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Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online

Just to throw out there, if Microsoft is implementing an always online drm mechanism to their console then Sony is also. Either that or Microsoft has all the major 3rd party developers catering to the next box with tons of guarantees, because why would they implement such an anti-consumer drm system?

Doubt Microsoft is stupid enough to implement such a system on their own without TONS of support from 3rd party developers... tons of 3rd party exclusives/content to make the next box that much more enticing. Such a drm system would make little sense for Microsoft to implement on their own.

Seriously, gaf, you think Microsoft is stupid enough to implement such a negative system without Sony being on board also OR having full back from third party developers/publishers? You really think they would take the risk of making Sony look like the knight in shining armor without having guarantees from developers and shit?

Did you miss it when Sony said they weren't always online?


It goes beyond simply spotty connections. What if I move or can't afford Internet for awhile? What happens when they shut the servers off? Is everything now worthless?


Now if only we could get the same thing going around BC in PS4 :(
I dont think Sony would be able to change this because as others have already mentioned, it would require extra hardware. The PS4 hardware design is most likely finished at this point, so it could be hard to do those changes now without delaying the release date of the PS4. Extra hardware means that it would cost more to produce the PS4 as well. With always online, it should be easier to change it because it is pureply software based (it depends on how integrated the always online solution is though, maybe it requires big changes to the Xbox 720 OS. But at least it is software based and can be fixed without adding any hardware).
No all I'm saying is I'm pretty sure my experience is in the majority and not the minority. Sure there are people out there in the world who have their internet go down for days on end on a regular basis, but I don't think MS really cares about attracting those kind of users.

But what if Microsoft's servers go down?


No all I'm saying is I'm pretty sure my experience is in the majority and not the minority. Sure there are people out there in the world who have their internet go down for days on end on a regular basis, but I don't think MS really cares about attracting those kind of users.

There are also people who doesn´t have internet. No sale for them I guess.

People who does have internet, do get connection issues. Some more than others.

Microsoft servers goes down, due to maintenance or something else.
God, the trolling opportunities for Sony are IMMENSE.

Imagine during an E3 press conference in the middle of them demoing an online game the connection goes out....

"Oh...whoops! Looks like the connection was lost!"

*keeps playing*

"Don't worry, we can still play offline too!"

And judging by their small ads on Youtube prior to the 20th Feb I'm sure they'll gladly run along with it ;)


He has switched his brain off to tow the company line. The always-online rumours must be true.

That comment reminded me of the E3 bombcast from last year or the year before when those MS guys were on. My god were they out of touch.


I saw the first few pages of this thread several hours ago but then had to leave to go out to dinner -- just got back and what the hell happened? Was there some other big news that broke in the middle of the thread, or is this just a storm of discussion?


I would not want to go to the office with a hangover tomorrow. I would just stay up all night fretting.

I assume he has already gotten a call by now though.

A call? Dude. That man is sitting in a chair, in a room, behind one way, soundproof glass, at the Microsoft Campus right now. There is no doorhandle. The lights are dim. He has been told to wait.


Sony's going to spoil Microsoft's E3 by resetting the router during every demonstration.

"So this is the first section of the game. You can see..."

*screen goes blank*

"Sorry about that. Okay, we're back up. Okay, I just got the new rifle and I'm..."

*screen goes blank*

"Wow." (laughs nervously) "This just isn't my day. Okay, I'm back and you can see these new maps."

*screen goes blank*


You killed me man!!!! Hahaha
But what if Microsoft's servers go down?

This is the bigger issue, honestly. I don't want my game collection's ability to be played to be reliant upon legacy support from a console manufacturer.

Considering there's precedents for games that literally can no longer be played due to servers being taken down, I'd say there's cause for concern.
Just to throw out there, if Microsoft is implementing an always online drm mechanism to their console then Sony is also. Either that or Microsoft has all the major 3rd party developers catering to the next box with tons of guarantees, because why would they implement such an anti-consumer drm system?

Doubt Microsoft is stupid enough to implement such a system on their own without TONS of support from 3rd party developers... tons of 3rd party exclusives/content to make the next box that much more enticing. Such a drm system would make little sense for Microsoft to implement on their own.

Seriously, gaf, you think Microsoft is stupid enough to implement such a negative system without Sony being on board also OR having full back from third party developers/publishers? You really think they would take the risk of making Sony look like the knight in shining armor without having guarantees from developers and shit?
They've made far bigger mistakes with Windows Vista and Windows 8. Gaming mistakes are small fry compared to their adventures in the OS space.


I saw the first few pages of this thread several hours ago but then had to leave to go out to dinner -- just got back and what the hell happened? Was there some other big news that broke in the middle of the thread, or is this just a storm of discussion?
He dug the hole even deeper and it got picked up by a bunch of sites. He's basically the most hated person on the internet right now
We are talking about a GAMING CONSOLE. it's not life or death. Read a book, smoke some hookah, pet a duck...

uh, while it isnt the end of the world or life or death, it's also not a non-issue and people are allowed to be annoyed that something they spent a decent amount of money on is not capable of being used, for its primary function, based on no fault or issues on their part (In fact most of the time in which this happens people tend to call customer service and are pretty irate). It's not hard to understand. I mean if the answer is "do something else" maybe one can just take that answer and apply it to the whole idea of buying the console to begin with (and I wholeheartedly think people should), I'm sure Microsoft wants that.


