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Midway Arcade Treasures 2 Impressions from FMT!

hey dudes i just got this game last night. i'd like to comment on all the games, and their accuracy in comparisson to the original, but i never played all the originals. so i will comment on the games i know about:

Mortal Kombat II - 99% "arcade perfect" i would say. it's been a while since i played this game in the arcade, so i feasibly could be wrong. but i noticed no slowdown, and the combos i remember are still there. i did notice a shadow flicker once, so i guess that is a bug. other than that the game seems to be running perfectly (also no loading times once you are in the MK II menu)

MK 3 - 99% arcade perfect also. i haven't noticed any flickering problems or missing sound effects or anything. again, no loading or slowdown or anything of that nature

Primal Rage - arcade perfect and you can REALLY tell a difference between this version and the SNES/Genesis versions (i just so happen to have played the genesis version about a month ago).

worst game in the collection: Cyberball 2072

man this game sucks fucking BALLSACK.

anyways for $20 this is a pretty awesome collection.

p.s. this is the x-box version i'm playing on btw


worst game in the collection: Cyberball 2072

Pfft! You dont have taste! This is back when football games were fun! Now we have to deal with this franchise mode crap and 3D...ugh! Give me Madden 94 over this new crap anyway of the week!


Gold Member

Is it still funny as hell to jump in the car and mow down hundreds of drug dealers like bowling pins? I always laughed my ass of at that in the arcade.
I've never been a MK fan, but I'll probably pick it up for a few games most people don't expect. Always liked APB, although the lack of a steering wheel will be odd. I also liked Xenophobe, and NARC cost me a lot of money. Those three games alone are worth the price of admission, for me.


I was a little worried after this previous thread http://www.ga-forum.com/showthread.php?t=18589 but I bought it anyway and no problems.

Cyberball is NOT the worst game in the collection. Have you played Pit Fighter? That game hasn't aged well at all. Spy Hunter 2 is also pretty lame.

Midway Arcade Treasures 2 does have 480P support(I remember someone asking about that in earlier threads).

The Mortal Kombats do look great and play fine(although I can't remember any of the moves though).

Narc is terrific. It holds up really well and Total Carnage is also a total blast.

I'm also digging Rampage World Tour. It doesn't look as dated as some of the stuff since it came out in 97.

The interface is alot better than it was in the first collection. It just seems slicker this time.

Being a big Lynx fan, it's neat to play APB, Xybots, and Xenophobe again.


Pit Fighter is SO BAD. I mean, it was bad 15 years ago, but now...

I can't believe the guy who made Dark Castle went and made Pit Fighter. But at least he made Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters, too.



Just got the PS2 and Xbox versions. Playing MK II now. 2 minutes in and I can already see minor problems. The shadows flicker every single time you jump. The timing in the intro is also messed up(the actions don't match the music). When you do Sub-Zero's deep freeze the music cuts off after a while, which doesn't happen in arcade.

I haven't played it yet, but everyone is saying the PR port is VERY messed up. Apparently there's problems with the blood and getting speicals and fatals to work. Looks like some moves have had their notions changed.

Oh, and now that start pauses the emulation....how can you fight Smoke? Either they've changed the way it's down or he isn't fightable. Surely they wouldn't have forgotten that...

Edit: Ugh. Already seeing slowdown when all the blood flies out when Kitana's fan hits you. So lame...

evil ways

I think I'm gonna pass on this, the glitches sound worst than just small hiccups that just occur once in a while. Apparently MK3 is royally screwed in the sound department, with background music that keeps playing after fatalities and voices and sounds that get cut off.

And to top it off if Primal Rage was ported/emulated as bad as they say, it's really not worth $20.


GameFan Alumnus
Played about an hour of the Xbox version today. Xenophobe does not hold up as I remember it. The game looks fine graphically, but the gameplay seems very unfun. Was that how this game always was? Played with 3 players.

Rampage was OK. Graphics look great, but it doesn't seem as fun as the Rampage game on Treasures 1. I played this with 2 others too.

Gauntlet 2 was extremely annoying. It seems the gameplay was made tedious in this game. This isn't a fault of emulation, just the way this game plays is not as fun as the original Gauntlet in Treasures 1. They put these poisoning squares every few feet, so you have to watch where you step and shoot (due to teammates getting in the way). The original seemed to be more open and geared to combat than avoiding nuisances in your way. This was played with 4 players.

MK2 was fun to play, but we were all very rusty. We remembered only 3 fatalities and had to go to GameFAQ's for the rest. The game seems to run OK, no major problems. It grew heated as the rust came off and we got our skills back. Became a lot of fun towards the end.

Have yet to play APB or Cyberball, but am somewhat afraid that they will not hold up.


I went to EB earlier today hoping to get my copy, but they had no GAMECUBE VERSIONS!




ManaByte said:

Is it still funny as hell to jump in the car and mow down hundreds of drug dealers like bowling pins? I always laughed my ass of at that in the arcade.

