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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online

Possibly fired

have not once had windows 7 do this to me. not once since it launched.

Always get a warning. Maybe you missed it?

I have.

There's a timer on the warning, whereby if you don't select that you want these updates to be postponed by 10 mins/1 hour/2 hour/4 hours etc it shuts your computer down to install them.

Can happen when you're busy.


We are responsible for it spreading throughout the net ... People on here KNOW how the media pick up on things posted on this forum. Many, many posters were joyous at the fact that this was the epicentre of what happened. We have to now take some responsibility even if it's just questioning our motives/intentions.

I just feel bad for the man even though I dislike what he said.
Media picking up things from GAF isn't our problem. We were discussing a sensitive issue and many sites chose to report on it because it was a valid matter and something that could very well shape the future of our industry. People shouldn't feel bad for Orth; he should have been more responsible with his comments. Even though it was his personal account, disrespecting customers and dismissing their concerns reflects badly on the company that employed him. He could be fired for that very reason.


I was part of this thread and was drawn along by it against my better judgement. I naively thought that most people were genuinely concerned with the idea of 'always online' and were genuinely insulted by Adam's comments about a particular section of America, but as this thread grew so did my doubts for its intentions.

I am still interested in the contents of those Tweets and the ramifications of what he said; however, this has now become something more. My life was made a misery at school because of vindictive bullies, so it stings when I see another person on the receiving end of something like this, regardless of whether I respect the man or not.

This has become nothing short of a witch hunt and clearly dozens of posters are now actually 'getting off' on the idea of participating in the downfall of another man. This sickens me to my core and I'm embarrassed at the fact that I trusted my fellow Gaffers.

We're talking about a human being here, not something evil that deserves to be ostracised. I will NOT be part of the bandwagon that finally brings this person down; I will not sit idly by while hundreds of others wait excitedly for the guillotine to drop on someone's career. Yes, he made a mistake but who amongst us hasn't? It's time to leave him alone and let him gather what reputation he has left and salvage some dignity.

If Adam DOE'S eventually lose his job over this, question the morality of feeling oddly satisfied with that outcome. I will feel shame ... I hope some of you do too.

Hahaha... are you for real? Take yourself pretty seriously, huh?
Holy crap! I didn't even catch his comments on the vacuum cleaner and mobile phone analogy. Unfortunately that's part of life/technology limitations. Unless you have a battery powered vacuum. Though maybe if he's getting spotty reception on his mobile he should move to another city. How ironic!

What MS will be doing, there are offline alternatives for, where those "always on" complication don't affect it. However, it's a problem MS will be creating by doing such a stupid move, so they can control and watch over everything you're doing.
Yes, I am 'for real.' This isn't Twitter, and I do occasionally take myself seriously when I realise I'm not being the person I would like to be.
The problem isn't GAF; people need to be accountable of their own actions. Social media has embolden some to express themselves in ways that weren't possible before, and those who can't govern themselves responsibly will always struggle with the medium. I have no sympathy for those who lack the sensitivity and common sense to think before they speak.


I was part of this thread and was drawn along by it against my better judgement. I naively thought that most people were genuinely concerned with the idea of 'always online' and were genuinely insulted by Adam's comments about a particular section of America, but as this thread grew so did my doubts for its intentions.

I am still interested in the contents of those Tweets and the ramifications of what he said; however, this has now become something more. My life was made a misery at school because of vindictive bullies, so it stings when I see another person on the receiving end of something like this, regardless of whether I respect the man or not.

This has become nothing short of a witch hunt and clearly dozens of posters are now actually 'getting off' on the idea of participating in the downfall of another man. This sickens me to my core and I'm embarrassed at the fact that I trusted my fellow Gaffers.

We're talking about a human being here, not something evil that deserves to be ostracised. I will NOT be part of the bandwagon that finally brings this person down; I will not sit idly by while hundreds of others wait excitedly for the guillotine to drop on someone's career. Yes, he made a mistake but who amongst us hasn't? It's time to leave him alone and let him gather what reputation he has left and salvage some dignity.