You seem to be unable to grasp this. It's not only about your connection. It's about theirs as well. Did you miss diablo 3? Did you miss sim city?

I can grasp it, but in reality even if MS experiences issues it will only be at launch. You guys have got to be kidding yourself if you think MS is just going to have intermittent server problems on their end where people have issues not being able to play games throughout the life of the console. As with D3 and Sim City, all those problems are now virtually gone and the complaints have gone with it.

Also look at what happened with both D3 and Sim City, the mass, ignorant public still support both of those games in the millions, so many millions in fact that neither Blizzard nor Maxis felt it necessary to actually remove the online requirement. It will be the same way here with the next Xbox.

All I'm saying is that in reality, this is not going to end up as a major inconvenience, just a minor one and there is virtually no chance MS will end up reversing this decision if it is true to begin with because it wouldn't really hurt their sales.


My whole view point stems from the fact that I have a friend that routinely pirates his games. Gets them before they launch at retail. Said friend makes fun of me because and this is a direct quote "It's not my fault you're to stupid to figure out how to play burnt games" Fact of the matter is I don't play tons of games. Hell, I just picked up Fallout New Vegas on my PC on sale and I am having a blast with it. Haven't touched any other game in weeks! Companies are in this to make money. Always have been, always will be. A lot of you guys posting remind me of said friend. Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, Game Devolpers are not in business to make friends. They are just trying to turn a profit. Pirates want to deny them that right, then they will have to recoup that money some other way. Here's another talking point. I think games should cost more than $59.99.

Anyway past my bed time.


I assume this is just acting so they can shove online ACTIVATION through their client asses while they clap for it.
Just to throw out there, if Microsoft is implementing an always online drm mechanism to their console then Sony is also. Either that or Microsoft has all the major 3rd party developers catering to the next box with tons of guarantees, because why would they implement such an anti-consumer drm system?

Doubt Microsoft is stupid enough to implement such a system on their own without TONS of support from 3rd party developers... tons of 3rd party exclusives/content to make the next box that much more enticing. Such a drm system would make little sense for Microsoft to implement on their own.

Seriously, gaf, you think Microsoft is stupid enough to implement such a negative system without Sony being on board also OR having full back from third party developers/publishers? You really think they would take the risk of making Sony look like the knight in shining armor without having guarantees from developers and shit?

Xbox Live is MS hubris at it's best.


God bless NeoGAF. It's seriously the best gaming forum on the internet.. I swear, you can't make this stuff up. It's amazing how much you guys compile and make known. Everytime i see a news story with source NeoGaf, i smile.

My whole view point stems from the fact that I have a friend that routinely pirates his games. Gets them before they launch at retail. Said friend makes fun of me because and this is a direct quote "It's not my fault you're to stupid to figure out how to play burnt games" Fact of the matter is I don't play tons of games. Hell, I just picked up Fallout New Vegas on my PC on sale and I am having a blast with it. Haven't touched any other game in weeks! Companies are in this to make money. Always have been, always will be. A lot of you guys posting remind me of said friend. Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, Game Devolpers are not in business to make friends. They are just trying to turn a profit. Pirates want to deny them that right, then they will have to recoup that money some other way. Here's another talking point. I think games should cost more than $59.99.

Anyway past my bed time.

You're going to have a long and fruitful tenure on GAF, I can tell.
The Associated Press is picking this up too.

Which means this will be reported by the mainstream media.

Shitstorm doesn't even BEGIN to describe it.


I can grasp it, but in reality even if MS experiences issues it will only be at launch. You guys have got to be kidding yourself if you think MS is just going to have intermittent server problems on their end where people have issues not being able to play games throughout the life of the console. As with D3 and Sim City, all those problems are now virtually gone and the complaints have gone with it.

Also look at what happened with both D3 and Sim City, the mass, ignorant public still support both of those games in the millions, so many millions in fact that neither Blizzard nor Maxis felt it necessary to actually remove the online requirement. It will be the same way here with the next Xbox.

A console is not a one time non-refundable purchase that you can get duped into buying, it's something you invest in over time. Dicking over your customers doesn't work.


My whole view point stems from the fact that I have a friend that routinely pirates his games. Gets them before they launch at retail. Said friend makes fun of me because and this is a direct quote "It's not my fault you're to stupid to figure out how to play burnt games" Fact of the matter is I don't play tons of games. Hell, I just picked up Fallout New Vegas on my PC on sale and I am having a blast with it. Haven't touched any other game in weeks! Companies are in this to make money. Always have been, always will be. A lot of you guys posting remind me of said friend. Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, Game Devolpers are not in business to make friends. They are just trying to turn a profit. Pirates want to deny them that right, then they will have to recoup that money some other way. Here's another talking point. I think games should cost more than $59.99.

Anyway past my bed time.
Fuck you for accusing everyone here for being pirates. Seriously. Fuck you.
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