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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online


Just because I know some people won't click on links:



I dont get it why is this impotant? Am I missing something


Unconfirmed Member
I see that 720 will be the most hacked, ddos attacked, etc console in history. The live "current" problems are just the start.
I believe that's far from the truth, seeing Microsoft is aiming to do something big with their Xbox gTLD (which should go live in September): https://gtldresult.icann.org/application-result/applicationstatus/applicationdetails/1366

I've been thinking about making a thread about it, but I don't know if it's interesting enough. Here's what I find most interesting from the original document:

18(b). How do you expect that your proposed gTLD will benefit registrants, Internet users, and others?

We expect that customers and users of our Xbox gaming and entertainment console, Kinect game system devices, and Xbox LIVE entertainment services will benefit if the .xbox gTLD registry allows us to lay the groundwork for providing a globally recognized and more secure platform to complement our on-going efforts to enhance the security, stability, and reliability of these consoles, devices, and services. We hope that the opportunity to provide our customers and users with an increased sense of security and authenticity for their interactions with the Xbox gaming and entertainment console, Kinect game system devices, and Xbox LIVE entertainment services has the potential to increase their confidence in and use of these consoles, devices, and services. We want our customers and users to connect, play, and communicate through a platform that they believe is secure and authentic. Depending on the extent of consumer recognition and acceptance of new gTLDs, it is conceivable that we could migrate our entire suite of Xbox LIVE entertainment services to the .xbox gTLD and use the .xbox gTLD to bring heightened gaming and lifestyle experiences to Xbox, Kinect, and Xbox LIVE users.
There's a lot more on the application with everything from security described to amount of network engineers (Microsoft is teaming with Verisign for this and other Microsoft gTLDs).

Considering what is described here, always on seems like a natural thing for Durango.
This thread is just amazing.

Deep down i just hope MS are listening and we don't have this always online DRM in which the rumours are pointing towards. I've had some great experiences with their consoles over the last decade and it will be disappointing to miss out on more in the future but i can't invest in a system in which there is a chance that i won't be able to play it at times.


Rösti;52824363 said:
I believe that's far from the truth, seeing Microsoft is aiming to do something big with their Xbox gTLD (which should go live in September): https://gtldresult.icann.org/application-result/applicationstatus/applicationdetails/1366

I've been thinking about making a thread about it, but I don't know if it's interesting enough. Here's what I find most interesting from the original document:

There's a lot more on the application with everything from security described to amount of network engineers (Microsoft is teaming with Verisign for this and other Microsoft gTLDs).

Considering what is described here, always on seems like a natural thing for Durango.

Nice find.


tagged by Blackace
And that would have absolutely zero effect on persistent online, because the xbox live service is up and running, as are accounts... You guys are a real piece of work. :)
More than anything, it exemplifies exactly why relying on ANOTHER service for console functions is a bad idea.
This thread is just amazing.

Deep down i just hope MS are listening and we don't have this always online DRM in which the rumours are pointing towards. I've had some great experiences with their consoles over the last decade and it will be disappointing to miss out on more in the future but i can't invest in a system in which there is a chance that i won't be able to play it at times.
the "at times" part is concerning enough, but imo the worst part about this if it's true is that sometime down the road when the servers for the console are shut down you won't be able to play any of your games at all. Imagine if you could never play any NES, SNES, N64, etc. games ever because their servers got shut down at the end of their lives


This thread is just amazing.

Deep down i just hope MS are listening and we don't have this always online DRM in which the rumours are pointing towards. I've had some great experiences with their consoles over the last decade and it will be disappointing to miss out on more in the future but i can't invest in a system in which there is a chance that i won't be able to play it at times.

They will only listen if you can get the dudebro gamer to boycott the next system because of the online requirement (if it is even true). MS couldn't possibly care less what the GAF opinion is because we are a blip on the map.


can anyone explain to me what is so bad about always online?????

For me it is not a problem. I do not care if I always have to be online if it is free. I would care if my internet went out, and I wanted to play a game though.

For my cousin in Mexico who games all the time, he has said Live is too expensive in Mexico, and this is why most of the gamers that he knows prefer to play on the PS 3 (for the free online). Their internet is not very good, and only a small portion of the nation has it because the country is a third world country.