If Adam DOE'S eventually lose his job over this, question the morality of feeling oddly satisfied with that outcome. I will feel shame ... I hope some of you do too.

What a load of BS.

Did anyone here except for maybe diehard MS loyalist or maybe employees asking him to be fired? I don't recall it but please list names if you want to but don't act like they represent all of GAF.

Now, the man made some pretty disgusting remark which resulted in us mocking him. That much is true but what does he expect when he mocked the very customers he supposed to respect in the first place? Not to mention he was defending an anti-consumer tactic which may or may not be used in the future by the company he works for. Are you asking us not to draw attention as to how undesirable that is? No, thank you!

What follows next is out of our hands. We just pointed out how unsavory his attitude towards the customers and how undesirable it is to not be able to play games you've purchase unless you're online. The media then picked up on it and things snowballed from it. Even if someone demanded that he got fired, we have no power over the final decision. You know who does? Microsoft. You want to be high and mighty about this and become internet white knight? Why don't YOU express this concern to Microsoft who actually has the final and absolute say in this?

The Adder

Since when did it become the case that when a grown man suffers the consequences for his own poor choices the people who should feel guilty are the people who brought attention to those choices.

An adult is responsible for their own actions, no one else's and no one else is.

I do agree. I couldn't help but find the memes and videos amusing, but I still feel bad knowing that we're essentially mocking somebody who most likely just lost their career. Everybody has their share of screw ups, and he probably would have been in hot water for those without us helping it along. But you and I both pointed out that the real issue was first and foremost the rumor of the system. Mr. Orth was unfortunately on the receiving end of that frustration, but there's no point to continue this investigation or belittle the man.

Going further would defeat the whole purpose of calling him out for the comments he made in the first place. He dun goofed and he was reprimanded. Case closed.

Since when did it become the case that when a grown man suffers the consequences for his own poor choices the people who should feel guilty are the people who brought attention to those choices.

An adult is responsible for their own actions, no one else's and no one else is.

He made a mistake. We called him out on it. He's facing the consequences. That isn't the problem.

The problem is we're still mocking him as if he's the scummiest scum on the planet when that issue was long resolved.


He made his position untenable for two reasons:

Breaching NDA and insulting clients/consumers. One would be severe enough, but to do both in just a handful of tweets was career suicide.


He made his position untenable for two reasons:

Breaching NDA and insulting clients/consumers. One would be severe enough, but to do both in just a handful of tweets was career suicide.

And both wouldn't be the biggest problem if nobody noticed. But when you induce hundreds of thousands, or even million, dollars in bad PR, your position is unsustainable....


I do agree. I couldn't help but find the memes and videos amusing, but I still feel bad knowing that we're essentially mocking somebody who most likely just lost their career and credibility. Everybody has their share of screw ups, and he probably would have been in hot water for those without us helping it along. But you and I both pointed out that the real issue was first and foremost the rumor of the system. Mr. Orth was unfortunately on the receiving end of that frustration, but there's no point to continue this investigation or belittle the man.

Going further would defeat the whole purpose of calling him out for the comments he made in the first place. He dun goofed and he was reprimanded. Case closed.

He made a mistake. We called him out on it. He's facing the consequences. That isn't the problem.

The problem is we're still mocking him as if he's the scummiest scum on the planet when that issue was long resolved.

He didn't "lose" his credibility. He threw it away. Nothing to feel sorry for.


Wow, I actually like him being himself more than in character. That was well spoken and very honest. He also makes a great point.

Yeah, his Francis character also made good points, which made a little hesitant to admit it, but when he's himself he is a great spokesperson for his viewpoints...

Neo C.

What I really love about this thread is SonyGAF, MSGAF, NintyGAF, and PCGAF teaming up to show their disdain for anti consumerism.