Beat this with my friend, NARC was hard as hell and I had forgotten that. The final boss had me pulling my hair.


evil ways said:
I think I'm gonna pass on this, the glitches sound worst than just small hiccups that just occur once in a while. Apparently MK3 is royally screwed in the sound department, with background music that keeps playing after fatalities and voices and sounds that get cut off.

They both still really, really good though. MK II in particular is far better than any other home version. How big of a problem is the music continuing to play during a fatality, really? My biggest problem is actually not one of those issues, but the save system. Not being able to save the UKK is weaksauce. I don't want to enter it every time I play.


Just picked it up.

So far MK 2 has been taking up all my time, as Anyanka pointed out this is the best version of the game ever released. With button re-mapping available for those of us with arcade sticks this is old school MK heaven.

Well Xbox Live play would have been heaven.


Gold Member
Sad. The PC version of MKII was 99.99999999999% arcade perfect. The sound in that version was ungodly awesome.


I'm getting slowdown in MK3 when playing really aggressive. How obnoxious.

I'm playing on the Master Tower. Wonder if the teaser for UMK3 is still in.

God, I love the stage fatal on Shao Kahn Tower(belltower). It's still really funny.


I let MK2 cycle through the story screens while I went to grab a snack...came back and saw the ad for the MK2 soundtrack that expired back in 1995.

*heart strings officially tugged


The Revolution X ad is awesome.

I wonder if the secret ending and alternate game over screens are in...probably...

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
How good would mk2 be on live? Please midway, bring out an mk collection live enabled. Mk2 and umk3 online *drool*


Classic MK's on Live will never happen.

We need to organize a GA fighting tourny.

"We" being anybody but me.


When the CPU attacks you in Primal Rage, your blood is yellow. Also I cannot get certain moves to work or fatalities.

In the extras they have this movie of PR that is all PSX footage, it even has the FMV intro.


WarPig said:
Pit Fighter is SO BAD. I mean, it was bad 15 years ago, but now...

Haha. I knew a few guys that loved that game. Baffled the hell out of me. I'm going to have to at least rent this just to see if Primal Rage is as shitty as I remember it.


I am using the Dpad.

This is crap. They really did change the notion for moves. Blizzard's ice breath is F, F,1. It's supposed to be hold 1+2+4 then press B, F.

Not only did they change the motion they didn't even follow the PR "hold buttons then do motions" style of doing moves. WTF is wrong with Midway?

I can't get any Blizzard fatals or even eating people moves to work. They must all be different motions.


How are the voices in MK2? For instance, how accurate is the voice the opponent makes after slipping on Sub-Zero's ground freeze?

How about Kitana's corner combos? Still work as well as they did in the arcade version?
Primal Rage has yellow blood? WTF? If Midway can't get this shit right, they shouldn't fucking do it at all. And changing the commands for the moves is horseshit. Why would you do that? It doesn't make sense. Its fucking stupid is what it is. I won't be buying this compilation now. Fuck that.


I didnt like the holding butting stuff, it turned me off from the game back then. I'll be picking it up tomorrow


I have no idea why they'd change commands. What's really weird is, some are still the old moves.

The voices in MK II are fine.

I haven't played as Kitana yet, but I'm guessing all the juggles are in. The gameplay is really good.
Is the AI in MK2 still weaksauce? I played an arcade MK2 not long ago and could not land a fucking harpoon with Scorpion to save my own ass. Just couldn't do it. However, I could sweep the CPU opponent about 10 times in a row without fail. Pretty lame. Is it still like that?


Yeah. If not worse. I put it on difficulty "1" and it was MUCH harder than the easiest arcade setting.

Oh, and I am playing Pit-Fighter now. It is too fast, but IGN is BSing about it being "unplayable". It just looks pretty goofy. It's playable though. Well uh...as playable as Pit-Fighter gets.


boo7z said:
How are the voices in MK2? For instance, how accurate is the voice the opponent makes after slipping on Sub-Zero's ground freeze?

How about Kitana's corner combos? Still work as well as they did in the arcade version?

Kitana's corner Fan raise + Jump kick + mid air fan + jump kick + uppercut (or high punch + flying punch) works arcade perfectly.


Uno Ill Nino said:
Is the AI in MK2 still weaksauce? I played an arcade MK2 not long ago and could not land a fucking harpoon with Scorpion to save my own ass. Just couldn't do it. However, I could sweep the CPU opponent about 10 times in a row without fail. Pretty lame. Is it still like that?

The AI in every MK game (don't know about DA and Deception) is weak. MK 2 and 3 are unchanged in that regard on this disc.

The real fun in MK is in the 2 player games.

I have to add that the Xbox version running in 480p on an HDTV doesn't look as sharp as
it does running through S-Video on my flat screen tube Panasonic Tau.
just picked up the PS2 version a few hours ago. My impressions so far:

-thought i 'd get it out of the way now, but the game did freeze on me while loading MK3. Probably first PS2 game to freeze on me in 2 years. Don't know if it was the game or my system though, but it hasn't happened again since.

