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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online

Oh god. The angle (look of knowing/showing off chinstraps) the style, the EVERYTHING screams full of himself.

Blanket dismissals of GAF are only for cunts. There's hardly any unifying demographic here aside from the fact we all love talking about games. If you can't find a group of people willing to back you up here of all places, you're just fucked as a human.

Bronies have a home here and Gies can't find a friend.

I get that people are upset about his integrity and common knowledge, but this is getting out of hand now to pure hate. What does his appearence have to do with this? Be the better man and stick to gaming related arguements. Posts like yours are part the reason GAF has a bad name.



Well I can kind of see where he's coming from. Sony did that with the PS3 when they allowed custom soundtracks. When it wasn't supported in a game, they always blamed the developer by saying that it was their option to put it in, but they left it out, when it was really Sony's fault for not finding some way to implement a console wide support of custom soundtracks.


aren't these rumors all over the internet marketing for microsoft without them even having to spend money. So many people are talking about the next xbox now that its all over the net. What happens when the rumors are false so many people will be tuned in to find out


Was a planting a row of rose bushes past few hours in my front yard, did Microsoft ever say anything yet?
You'll want to get the Major Nelson comment up in the OP.

What kind of roses did you plant?
And did you make sure they're online? They won't grow if they're not online.


I'm guessing he is joking? If not I know how to fix it.

Thats got to be a joke as he has plenty of contacts at MS if he wanted to keep it private after this shitstorm.

I can already imagine him already getting a call from MS thanking him for that one


Yes, and it's just speculation that there is a new Xbox.

The implication, though, is that people are 'guessing' or that it isn't extremely likely to happen. Hence the posts like, "You guys are overreacting! It's just a rumor!"

Well, it is just a rumor. My point is—the two are not mutually exclusive. It can be a rumor, and it can also be extremely likely to happen. The two are not in opposition to one another, as you're positioning them. I don't think anyone's saying it's not likely or possible. But there's a difference between likelihood and certainty.

That developer post is a little more then simple speculation though. "Make sure you pay your ISP".

Practically every electronic device is connected to the internet these days; cell phones, PCs, tablets, video game consoles. It's a guarantee that the next generation of consoles will be far heavier integrated with online capabilities. But there's a difference between that and always online. It could be an innocuous comment, it could be extremely revealing. But we can't know until the facts are revealed.


I don't have any idea why they would or should be laughing at any of this. This is only more bad word of mouth for an unannounced console already surrounded by numerous rumors and speculation that has been for the most part, very negative at least here on GAF, Reddit, and other websites too.

But if they know they can turn May's official announcement into an official denouncement of all these negative rumours... Man, Durango will suddenly assume divine status in the gaming press and Microsoft gain the moral high ground with how-could-you-doubt-us shit-eating grins.


I get that people are upset about his integrity and common knowledge, but this is getting out of hand now to pure hate. What does his appearence have to do with this? Be the better man and stick to gaming related arguements. Posts like yours are part the reason GAF has a bad name.

The fuck? No, people who use individual posts to try and apply a broad generalization are what give GAF a bad name. If one post cane create a narrative like that, then it still wouldn't matter because almost none of the other posts are like that.


aren't these rumors all over the internet marketing for microsoft without them even having to spend money. So many people are talking about the next xbox now that its all over the net. What happens when the rumors are false so many people will be tuned in to find out

Good post. If MS backs out, then yes. This entire debacle became free marketing. Damn company lol

But I argue that if MS backs out, the real winners are gamers by far
Just because I know some people won't click on links:




A break from Gies...

I live in a city and have access to 120Mb internet with no download allowance. When I moved into my current home it took 3 weeks for my service to be installed. Why 3 weeks? 2 of the previous tenants didn't pay their bills so the house was marked as owing hundreds. Many students in the area have done the same thing so ISPs are wary of taking on new customers here. It's been pretty rock solid ever since, but it does still cut out if the line gets bombarded. My brother on the opposite side of the country went through the same thing.

Last Tuesday, the 26th, the connection died for no apparent reason. The service representative tried to reset the router to no avail and the earliest they could get a technician out was last Friday. That didn't suit me as I was going home to visit family over Easter. Because of the sheer number of issues over the weekend (bank holiday here; nobody was working) they couldn't get a technician out until yesterday and now all is right with the world.

My parents live in a very, very rural area with scant few choices for internet: 3Mb with a 60GB allowance or 8Mb with a 10GB allowance. They're so far from the nearest exchange, however, that the quality of the line means the connection drops at least a dozen times every day and there's nothing they can do about it. Sometimes it goes down for days. Rural areas don't generate enough money for ISPs to warrant upgrading the lines but my folks don't use the internet all that much.

Growing up I always played racing games with my dad. He's the type of parent who turns the controller like a steering wheel. Every time I get to go home we always play whatever game I happen to have handy. The last time it was Motorstorm: Apocalypse. It blew his mind. Assuming the rumours are true the NextBox would be rendered useless in my own home for a month every year, my brother's home for a month every year and one of my favourite holiday traditions with my parents would be gone. And that's just one family.