Eh, I see a lot of people already accepting all the bullshit. In the end, gamers still buy Sim City and Diablo in droves.
He didn't "lose" his credibility. He threw it away. Nothing to feel sorry for.

The point is, it's over.

Now if we see him in 6 weeks and he's saying more nonsense online somewhere, you can forget all this and say as you will. But after a shitstorm this big, the guy needs to recollect.

As far as I'm concerned, he's disarmed.

EDIT: Wow, didn't think this thread would slow down enough for me to double post :/
I do agree. I couldn't help but find the memes and videos amusing, but I still feel bad knowing that we're essentially mocking somebody who most likely just lost their career and credibility.

Oh come on. I'd say he's doing quite well for himself and will be fine after this whole incident (even if he gets fired). I have little sympathy even if that wasn't the case. If you post stupid shit like that onto a completely open platform like twitter you better be ready to accept the consequences. It's a pretty easy situation to avoid.

He made a mistake. We called him out on it. He's facing the consequences. That isn't the problem.

The problem is we're still mocking him as if he's the scummiest scum on the planet when that issue was long resolved.

Nobody is treating him like the scummiest scum on the earth. He made a stupid mistake and people are having fun mocking him for it. That's basically how the internet works and there's no point expecting an exception to be made for someone.


I'm not sure if this has been mentioned - I haven't read the entire thread, although much of it - but in this situation, anyone falling foul of Microsoft and getting a ban is possibly going to lose access to their entire console for the duration of the ban. Maybe they wouldn't handle it that way, but it's conceivable. Always online gives them that power.


I was part of this thread and was drawn along by it against my better judgement. I naively thought that most people were genuinely concerned with the idea of 'always online' and were genuinely insulted by Adam's comments about a particular section of America, but as this thread grew so did my doubts for its intentions.

I am still interested in the contents of those Tweets and the ramifications of what he said; however, this has now become something more. My life was made a misery at school because of vindictive bullies, so it stings when I see another person on the receiving end of something like this, regardless of whether I respect the man or not.

This has become nothing short of a witch hunt and clearly dozens of posters are now actually 'getting off' on the idea of participating in the downfall of another man. This sickens me to my core and I'm embarrassed at the fact that I trusted my fellow Gaffers.

We're talking about a human being here, not something evil that deserves to be ostracised. I will NOT be part of the bandwagon that finally brings this person down; I will not sit idly by while hundreds of others wait excitedly for the guillotine to drop on someone's career. Yes, he made a mistake but who amongst us hasn't? It's time to leave him alone and let him gather what reputation he has left and salvage some dignity.

If Adam DOE'S eventually lose his job over this, question the morality of feeling oddly satisfied with that outcome. I will feel shame ... I hope some of you do too.

You're projecting too much of your past experiences. Look at that the threads that were spawned from this one. Every single one of them is either demanding for answers from MS, bashing always online in the same breadth of offering a "balanced discussion" and mocking MS customer service over the past few years.

The overwhelming majority of posts in this thread and those were concerned first and foremost with MS denouncing always online even though it is a rumor for now.

Very few comments were made about Orr getting fired and those that did amounted to it's unlikely he'll escape making this mistake or he set himself up for this and deserves his fate. I doubt you can count the number of posters who wanted him fired beyond one hand even though this thread is over 9,000.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned - I haven't read the entire thread, although much of it - but in this situation, anyone falling foul of Microsoft and getting a ban is possibly going to lose access to their entire console for the duration of the ban. Maybe they wouldn't handle it that way, but it's conceivable. Always online gives them that power.

Another interesting point and another reason not to get that machine of the rumours are true.


Just sat down for a quick MP session in Chivalry ... 5 minutes in, Steam suffers an outage, MP session dies in the butt, and here I am typing this. Guess I just have to deal with it.