I could see this being a huge problem, always online, for those that just want to play single player games, and do not want to spend extra monthly income for Live.
Ahh, the not too clever non-argument argument that's backed up exclusively by a what if scenario. Come on, you can do better than that.
The point is that Microsoft can absolutely not guarantee that the online service will be available 24/7 without fail and so at some point the games will become unplayable


Seriously? You are essentially saying speculation has no merit unless we have all the facts. I'm not sure why you would need me to be specific about sports journalism, most of the biggest news stories start off as speculation(Trade talks, controversies, coaching changes, and ect).

I mean if you absolutely need me to I can talk about the NCAA if you want, and explain how speculation about the events of football and basketball programs get in trouble all the time after it comes to like that the speculation was correct.

I was just confused as to which part you were referring to since I quoted both posts, that's all.

as to your quesiton, well, yes and no. Speculation that's based on speculation is pretty pointless, imo. Given most of sports journalism is just a giant soap opera (a very enjoyable giant soap opera, but a giant soap opera nonetheless) that is constantly regurgitating the same talking points, then... yeah. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to stick to the facts. I mean, look at Sportscenter or Skip Bayless. All they do is speculate based on speculation on "what is X player thinking" and all this stuff which is of course completely unprovable and complete bullshit. Skip is all about spinning baseless speculation on a player's mental state to make Tebow look good and Lebron look bad, etc. etc. They dissect every little comment to fit it into a narrative that'll sell papers, or get hits, or viewers, etc. and that's disingenuous and I dislike that, yeah.

I think it's fine to speculate and label it as such. It's fine to make predictions. It's fine to say "oh, if Microsoft has an always-online console... then yeah, that's a big problem." But you gotta include the "if" because... that's all it is at this point. It's not fact. It's speculation. Maybe likely speculation, maybe unlikely speculation. But there's a difference between speculation and fact, and I don't like it when anyone—Sports journalists or GAF posters—ignores that distinction.


i wonder how many promises will be undelivered by both next gen consoles. IM so damn tired of the hype and failure to deliver what they always claim when new consoles launch


For me it is not a problem. I do not care if I always have to be online if it is free. I would care if my internet went out, and I wanted to play a game though.

For my cousin in Mexico who games all the time has said Live is too expensive in Mexico, and this is why most of the gamers that he knows prefer to play on the PS 3 (for the free online). Their internet is not very good, and only a small portion of the nation has it because the country is a third world country.

I could see this being a huge problem, always online, for those that just want to play single player games, and do not want to spend extra monthly income for Live.

I do see some upsides, depending on their strategy. It's a powerful way to establish a subscription model, by preventing consoles based on accounts that don't pay up from working. Second, it allows for enhanced live features, like a netflix-like games service, and by guaranteeing that all users pay the sub, they get additional revenue they can use to subsidize content. Imagine if games launch at 60 on the PS4 and 45 on the Xbox?

I still hate it though.


I get that people are upset about his integrity and common knowledge, but this is getting out of hand now to pure hate. What does his appearence have to do with this? Be the better man and stick to gaming related arguements. Posts like yours are part the reason GAF has a bad name.

Shot through the heart and I'm to blame.

He only brought this on himself. You must be new to these antics.


I was just confused as to which part you were referring to since I quoted both posts, that's all.

as to your quesiton, well, yes and no. Speculation that's based on speculation is pretty pointless, imo. Given most of sports journalism is just a giant soap opera (a very enjoyable giant soap opera, but a giant soap opera nonetheless) that is constantly regurgitating the same talking points, then... yeah. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to stick to the facts. I mean, look at Sportscenter or Skip Bayless. All they do is speculate based on speculation on "what is X player thinking" and all this stuff which is of course completely unprovable and complete bullshit. Skip is all about spinning baseless speculation on a player's mental state to make Tebow look good and Lebron look bad, etc. etc. They dissect every little comment to fit it into a narrative that'll sell papers, or get hits, or viewers, etc. and that's disingenuous and I dislike that, yeah.

I think it's fine to speculate and label it as such. It's fine to make predictions. It's fine to say "oh, if Microsoft has an always-online console... then yeah, that's a big problem." But you gotta include the "if" because... that's all it is at this point. It's not fact. It's speculation. Maybe likely speculation, maybe unlikely speculation. But there's a difference between speculation and fact, and I don't like it when anyone—Sports journalists or GAF posters—ignores that distinction.

Nobody is ignoring the distinction, and you didnt even address my point about sports, you created a new talking point about sports. You are creating arguments that are not there, most have not claimed it as fact, but it isnt out of the question and has not been dismissed as untrue. Talking about the speculation is perfectly fine and healthy until then, regardless of whether or not you think Skip Bayless is good at his job or not.