-games are, for the most part, perfect arcade ports. So far i've played Xenophobe, MK2-3, Gauntlet2, Pit Fighter, NARC, Spy Hunter 2, Hard Drivin, and Total Carnage.

-MK3 does have flickery shadows, but honestly, its not something you will even notice unless you look for it, or are really, really, reaaaaaally anal. The sound does seem a bit muffled, which is strange because MK2's doesn't seem to have the same problem. As i mentiioned before, the game is emulated 100% from the arcade, right down to the ad asking you to "Prepare Yourself" for the MK movie in theatres
All the combos and AI tricks you rememer from the arcade will work. These games aren't ports, they are emulated straight from the arcade games.

-there's tons of video footage and interviews with the creators of titles, which should be interesting to a few people out there. Also, there is "ads" and commercials for some of the games in the gallery, which are funny because they are aimed at arcade operators so they all emphasize how much profit and coinage their game will potentially bring in.

-NARC is fucking H-A-R-D. Seriously, there's times when you will die in like 3 seconds. Now wonder i pumped a shitload of quarters into this bitch in the arcades back when i was a kid. But now with infinite continues, I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!

-Pit-Fighter is fucking unplayable. For some reason, it runs super-fast. DOn't know how it got past the QA like this, but then again, Pit Fighter was a piece of shit anyway, so its no big loss.


(more a nerd than a geek)
The only thing I dislike is how badly vertical game displays appear when squished.

So far, the collection seems good. I really want to try out APB again... I remember playing it ages ago at Disneyland.


DavidDayton said:
The only thing I dislike is how badly vertical game displays appear when squished.

So far, the collection seems good. I really want to try out APB again... I remember playing it ages ago at Disneyland.

We played the same machine...that's where I first played it as well.
I can't believe people are fronting on Pit Fighter, that game was the shit multiplayer!

tee hee hee

But seriously: is there still a XBL leader board?


Unconfirmed Member
Was it always lacking MK 1?

All the promotional material we had for it said 21 games, and said all three MKs. Then I bust open the box and it says nothing about MK1 on it and says 20 games.

I felt bad because I talked someone out of deception special because it was supposed to be on the treasures disc.


(more a nerd than a geek)
thom said:
We played the same machine...that's where I first played it as well.

I think I also played Pac-Man there first...

BOth Pac-Man and APB were games that I only played once in arcades, on a trip to Disneyland many years ago... actually, I think I played Hard Drivin' there too.

So, what was your excuse for paying $$$ to play arcade games at Disneyland?


DavidDayton So said:
Lord knows.

Disneyland eventually became a bi monthly excursion with a small group of friends just to play King of Fighters '94, Samurai Showdown 2, MK 2 and Street Fighter (and meet girls of course). Disneyland on saturdays always had a lot of good fighting game competition.

Those were the good old days.


Yeah, MK1 was on MAt2 for a long time. It was only maybe 2 months ago that it was removed to be put on the MKD special editions. It's very lame.

Now that MK1 is on PS2 you can play the complete MK story on one system, with one exception...MK Gold. I hate how a game that's important to the story like that is only on one system.
Anyanka said:
Just got the PS2 and Xbox versions. Playing MK II now. 2 minutes in and I can already see minor problems. The shadows flicker every single time you jump. The timing in the intro is also messed up(the actions don't match the music). When you do Sub-Zero's deep freeze the music cuts off after a while, which doesn't happen in arcade.

I haven't played it yet, but everyone is saying the PR port is VERY messed up. Apparently there's problems with the blood and getting speicals and fatals to work. Looks like some moves have had their notions changed.

Oh, and now that start pauses the emulation....how can you fight Smoke? Either they've changed the way it's down or he isn't fightable. Surely they wouldn't have forgotten that...

Edit: Ugh. Already seeing slowdown when all the blood flies out when Kitana's fan hits you. So lame...

What versions of Midway arcade Treasures 2 is better? what version are you playing now the x box or PS2.


FrenchMovieTheme said:
worst game in the collection: Cyberball 2072

man this game sucks fucking BALLSACK.

W. T. F. ...this is why the football gods have punished you with the horror of the Erickson era. It's no Madden, but it's an arcade football classic.



I beat MK II & MK 3 and played a little Pit-Fighter and Primal Rage on Xbox and PS2. They were the same, except I did not have any slowdown on Xbox and PF was slower on Xbox. So I guess Xbox is the best. I'll still play the PS2 the most though, just because of the controller.

I'll get the GC version tomorrow probably....


I think NARC might be slightly messed up, because I don't recall the needle-throwing 80's throwbacks being able to:

a) launch so many needles at once
b) stun me when I get hit.
c) hop around like they're playing CS to dodge my bullets.

It's still fun and outlandish, and the game plays like a parody of the drug war, but 10 years in advance. Max Force? Hit Man? And let's not dismiss the machine-gun toting guerillas with pot leaves and peace-signs in the background.
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