucks to live where the internet flows like honey instead of wine, I love all consoles equally, videogames.


Do you know any first-hand examples of this because I'm actually curious since I don't follow the FGC all that much outside of EVO and a few other things.

For example the most recent one (I forget the name but it was just this past weekend, the one held in Atlanta?) was run on 360s with I think the exception of Tekken being run on PS3s.


I don't know why people give this Gies guy so much attention. Seems like every major controversial thread ends up being about that guy nowadays.

Because he goes out of his way to be an ass. Still though, this cant possibly help drive hits on the website he works for, so any bad publicity at this point just helps marginalize that pretentious website.


As long as Orth keeps his mouth shut from here on out; it looks like a reasonable amount of heat will pass on to Gies who seems incapable...

Maximilian E.

AKA MS-Evangelist
Ohh, one more thing..

People seem to think that always online = streaming.. (Hence the streetfighter.gif).

I'm not defending this stuff, just pointing out that things perhaps are not so bad as people think.. And that people should not confuse always online with streaming.

Perhaps always online means that the game makes random checks to see if the machine is connected and if not, something less intrusive than what people might think will happen, happen.. Or something.. Just speculating..

Very well, carry on..


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
It's even worse when you realize that this always online bs has a lot to do with MS wanting to drive up the value of their ad space. Just like Facebook, but really bad because you pay for the damn thing, and you pay to play games.

I don't see how, the amount of people seeing ads would be the same with or without be "always connected". If 30m have BB and 20m do not, 30 million would see ads. If you can't sell to those 20m, the same 30m would see ads. People don't disconnect from the net to play games do they?


Last night Arthur said ms was pushing a hardcore strategy this year and this would run counter to it. This sort of implies he understands why this would piss off the hardcore and what the issues are here.

Today: can anyone explain to me what is so bad about always online?????

Yep that's Gies alright.


Maybe Gies is constantly posting stupid shit just so this thread will focus on him instead of Microsoft.

He isn't doing them any favours, as all he is doing is pissing petrol on an out of control fire. The best thing he can do is just shut up.

Chances are, the original kotaku rumour would have died overnight. All Sweet Billy did was turn one article into countless more and Gies is adding to problems for MS inside of GAF

Boss Man

I'd like to compile a list of the people who think that this is a "silly rumor" or "pure speculation" like we're all just latching onto some random forum post or something someone's uncle said.

Then, after Microsoft announces it, compare that list to the people who defend it.


tagged by Blackace
Gies needs a timeout.
He just doesn't know when to stop, nor is he capable of self-monitoring. He really has no idea what he's saying at times, and when literally everyone else is showing him what's wrong with what he's saying, he does not take it into account.

He's hardheaded. These kinds of people you cannot reason with and shouldn't bother trying to do so.


All of this is still rumors. All 125+ pages here are "If this is true then _________!"

Which will be funny if all of this turns out to be false and everyone is bitching about nothing.

10 times out of 10 if this rumour isn't true, its because MS backed out.

You don't have industry reps and multiple gaming news sources publishing the same rumour if it doesn't have some sort of validity to it.


Last night Arthur said ms was pushing a hardcore strategy this year and this would run counter to it. This sort of implies he understands why this would piss off the hardcore and what the issues are here.

Today: can anyone explain to me what is so bad about always online?????

He's so adorable.
Ohh, one more thing..

People seem to think that always online = streaming.. (Hence the streetfighter.gif).

I'm not defending this stuff, just pointing out that things perhaps are not so bad as people think.. And that people should not confuse always online with streaming.

Perhaps always online means that the game makes random checks to see if the machine is connected and if not, something less intrusive than what people might think will happen, happen.. Or something.. Just speculating..

Very well, carry on..

You completely missed the point of the gif.

It was in the intention of you are playing a local match, lose your connection, can no longer finish your match. If you knew the history of that specific fight, you'd be impressed. Streaming had nothing to do with it.


I just thought he was everything that is wrong with profile pics.

Oh god. The angle (look of knowing/showing off chinstraps) the style, the EVERYTHING screams full of himself.

Blanket dismissals of GAF are only for cunts. There's hardly any unifying demographic here aside from the fact we all love talking about games. If you can't find a group of people willing to back you up here of all places, you're just fucked as a human.

Bronies have a home here and Gies can't find a friend.


I'd like to compile a list of the people who think that this is a "silly rumor" or "pure speculation" like we're all just latching onto some random forum post or something.

Then, after Microsoft announces it, compare that list to the people who defend it.

It IS speculation. It might be true, it might not be true. All Microsoft announcing anything (either way, really) does is make it not speculation anymore.


It IS speculation. It might be true, it might not be true. All Microsoft announcing anything (either way, really) does is make it not speculation anymore.

That developer post is a little more then simple speculation though. "Make sure you pay your ISP".

Boss Man

It IS speculation. It might be true, it might not be true. All Microsoft announcing anything (either way, really) does is make it not speculation anymore.
Yes, and it's just speculation that there is a new Xbox.

The implication, though, is that people are 'guessing' or that it isn't extremely likely to happen. Hence the posts like, "You guys are overreacting! It's all pure speculation!"
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