There are people actually trying to defend this.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Don't forget the Gold subscription. I have to pay a monthly fee just to be able to cook.
We're going in circles now. So what if your Internet goes out occasionally. My electricity goes out all the time. I can't play anything without a battery when that happens. Does that mean I won't buy PS4 or 720 and only play games on laptop and tablets because they have batteries?
For me personally, I've got a decent system(i7-920@4Ghz/12gb ram/GTX 680) and what I've seen from PS4 doesn't personally excite me as I've seen things that look on par with it for the better part of 2 years. Crysis 2 modded/Skyrim Modded looked as good or better than anything that was shown at the PS4 conference. So If I just put graphics aside I'd have to look at games, there was nothing I saw that was exclusive to PS4 that sold me. Watch Dogs is coming to PC. The only game I thought looked interesting was the one with the little robot fella who could change into different things. I guess I'm just not wowed by graphics anymore so I need something more to get me excited.
Mandatory online and mandatory Kinect 2.0 as well staring you in the face? Unless MS pulls a miracle PS4 is a lock for me. I don't trust Microsoft in a one console future.
No shit, you have to pay your electricity and gas bill
Front page on Reddit, now you've done it.
Destiny is always online.
Shit that's a lot of upvotes.Front page on Reddit, now you've done it.
It doesn't matter if it's a "joke" and the cities mentioned aren't as terrible. The fact is: no one has 100% reliable internet and requiring offline-titles (like singleplayer) or single-player portions of multiplayer games to REQUIRE online is fucking stupid no matter how you slice it.
And US soldiers deployed to Iraq or other warzones that take consoles with them to play in the downtime could not play an online-only-required console. Fact.
Mandatory online and mandatory Kinect 2.0 as well staring you in the face? Unless MS pulls a miracle PS4 is a lock for me. I don't trust Microsoft in a one console future.
There are people actually trying to defend this.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
No shit, you have to pay your electricity and gas bill
GAF is so melodramatic sometimes.
I dont think Halo has staying power to begin with anymore. Call of Duty has absolutely been wrecking any competition, Halo numbers are incredibly low with 4 compared to how 3 was doing. Provided MS doesnt get timed rights to COD outright, I don't see exclusives like Halo being as significant factors. And with MMO/F2P games becoming bigger, next gen is going to be really different in terms of what sells consoles.
Honestly, I wonder the power of Halo and Gears going forward. I feel like Halo 4 and Judgment were a bit overkill, unless the next games are really overhauled like COD4 was.
And Gears too
Destiny and Killzone Shadow Fall, and Uncharted 4 (or new IP), Infamous Second Son, SSM New IP maybe, RAD's new IP (confirmed), The Last Guardian maybe
Decisions, decisions
No electricity = nothing works
No internet = only the Durango doesn't work
Kind of a big difference.
There are people actually trying to defend this.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
No shit, you have to pay your electricity and gas bill
There are people actually trying to defend this.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Unannounced console with no confirmed games
Announced console with confirmed games
I wonder which console is going to come off as more appealing...
Pretty sure it is a spell to raise the dead.Well saw a Chinese Microsoft employee(he live in USA) aka investor of Tequila Works replied something about this...will translate it later(working now),or someone can translate it if you can
"This doesn't affect me...There are people actually trying to defend this.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Pretty sure it is a spell to raise the dead.
Front page on Reddit, now you've done it.
Nope nope nope
lol I was going to say this too but I think we all get where the joke was going.
Gone are the days where gaming was simple and relatively inexpensive.
Well, regardless of your stance on "always on" I think we can all agree on one thing; that guy seems like a huge douche.
Front page on Reddit, now you've done it.
Without Internet the only thing I would ever use my 360 for is to watch DVDs.
That's not even remotely true. When the electricity goes out I have tablets, smartphones, portable game systems, laptops, iPods, radio, etc. My home is loaded with battery powered gadgets. I should know I had to live for 15 days without electricity last year thanks to Sandy.
Also I own other devices that require Internet connections like several Roku streaming boxes. Honestly the truth is that I wouldn't even turn on my Xbox 360 to play if I didn't have Internet access. I have multiple systems and my games saves are stored in the cloud which means I would have to remember which system I last played the game on to not overwrite a save. Too risky, not worth it. Also many of my XBLA titles require an online connection because they are registered to a specific box or user account. Without Internet the only thing I would ever use my 360 for is to watch DVDs.
"This doesn't affect me...
...unless Microsoft's servers shit the bed."
suck for those who wanna bring their console over to the cottage
You just don't get it, do you? Big difference between things that are mobile or handheld devices that work on batteries and electricity and the Internet. Barring large storms, electricity is still more reliable, more available and more consistent than an Internet connection. Electricity in the first world is practically essential for living. Your analogies are among some of the worst and you keep going in circles.That's not even remotely true. When the electricity goes out I have tablets, smartphones, portable game systems, laptops, iPods, radio, etc. My home is loaded with battery powered gadgets. I should know I had to live for 15 days without electricity last year thanks to Sandy.
Also I own other devices that require Internet connections like several Roku streaming boxes. Honestly the truth is that I wouldn't even turn on my Xbox 360 to play if I didn't have Internet access. I have multiple systems and my games saves are stored in the cloud which means I would have to remember which system I last played the game on to not overwrite a save. Too risky, not worth it. Also many of my XBLA titles require an online connection because they are registered to a specific box or user account. Without Internet the only thing I would ever use my 360 for is to watch DVDs.
There are people actually trying to defend this.
What the fuck is wrong with you?