Man.. this whole situation.. it's pretty funny actually.
It's like MS was quietly preparing for a formal announcement of the always online thing, then this Orth guy suddenly was like fuck it LEEROYYYYYY JENKINSSS.

and now the whole company is fucked.
I dont get it why is this impotant? Am I missing something

Don't fall for it. It's nothing that would impact the ability for people to maintain a persistent online connection, because Xbox Live is still running and so are the accounts. They are trying to find anything to suit their agenda to tear down Microsoft, which is pretty popular right now made all the easier by an idiot employee :)

The point is that Microsoft can absolutely not guarantee that the online service will be available 24/7 without fail and so at some point the games will become unplayable

Haven't they kept Xbox Live extraordinarily reliable since 2005? People are searching for a problem or controversy where there's none. I take that back, there is a controversy here, and it's Mr. Adam's Orth stunning lack of professionalism.

rdrr gnr

Did anyone from tech-GAF catch AndyH's post in this thread?


The best you can hope for from all of this back lash is that MS backs down and makes some adjustments to their systems. When Edge initially posted some information on this subject I also got my own confirmation that this was what MS was planning. I haven't checked since then, but since so many more people are coming out with this now, I can only assume that they are still planning on always online. Some people willy deny it like they did with the specs until it is smack dab in their face though.

This guy will probably get a slap on the wrist for this.

It got overlooked because the post right after it was the now infamous .gif


I think it's fine to speculate and label it as such. It's fine to make predictions. It's fine to say "oh, if Microsoft has an always-online console... then yeah, that's a big problem." But you gotta include the "if" because... that's all it is at this point. It's not fact. It's speculation. Maybe likely speculation, maybe unlikely speculation. But there's a difference between speculation and fact, and I don't like it when anyone—Sports journalists or GAF posters—ignores that distinction.

Quote people who have explicitly ignored the distinction. People are treating at as very likely based on what has happened, not as officially confirmed. That's reasonable given the sources.
They will only listen if you can get the dudebro gamer to boycott the next system because of the online requirement (if it is even true). MS couldn't possibly care less what the GAF opinion is because we are a blip on the map.

True and yes we are a blip. But the amount of sites which have covered this story and the fact we've even got a press release means they have noticed something is amiss.

Still its just wishful thinking on my part, i just hope this rumour is just that and I can start looking forward to getting both consoles this xmas.


This thread is being viewed world wide. I'm just going to post here to state I'm against always online...and to be seen!

Hi mom
Don't fall for it. It's nothing that would impact the ability for people to maintain a persistent online connection, because Xbox Live is still running and so are the accounts. They are trying to find anything to suit their agenda to tear down Microsoft, which is pretty popular right now made all the easier by an idiot employee :)

It just shows it's fallible. The timing is perfect.

Sure you might be able to play single player games this time...but no netplay for you! Which goes with the "Tournament" talk we were having and the Street Fighter Gif if using netplay.


Oh god...
The server problems.
The gifs.
The #dealwithit.

What a ride.

MS better stop this BS, if their PR statements are anything to go by, the "rumors" of an always online are true.
Don't fall for it. It's nothing that would impact the ability for people to maintain a persistent online connection, because Xbox Live is still running and so are the accounts. They are trying to find anything to suit their agenda to tear down Microsoft, which is pretty popular right now made all the easier by an idiot employee :)
So the facts that XBL has gone down and will go down in the future and is apparently not working for users who don't pay for it which is not actually necessary to play their single player game aren't concerning for the future of a hypothetical always-online system?


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Late reply, but I'll chip in anyway.

I don't know of a single large hotel, especially one that would accommodate a tournament, that doesn't have WiFi.
The vast majority, if not all of them, actually. At least insofar as it would be required to run a tournament without a hitch.

Final Round, the 2nd biggest annual fighting game tournament in the US, was held this past weekend. I think there were at least 6 streams in some official capacity, and the vast majority (all?) of them were done over 4G hotspots because venue internet at these events is simply that shitty. I should know; I was in charge of one of them.
It just shows it's fallible. The timing is perfect.

Sure you might be able to play single player games this time...but no netplay for you! Which goes with the "Tournament" talk we were having and the Street Fighter Gif if using netplay.

Well, I'll never judge people for being concerned, but I think those concerns are largely unwarranted. Live is a reliable service. I know it, everybody on this forum knows it.
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