Interestingly though, you are dealing with it. The success of Steam is the reason why Microsoft is going this route (and close ties with EA no doubt).
Oh come on. I'd say he's doing quite well for himself and will be fine after this whole incident (even if he gets fired). I have little sympathy even if that wasn't the case. If you post stupid shit like that onto a completely open platform like twitter you better be ready to accept the consequences. It's a pretty easy situation to avoid.

Nobody is treating him like the scummiest scum on the earth. He made a stupid mistake and people are having fun mocking him for it. That's basically how the internet works and there's no point expecting an exception to be made for someone.

Well, I'm not interested in changing the internet. I know his mistakes and I was at the forefront of the mockery, but now that's passed. I don't want to leave this this thread and then complain about similar circumstances elsewhere. There are few things worse than a hypocrite.

It's okay if people disagree with me. I don't owe him anything, but it'd only be a personal disappointment for me if I were to continue to rub salt in the wound. Think of it as... trying to sleep peacefully :)


If he got fired it was his own damn fault. When you work for a company and you say things you better realize in many ways people will perceive you as speaking for the people you work for and the effects can get you fired should they reflect poorly on you. It's happened to other people in other fields before, the guy is not exempt from that.

Your words, your consequences.

Or to put it in another way:

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned - I haven't read the entire thread, although much of it - but in this situation, anyone falling foul of Microsoft and getting a ban is possibly going to lose access to their entire console for the duration of the ban. Maybe they wouldn't handle it that way, but it's conceivable. Always online gives them that power.

it also gives companies like EA the power too.


He made his position untenable for two reasons:

Breaching NDA and insulting clients/consumers. One would be severe enough, but to do both in just a handful of tweets was career suicide.

Personally I think he did neither. He didn't confirm nor deny always online, just that he didn't see the big deal with always online. He more or less insulted people living in small rural places, but that was more of a snarky riposte to something he obviously didn't have an answer to, not something to be taken seriously. All of his other posts just show some elitism/insensitivity but you can hardly demand people to be socialist.


Just sat down for a quick MP session in Chivalry ... 5 minutes in, Steam suffers an outage, MP session dies in the butt, and here I am typing this. Guess I just have to deal with it.

Online games go down where there are server outages! Who knew!

Luckily this doesn't happen when you are playing BioShock infinite. It continues on just like all single player games should whether you are online or not.
Insta subscribed. I honestly didn't know that "Francis" was a made up persona. This follow up video is brilliant, it addresses the problem and breaks down one by one why it is detrimental for gamers and Microsoft. Subscribed to his channel.

Ima watch that later, but his rage video was one of the funniest I've seen in a while and he STILL made great points. Not that it's difficult when the offender makes such a shitty argument and says those stupid things in the first place mind.


If he was fired, I dont think any of us would be surprised. Am I happy about it no, but I sure as hell ain't sad either.

In the games industry (and of course elsewhere), people are made redundant all the time through no fault of their own. He opened his mouth talking about what most likely is a future (crappy) MS policy and doing it in a pretty arrogant way towards possible future customers. So this guy deserves no sympathy, lets save it for those that do deserve it.

I am sure after this, some idiotic journalists will sit there and try to blame the entitled gamer. Was this story picked up by forums such as GAF, yes. However, even if his comments were not seen by the public, the outcome would have still been the same as you can bet one of his colleagues would have seen them and reported it. That would have been enough to seal his fate.

The only question left if his firing is true, is where will he end up next. I just cannot see one single major developer employing him, not after this shitstorm.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I firmly believe no company should dictate employment and judge performance based on the behavior of someone's personal life. But this assumes the personal life does not cross streams with the business. Twitter and other social networking services, made entirely public on the most advanced communication network in human existence, are death traps in the hands of people who do not appreciate nor understand the damage they can do. You cannot advertise your position within a company, then argue for your company, in a condescending and rude manner, and expect no repercussions. As soon as you start speaking as a face of a company, you are the face of that company, and will be judged by the company accordingly.

Unfortunate if he lost his job, irrespective of what he said. But he really should have known better.
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