  • If you're in college, live in campus accommodation and rely on campus internet? Many colleges don't allow you to connect consoles (or Torrent and many other things) to the campus internet. Campus internet frequently goes down. Deal with it.
  • If you live in a rural area? Assuming you even have access to high-speed internet the quality of the line leads to a highly unstable connection. If you don't have access to high-speed internet? Deal with it.
  • If you're deployed overseas and don't have access to internet? Deal with it.
  • If you're a consultant - or any other profession with frequent travel - and have to move house / apartment / stay in hotels every few weeks / months? Deal with it.
  • If you exceed your download allowance? Deal with it.
  • If you can't afford internet? Deal with it.
  • If you have problems connecting to the Microsoft servers like, uh, right this second? Deal with it.
  • If Microsoft (inevitably) shuts the servers down? Deal with it.

I know it's "just" a console but the sheer number of people I know who would be affected by this is huge, and to claim it is anything other than hugely anti-consumer is mind-blowingly ignorant.


Well, it is just a rumor. My point is—the two are not mutually exclusive. It can be a rumor, and it can also be extremely likely to happen. The two are not in opposition to one another, as you're positioning them. I don't think anyone's saying it's not likely or possible. But there's a difference between likelihood and certainty.

Practically every electronic device is connected to the internet these days; cell phones, PCs, tablets, video game consoles. It's a guarantee that the next generation of consoles will be far heavier integrated with online capabilities. But there's a difference between that and always online. It could be an innocuous comment, it could be extremely revealing. But we can't know until the facts are revealed.

The fuck man, so I'm assuming you have a lot of issues with sports journalists?


These are the most offensive comments from Microsoft I've seen so far. I just came back from a business management course this week... what the hell happened...

"Why on earth would I live there?"

But if they know they can turn May's official announcement into an official denouncement of all these negative rumours... Man, Durango will suddenly assume divine status in the gaming press and Microsoft gain the moral high ground with how-could-you-doubt-us shit-eating grins.

At first, that Daigo SF gif didn't load for me and I assumed every kick was one of the rumours like kinect, always on etc. and Ken/ms blocked all that and countered with 1080p60fps and stuff like that :p


Which comment?
MS also issued a statement to GameInformer. This was before Major Nelson made his blog post.

"We are aware of the comments made by an employee on Twitter. This person is not a spokesperson for Microsoft, and his personal views are not reflective of those of the company. We have not made any announcements about our product roadmap, and have no further comment on this matter."


Be a little bit more specific and... I might! But I'm not sure what in particular you're referring to.

Seriously? You are essentially saying speculation has no merit unless we have all the facts. I'm not sure why you would need me to be specific about sports journalism, most of the biggest news stories start off as speculation(Trade talks, controversies, coaching changes, and ect).

I mean if you absolutely need me to I can talk about the NCAA if you want, and explain how speculation about the events of football and basketball programs get in trouble all the time after it comes to light that the speculation was correct.


And that would have absolutely zero effect on persistent online, because the xbox live service is up and running, as are accounts... You guys are a real piece of work. :)
If one thing can go down, whats to stop other things to go down? It shows how services can be unreliable.
At least now we can easily discredit anything from Polygon without actually reading it first. "Well it's surrounded by shit".
I had never heard of the site before the guy made an ass out of himself...

...and I certainly will never give it a page view after his little bitchfit.
And that would have absolutely zero effect on persistent online, because the xbox live service is up and running, as are accounts... You guys are a real piece of work. :)

Tell me more about how this rumored always on system is going to work? I'm intrigued, and you apparently know how it's going to run.


And that would have absolutely zero effect on persistent online, because the xbox live service is up and running, as are accounts... You guys are a real piece of work. :)

Yeah. But it shows that several vital parts of the infrastructure (which is match making for me) can't be assured to stay live 100%. Next year it's the "license server" that's disfunctional.

Boss Man

Well, it is just a rumor. My point is—the two are not mutually exclusive. It can be a rumor, and it can also be extremely likely to happen. The two are not in opposition to one another, as you're positioning them. I don't think anyone's saying it's not likely or possible. But there's a difference between likelihood and certainty.
Of course, but the implication is that it's 50/50 and that we shouldn't be expecting it (or having a huge thread about it). Everyone knows that this is not confirmed, but what other reason would someone have to 'remind' everyone that it's a 'rumor' other than to make it seem less likely to happen?

I only quote 'rumor' because not all rumors are created equally, which is sort of the entire point. We know it's a rumor, we also know that it's coming just as well as the next Xbox is coming at this point. It would be like popping into a Durango thread and reminding everyone that MS hasn't confirmed that it exists yet and that it's just a rumor.

I mean, if you're going to call this "pure speculation" you might as well have just said that we're overreacting because the Xbox may not even exist.
Well I can kind of see where he's coming from. Sony did that with the PS3 when they allowed custom soundtracks. When it wasn't supported in a game, they always blamed the developer by saying that it was their option to put it in, but they left it out, when it was really Sony's fault for not finding some way to implement a console wide support of custom soundtracks.

Don't mind him, he's still holding a grudge from an old thread where I exposed himself as an emotinally invested fanboy.
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